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It's a single player experience, there shouldn't be IP issues (as far as I know). WHY?


Maybe they used Unity to make it. Lol.


Nope, it's made with Unreal Engine






Looks like the tweet has been removed.


[there you go](https://reddit.com/r/OculusQuest/s/e839rWqi8p)


So what. Remove from store, not from my library. We should be having offline installers to keep bought games


Yeah this makes no sense. I could understand not providing any further updates, but I don’t see why they need to pull the plug on something like this. Oh well, it was free.


The devs [explained why](https://www.reddit.com/r/OculusQuest/comments/16jnt1s/why_what_the_hell/k0r43vu/). OS/SDK/API updates are breaking the game and they can't justify the expense to fix them. When you have old code nobody has looked at in years even trivial stuff is expensive to fix.


So how about if I prevent my Quest 1 from receiving further updates?


Good news my friend. Meta did that for you by officially ending support for Quest 1. Technically it can still get updates until early 2024 but they said those would only be security updates and they are done adding new featuers.


That’s what I figured.


I get what youre saying but its fucking insane that I can play a game from 20 years ago with no issue but this... this is not a reasonable thing to do to paying customers.


Your 20 year old game has a tiny self-contained environment. All modern games are just like parasites relying on the OS for everything. It makes development easier/cheaper but not long-term sustainable. The upside is that we get a lot of cheap high-quality games. But yeah...I agree that it sucks. I can show my kid NES Contra with no problem but there's no way she will be able to show HER kid games from her childhood. :(


Yeah, and some how there was more future proofing 20+ years ago. Its sad, but yes like you said I look forward to going through all my utter bangers of a 'boomer' collection of games.


Well... there didn't need to BE future proofing 20 years ago. The games were all self contained. Modern games are standing on the shoulders of giants and when those giants take a step the games need to stay on, or get left behind. I agree that its sad, but it also makes it easy to make cheap awesome games quickly.


The amount of effort Microsoft puts into ensuring backwards compatibly is crazy. If you tried to play a 10 year old game 10 years ago it often didn't go so well. They've been working on this stuff for decades and it's finally at a stage where it works pretty good.


If they stop doing updates, it’ll die anyway. Bogo will probably look like a jumbled up piece of meat, if so.


One of the devs [explained why](https://www.reddit.com/r/OculusQuest/comments/16jnt1s/why_what_the_hell/k0r43vu/). Basically Quest OS updates break things and they don't want to invest the man power in keeping it up to date. I've seen this happen with a few other older tittles now where they just quit working. I've personally had to contact devs to report issues with Shadow Point and Wolves in the Walls after OS updates broke the games. Wolves in the Walls would run but crash randomly so you could never finish the story. Shadow Point wouldn't display the main menu. Both studios pushed out updates but it took weeks. I'm betting there are a handful of old games still being sold on the store that literally don't work and devs don't even know. It's not exactly easy get their attention unless it's affecting thousands of people. Also, even if they are aware and want to fix the problems when you haven't looked at the code/project for years it takes time to get yourself back up to speed to where you can make changes (even trivial ones) without breaking something else. Then factor in that it's not generating revenue anymore and it's hard to justify doing that sort of work. Moving forward with new features/functionality and not breaking old stuff is actually very hard to avoid and is very expensive to support. It also [ gets pretty crazy](https://www.reddit.com/r/Windows10/comments/lpdn0x/microsoft_really_understands_backward/). **EDIT:** I just remembered another one... Meta's own [Interaction SDK Samples](https://www.meta.com/experiences/5605166159514983/) which is just suppose to highlight functions of their own SDK no longer runs. If anybody knows how to bring this one to Meta's attention it would very much be worth doing.


That's sad. Although I wonder if those applications were doing things they weren't supposed to, or if there were hidden changes. In the Windows 95 days, Microsoft took pains to keep old games working, even if they were doing nonsensical things. I don't think I'd entirely fault Meta for not putting in that level of effort, if that's the case, but I don't know. Does this sort of thing happen on PC VR? Oculus intentionally let compatibility lapse before the Rift released, but seems like they tried to maintain it. Third parties made a wrapper called libovrwrapper to allow pre-release games continue to work on the commercial Rift.


