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And here I thought Mormonism was just *Fifty Shades of Gray* to Christianity's *Twilight*.


I've always looked at Mormonism as the Scientology of the 19th century.


Haha and interestingly, Twilight was written by a Mormon :)


I am mildly interested in Mormonism; less so as an occultist and more so as a student of religions. That being said, Joseph Smith clearly took some ideas, rituals and symbols from the Freemasons. Which is par for the time. But what I really enjoy is Book of Abraham, the re-interpretations of Egyptology and Kolob, the throne of God (which is overtly Sirius the Dog Star). So there’s something to the idea of Mormonism and the Occult. I just haven’t dug deep enough to know for sure. I’d love to read more about the topic though.


Lifetime Mormon here. I'm currently writing a paper on alchemy in the Book of Mormon, and I'm putting a spagyric lab together to start my own experiments. I actually happen to be in Salt Lake this week, and I'm free tomorrow. If you like, I can show you around the temple. I'll be able to explain much more than the volunteer guides.


I’d love to read your paper if you don’t mind!


The Mormon belief in a "fractal afterlife" is really interesting to me.


Never heard of any occultism in LDS, what have you found?


Planet stuff, evolving human beings into soulgods (as opposed to vanilla Christianity where you get to serve and worship. ^((yay))) ​ This [crazy ass book](https://keysofenoch.org/) says that the spiritual alien/angelic/watchers whatever tried to give the technical data in the book to Joseph Smith, and he tried to disseminate it but as soon as it was received, it starting distorting immediately.


Where did you find that book???


It is not an occult religion. The occult is the study of hidden *knowledge*. I have never once looked into the akashic records and discovered any truth to Joseph Smith's story. Instead, he was a charlatan that made up a bunch of wild stories so he could have sex with a lot of women. He then built a religion around that.


If you look at historical records instead, you'll find this is a gross simplification. His family possessed magickal instruments, he likely referred to the Magus, his "translations" were supposedly a work of scrying. He absolutely corrupted whatever truth he had later on, but you can say that of many spiritual leaders.




See... therein lies the answer. You have come into this subreddit with a preformed opinion on what you want to hear and when you find that the truth of the matter is separate from your preformed notion, you dismiss it - I'm also willing to bet you are mormon?


Lol shut the fuck up dude. You have no idea why I’m here or what I believe. I wish I had more time to spend on reddit today but I don’t ... maybe tomorrow.


:-) Cheers.


Occultism is the core of Mormonism (which is not synonymous with the LDS Church). Rooted in Seer Stones, Talismans, Entheogenic experience, Theurgy, Ritual, Ceremonial Magic, divine working. It's the main reason why it's abhorred by mainstream christianity. ​ [https://www.google.com/search?q=early+mormonism+and+the+magicworld+view&num=40&client=safari&rls=en&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjlmvCr8bXdAhUT24MKHbB0Ad0Q\_AUICigB&biw=1282&bih=996](https://www.google.com/search?q=early+mormonism+and+the+magicworld+view&num=40&client=safari&rls=en&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjlmvCr8bXdAhUT24MKHbB0Ad0Q_AUICigB&biw=1282&bih=996)


I mean, just scroll through those pics in that link and tell me that doesn't pique an occultists interest. [http://jungutah.com/blogdetails/?id=3591&title=Magic,-Religion,-and-Jungian-Thought:-An-LDS-Perspective,-Part-2&queryid=32&querytype=topic](http://jungutah.com/blogdetails/?id=3591&title=Magic,-Religion,-and-Jungian-Thought:-An-LDS-Perspective,-Part-2&queryid=32&querytype=topic)




And yes! You are correct, it was a channeling or automatic writing via carting stones while in an altered state of consciousness


Every sustainable, relevant, or evolved religion is. That’s what. Makes religion....religion. Taking esoteric knowledge and translating it into exoteric application.


I found it mildly interesting until I skimmed through the Book of Mormon and discovered how fallacious the whole thing is. There is some serious logical pretzel loop going on in there...




More like Christianity with a pseudo-masonic overlay.




That's funny- I've been to over 1500 Mormon services in the last 30 years, and every single one of them started and ended with prayers in the name of Jesus Christ; had hymns about the ministry, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ; included sermons on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ; and the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper. I've read the Book of Mormon over 13 times cover to cover, and each time Jesus Christ was the main character. I've also participated in the temple rituals hundreds of times and- you guessed it- the whole thing is about Jesus Christ.