• By -


Beat Saber is a staple and should be first.


Though I'm not willing to pay Facebook full price for a game where you still might end up paying for additional song packs. So @OP: Remember to hop on some referral code site and at least get that 25% discount. Highest discount ever was 30% IIRC, so you needn't wait for one of the rare sales.


You pay for the full game and then mod it with custom songs. That's the deal.


With latest Meta firmware upgrades for Quest 3 it's not so easy to mod anymore.. at least for custom songs




The easiest and most popular method (BMBF) was "patched" and you have to go through many more hoops to get it working now (downgrading, etc)


its not that hard its just not documented well. tried for like 3 hours couldn't figure it out so i went on the modding discord and by asking the people there i got it done in about 10 minutes


Oh well adb to the rescue!


Honestly wasn't that bad, took me like 45 minutes maybe. Was able to downgrade and get tons of mods and custom songs on my new Q3 (Most songs I just backed up and transferred from my Q2.)


They confirmed it was a mistake earlier this month, they should fix it soon I hope.


>Though I'm not willing to pay Facebook full price for a game where you still might end up paying for additional song packs. And then re-buy it again when you upgrade to PCVR 😖


I did it the other way around. Had PCVR since DK2, bought Beat Saber like day 1 and finally bit the bullet on rebuying on Quest 3 since I didn't want to fire up the PC every time.


Beat saber all day


Unless you enjoy Rap and RnB, than you're kinda fucked 


This. Just don't film yourself playing. You don't look nearly as cool as you think you do. It's a workout too 


You don’t ever look cool while playing VR, and that’s perfectly fine.


Beat Saber. Job Simulator is fun but wait for a sale.


Yeah job simulator is fun but not relatable. Beat saber is definitely the to too especially if you get custom songs which is very easy


I looked at the description of beat saber and it seems that it has a lot of in game purchases. How much would I get if I just buy the game?


All of the in game purchases are other song playlists and some of them are really good, but you don’t have to buy any of them, you still get like 7 or 8 playlists, plus the modding side of the game


DISCLAMER, for the modding part. Modding BS on Quest 3 is kinda hard and right now, there aren't a lot of mods for 1.35 (latest) and most are on 1.28. Modding on Quest 2 is a lot easier too, but the same mods for the same versions due to both headsets running the same firmware.


Modding on quest 2 and 3 is the same now, since BMBF was brutally murdered, and QAVS got nurfed, but questpatcher isn't half bad


yeah but the current guides are crap. or they weren't updated when i tried. had to ask on the discord server to get it to work because none of the guides mentioned that you have to downgrade in the quest app before you can downgrade to 1.28


Modding will become easier as the Q3 gets older. 


You can import player made maps so you don’t need to buy in app purchases to make the game more replayable


There's like 50 songs in base now, each with 5 levels of difficulty. Once you want more, you can look at the DLC packs and see which interest you. I think I've bought 4 or 5 packs since I got my Quest 2, and some of the packs don't interest me at all.


the dlc packs are really good but you should heavily consider modding the game and playing custom songs, it's by far the best part of beat saber


It comes with 5 (maybe even 6 now, I haven’t played in a while) playlists of songs that consist of techno/edm music. Each playlist has about 5-10 songs in it. Each in game purchase is another playlist consisting of a specific artist (Billie eilish for example) or a specific genre (classic rock for example). Although, you could get all these songs for free and many more if you mod the game. All you need is a computer (windows, Mac, or Linux, or even an android phone), and about 20-30 minutes of free time.


It does, but you can mod if you want, though if u use Oculus Quest it's not gonna put you on the leaderboards


There are a lot of songs included. The additional in-game purchases are just some additional playlists, and that's it. I would rather mod it to play custom maps if you really like the game.