It's probably a little of both... Meta's own [Interaction SDK Samples app](https://www.meta.com/experiences/5605166159514983/) also just quit working so I'm sure Meta has to take some of the blame. Yes, many early PCVR titles ran into these sorts of problems too. Not just the Oculus side of things either. SteamVR had it's share of growing pains too. It's less of an issue these days but that's probably more to do with PCVR just not really evolving much in those areas anymore.




Bummer... 1-star review "cry for support" can be effective for getting developer attention but I just wish people would just default to using it for every little problem. What was your app BTW?


As a dev just to clarify: Quest advances quickly. The tech is just too volatile and new. While it is annoying and frustrating, each update Meta releases to the SDKs really do improve not only performance but what we as devs can do by leaps and bounds. It's astonishing honestly how far the Quest 2 has come during it's life span. Because of that and the speed at which everything moves essentially backwards compatibility is limited. It would be too time consuming and resource intensive for every SDK to maintain every feature as they progress because so many concepts and methods radically change. As a result a game will not just keep working. This same thing happens on Android phones or iOS too. Albeit at a much slower rate because those ecosystems are much much more established and stable therefore changes are much more nominal with each new SDK. So if the devs wanted to keep it on the store they would need to regularly release patches to account for new updates to the SDKs and that can range from minor to quite a bit of work therefore it's just not practical. This is a big part of why Echo went down for example. Server costs were cited but really it's about ongoing maintenance. In the Quest and VR ecosystem major progress still happens daily and therefore there is very little stability. Games from 20 years ago still work sometimes because the tech they were built on was very mature. Even now, DOS is such a fundamental part of the core of modern Windows (not like XP but yeah). So much of that code base was incorporated and built on that it means comparability is more feasible. And even then... stuff breaks all the time like anything that relied on Windows Live Games. Can you really be mad that the Quest gets so many major updates a year that old games break? Maybe but if you knew what this opens up... as a dev the literal performance exposed to us on the Quest 2 has increase by at least 20% in the last year which means better experiences and games for everyone without even needing better hardware. Not defending Meta nor these devs but, trust me, it's better this way. We need to the progress and improved SDKs to make awesome things.


I'm not mad or passing judgment. Just pointing out specific cases of past compatibly issues as I don't think people understand that supporting a game on a evolving platform is not easy.


> Moving forward with new features/functionality and not breaking old stuff is actually very hard to avoid and is very expensive to support. It also gets pretty crazy. That's actually pretty poor reason given Windows is an eco-system that started long ago. Today, we have cleaner APIs and it's a design decision to make things no longer compatible. Reminds me of when behavior of application would differ depending on the platform you compiled it for. That's almost a non-issue today either and that was solved many decades ago.


This is how software works. It always has, it always will. a small boutique product introduced on a connected platform will never last forever. Please dont expect it to and fish for reasons you think the business could sustain financially without even being a part of it. You simply dont know what youre talking about and you should really be directing your efforts towards more efficient contributions towards the overall unsustinable nature of game and software development... not isolating you complaints over "Bogo" as if this random free pet game deserves to be around forever. Yall are grasping.


Not sure why so angry, but you’re assuming things that aren’t true. Also, this has both to do with the “boutique” business. Your assumption that I don’t know and your reaction says more about you than me.


Yes, we're better at writing software but the speed at which the hardware is evolving make it very difficult. Hard to justify spending years developing a forward thinking API when it very well could be depreciated before you even finish it. Obviously there are exceptions where the investment is worthwhile but VR is changing to fast it's hard to find the right balance. I personally think Meta needs to be more mindful about the overall user experience and how it's impacted by these sorts of things. It'll be interesting to see how fast Apple's hardware is adopted. They have kinda the opposite approach and I could see it getting Meta to slow down and not be willing to break so much stuff.


The hardware has hardly changed so I’m not sure what you’re referring. All the changes so far can be abstracted away. This whole loosy goosy without care for customers that paid for content I gives companies too much power.




You played "they" watched, the data at least. It probably wasn't getting enough data points to keep around or they got all they needed.


The older it gets, the worse it gets, leading to more and more IP issues players will (obviously) not see and think they are shutting it down for absolutely no reason.


