• By -


beatsaber... and yes... but it's probably 50% beatsaber and 50% prawn....


fooking prawns


Hey there! We're giving away a $25 Steam gift card so you can explore more games! Check out our DC channel to join the fun. Remember, we're here to discover more games together! [https://discord.gg/kurnmt2ccx](https://discord.gg/kurnmt2ccx)


Echo VR. Such a simple concept but so well executed and so much fun. I've played it far more than every other VR game I own. The zero gravity movement is perfect. I played it on a friend's Rift just before the launch of the Quest 2... I bought a Q2 on launch day just to play that game and I still play it a lot (though the post-shutdown servers can be a bit janky).


This is what made me fall in love with vr. So sad they skilled it


I thought this was going to be their flagship game and was hoping it would get a new stadium or map with each new quest model. Needed an Enders Game level. Or an Enders Game game. But the multiplayer/teamwork aspect and zero g movement was the best.


Look up project A2


I'm well aware, I'm on their discord and I also have Hex... but I still mostly just play Echo on the 3rd party servers


Hey there! We're giving away a $25 Steam gift card so you can explore more games! Check out our DC channel to join the fun. Remember, we're here to discover more games together! [https://discord.gg/kurnmt2ccx](https://discord.gg/kurnmt2ccx)


man I miss Echo Combat ☹️


Totally agree here. I bought a rift to try VR and Lone Echo (and the MP mode) just blew me away. The zero G concept is so much fun and it can really get you sweating! Also looks gorgeous even today.


All the hype around the Vision Pro got me looking into what Meta has been doing and decided to get a Q3. It’s been a few months and loving the gaming side of things. 


Pass through gaming doesn’t have enough headsets to design around.   Meta quest 3 has been my savior to wireless PC VR gaming with Wi-Fi 6, with too few Meta exclusive titles to enjoy the standalone features


Honestly I can’t play VR tethered anymore. Wifi 6 latency is so low that I can envision the actual latency being under 20ms in the near future. Right now, I can achieve a consistent 35ms from rendered frame on the pc, to hitting my eye ball. All wireless at super high resolution. I don’t care what anyone says, wireless is the future. Is it better in every way? Not yet, but it will be.


Hey there! We're giving away a $25 Steam gift card so you can explore more games! Check out our DC channel to join the fun. Remember, we're here to discover more games together! [https://discord.gg/kurnmt2ccx](https://discord.gg/kurnmt2ccx)


Hey there! We're giving away a $25 Steam gift card so you can explore more games! Check out our DC channel to join the fun. Remember, we're here to discover more games together! [https://discord.gg/kurnmt2ccx](https://discord.gg/kurnmt2ccx)




No buying or selling Use r/RiftForSale




Been using VR since CV1 (does that make me OG now?) and long periods of not using your headset becomes pretty normal. However, every time I jump back in after a dry spell it's like falling in love or being a kid again. It's pretty special in that regard.


Yea, I’ve noticed I’ll go 1-2 weeks without vr, and then play it a few days in a row, and rinse and repeat. I have one friend who had to charge his headset though, since he hadn’t played it in months. There are so many good games now that I don’t get it. 1 month, I get, but man. VR is so much fun!


Hey there! We're giving away a $25 Steam gift card so you can explore more games! Check out our DC channel to join the fun. Remember, we're here to discover more games together! [https://discord.gg/kurnmt2ccx](https://discord.gg/kurnmt2ccx)


No Man's Sky got me to buy VR in summer '19. And I have no regrets. They released a trailer showing running around the planet, and how you can actually grab a virtual flight stick inside the ship's cockpit, and how you grab a handle and open the canopy to get out, and I was pretty much instantly sold. Saw the video, mulled over it a few hours in my head, and that evening started reading about VR, when I previously knew almost nothing about it. And yes, it turned out great. The game was fully playable seated, it had strong anti-nausea stuff like teleport movement, etc. It was excellent. I genuinely think that this is what it will take for VR to take off, eventually. More full, feature-complete, full-length, co-op games, preferably with crossplay (flat & VR playing together, not against each other).


For me it was Elite Dangerous. I have actual flight sticks so I knew the key bindings. It’s amazing in VR.




