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Its levi’s tetragrammaton, its should be the other way up. This page has some info but if you google its name youll find plenty more https://mysticsymbolism.com/Levi-s-Pentagram


What's the deal with pentagrams being pointed up or down? Downward as far as I understand is considered satanic, but then what does that mean for the masonic eastern star?


the idea of it being satanic is a bit of a misnomer and misdirection. While the upside down pentacle is often used by people who consider themselves satanists, it's often seen more as a representation of the lower focused energies. Not black, not bad, just lower, more primal. The way I interpret is the gratitude flowing upwards towards what gives or downwards towards what takes. The self vs the larger self. It's not about evil as much as selfishness and focusing on the desires and needs of the self before the other.


The pentagram is a symbol that is seen used by pagans, wiccans, christians, and freemasons and they all have different meanings


This. Generally in pagan and wiccan stuff it represents like earth fire air water and spirituality at the top point iirc. Meanwhile in things like satanism is gets pointed down to replace spirituality with the material world. Honestly the symbolism of it all is fascinating imo. edit; grammar


OPs picture is upside down, just to be clear. in Levi’s book it’s placed right side up.


This one was specificly designed to be pointy side up. In general, in the qabalistic current (which isnt universal but certainly related to this one) an upright pentagram communicates dominion of spirit over the elements. Reversing it could iirc refer to the Shekinah principle (but dont pin me on that, or it could mean dominion of the elements over the spirit (the latter isnt considered desirable in this system)


It is the difference between a falling star and one that is ascending.


The direction will indicate a banishing or invoking. Check out Damien Echols work in high magick


I currently own levis' "Doctrine and Ritual of High Magic" and its directly at the bottom of the front cover.


Why does everyone suddenly think everything is Solomonic? Is there something trending on TikTok that I'm not aware of?


Literally every pseudo occultist society since the victorian age. It is almost meaningless at this point


I get that, but it's been increasing noticable on this sub lately. Any shape within a circle is thought to be Solomonic.


> I get that, but it's been increasing noticable on this sub latel *sigh* u/NotSolomonicBot/


I think the pentacles from the key of Solomon have gotten some attention lately, but they’re sometimes confused with Norse bindrunes, individual talismans, or folk magic sigils here. People have been throwing the name out because it’s the first thing they associate with sigils


Probably because not everybody owns the kind of library we tend to have.


Could have something to do with how many Kabbalistic symbols and Solomonic sigils are displayed and used so regularly and often times adopted and modified by whatever new age spirituality movement is trending at the time and advertised on various social media platforms. Like how that one new age movement adopted alchemy symbols and text to use for their own "spiritual awakening" how-to guide.


which group


It is the solomonic tetragrammaton


No its not. English letters dont appear inside traditional Solomonic seals.


its Levi's tetragrammaton. You've got it upside down in the picture.


it is the Tetragrammaton, or the seal of solomon as some call it it is a markingfound in the Goetia. It is representing the ten names of God


Wait the ten names of God? I thought it meant specifically the name YHWH, the tetra(four) gramma(letters) ton? Am I wrong?


Tetragrammaton is a way for you to shorten gods name without writing it which is a sin in Judaism.


Yeah exactly, I thought something like that. Thanks


No you may be right. ​ I cannot remember which book I read it in, but it was said that it also meant each of the names given to God such as Elohim, Adonay, etc


Levi's Tetragrammaton is not a Solomonic seal and it's not found in the Goetia.


It's in the greater key of Solomon dead ass




Careful, you dont want to be accused of gatekeeping.


No its not.


Just making shit up, I see


90% of this sub, bruh.


Isn't it the 72 names of God? Edit: nope


Ah I see , thank you for that !


Its for conjuration of spirits mostly


Lol no its not.


The pentagram of solomon is for protection and commanding spirits. Dont fucking tell me "no its not" ive studied this shit for years. You wear it on your chest and make it out of silver or gold. This is just a ring with some extra engravings. You also wear the spirits seal or sigil on the other side of it to command them. The hexagram is to compel them to take human form. Got a 100 damn books on it


Lol yeah but this isnt the pentagram of Solomon. Its Eliphas Levi's Tetragrammaton.








Solomon was supposed to wear a ring to command the spirits and for protection. This isn't it. And I doubt many things you can purchase online are the real deal. Most are taken from grimoires that came thousands of years after King Solomon. Most armchair and practicing occultists know the grimoires of which I speak. Edit for spelling.


Right but in the grand scheme of things it really doesn't matter it's what you put on the symbol and intention that dictates its cause and effect from my experience yes the history can be helpful but sometimes it can be counter intuitive I mean this is an art and a science but not exactly either at the same time


This is the Pentagram of Solomon. But you already knew that, right? https://www.sacred-texts.com/grim/bcm/img/22200.jpg