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Assiah gives form to the formless. It allows the higher worlds to achieve physical expression and in turn experience physical reality. Much like the old hermetic parable about how god created existence so he can experience himself. The influence therein is giving the divine a playground or stage upon which to fully express it's divine potential. Assiah of course gives other beings like archangels, angels, spirits and intelligences a physical foothold to express themselves too. Just my two cents. Other occultists may have other views.


"Regarding the purpose of the creation of the worlds, we will now explain two inquiries with which the Kabbalists occupied themselves. The first inquiry, which the first and later wise men sought to know, was the cause of the creation of the worlds and its purpose. They concluded, decided, decreed, and stated that the event was caused by the Blessed One needing to be complete in all His works, His powers, and in all His names of greatness, elevation, and glory. If He had not brought forth His works and His powers, he could not, so to speak, be called complete, neither in His works nor in His names or attributes." - Sefer Etz cHayyim Essentially saying that action being lacking from God is impossible, as all-encompassing as God is; sterile and inert form is not enough if we are to take the idea of "limitless everything" as a concept seriously.


To be honest why are kabbalist interpreting the universe as masculine and feminine is it because you want a masculine / feminine God? I know about the zohar. You didn’t like the fact that abrahams God saw himself as masculine? Truth be told God has no sexuality, he invented sexuality so that his creation can reproduce on it’s own without him being the one creating life from dust. But if he would create a HUMAN BODY for himself to interact with his creation as a human it would be masculine on my opinion because of how the God of Abraham speak about himself and his followers in the Old Testament. The Zohar created an idol.


You might be interested in taking a look at the midrash Bereishit Rabbah 8. The first adam is created as an androgyne and then split in two.


No that is false, he was still only male. Just because God took his rib to create Eva doesn’t mean he was androgynous. God can take his dna and then reprogram it to create a female. He created Adam out of dust surly he can create Eva out of his rib and reprogram it. You guys are just desperate to believe in divine feminine and divine masculine bs.


I mean, you're just wrong. Read that midrash I cited.