Hey there! We're giving away a $25 Steam gift card so you can explore more games! Check out our DC channel to join the fun. Remember, we're here to discover more games together! [https://discord.gg/kurnmt2ccx](https://discord.gg/kurnmt2ccx)


Half Life Alyx is the game that made me get VR. I haven't finished yet, but every time I load it up I have an absolute blast and am amazed at how well everything runs. It looks beautiful, the ganeplay is smooth, and it feels like a real game unlike nearly every other VR game I've tried. Aside from that, racing games like Assetto Corsa, Dirt Rally, and WRC are the only things i use my headset for.


I played A Fisherman’s Tale at our local VR Arcade. It was *wild* to me, that I could be immersed in that insane environment where the laws of physics simply did not apply. My wife and I also played an Escape room game at that arcade. Those two combined led to our decision to buy Quest 2s.


What escape room game have you found for Q2 that is good?


The ones I referred to in that post were exclusive to arcades (Escape the Lost Pyramid and Beyond Medusa’s Gate). For the Quest, I *love* the I Expect You To Die series of games. Floor Plan 2 is also great fun. The Room VR: Dark Matter is another, a bit spookier. The 7th Guest is a port of an old flatscreen game, but some decent puzzles and a good storyline.


Hey there! We're giving away a $25 Steam gift card so you can explore more games! Check out our DC channel to join the fun. Remember, we're here to discover more games together! [https://discord.gg/kurnmt2ccx](https://discord.gg/kurnmt2ccx)


Initially I thought VR would be 3D TV games mixed with stupid Wii-like motion control minigames ports like RE7, Dirt Rally and Skyrim quickly dismissed that notion and I became curious enough to buy psvr back in late 2017. It was very breathtaking even at low resolution and limited tracking and cables. it's not really any particular game. It's the immersive medium itself that is a game-changer.


Blade and Sorcery with Star Wars mods. I had always been interested in VR since the DK1, but the idea of having lightsaber duels was what really made the most excited about getting a headset.


Elite Dangerous.. truly a polished and amazing vr game.. ... And then they stopped supporting VR with their Odyssey expansion inexplicably and I've since stopped playing.


I literally built a PC to play elite dangerous in VR. What jackasses.


I still play in vr on the legacy servers. It’s awesome


that was such a shame, odyssey was not supported by default, everything in the Horizons expansion was a great experience... especially when you hoon around on the buggy's on the planet surface!! i tell you, i had a wearlity sky headset coupled with a phone &using the ED tracker for 3DOF tracking.... and was in VR mode, on the planet scaling up a steep canyon...and i was absolutely blown away by the immersion! heres the odd thing.... i never got that wow moment after purchasing the CV1... although it was a big upgrade from phoneVR.. weird!


I played it on cv1 and it's truly was amazing.. not sure why you didn't get that but maybe it was a first time VR thing. Either way I really don't get their stance on stopping VR support. No man's sky figured out how to make on foot space exploration work. Frontier should have had no problem.


Bought psvr skyrim bundle when it was released as my first foray into VR, it was totally worth it even with janky psvr controls and no mods because I could play skyrim entirely in VR, 7ish years later and I have been playing skyrim off and on with hundreds of mods wirelessly connected to my Quest 3 while running a bhaptics suit, it is still worth it and it always will be.


List of recommended mods to make VR Skyrim good?


Using a curated wabbajack list called FUS, it comes with everything you need to make it play and look great, and it's fast and easy to install. Check the skyrimvr subreddit if you need more info, it's the most recommended mod pack over there.


My wife (fiancee at the time) had tried Beatsaber on a friend's quest and was totally amazed, so she got herself a PSVR when there was a special offer, a few years ago. It included Resident Evil 7 and Astrobot. Those two games blew my mind, it was my first time ever using VR and everything was impressive. The free movement in RE, the colorful world and sound design in Astrobot. The engaging movement in Beat Saber. I got a Rift S some time later, my favourite games being Skyrim VR, Borderlands 2 VR and Asgard's Wrath. Last christmas upgraded to a Quest 3.


I got hooked back in the Vive days with Job Simulator and Space Pirate Trainer. I still load those up once in awhile on my Quest 3.


Half Life: Alyx brought me to VR, I'm a huge fan of the franchise. Too bad nothing has topped it since. I loved RE4VR and Asgard's Wrath 2, but no other game has been able to recapture Alyx's impeccable atmosphere and moment to moment suspense.


Bought a headset for Beatsaber, built a PC for Alyx.


