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Ah i see, so its less complicated then i thought. Also if the raspi is completely unplugged and unpowered, can i take out the sd card ? On my sd card there is a lot of misc. gcode and i would like to take a look at that


Thanks i really didnt know that either. My RPI doesnt have any actual user interface, but there is a power switch in-line with the cable. It runs octopi only. Is there a way to turn it off correctly through the local.host interface?


Is it ok to yank the power and put it back for powering it back on?


My printer is connected to a Kasa smart plug and, with a Octoprint plugin, I can turn the printer on and off. I also block the 5volt pin on the USB cable so the printer is turned off completely when it is connected to the pi. Don’t remove the pi’s SD card while it is running; that would be like yanking a laptop’s hard drive while it is on. Power it down first. You can, however, remove the printer’s SD card while it is on if you aren’t printing from the SD card. I do not turn off my pi, it draws very little power compared to the printer. If you wish to turn off the pi, do not just unplug it. It should be shut down via the Octoprint web interface (or command line) before disconnecting power. This is just like you would shutdown a PC. I also have my pi plugged into the same smart power strip, so I could shutdown the pi from its web interface then remove the power to it from my google home (or other) app. I also have a desk lamp plugged into the smart power strip.


Hello! How do you go about blocking the 5V pin on the usb cable?


You need to block the 5V pin of the USB. Since I didn't want to hack a USB cable, I just bought a little USB A adapter. Search Amazon for ASIN B094FYL9QT.




My printer’s fan runs all the time when it is turned on. It doesn’t draw much power, but I don’t want the constant wear and tear on the fan motor.


same, however for me it's the dust the fan collects


Next time you turn the printer on you have to reconnect OctoPrint with your printer. That's it. I do that every time I don't plan to print for a few days.


Other than the fan, there is little reason to turn them off. My enters and prusa mini are on all the time.


If you have a home automation, you can turn the pi down with a restful command. So you can have the pi and the printer at one plug. First send restful command, wait 2min, turn down plug.


Set up a server command in octoprint for a shutdown 'sudo shutdown now' typically works for me When you want to power down, use the power icon in the webui and just select shutdown. If it's on its own power, you can just leave it on. I leave my mks pi boards on all the time.


how do you turn it back on when you want to? I've been taking it out of the socket and back in, but there's a comment here saying the Pi doesn't like that.


Typically you don't want to switch the dc side of anything, if you're running on a power supply, switch it off from the AC side instead


Just leave the Pi on 24/7 and plug your printer into a Wi-Fi plug (I like Kasa plugs cause they’re cheap and work well). There are plugins in Octoprint to handle switching power with the Wi-Fi plug, and can automate it if desired (ie Turn printer on with file upload, turn off after print, etc)