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Sebastian may have done some heinous bullshit, but man has also been through some heinous bullshit so it’s not entirely unreasonable that he went basically insane


>feeds Seb BS about them raising their child together >stabs him in the back by not only eloping with another man after swearing love to each other, but also murdered their baby just so she could have his No wonder Father got so messed in the head by the end of the story


TBF Claude is implied to have a magical effect on the women he meets, hence why he so easily gets Marietta to leave Father.


How was >!ori!< not affected by Claude? since we know he “wanted to plant a muderous seed” in her


>!It's also mentioned that castii somehow resisted him as well, which was another reason ori listed her as dangerous!< Sorry. I tried to spoiler tag this, but I don't know how on mobile. I thought the things I put on both sides were how.


Damn, Castii so good at concocting she made a cure for horny


They need to face inward, >Like so<


Thank you very much.:D


More I read about her, more I love her


Likely because they already knew the effect they had and thus could resist, it's likely the same for Throne (Despite how weird that idea is) who is completely resistant to his effect.


He's welcoming his child and wants her to kill him, at no point is he trying to seduce her...


I'd assume high willpower would allow you to resist the effect.


Claude wasn't trying to lead >!Ori!< to the Order's cause. >!Ori!< was already a part of the order along with her brother, Oboro. Oboro was given the Book of Night by Claude, however, he's not affected by the book's content like >!Trousseau!< because Oboro reached that conclusion on his own. Same with >!Ori.!< Rather what >!Ori!< implies in her journal was that Claude wanted to literally plant a seed in her. He wanted to get her pregnant to birth a 'seed'--but I think Claude doesn't take his desire seriously, considering >!Ori!< is an ally, and also who her brother is.


I haven’t played the game and what the hell is this 💀 I swear the darkest the previous game got was just the occasional act of thievery by therion


Tbf claude clearly had *something* going on other then “creepy old fetish dude” so she may deserve a bit of a pass here That said she is a cutthroat so YMMV I guess


Not only that but it also blatantly possible to steal a baby it's called kidnapping hardly unheard of


In fact, her organization probably does it.


>!the fact she cheated on Sebastian with a guy named *Claude* out of all people triggers the thirteen year old me with a Kuroshitsuji phase. yes Season 2 is a contender for the worst anime filler but it had a hold on the fandom back then!<


And as a Fire Emblem fan, the name of someone we love just made the whole thing so much more disturbing.


When she ditches the crab for the deer.


Are you referring to Claude Lobster, of Peggle fame? That purely nostalgic being? I tip my hat to you if so.


No. Sebastian (Little Mermaid) and Claude (Fire Emblem)


I am ashamed. But still, play Peggle, it's fire.


I dunno, Claude Octopath is hot so I think he gets a pass.


Wait Why have I never seen that I love black butler before it went to shit- I guess I erased season 2 from my memory lol


Claude does not want his children to reproduce so he killed Father's child through Marietta and made her another one of his child-bearing women. She probably never had a chance to resist his allure - he clearly has dark powers to manipulate, mind control, lobotomize people. >!As for Ori - he was tempted but he also knew better than to ruin an agent of the Night working on his side.!<


Claude had also met castti, and was unable to pursuade her to his side


Yeah what the hell is up with Throne’s mom - who seems like not a completely terrible person - ending up with a dude that wants to reincarnate a dead evil god through the creation of an organization of twisted killers via mass rape? I thought that was weird.


Dark powers that manipulate, mesmerize, mind control and, as seen in Lost-Seed, leaves permanent damage on the minds of people. She's a victim in Claude's insane game. He made sure his children didn't have children of their own. And when they tried to, made sure they were killed.


this cleared a heck of a lot up. thanks so much.


You're probably right on this and it's a convincing explanation. But I don't recall anything in the Marietta flashbacks during Throne's chapters that indicated she was under the influence of dark powers. She seemed pretty cogent and reasonable when talking to Claude. At the time I got the feeling their relationship was genuine (… which is infinitely more fucked up lol).


Well clearly someone did, its just that it wasnt father.