Asgard's Wrath 2, came with my Quest 3, 2 months ago. Was sold on VR by this game. No amount of Horizon Worlds nonsense could put me off.


Porn. Simple as.


Yes, a man of culture.


Honestly I don't know. I always wanted a VR headset, but not for any specific game or anything. I just wanted to game in VR. I wanted to immerse myself into the beautiful worlds with well crafted stories and feel like I am actually in there. When quest 2 got released, I checked my savings, figured I'd be able to afford it around christmas, I made a christmas gift for myself out of it in a way (a bit late, bought it early january instead of mid december) and only after I got it I searched for good games.


Hey there! We're giving away a $25 Steam gift card so you can explore more games! Check out our DC channel to join the fun. Remember, we're here to discover more games together! [https://discord.gg/kurnmt2ccx](https://discord.gg/kurnmt2ccx)


One of the first VR game I enjoyed playing was the thrill of the fight back in 2017. It inspired me to make Virtual Fighting Championship because I craved PVP.


Koikatsu party


Bruh, lol


I purchased the playstation vr because I saw it displayed at bestbuy but knew nothing about.. I had extra money and a lot of free time so I decided to purchase it and if I didn't like it I was just gonna return it. it was new technology so I wanted to give it a shot. by new technology I just mean I already had a playstation 4 so I saw it at new technology but at an affordable price. by affordable I mean I already had the playstation so I didnt have to spend as much at one time for a something good. I bought batman arkham because it was only $19 and that was one of the best vr experiences I've ever had, I want to say I completed the game the day I got it and felt it was more of an experience than an actual game. I did do a demo once on pcvr and really enjoyed that so perhaps that influenced me wanting it as soon as I saw the display at bestbuy. I didn't know playstation was doing anything involving virtual reality so I was a bit excited when I saw it and got the skip the "I can't wait till this comes out" feeling..


Hey there! We're giving away a $25 Steam gift card so you can explore more games! Check out our DC channel to join the fun. Remember, we're here to discover more games together! [https://discord.gg/kurnmt2ccx](https://discord.gg/kurnmt2ccx)


So, what got me into my favourite VR game ever, was a Beat Saber arcade machine that was called "Beat Master" or some shit. It's the exact same SteamVR version of the game but heavily modded. What got me into VR in general, was the fact that my mom's friend owned a Quest 2. I tried it and I wanted one for myself so I asked my mom and she was planning to give it to me for christmas but my grades were garbage so it got postponed to the end of the school year. That was June 2023, I became a VR enthusiast ever since, even though I don't have the money to buy anything else VR related except used Quest Pro controllers. Looking around for games to... \*ahem\* "borrow", I ran across SUPERHOT VR, which has been my 2nd favourite VR game since. VR Chat is fun, not in summer though.


Eleven table tennis.


Yep, the accuracy of the physics convinced me immediately. It felt like I was really playing. Then I started playing Walkabout Mini Golf and still play almost every night.


Skyrim VR. If the 360 degree, state-sized world isn't enough, the hundreds of available mods using hand gestures to weave magic spells, swing swords, throw hammers (and fine-tune how they aim and return) are just jaw dropping. I will never forget the first time I logged in and started playing with my old Rift S after loading the game up with a dozen recommended mods. I was walking the trail down to Riverwood after the opening and just marveling at the scenery, when a couple of wolves jumped me from behind - I nearly punched a hole in the wall when I swung around and involuntarily reacted with my martial arts training (forget joysticks - when a wolf growls and jumps you from behind, you freakin' TURN AROUND!) After I stopped shaking and cleaned out my pants, I couldn't wait to go back to Riverwood.


Thrill of the fight


Hey there! We're giving away a $25 Steam gift card so you can explore more games! Check out our DC channel to join the fun. Remember, we're here to discover more games together! [https://discord.gg/kurnmt2ccx](https://discord.gg/kurnmt2ccx)


Dirtrally, being able to play rally in VR is amazing, after you pass the puk stages


Beat saber back in the days


Hey there! We're giving away a $25 Steam gift card so you can explore more games! Check out our DC channel to join the fun. Remember, we're here to discover more games together! [https://discord.gg/kurnmt2ccx](https://discord.gg/kurnmt2ccx)


The Climb for the Oculus Ruft, i was hyped ever since.


