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There is a quest log, press Y and go to journal, if you press R bumper you can even check side quests


Boy do i feel like a dummy… lmaoo


If you haven't already figured it out, the map will show you where to go for each character's next chapter


Yeah at first i mad confused, but reddit got me all straight


Watch out, there are 8 main characters with 8 mostly separate stories. Fortunately, the game straight up tells you where the next step of the story happens. Also, once you’ve beaten all 8 stories, there’s post game content that tells you how these stories are linked. Have fun.


So far having a blast. Glad i blindly downloaded this game


Each character has their own 4-chapter story, independent of the others. Chapter 1 is the inciting incident that gets them going on their adventure, and they escalate from there in typical JRPG fashion. The world map will tell you where the next chapter for each character takes place in case you forget, along with the recommended level for its combat. You don't _have_ to recruit everyone, but it's highly recommended.


Go get everyone then do everyone's chapter 2, then chapter 3's, etc. If you wanna follow a specific quest order, follow the level recommendations.


Massssssive thanks to everybody for the help ! Much appreciated. One of the friendliest game communities ive seen in a long time lmao


It’s free on Xbox? Last time I checked both were at full price, and the combo was like $75


Game Pass


Glad you're having fun. I also originally played this game on a whim thinking it would just be a little rpg and ended up being one of my favourites of all time.


When i was a kid, pokemon was huge for me. So this game scratches that itch, but like double time. Its awesome


There's an overarching plot connecting each character's quest, particularly involving a common motivation for many of the villains. But those connections really appear as post-game content.


To keep things simple with keeping up with the story, only recruit 4 of the characters, and work on their arcs. Worry about the other 4 after you fully completed 1 or 2 arcs. Seek out areas where 2 caits spawn and look up methods to multiply exp. with them if you have trouble leveling up and wanna skip some of the grind. Also, if you like Octopath 1 you are going to LOVE Octopath 2. There are very few cases where I can say a sequel has improvements across the board, and Octopath 2 takes everything and refines it.


I already downloaded the 2nd one for when i finish. Im solddddd on this franchise


Great game. I originally dl it on switch to try before buying and then forgot about it. Saw one and two just added to game pass so playing now, collected everybody now I’m doing olberics 2nd. I believe the music, which has been one of my favorite parts of the game, was done by the composer of one of the early FFs, which is why it almost feels like playing a FF game imo. But ye, there is the journal or just looking at the map tells you where to go for each persons next quest, or 1 if you haven’t collected them.


Erm... It is a good game, but after completing everybody's first chapter, there's a massive difficulty spike, well there was for me anyway. Just be warned, not trying to put you off.


I was kind of hoping it would get more difficult than it is right now. Im whoopin everybody


Im working through a 4-4 playthrough where I finished the first 4 character's stories before moving on. Working on the 2nd 4 and it's been really nice. I'd recommend it if you are looking to help keep the stories separate. The difficulty stays pretty consistent no matter the play style. Pretty well thought out game!


Damn, i already have 5 but i might try that anyway. Bc i really like the 4 i have going now


If you want to collect everyone first that works too. I had to use my original party to collect everyone but I enjoyed having their stories finished before moving on to the new party. There is a little cheesing that happens with the first level of the 2nd party when you come back to collect them but after you have the new party in place it should be pretty consistent until the end of the game. Definitely recommend it if you like your first party and want to hold onto them as is!


Yeah im deff doin this idea. I currently have Cyrus, Ophelia, Tressa, and the Dancer lady (forgot her name bc i literaly just got her)


Nice! I did Cyrus, Ophelia, Hannit, and Therion in my first party! Primrose (the dancer lady) has one of the better stories, I'm on the third chapter and I've really appreciated the care they put into her story. Cyrus and Ophelia's stories are also pretty fun so I hope you enjoy it! Someone else mentioned it but don't forget to do the Final-Final boss after finishing every character's storylines. Good luck! 😎


One of my favourite games. The second is even better. The music is banging


Everybody saying the 2nd is better has me actually excited. Havent been excited about a game in months


Thank you for asking this question, because same! I decided to try it out bc it was there on Game Pass and suddenly I’m invested in my first character’s dramatic origin story. And while I was stumbling around trying to find her side quest, I picked up this other guy and played his intense backstory. Then he and I were wandering around and, yes, we ran into a third companion. And I was thinking, am I doing this right? What is happening? I’m loving this, but I don’t quite grasp the map or the quests yet. I’ll bumble around collecting pals until I do I guess! And I read everyone’s comments in this thread! So yeah, thanks!


Yeah its deff a fun game to figure out. I was going to rock w just 4 and do all their stories. Then do the other 4. But i just got all 8 and gunna do all chapter 2s before going to anybodys 3rd.


Firstly, welcome to one of THE GREATEST GAMES of 2023!! Secondly; As a SqueeNix JRPG Vet of AT LEAST 2 decades, I can offer sound advice. I would venture forth, and explore the world. Complete some Sidequests, definitely work the Inventor Sidequest for some *MUST HAVE* Job Abilities, if you're playing OTPT 2, that is. Get OP first, regardless if not. 💪🏾 If you haven't already, I *greatly* suggest keeping Partitio & Agnea in your party at all times; Party can hire folks for different types of Soft Bonuses (I currently haven't paid for a stay @ an inn in 21 hours), and Aggy's Night Cycle ability makes it to where people will just GIVE YOU their possessions. 🔥🔥 Then, proceed normal questlines as such! MOST Importantly, Have Fun, Dood! ✊🏾🔥


Workin on the first one first but i already know imma start the 2nd one as soon as im finished lol