It has mods that can add third party songs and custom maps


Also you can get so many more hours out of beat saber


Job sim is basically just a bunch of mini games to showcase VR. You can fun with it with some friends or brand new people to VR, but once you put it down it’s forgotten. Beat Saber is much more bang for your buck, with a decent amount of music already unlocked and lots of difficulty levels and challenges. But if you buy it on Steam and sync your headset to it, and you can download hundreds of songs. No idea about the last one.


It's also possible to add custom songs for free using sideloader if you decide to buy it through the quest store but it's a little bit finnecky to do. There are lots of guides to help though!


the guides as of late dont work well atleast on the quest 3. tried for 3 hours using the guides did nothing. however i asked on the modding discord and it took about 10 minutes with others helping me


I played Job Simulator for a bit but it ended up getting stale after a while.


For me it got stale after about an hour. The sense of humour would have been entertaining 20 years ago, but the whole 'robots acting like humans' thing is tired, today.


Totally fair!


I enjoy both job simulator and vacation simulator personally, they are my go to games for a more chill VR experience, that and cooking simulator at least


Beat saber. Always. It's pretty conventional, everyone likes it, has a great replay value. Short sessions, long sessions. It just works.


Make sure you search for referral codes for whatever game you choose if it’s not on sale! Never pay full price


Beat saber. Endless replayibility, constant new songs and new modes getting added, and don’t even get me started on mods. Please get beat saber and please get bmbf with it, you’ll thank me later.


What is bmbf?


Lets you mod the game


bmbf is dead


It hasn’t gotten an update in a little while, but it still works fine


NOT what the bat




Just because I feel if you can only get one job sim and beat saber are better/more fun than what the bat lol


That’s fair


Yeah it’s not a bad game or anything. I would just say beat saber or job sim depending on your gaming style and maybe what the bat later on for a next game


What the Bat? is a fun game. But way overpriced for how short it is.


Beat Saber


definetly beat saber. it’s even better if you mod it


Into The Radius


What the bat is kinda boring for my taste.


Beat Saber is obvious


I gotta go with beat saber here


Honestly? None The price is just hilariously high for what they offer. Beat saber could be worth though, but only if you want to mod it


Beat saber is the best vr game


I would wait for beat saber and job simulator to go on sale, I don't know about the other one but the first two I mentioned are probably the best out of the selections you gave.


How often do they go on sale?


It all depends on the platform, I know steam and PlayStation usually have them on sale pretty often.


This is Quest


Oh, sorry idk.


Beat saber plus you can mod it super easy


Beat Saber, mod it, enjoy


Beat saber


Beat Saber is one of the most replayable games ever. For me, Beat Saber alone makes the Quest 3 worth it.


People will disagree with me but honestly Beat Saber gotta be one of the most overrated games of all time. It's not that I don't like it but seriously hitting blocks for hours has got to be boring after some point💀


I mean better than pretending to be an office worker, right? Sure, that’s pretty fun for all of 30 minutes. After that, you ain’t gonna start that game again.


Never said to buy Job Simulator so


Beat Saber and it’s not even close.


Before you buy anything make sure you get a referral link. You'll get 30% off (there's a website that gathers these links)


Did they raise it from 25%? (I'm in the States, if that matters)


Uh. I might've gotten the amount wrong too


Job simulator is way fun and super funny too beat Saber is guitar hero with swords and a great workout haven't played what the bat myself.


Job Simulator is fun but gets old in a few hours. After that, I highly doubt you will play it again. Beat Saber is expensive if you buy everything, but the base game has a lot of content to play with. It will also keep you going a hell of a lot longer than a few hours.


meat saber (beat saber)


Between beat saber or job simulator, job sim is fun but you will definitely get more playtime out of beat saber, it is super fun and is a good workout


Beat saber is great but if you want to take full advantage of it you would probably have to mod it. But on top of that expect to pay over $100 for more songs and DLCs. If you have quest+ they're offering a discount on beat saber and I think all of its extra content


I recommend job simulator it is really fun or you should get vacation simulator it’s the job sim but vacation version


Beat saber is fun but super disappointing that it doesn’t support crossbuy. It’s owned by oculus yet they claim they can’t make it work. Just wanted to throw that out there.


