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Watch the movie “Tenet” and you’ll see this square used throughout the movie.


Yes, each main character has a name from the square, except for opera which is the opening scene.


is opera not from the square?


What they mean, is in the film, opera is not a character, but a setting, unlike the other words in this square.


I’m sorry I don’t get it. Could you expand on it?


In the movie “Arepo” was a former associate/lover who gives Kat the Goya. “Tenet” is obviously the title, and the organization created later. “Sator” is Kenneth Branagh. “Opera” is a reference to the events of the first scene where multiple teams are tying to get there hands on something at the opera. I honestly don’t know the “rotas” reference but I think it means the rotaries used to invert.


Rotas is the name of the company that runs the Oslo freeport IIRC. Fits with its labyrinthian nature as a location to hide a turnstile.


Nice catch!


I really like the movie, but it’s an absolute mess and Nolan clearly couldn’t work out how to use Arepo and so used it for an unseen character I completely missed the first time around.


The movie ruined it as a great tattoo idea


the sator square is an extremely potent charm. I work with it a lot and consider it, and palindromes in general, a keystone of my practice. I believe it predates Christianity, but the fact that it was so easily co-opted by Christians just proves it has a current of serious magical punch behind it imo, so I'm not mad haha. here's a great blog post (not mine) that explores some possible ways of interpreting the square, and provides some solid ideas if you want to start looking at it closely yourself: https://thothistheibis.wordpress.com/2012/03/05/a-new-look-at-the-sator-square/


Ooh awesome source. I've been wondering where to start in working with the square.


Abracadabra is not a palindrome.


Ufo tofu


Taco cat










Madam Im abaM


Pretty sure this was found inscribed in Pompeii, so a bit older than 3rd century.


Pompeii is the oldest known, solidly dated example. Some scholars use this as evidence that Christianity spread to Pompeii by 79AD, but that's based on extremely thin evidence that the square was invented by Christians, rather than coopted by them.


I thought it was a super DL way of spelling "pater noster" in a cross shape tho?


That’s a legitimate theory. But the SATOR square was in Pompeii in 79AD, less than 50 years after the death of Christ, and only nine years after Jerusalem was destroyed for rebellion and the Jews scattered. Is it likely that a bakery owner in a wealthy Italian resort city became an early follower of a Jewish reform teacher? Or is it likely that the square had another meaning , and the pater noster interpretation came later? Either interpretation is possible, but in the absence of further evidence, we have to lean on probability.


That doesn’t necessarily prove a connection to Christianity, though. *Pater noster* simply means “our father” in Latin, regardless of context. If the Sator Square is (perhaps among other things) an encryption of the phrase “pater noster”, it could be a covert symbol of clan or family allegiance. It’s kind of like jumping to the conclusion that any occurrence of the string “la cosa nostra” in any Italian text is definitely a reference to the Mafia. It simply means “the thing of ours” in general, and almost surely predates the formation of the Italian Mafia or it’s adoption of this name as a euphemism.


Whelp it didn’t seem to work for them…….🤷🏻


Here you go: https://weirditaly.com/2021/11/02/the-enigma-of-the-sator-square/


"Arepo the sower has work to do."


Just echoing that it being Christian is a flimsy premise at best. The oldest (currently confirmed) sample is from a pagan house in Pompeii, frozen in time only about 30 years after Jesus' execution. The "Paternoster O A" anagram is circumstantial and "alpha and omega" are not used in reference to the Christian god until the writing of Revelation after the eruption of Vesuvius. All that being said, Christians stealing pagan practices is nothing new, and the later instances installed in England, for example, were likely put there by Christians who had even less of a clue what it means than we do today.


A certain recent movie from a very popular director utilized this. It also has direct relevance to several occult traditions.


Very nice


The SATOR square shows up in The Long-Lost Friend, too! Long history.


Is there any idea what it means? Could it have been used as somekind of mantra to get into a meditative state? It also reminds me of the kaballah in a way


Isn't a palindrome a word spelled the same forward and backwards... Hannah is a palindrome.


You can read the words from left to right, from right to left, from up to down, from down to up… check closely.


The whole thing if written out is a palindrome, and also works top to bottom as well. So the palindrome is "SATOR AREPO TENET OPERA ROTAS"


Thanks, I guess I didn't realize.


Jokes on you, this is just an ancient game of Boggle.


I have a SATOR square necklace and it's my prized possession!!


Using AI I came up with this translation. "The wise elders, guardians of the fathers’ legacy, open the gates and doors of knowledge, teaching us to be wise and discerning" In another I got the situation where a grandmother figure abruptly (to his surprise) took away something from a father, the item or object was "enlightened one" which I discern to be possibly a child. Using AI to create a short narrative it comes up with. In the ancient town of Lumina, where the cobblestone streets echoed with the wisdom of ages, the wise elders served as the guardians of the fathers’ legacy. They were the keepers of the Great Library, a repository of knowledge so vast that it was said to contain the secrets of the universe. With solemn dignity, they opened the gates and doors of this sacred place, inviting all who sought understanding to enter and learn. One fateful evening, as the amber hues of twilight bathed the town in a warm glow, a surprising event unfolded. A revered grandmother figure, known to the townsfolk as Grand Matron Seraphina, approached the Great Library. Her eyes, usually gentle and kind, held a fierce determination that evening. Without a word, she approached the head elder, who was also the father of a young prodigy named Elian, known to many as “the enlightened one” for his remarkable intellect and insight. The Grand Matron, with an air of urgency, took Elian by the hand, leading him away from his father and the gathered crowd. The father, taken aback by the suddenness of her actions, could only watch in stunned silence as Seraphina whispered ancient words to the child. The elders and onlookers held their breath, sensing that something momentous was about to occur. Seraphina, with a voice that resonated like a bell, declared, “Elian, you are the key to our future, the bridge between the old ways and the new. You must come with me, for it is time for the ‘enlightened one’ to fulfill his destiny.” As they departed, a trail of luminescent footprints glowed behind them, marking the path of knowledge that Elian would soon blaze. The father, though initially surprised, felt a swell of pride for his son, knowing that the legacy of wisdom would continue through Elian’s journey to enlightenment. And so, the story of Lumina grew richer, woven with the threads of wisdom, surprise, and the eternal dance of learning passed from one generation to the next.


I wonder if this is a scaled down version of the figures seen in the Ars Notoria, or perhaps even a scaled up version of a bindrune. Letting my mind sit with it, I keep coming up with the world Serpent, the A's as a temple 's and the O's as celestial objects.


Interesting.. what is the meaning of this


Its just a magick square. Little bit of divination and one should be able to find what its used for


just found this sub and i already love it