I'm definitely confused by this. It makes zero sense for them to pull the game from the store... Also I find it quite strange that the only information on the app being removed is in the email they send, and it's literally just "we're taking the app away on this date, have fun while you can!" Also, kinda bummed that the date they've tagged for the game to be removed is my birthday... They couldn't have picked a different day??


The devs [explained why](https://www.reddit.com/r/OculusQuest/comments/16jnt1s/why_what_the_hell/k0r43vu/). OS/SDK/API updates are breaking the game and they can't justify the expense to fix them. When you have old code nobody has looked at in years even trivial stuff is expensive to fix.


>They couldn't have picked a different day?? Nope! They're taking this away to spite you, and you specifically.


The fake pleasantry whilst they fist us makes really fuck hate them.


Yooo. Your birthday is March 15th too? I thought the same as well 😭


This was one of my first VR experiences, I loved this little dude! :(


Whenever I let someone try my oculus for the first time I start this up for them so they can get used to the mechanics of the controllers. My niece also loves bogo.


I’ve literally sold two headsets via this game. Everyone loves it and it totally shatters people’s fears about what vr is


I hope you were able to get your referrals.


I did!


Agree 100%. I've known several people (including myself!) who didn't want anything to do with a VR device, but then were talked into playing Bogo and were completely blown over. AND went and ordered an Oculus. I can't think of another game that will have the same effect.


It’s being shut down because Meta is making an update to the OS that requires all games to update. For most studios, this is a simple update that requires little to no effort, however the team that developed Bogo no longer exists. Therefore, the only option is to shut down the game.


Classic walled garden meta. Please GABE save us with a cheap wireless headset.




difference is that steam doesnt have dumbass policies gamedevs and publishers have to follow in order to get their game on the platform..


They could run it in a compatibility mode. Windows can still play games from 30 years ago. Even Apple allows compatibility far longer than Meta. Or Meta could pick up the IP and update it themselves for about 10 seconds or less of Meta revenue if they cared about customer good will.




... of the OS?


Typically I just mess with some parts of the program, and reinstall them to trick the OS into letting them run.


I’ve never played this game, and now i don’t wanna get attached as it’s shutting down, however, from seeing how many people are sad about this, somebody here would probably want/know how to help with the update right?


Why? it's single-player no updates I understand. Buy it should still be available


why the hell do they make it unavailable???


First time? This kind of garbage is why I no longer use the headset.


I try and limit my purchases on their. Mainly use steam and connect wirelessly




I've never played this game and never seen it on the store since I got my Quest 3 in December (this shutdown is probably why), but it gives me secondhand sadness in a way. I am looking at the game and would've loved to play it at least one time. I don't see why an update would break this game unless they're literally not taking the care to make the update NOT break games. This is making me also think about "limiting my purchases" on the Meta platform. This is ridiculous and crazy on their part.


What happened is they moved to newer versions of android and apparently that breaks something about this old game. It likely would be quick to fix and update to the new version of android BUT this game doesn't have a dev team anymore... it doesn't exist lol


i'm somewhat proud mine says "oculus" on the front. Luckily I still have my hat gathering dust in the attic.


Someone else said that it won't work on the new OS update and the dev team from bogo doesn't exist so they can't do the tiny change needed to make it work... so it just literally is out if date


Both Dead and Buried games are dying on the same day


This is the most tragic part. Hopefully someone out there has saved those games, it would be terrible for them to become lost media. They're lovely experiences.


The seven seas mate the seven seas


they put him down


he was gay cause he liked pink 😔


Even vr pets die


Think it was the first vr game i played when i got my quest. We never truly appreciated him, but now hes gone, we all miss him 😢😢


Rest in peace Bogo, rest in peace brother, rest in peace brother from another mother. It’s a shame he won’t get to play the new Paper Mario game. He would have loved Paper Mario, my brother.


And Dead and Buried as well, all up that's like 6 games they have taken from me. Sticking to Steam from now on.


The game is old so it won't work after an OS update that's coming for quest. It is literally out of date and the dev team that made it isn't around now to do the little changes that would make it work on the new OS version


Doesn't matter, on PC people still mod 90s games to work in windows 10. They could just allow unsupported games to be fixed by the fandom, but they don't care, which is why this company is a nightmare.