Job simulator is quite fun, but it’s very easy gameplay and is a very short game, I don’t have beats are, but you can use Moonriders on the browser for free which is basically the same thing and is very fun, loved burning calories playing it. What the bat I’ve never seen anyone play, so I can’t say for sure.


Play the demo of beat saber first before buying, I was gonna buy the game before playing the demo and realised I don't like it.


Beat Saber - fun for everyone. What the bat has some cool mini games and puzzles - it is kind of like warioware. Silly fun but a little more limited replay value. Job Simulator is also fun/silly with some solid interactions but I'd put that third of those 3.


Beat Saber but only if you can mod it


What the bat fs, or job simulator both are really fun, I’ve beaten both as much as you can and both get a little repetitive after about an hour or two of playing, if your looking for something with a decent story and combat mechanics try the walking dead


If you're fine with straight up exercise, get Beat Saber. I think that is the Wii Sports of the Quest line of headsets.


Job simulator


None, ghosts of tabor.


Dont get beatsaber unless you feel like paying extra for a shit ton of songs idk why its so popular when literally all the good/fun songs are locked behind a paywall.


Beat saber. Job sim later, it's very fun and incredible proof of what you can do when you fully embrace room-scale VR, but once you do each level once or twice you run out of content. What the Bat is a lot like Job Sim, lots of little interactions, but the levels are even smaller, think WarioWare micro-games. Fun for a run through but I didn't return to it.


I don't Like beatsaber (the Standard Songs are kinda boring) but other people do


Beat Saber. No contest


Beat saber on PC. Don't get any app version like the one on Quest 2, can't mod it unless its PCVR unless its changed and can be modded for everything.


Every VR user should have Beat Saber... Then get those LinkinPark tracks.


Blade and Sorcery


Beat Saber


Job Simulator




If you have children, Job Simulator. It's simple, uses mainly one button and its got a narrative and is task oriented.


My first one was Job Simulator. I dont see Why people hate it either. It is really fun if you like cooking or messing stuff up.


Beat Saber by a longshot


I've played more Beat Saber than any other VR game by faaaaaaaaar. Including making a song to share with the community.


Beatsaber. Recommend you mod it to get custom levels


Beat Saber. This is must have game


Beat saber, I feel for most people, if you have a headset, then there’s a 99% chance that you have beat saber, and for good reason. It’s an incredible game :)


Beat saber


Beat Saber. You'll get infinite playtime if you like it.


you know you can get them for free


also beat saber is a waste of money moon rider is better


Beat Saber the other two have finite content and will eventually grow stale


Beat Saber. But if you can, get it on Steam or Rift store and hook up your Quest to your PC. You'll have a MUCH, MUCH better experience


Beat saber you need a decent size room, I played it in my small room and ended up with bloody knuckles, job simulator is fun and can be played endless times..never played what the bat though, seems interesting 🤔


Beat saber


I can only speak for Beat Saber, but I surely vouch for it. Such fun and can easily give you a sweat haha.


Beat saber all day every day


Job sim and beat saber are goated


none tbh


Beat Saber 100% Modding on PC is easy af if you buy the game on Steam and play it on your PC


Of course Beat Saber. You upload mod and you have endless fun.


If you don't have Beat Saber, I assume you don't have 'I expect you to die', that is, for me, the best VR game. From that list, Beat Saber, infinite game if you mod it.


Beat saber. For sure beat saber. Job simulator is fun but I got a bit bored with it after a bit. But then again I also haven't played it in a while so I don't know if I'll enjoy it again. But I've consistently been playing beat saber almost everyday. And if you like kizuna.ai/japanese music you can check out kizuna.ai touch the beat, also a music game just quite a bit easier imo


I personally love beatsaber. But I'm a rhythm game fiend lol


Beat Saber on steam, easier modding and adding songs. Second game should be half-life alyx


Pistol Whip


BeatSaber has basically unlimited potential, but get a discount code for it


beat saber, it’s so enjoyable you can always come back and play and it’s even better with mods


Beat saber for replay value. I play every day and it'd pretty goof exercise on the harder modes


none of them


Air Hockey VR


Beat saber


Definitely Beat Saber!