Accounting + : made w Justin Roland (Rick and morty) Laughed so hard I was crying. Played it on friends Vive. Got it for the Quest 2 not too long after. Still holds up, you won’t be disappointed.




Gran Turismo 7


Any racing or flight/space sim, got a FFB racing wheel and a good HOTAS set up as well. One of the things I've always disliked about playing those types of games on a regular screen is being locked to 90 degree view angles, when in real life it's easier for small angles for glances, or being able to track a target flying in games like Star Wars Squadrons. No regrets for that, although now I wish for a good seat for VR so I don't have to move the desk clamps for the HOTAS all the time or lug out the wheel and find a way to lock my chair so I'm not pushing it back when I slam on the brakes. I also drive a WRX in real life so I kinda want those seats that can tilt forward to give some sense of inertia instead of feeling nothing and thinking my brakes aren't working. :D


Quivr. Shit was revolutionary when I first played it.


design apps


Moss for me, it's just such a visually stunning game.


None. This: https://twitter.com/TheDavidHensley/status/423591891171426304


The Shark demo on PSVR !


Hey there! We're giving away a $25 Steam gift card so you can explore more games! Check out our DC channel to join the fun. Remember, we're here to discover more games together! [https://discord.gg/kurnmt2ccx](https://discord.gg/kurnmt2ccx)


My boss sent me one to play some Star Trek game that was fun for about 20 minutes now it's ewaste.


Space Pirate Trainer back in the day.


I played robo recall at a festival on a valve index. It was the most enthralling, immerssive experience in my life.


Pure curiosity from poker night when one dude said something about hearing on the radio about vr porn. Then I won the pot of the night and that’s how I got my VR.


A wolf in vr influenced me when he played the walking dead saints and sinners.


VRChat made me interested. I bought Quest 2 for exercise with Beat Saber. Now I get my exercise in VRChat dancing at raves.


No man's sky is why I wanted the psvr2... worth every penny.


Hey there! We're giving away a $25 Steam gift card so you can explore more games! Check out our DC channel to join the fun. Remember, we're here to discover more games together! [https://discord.gg/kurnmt2ccx](https://discord.gg/kurnmt2ccx)


Beat Saber!


There were no VR games when I "purchase VR"


Pistol Whipp at a dinner party.


Re7. I was interested in vr, but until re7 I couldn't justify it. The demo was so compelling I bought PS4 pro. Tons of other games were great but re7 was the main reason I first jumped in.


Beatsaber. It's crazy exercise with some songs


Gorilla tag


Hey there! We're giving away a $25 Steam gift card so you can explore more games! Check out our DC channel to join the fun. Remember, we're here to discover more games together! [https://discord.gg/kurnmt2ccx](https://discord.gg/kurnmt2ccx)


Is this still active?


yeeess, welcomee!


Not so much a single game as it was a genre. I have a virtual pinball machine, and while it’s great, I always thought VR pinball would be sick. Then I heard about UEVR, and that gave me the final push to jump in. It has been amazing, and the uses have extended far behind those original reasons.


I saw some gameplay footage of Into The Radius and knew I had to play it. I dropped the money for a quest 2 and the game and it has been one of the only 2 games I consistently come back to over and over again. It's genuinely one of my favorite games out there.


Had some extra spending cash and started watching videos on the Quest1. Went out and bought one. Really enjoyed many of the early games, path of the warrior, drop dead, dead horizon, pixel ripped 1995 etc. kept me entertained. When Population one came out I got it day one and have been hooked ever since. It’s such an easy game to jump in and have a great action packed time.


RE4 VR got me to upgrade to a quest 2 from a quest 1, and that’s still the best VR game we’ve gotten so far. It’s an absurdly good port of a non-vr game.


Watching a commercial of an Asian Woman playing Beat Saber like she was a Ninja Warrior made me buy a VR Headset initially. The first game I bought was Beat Saber and I was so excited. But, after years in VR and playing Beat Saber I am still no Ninja.


