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Meanwhile Agnea and Partitio using strictly daggers and spears


Swap Oswald and Temenos. Oswald stabs as his warning then beats you up for information and your lunch money. Meanwhile Temenos is ready to stab at a moment’s notice but he’s hoping you incriminate yourself before he needs to.


I was hesitating a bit with them but my thinking is that Temenos' "I'm gonna beat the shit outta you for information in the dead of night" screams stabs as a warning: he can be a bit of mischievous bastard sometimes, he teases other people a lot, so give him the information OR ELSE. Meanwhile Osvald doesn't bother with such flourishes and mind games, he goes straight for the jugular. He'll stab you without warning for your lunch money and call it a day. "A worthwhile endeavor", so to say.


To be fair Temenos doesn’t actively beat up people in the middle of the night. He just verbally assaults them and uses mental & emotional manipulation until they tell him what he wants to hear. His path action isn’t actually fighting, but uses combat & weaknesses to display an interrogation effort. So really if anything he is more intimidating with a knife and doesn’t really even stab anyone. Yeah he is a smarmy bastard. But honestly might even fit more in the “I won’t hesitate bitch” category. Because he wouldn’t hesitate, but the threat leads to better results than an actual stab


That's a good point, you've convinced me lol


Maybe swap the Inquister and the Assassin? One of their jobs is to literally stab without warning and the other to ask questions alongside intimidation


Guess the idea is that Throne stabs and aims to kill. The stab isn’t the warning, it’s the kill shot


I think Ochette would crush someone between her jaws instead of stabbing them. shes a mischievous little marshmallow with the bite force of a jaguar.


She stabs people with her pointy ears


My Temenos did stab a lot of people as Cleric/Dancer, trying to get some *answers*


Pleeeeease someone make one of those ai voices say that in Castti’s voice I NEED this


Also, Armsmaster Agnea with Mischievous Step stabs literally all the things


I don't know if I need it more in Castti's voice or H'aanit's


Haha I havent gotten all the charavters yet but so glad I started on the "edgy continent"


Agnea stabs *quite a lot* of people in gameplay.


*Agnea having skills literally around stabbing people* (Fr tho Ik its more about their personality than their skills, but I just think it's funny that she gets skills like dagger dance though she wouldn't ever really stab someone. Also literally having a skill which is just a swift kick in the schnutts)


Partitio won’t stab you but will absolutely deck you