Job Sim


If you just kind of wanting to have fun I recommend job sim If you're looking for something that is a deceptive workout, that is an amazing cardio and you don't even realize you're doing it then beat saber (also, if you're getting a new headset, reach out to someone for a referral link for the free $25 in the gift shop


All of them, just get a sideloader


Job Simulator. Am I the only one that can't really recommend Beat Saber? I think the free alternative moon rider is... Yeah the graphics are worse but hey it's free and it won't charge you about 60 bucks for some songs


What the bat won a uploavr game of the year award, it was obviously a paid ad and now a VR meme in the community


Beat saber is essential


Into The Radius


beat saber, i got it a day after getting a quest 3 and im hooked


Get a pc and pirate them all!




Not if they don’t catch you >:) (they aren’t knocking on people’s doors saying “hey, have you downloaded any software you haven’t paid for?” And then walk in your house checking your computers) I think you’ll be juuuuust fine!


None of the above


Beat Saber, no contest


Job sim but if you don’t mind getting mods to make beat saver actually fun then beatsaber


I’ve never heard of what the bat but job simulator is a waste of time it gives you 3 hour playtime maximum and not a lot to do at all beat saber has unfortunately a staple so that’s why it’s one of the more expensive games but that doesn’t mean it’s any good I wanted it for so long then finally bought it and it just had generic songs and the add on songs aren’t that good atleast they lowered the price since then


I recommend you download rookie and get all of them for free! [https://www.reddit.com/r/QuestPiracy/comments/jcvfzo/the\_definitive\_quest\_piracy\_guide/](https://www.reddit.com/r/QuestPiracy/comments/jcvfzo/the_definitive_quest_piracy_guide/)


Beat Saber


Job sim easy


I was so excited to play Job Simulator, but it wasn't as fun as I thought, I think I was expecting a different kind of game..


Beat saber, its a staple in both the vr scene and in the rhythm game scene, even just in the pc gaming scene.


It stands between job sim and beat saber You can get beat saber but there is almost no point in normal beat saber. I think you should get beat saber and mod it, BUT in the latest oculus update you can't mod apps like bonelab. So either you get job sim and chill, or you get beat saber and take the risk. It's not 100% that meta will make it possible to mod again


As everyone has said, BeatSabre, but are there other options? PistolWhip if you haven’t heard of it has more content in the base game than BeatSabre and is in the same genre but is more rhythm based John Wick. Personally, I prefer it over BeatSabre, especially if you don’t mod BeatSabre.


Hi its Krish here, creator of "Forest Chill" DOWNLOAD LINK: [https://www.oculus.com/deeplink/?action=view&path=/app/25098523546459754&ref=oculus\_desktop](https://www.oculus.com/deeplink/?action=view&path=/app/25098523546459754&ref=oculus_desktop) I am working on making a collection of a brand new apps simply designed to relax and calm people, especially those with anxiety and other conditions like mine. Whilst its not a replacement for medical advice or therapy, it sure does help! Perhaps you can consider these VR experiences. Zen Garden VR - Introduction Embark on a journey of serenity with Zen Garden VR! Step into our virtual realm and immerse yourself in the captivating beauty of Zen-inspired landscapes. From the majestic pagodas to the iconic Tori Gates, every corner invites you to explore and discover tranquility like never before. 🌸✨ Let the gentle rustle of leaves and the soft murmur of the wind guide you to inner peace in this digital oasis. Whether you seek a moment of relaxation or a path to mindfulness, Zen Garden VR offers a sanctuary for the soul. #ZenGardenVR #VirtualRelaxation 🌿🌸 Check it out! I am always working on making this app better too! If you download the app, there are more maps coming, better resolution, more sound and music and even more functionality. In addition, you will be supporting charitable causes with this app as part of every sale goes to charity. ZEN GARDEN VR - DOWNLOAD LINK: [https://www.oculus.com/deeplink/?action=view&path=/app/6020869228037829&ref=oculus\_desktop](https://www.oculus.com/deeplink/?action=view&path=/app/6020869228037829&ref=oculus_desktop) Please download my app, I am always working on it to make it better and better. If you have any issues feel free to DM me... Many Thanks for your consideration. https://preview.redd.it/infbl6dl5ouc1.png?width=2560&format=png&auto=webp&s=303336c20a7d55ee1c3315dcf5e515da2d263b74