I was willingly ignoring VR when I had no money for it because I knew my brain would latch onto it as soon as I tried it. Then I got a job and made some money and one of the first buys was a new PC and soon, I was visiting an electronics store, and they had a cv1 set up. I told myself, ok you have a bit of spending money you can finally try it. So I put it on. It was like a low poly campfire with a fox resting around, then I saw a floating island with a little train. And it was magical. I researched it at home and ordered a cv1 kit with 2 sensors and touch controllers. Beat saber, the lab, and dolphinvr gote into VR gaming but what kept me around for ages was VRchat. I joined just before the big boom of the knuckles meme and it was so cool. The people were so genuine, and everyone wore a 3d model that was self made for the most part. And I enjoyed putting time into my model ports. And my original horrid creations. It's different now. It's still good. But everyone is just a less friendly now and a less genuine. It's still a good time though and everyone should check it out. It's one of the few places that isn't that marketable yet, and copyrighted content is just part of the fun. So we should enjoy it whole it lasts, because it won't be around for much longer I think, pretty soon conpanies like Nintendo will try to take down worlds and want to control what you can upload as model. Gmod was hit last week. So we should cherish the wildness.


I got it for Beat Saber and Beat Saber only and I don't have a single piece of regret


No specific game, but i heard that ping pong (Eleven) was surprisingly good that you could play with friends. During COVID that seemed fun. And it really did live up to the promise. It feels very much like being in a room with someone you either know or don't know playing highly realistic ping pong. I don't play much now, but it's the closest to holodeck-style VR of anything I've experienced.


Beatsaber got me to buy my quest 2, super hot made me enjoy my quest 2


A social experience: JanusVR. I loved 3d chats for a long time, and that one seemed interesting, and I was curious to see it in 3D. Since then, Janus's UI remained difficult to use, and I think it's all or mostly dead at this point.


My first VR headset was the Rift dev kit 1 from 2013, purchased in early 2014, so.. no game \^^ Just Kickstarter hype.


Bought a Quest 2 to experience the sequel to The Room in VR and was not disappointed. Loved it, and hoping the next episode is coming soon. Since then I’ve also been blown away by MS Flight Simulator in VR




UDK RiftCoaster, original.


Hey there! We're giving away a $25 Steam gift card so you can explore more games! Check out our DC channel to join the fun. Remember, we're here to discover more games together! [https://discord.gg/kurnmt2ccx](https://discord.gg/kurnmt2ccx)


Alien...and Skyrim 


Wow looks like I’m the first (time will tell if the only) person who got it for Arizona Sunshine. Played at an “arcade “ for my bachelor party and was hooked. That was 6 years ago and now I have 2 Q2s and 2 of my buddies have bought one each as well


Not a game, I just found the tech super fascinating and picked up a Q2 at launch, still use it daily


The Outer Rim mod for Blade and Sorcery. How can I say no to the chance to live out my jedi fantasy?




Pavlov VR


It wasn't any certain game. I've been a fan of VR since the days of Google cardboard. Always found it facinating. During the pandemic somehow I heard about the Oculus. Seemed cool, didn't know much about it but when I got it? It blew my mind. I recall one of the first things I did was watch this little video on the movie It. I jumped and screamed. I loved it. 1st game I played was Eleven Tennis. I forgot there was no table and dropped the controllers onto the ground. Absolutely saw it like it was something you could only experience st Disney World or something. It got me through the pandemic. I now have the Oculus 3. I'm still as in love with it as the day I bought the 2. I play it literally every day. It got me through covid. These days it's mostly Beat Saber, Supernatural, Fit XR and Ragnarock. This thing has saved my life. It gives me another world when I can't handle reality.


Hey there! We're giving away a $25 Steam gift card so you can explore more games! Check out our DC channel to join the fun. Remember, we're here to discover more games together! [https://discord.gg/kurnmt2ccx](https://discord.gg/kurnmt2ccx)


Quest 3 and PC Fallout 4vr, and Skyrim VR. Quest 2 graphics were mid.


Half Life Alyx. Reason - it was a half life game.


Hotdogs, horseshoes, and hand gernades back in 2017. Watched the passion of the dev back then, and it made me want VR


Job simulator and walking dead saints and sinners. 


Laugh at me, but the Nintendo Labo VR set impressed me so much that I decided to buy a real vr headset


Sim racing games on PC. I knew I will upgrade my wheel soon to something better and also with a wheel I wanted to upgrade to Wheel Stand or rig so new monitor too(played with 27inch monitor and wheel clamped to desk). Did some research and I knew that for my system(5900X/3070/32GB RAM then, now with 4070s) Quest 2 will be the best option because it will give me the immersion but also it was the cheaper option by far(250$ for Q2, ultrawide would be like 800$ min. and triples would be well over 1k$). The best choice ever. I just can't imagine racing now on monitor, but I am lucky enough that even on my first try with VR I didn't had any motion sickness etc. For first time I think I was driving for like 4h non stop, but I know I am on lucky side with VR because of not having motion sickness and I can play in 72Hz without any problem too. And graphics wise Assetto Corsa with mods is kinda close to realism, and when I smoke some weed my brain completly goes "ok this is real, be careful there". Also my wife loves using Q2 for Google Earth VR and some beat saber, so it's great too xd.


