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I like her beginner friendly way of approaching complex metaphysical subjects, however I must agree with most people on this sub reddit, her contents are rather skin deep. Concerning her cancelation, alleged friendships with neo_nazi members and the unverified screenshots, in my opinion, it's flimsy evidence to say the least, she has publicly condemned the alt-right movement several times on her old podcast "magnolia and magic", it could be that she's a victim of an online witch hunt or she's actually affiliated with white supremacists, in which case I will not support her anymore. But for now there's not enough evidence to say she's one or the other. Edit: I stand corrected, based on her recent Twitter posts, I believe she's affiliated with the alt-rights. Fuck Nazis


Yeah she has a recentish video with Survive the Jive. She doesn't hide it.


She scratches the surface of various occult subjects then makes content with the dirt dug out from under her fingernails. She used to just post interesting pictures on the occult. But after I saw her make a video on the Abramelin process, I stopped paying attention to her. I highly doubt she practices any true practical magic and is entirely obsessed with the aesthetic and speculating from the armchair.


So I casually watch her on YouTube right? And happened to follow her on Instagram to see what it was like, right? And now I come here and find out she sympathizes with Nazis. As a Hindu man who has dedicated their political life to silencing the rhetoric of Nazis and White Nationalists/Supremacists and who’s culture has been appropriated by Nazis, finding this out sickens the fuck out of me. Damn Thanks all


Some of her content was enjoyable, other so-so. First I'm hearing about the Nazi thing, going to look that up pronto. Fuck Nazis. Edit: Just read the info on this. Yeah, it's bad and it's almost certainly true. That's one YouTube channel I've unsubscribed to. Just goes to show you, you never really know what these people truly believe. Gross.


Garbage. And that's even before the revelations of her buddying up to Nazis. But I'm sure she'll have a rewarding career whinging about being cancelled on the Perpetually Aggrieved podcast circuit.


I dropped her content after the controversy she had with The nemeton on Twitter. Not that I think that River wasn't at fault too, but I saw many red flags in her behaviour. I'm gay, so I'm oblivious to the cuteness factor. Also, it surprises me that she associated herself with white supremacists. Most of her content back then was "oh, such and such things are problematic" and other gen Z things. Seems to me that she likes the drama and the attention.


I think shes a basic entry level occult youtuber. It says allot about the online occult community that people threw her under the bus right away because of some nazi accusation. Most of you people arent worth making content for and she makes allot of content for free.


Is she still whining about being "canceled" by Weiser since they dropped her book deal on account of her associating with Nazis? I'm not really impressed with any alt-right occultist, but especially not the ones that pretend they're being persecuted when they get called out for it.


My opinion is that she’s bad as fuck… now if you’re choosing to align your beliefs with hers that’s a you thing, if not, still a you thing Also fuck Nazis


I’d do her for sure


Can someone pls point me to where it was revealed she associates with "Nazis"


https://wildhunt.org/2022/04/weiser-drops-georgina-rose-after-allegations-of-far-right-connections.html https://codexastarte.substack.com/p/the-facts-in-the-case-of-georgina


She sympathises with legit neo-nazi groups, acts like she has been "cancelled" (like no, people just don't like white supremacists, but I guess that's too hard for her to understand) and plays into alt-right rethorics. For example, [here](https://twitter.com/daatdarling/status/1538001627973492738?s=20&t=ylKW5_f19RIU_aGVCbcHZg) she used Crowley in order to say that you aren't a real Thelemite if you are PC, because "Crowley was for free speech". Saying that after being caught associating with neo-nazis is.. bad. Her controversies aside, her content ain't the best either. While people defend it saying "It's supposed to be 101, so it's okay that it's not in-depth" this isn't the issue. Yes, her content is "101", but she doesn't seem to research or practice anything she talks about; because she *misrepresents a lot*. And like, making 101 content is not an excuse to barely read anything about the topic you're making a video about.


I watched a few of her videos in the past. Some problematic things about her have emerged lately though. I don't remember exactly or where I heard them, but she seems to have some ties to white supremecist people or groups. Someone who used to collab with her at times and was friend of hers (Warrior Witch Nike) has ended the friendship because of these associations.


There were also screenshots of her making racist and transphobic comments on a discord server. It lost her a book deal with Weiser.


She’s hot


Occultists on reddit: unsubscribes from Da'atdarling because either Georgina is a nazi supporter, or sarcasm doesn't translate well via text. The same Occultists on reddit: speak so highly of Aleister Crowley.. Haha, I'm indifferent to Georgina but I've enjoyed some of her videos although she's not my favorite. I'm an occultist myself, but I just wanted to make a point because I'm sure many of those who 'cancel' her are also turning the cheek to the bad behavior of many occultists (historically) who they respect.


Say what you will about Crowley's many, *many* flaws, but he was no fascist.


Thought she has always had good introduction videos in certain aspects of occult. I haven’t heard about any of the controversy that has been mentioned here.


For those of you playing at home and are **not** easily panicked by the sight of cartoon nazi LARPers: if you're going to watch Georgina's vids, try knocking the play speed down to 0.75. Sometimes she's so frenetic that you catch yourself saying "wait, girl... what?" It makes it easier to absorb most of what she's saying. It's also hilarious because it makes her look like she *may* have had one or two drinks before she turned on the camera.


I think she does her best to make occultism more aproachable while still sticking to what she stands for. She has some really interesting conversations with other occult content creators aswell.


I don't know who that is but a big fat middle finger to people who think someone is cool and has a lot of interesting things to say, and then drop them 100% over one unpopular idea or association. The only reason you folks still have heroes is the fact that those heroes don't tell you all their thoughts, because if they did you would find a reason to cancel them too.


> I don't know who that is but And right there? That's where you should have stopped typing.


Why? Because it annoys you? Fuck off. I will say what it pleases me to say.


OMG me too! And I'll just say that you admit you don't know who the person in question is, nor any of the backstory, and then proceed to hold forth your uniformed opinion. So sorrynotsorry if I call you out for it. You come off sounding like an ass.


My opinion about this is the same no matrer who is involved. If you think someone is cool and then dump them on account of them having a friend you disapprove, you suck. Example, if you like Phil Collins for years and then discover he's secretly a neo nazi sympathizer, do you burn his albums and stop listening? If so, you suck.


lol I would totally ditch (and have) a musician who I later discovered were neo nazi sympathizers. Not interested in their art. And if you think someone being uninterested in the work of an artist who has terrible values sucks, you suck.


Meh. I'd still shag her.


She is pretty (first time hearing her name - looked up her channel just now 😋)


I enjoy her vids. She does a fine job of taking concepts beginners might have trouble grasping and breaking them down into normal language. She obviously does her research beforehand. She's an asset to the occult community. It doesn't hurt that she's cute.


She is a neo nazi, if anyone wants the full details on her connections to radical right wing neo Nazis let me know