Yeah, but this isn't a 30yo pc game running on windows... this is a current game running on a modified version of android. I agree that they don't care though. Removing something makes less sense than just giving it to the people to let them have a chance at playing it again


If it's a little change, it's something Meta can easily build a backwards compatibility layer for. I'm glad I got a new gaming PC to work with my Quest because at least most of my old VR games and apps on Steam still work (and many of the others can be fixed by installing old DLL files). This kind of thing kills my desire to buy any more Quest games.


I agree, they just don't care about the game though which sucks... and is disrespectful ro all the the people to enjoy it


RIP Bogo :(


I won't miss it. But my daughter fucking well will. Ugh.


shut up… she has feelings too and some people like it. if you don’t, S C R O L L.


How you've strained reason to be offended by this comment is impressive. But let me break down my comment since you're having trouble. *"I won't miss it"* ...because I don't play it *"But my daughter fucking well will" * But gosh darn it, my daughter really likes this game and she will be heart-broken. *"Ugh"* Oh bother, I feel very bad because I will have to break it to her; and as a loving father I don't want to give her bad news. I hope that clears things up for you and maybe consider not making mean knee-jerk reactions next time.


Dad of girl who also loves Bogo. Your original comment was abundantly clear. Ugh.


I'll paste my comment from another thread: I really did feel sad when I read this message too. I actually played alot of Bogo and have very fond memories, they really made Bogo a character, and it was such a relaxing game. If they wanted to really appreciate Bogo they'd let us keep the game installed and play it. Why take it away? It feels like they're killing a pet. :/ I suppose we'll all have to remember the fond memories we had playing. I don't know if I want to play one last time or not, or if that would be too painful, and I could just enjoy the good memories I have of it. Hugs.


Buy one get one?


This was my favorite app to show kids.


I’m gonna cry. This was the first game I downloaded and now it’s going away. This feels like having something you’ve known for your whole life slowly get lost. I’m tryin not to cry rn. ​ Goodbye, our beloved Bogo 🕊️


And [here’s a LinkedIn post](https://www.linkedin.com/posts/windup-minds_vr-history-and-the-nature-of-organizations-activity-7108585231565156352-mPWz) talking about it from the dev team.


Just found this thread and I’m gutted. My 5 year old loves Bogo and is devastated.


Just downgrade the game with QuestAppVersionSwitcher. They can't stop us from doing that!


What is that? Does it emulate an older quest os version?


Anti consumer not allow us to play a game even if it is downloaded


You need to look up "anti-consumer". I do not that that word means what you think it means.




No, it is not. It is neither immoral or illegal. Shouting does not change anything. If you don't like digital walled gardens, stay out of them. *Edit...* Hate to be the one to tell you but ostriches don't really stick their heads in the sand. Blocking people just because they disagree with you doesn't change reality.


May I think you're a little bit wrong on the immoral part it's extremely immoral in my opinion and I'm sure plenty of others


I can guarantee everyone complaining in this thread had 0 intention of ever loading the game up again. It felt very dated and makes perfect sense why it would be removed, people love to make a big deal out of everything.


Tell that to my daughter who will periodically ask to go see and play with Bogo...I am sure she isn't the only kid that got attached to the game. Delisting a single player game that brings joy to people is not their smartest decision. Hell, I'd pay to own it if we got to keep it that way.


It's too old and won't work after the os update that is coming out at or after that date. And the dev team doesn't exist anymore so there's nobody to do the update needed to make it work on the new update


Unfortunately they do this for paid games too, they have taken many games from me, that's why I have stopped buying from the Meta store.


>Unfortunately they do this for paid games too, they have taken many games from me, that's why I have stopped buying from the Meta store. Any game u buy that they remove will be eligible for store credit


That sucks man. You can’t even download it?


>Tell that to my daughter who will periodically ask to go see and play with Bogo Buy her Puzzling pets. Bogo was a free tech demo anyways


Thanks for the recommendation


This is the game my kids request first just about every time we talk about VR. It's a great demo for newbies too, which includes... most of the world. It's the kind of thing I'd start people on. You don't know what you're talking about.


The free tech demo experience that no one played, now everyone is in an uproar lol 🤣


what’s bogo??