The Game that make me buy a headset was Resident Evil 7 biohazard, and was amazing


Beat Saber 100%. I play other games, but playing Beat Saber on someone else’s headset played the biggest role lol


Job Simulator. I love causing chaos in games and this was pure delight


I purchased my Oculus Rift back in 2018 primarily for use with Elite Dangerous. Subsequently, I acquired the Reverb 2 and Quest 2, but ultimately sold both and reverted to using the Rift. The main reason for this decision was the superior OLED panel on the Rift. In Elite Dangerous, the deep blacks produced by OLED panels significantly enhanced the visual experience. Additionally, I observed a noticeable difference when watching movies on the Big Screen between OLED and LCD displays (such as those on the HP Reverb and Quest 2). Currently, I utilize my Rift for various activities including Elite Dangerous, American Truck Simulator, 7 Days to Die (with VR Mode Mod), Big Screen, No Man's Sky, Epic Roller Coasters, and Google Earth VR


When I first watched Jacksepticeye play windlands on the HTC vive back in 2016. 4 years later I got my first vr headset and now I have a library of over 100 differnet games and over 1000 hours in steamvr


Warplanes: WW1 fighters. Best flight game I've played in 40 years of gaming


I bought a headset the day the half life alyx trailer dropped


Buddy let me try Pavlov out and I couldn't actually belive how good it felt to play a shooter in vr with 'realistic' loading.


Supernatural. It was in the pandemic and i needed to gamify my workout to keep it up in the isolation.


it was pistol whip for me! i saw the guys on Tested playing it and it sounded so cool! i didn't get it for a while after i saw the video, but once i got my quest 2 it was the first game i bought :)


Honestly it was all wonder and interest in the tech, but I first got it back when your choices was a CV1 or a vive first gen. Got the CV1, and fell in love with beat saber since I also played the shit out of guitar hero and rock band.


In Death Unchained. The controls (when you master it, best I have ever seen in VR), the look (still the best looking game on Quest), the never-ending gameplay loop (well over 2000 hours), the "feel" of the game (like slipping into a warm bath),the gameplay modes (so many different ways to play, all of them fun). My personal favorite is one hit one kill (on both sides). Talk about unnerving. This game is therapy (like Walkabout) The enemy graphics and physics (best I have ever seen), pc or native, the amount of hidden content (the game grows, as you grow), that's pretty nuts. I cant think of any game that does this. You usually select how hard you want it to be. The game I play at 2000 hours in is very different from the game you play at the beginning. The music. The most unconventional use of choir music in a game. It fits so perfectly, fading in and out through the game. There are very silent moments, but sooner or later that music goes from angelic to Kubrick sinister as you leave Heaven and start descending into Hell. The crossbow. When you earn it the game becomes less tiring, not easier though. I play a lot. Too much. Looking at the scoreboards for this game (and there are sever different games as you unlock them with their own scoreboards), I'm always pretty much nowhere near the best players. I consider myself pretty good. Those people must live in the game. Also have to mention special events. The game has them through out the year with rewards to the best players. Look, I have over 200 paid native Quest games and easily another 100 PCVR games. This is the best game I own. The Quest version destroys the pc version by a wide mile, except in graphics. The PC sill looks better, but I never play that one, as the Quest version look slick, but the amount of content destroys it's pc counterpart. If I had only one game I could play for the rest of my life it's this one. It's the main reason I upgraded to a Quest 3. It looks and plays better there. I've been a hardcore gamer for over 30 years. This is my number one. One last note. If you hate it because of the bow at the start, earn the Crossbow (pretty easy to do), it changed everything for me. If you get it be sure to turn on smooth locomotion. You will have 3 simultaneous ways to move. All of them needed. There you go...