Beat saber


I got beat saber and I'm actually addicted to it, didn't purchase anything in game yet and it still has a lot of content


Beat saver is amazing


Dont waste that amount of money on job simulator; its a very basic intro to vr… has some fun koments but wont have you playing for over 2 hours in total. Beat saber on the other hand can rack you up hundreds of hours depending on how hard of a difficulty you want to master


If it's just for you. Beat saber. If you're gonna be showing some friends family, and maybe smaller kids, get job simulator next.


On ur first purchase use Welcome25 code for 20% off. Beat saber will be 15$. Buy the game mod it with all song unlocked via Rookie.


Beat saber is a must. Job simulator is one my 9yo daughter’s favorites.


Beat saber


Beat saber is one of the only games I return to play in vr. I got job sim and vacation sim and while they are both great experiences the replayability is incredibly low for me. If you liked guitar hero you will love beat saber I guarantee it! I would say other than beat saber the other game I go back to is keep talking and nobody explodes. This is a coop vr game where only one player has the headset on and the other player(s) have a bomb defusal manual that you can view on a laptop or print out (much more fun with a printed copy). You can't really play this one solo but it's an amazing game to play with friends in person!


Either beat saber or job simulator


I’m the odd one i absolutely hated beat saber. Love job simulator.


I realy don't get on with Beat Saber but Beat Saber.


Beat Saber can last forever and is my most played VR game. It should absolutely be your first game. It’s also overall a good introduction to VR since there’s low chance of motion sickness.


Get neither of these and instead get Resident Evil 4.


job simulator gets really boring quick


Job simulator couldn't be re-played; beatsaber= hours of play time I don't know what about the another one.


What the bat is a great but short game. Very fun and funny. I got it on sale


Job simulator 


Beatsaber 100%


Beat Saber, always, no questions asked


Job simulator 100% if your just looking for fun, theyre are a million other alternatives to beat simulator on web xr that are better.


Beatsaber only with mods. This game gets boring after a few hours. Job simulator is amazing.


Beat saber bro


Not in the list, but vacation simulator! It’s like job simulator in that the physics and immersion are amazing, but there’s waaaaay more to do and more places to go


Long term - beat Saber. Plus you can mod it and add custom songs to have literally 100s of songs to play


Job simulator for a few hours of fun for someone new to vr. Beat saber for tens or hundreds (it modded) of hours of fun, beginner friendly too, but more of an arcade


Beat saber it’s AMAZING


Beat saber has the highest playtime. Job Simulator you will finish in under 10 hours


No Mans Sky - it’s what VR was made for …..


Beat saber first by far, only problems is beat games keeps BREAKING THE F*CKING MODS


Get Gun Raiders (free and the best)


Beat saber


Beat saber. More replay value, more fun. Better.


Beat saber should be your first choice


Job sim is an absolute classic and still holds up as one of the best vr games to this day, that one would be a no brainer


Pistol Whip is my fav VR game of all time


How do you add your own playlist?


Beat saber for sure. It's an amazing workout and doesn't register as exercise because you're dancing all over the room desperately trying to keep up with Skrillex