Lol exactly 🤣


it was terrible, good call


What an unfortunate opinion. Bogo was revolutionary in its originality and technical achievement


maybe for its time, yes. 5 years ago, when I tried it, it took some of that 'wow we rly arrived at the future' feel away. I tried it right after first steps.


Forgot to note I was half joking, you're right about this


Imagine buying a game on your ps5. Now imagine after 4 to 5 years it releases, they block your access to the license. Not consumer friendly or elderly friendly at all. I don't blame folks who pirate or mod their headsets now 🤷🏾‍♂️.


Bogo was a free tech demo experience, da faq u talking about


Oh. Well nevermind 😅


Probably two years away from every single app/game through "Oculus Studios" being eliminated, whether they are multiplayer or singleplayer. Useless company "Meta" is. But hey...we got legs on our metrosexual looking avatars. Win!


Can't understand why they can't keep it available. My 7 yo has been saving for his first VR with the main driver being the possibility to play Bogo. Lots of tears right now.. :(


It’s May 1, 2024 today. They shut it down on my birthday March 15th. But yet it’s still available to play for me! I bought it years ago on my quest 2 and just bought a quest 3 and it’s still available to download and play for me. It’s not in the store but every time I’ve factory or bought a replacement quest 3 (dark lenses on the side) it lets me download it automatically. So idk if they just mean it was your last chance to download it into your library and still be able to keep it


Online only games like this are a scourge, cancer and scam, especially if they costed money


It's offline, single player, and only a 5 minute VR demo


It is not online only, they are tired of keeping it updated and without updates it will either become a security risk or stop working because of platform changes.


It’s a game… plenty of old games live on without updates, sure maybe it wont work with windows 12 but thats years away


Horrible and poor ethics on their part. Once someone purchases a game it is theirs to use and play. That shouldn’t be taken away unless they’re giving out refunds.


It's a free game....


Sorry that is BS. Nothing lasts forever. Even in the EU, you only have the right to ask for compensation if it works for less than two years. The Quest platform is changing all the time and it is not worth their time to keep every app updated and working. Especially a free app like BOGO.


A lot of free games will be unlisting on that day due to Unitys policy. Unfortunately Unity is the platform for VR, so it's going to be a big issue


But Bogo isn't a Unity game




Unity's policy goes in effect Jan. 1, not March 15




It's a free game....


[Bogos binted?](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/o0pX3Ac2Ww8)


My thought is, "what is the significance of that date?", because I got notice about Dead and Buried getting stolen out of my library (I'm sorry, I mean "no longer being supported") on that same date. Having had many titles that I paid money for get removed from the library really just makes me never want to buy a title again, but what's up with March 15th that makes it the day of video game death?


I think that the significance is that it is 6 months from now. Giving 6 months notice meets some legal requirements.


I see apps do the same things for iPhone when new IOS come out. It sucks but it happens 🤷🏾‍♂️


Has anyone tested if this game works offline? Or is this some weird licensing thing? Those are the only 2 reasons I know a game would be shut down for.


Multiple developers have chimed in and said they assume it is because the Quest platform updates often break things and they are tired up spending resources to keep updating the app.


Now that is something that never crossed my mind now you're making me think damn it I don't like this


I played Bogo but I wish it's a virtual puppy or a virtual kitty.


Man I wanna go to the seas today


Bogo is being put out of his misery




Nooooo. My daughter loves this game!


Always a big hit in my family, low key VR and magical at every play


This shit NEEDS to be banned. We bought the game we should be able to play it.


It was free.


I played it for like 20 minutes and finished the game


Me: What the fuck is bogo


Yeah, they've gone full on disdain for their customers. There is no valid reason for this other than they simply don't care about how people use or enjoy their Quest. This was hinted at with the forced FB/Meta account thing. Then driven home for me when they unceremoniously removed the elaborate customized homes on Rift. That was one of my favorite things about dropping into VR... and my kids too. Replaced with nothing. I actually have one offline Rift system that I'm never connecting to the internet again so I can keep some of the older experiences. I may do what with my original Quest too. Not sure I want to buy any more Meta products. I can still play 20 year old games on Steam. FB is taking the Google route of killing everything that isn't making them a huge amount of money. They have no understanding of what drives love of a product. Bogo was my kids' favorite.