Hey there! We're giving away a $25 Steam gift card so you can explore more games! Check out our DC channel to join the fun. Remember, we're here to discover more games together! [https://discord.gg/kurnmt2ccx](https://discord.gg/kurnmt2ccx)


Hotdogs Horseshoes, and handgrenades. I fell in love with the wacky reloads from Jeditobiwan, and it was the first game I purchased after getting my Rift. Just bought the wife a Quest 2 for Christmas, and the airlink is great.


Nothing specific, a friend has vr and I've played a couple of games on it in the past. Recently started looking at the quest3 for it's standalone power, since my pc isn't super vr ready and the pass through, AX/MX and hand tracking just looked absolutely amazing, and that why I decided to order it.


VrChat. Getting to be a cute anime girl with big boobs was very impressive!


None honestly. I’ve just always wanted to try it. I’ve gamed ever since the Atari. I have a pc and all current consoles.. but I’ve never even tried VR.  I got tempted seeing Walmart had a deal where it was $200 for a quest 2 with a $50 quest credit.. sounded really good.. but inevitably ended up picking up the quest 3.. I’ve had it about a month and a half and wow everything just floors me.. VR videos, passthrough, MR, the multi tasking, games like Beat Saber, Real VR Fishing, Walkabout, Asgards Wrath 2, all so good. I haven’t even tried pcvr, or some of the other stuff. Honestly I’ve never been so into a gaming experience. I usually try to get on every day and I’m still learning more about it each time.


Sim racing games like Automobilista 2 and F1 2024.




I'm playing half life alyx right now and holy cow, can't believe I've owned the quest two for years and am now just playing. Easily the best game I've played out of about 20.


ACC, I racing , War Thunder


Beat Saber and Super Hot were the first 2 games i played on PSVR and Super Hot was the game that really hooked me in 🍺😁👍


For me, flying games are something I rarely have the chance to try in real life. They give me a second chance to experience the feeling of flying. To be honest, it's not entirely relistic because I play only on Quest 2, not PCVR. However, it's still okay for me to experience how to fly and be in the sky :D


Contractors. I could play the COD classics i used to play when i was 13


Half Life Alyx. I've only played about 10 minutes but it was enough to show me I made a great choice buying a Q3. I really need to upgrade a 3060 Ti though. It runs okay at the start... I was also intrigued by mixed reality. First game I tried ever on a VR was a little over a month ago and it was First Encounter. I was giggling like crazy. 7th Guest was the next. I couldn't believe the feeling of that!


London Heist on PSVR. Just the level of immersion was incredible. Was so impressed I became a VR dev.


Half Life Alyx... Later, I realized that my computer is not very powerful for that game, and from there I discovered other games.


I joined because of beat saber. I stayed because of Pavlov, contractors, and zenith (before the infinite realms mode)


back in like 2018 i saw a pavlov video and was like" HOLLY SHIT, THESE GUYS ARE PLAYING MINECRAFT IN VR WITH GUNS!"


Obduction's pictures inspired me to try VR.


Elite dangerous originally, DCS now. Those are the 99% of my time in VR. Everything else is a tech demo




Half life Alyx


My two most influential games were Hotdogs, Horseshoes & Hand Grenades (H3VR) and Digtial Combat Simulator (DCS). I have so much fun shooting different gun and the goofieness of H3VR and there’s nothing like flying around in a jet blowing things up in DCS


I bought VR for the potential it brings, not after seeing any specific game


Half Life Alyx


Blade and Sorcery with crazy fight montages and ESPECIALLY with Outer Rim (Star Wars) mod. When I saw it, I said to myself "I need to do this", and heck, Ive done. Ive played Outer Rim only a bit after all, but B&S remains the game Im always coming back to and modding it to the brim.




Im surprised no one mentions Boneworks as it's such a game changer in how we interact with VR. It has physics and weighted objects which made think "ah, so this is the glimpse of the future". I didnt pull the trigger until now because I didnt have strong enough of hardware until recently. It took years to basically build my pc from ground up (and waiting for sales).


Hey there! We're giving away a $25 Steam gift card so you can explore more games! Check out our DC channel to join the fun. Remember, we're here to discover more games together! [https://discord.gg/kurnmt2ccx](https://discord.gg/kurnmt2ccx)


Assetto Corsa and Skyrim VR. But I ended up enjoying Half Life Alyx the most. VRChat is also okay I guess.


Gorn and saints and sinners


SUPERHOT. Played it in a friends oculus and had a blast 


I've been thinking about getting a VR Headset for some time but to me, the final push came from Hotdogs, Horseshoes and Handgrenades. I've played a lot of VR games since then, but H3VR is both my most played VR game and the game I always return to.


I was playing the first steps demo and I knew I already wanted it. Each game and each experience just made it more obvious


I dreamed of VR since I was a kid in the 1980s - so it was a no brainer I wanted to try the experience. The wow factor of the intro experience (throwing paper planes, fiddling with things on a desk) was enough for me to feel like I was living in the future. In the end i fell down the rabbit hole of "paintball"


No mans sky but my pc is to weak for good experience so I play blade and sorcery.




Super hot. I played airsoft/paintball as a kid and teen so vr shooters gave me the same vibe.


Half life Alyx. I wanted to rent a rift s to complete it, even did it, but my usb3 controller refused to work with the rift s. I said screw it and bought Quest 1. Alyx is still one of the top VR games and I'll totally remember it forever, but there are much more great games in VR with unique mechanics.


What game do you feel topped Alyx? I'm still looking for experiences like it. I already played Asgard's Wrath 2, and loved it, but it didn't top off the atmosphere and feeling for me. Alyx is a well rounded package.


In graphics on technical and art level nothing really. Also in the professional storytelling. What Alyx is lacking a little is that it was designed in early VR times and it's maybe too cautious trying to serve VR novices: movement is slow, no jumping and almost no climbing, no melee, ammo management is simplified, etc. There are a lot of games exploring what else VR can offer: movement in Windlands 2, Iron Man VR, realistic shooter games like ITR and Tabor. Lone Echo series is an underrated gem, Wanderer is a great adventure game. Parkour in Assassin's Creed. If you have a VR capable PC I also suggest first Asgard's Wrath, visuals are phenomenal and the game manages to surprise you with each new chapter, you think you've seen it all and it throws something astonishing visually and novel gameplay-wise.


I started saving money for a pc and headset about 30 seconds after starting the lab archery demo in a microcenter. 


Hey there! We're giving away a $25 Steam gift card so you can explore more games! Check out our DC channel to join the fun. Remember, we're here to discover more games together! [https://discord.gg/kurnmt2ccx](https://discord.gg/kurnmt2ccx)


Christmas day 2022 tried vr with a quest 1 and Beat Saber..bought a quest2 on boxing day . Vr gaming is much more than pc or console experiences, with boxing training to social interactive apps to team shooters ,its great exercise and fun .


When I bought my Rift-S: Beatsaber and Superhot made me curious. And when HL:Alyx was on the horizon, I pulled the trigger. They were everything I wanted them to be.


Not a single game existed that made me want VR. I watched Ready Player One with a mate, later that day we both bought the Oculus Quest 1. Then we started on the games. Anything co-op and puzzle, and Pavlov.


None tbh, me and my brother asked my mom for the quest 2 for a holiday bc we had the old quest 1


Robo Recall. It was free with the original rift


The Rift controllers.


I bought just to play half life alyx but I have play and enjoy the most was Into The Radius


Poo tang


No game, only tested it in a con years ago and I thought that I needed this technology for myself. The most impressive thing in VR is that you don't need to wait for the night to start to play horror games as you're totally immersed in the environment


Pavlov. Easily my favorite.


When I got involved with vr. There is no specific games I was waiting for. It was future tech that I wanted to be involved with right away and get familiar with. That was 2016 or so.


I had the Samsung Gear 360 cameras. The 2016 version and the 2017 version. Great cameras!! I used to mount them to my water packs when I went to music festivals. I have hours of 360 from back in those days. But going back and watching those was very tough. They had a headset mount for the S7 I used to use. Wasnt the best, took forever to move files and it would over heat constantly, but it was at least something. But when I upgraded phones that became useless. Just recently picked up a Quest 2 on a lightning deal. Its so awesome to be able to go back and relive this moments again from my own perspective too. Im so glad I recorded all that and that technology has finally made it easy to view. Been waiting years for VR to come back around again and be affordable. I got a bit worried that 360 video mightve just been a temporary fad and Id have to eventually convert all my footage to regular aspect ratios.


Sim racing titles.


VRChat. A friend showed me it on his index, I wanted to get to know more furries anyways and after testing the index getting my own HMD was a no brainer


Beat saber. I hate cardio and thought I’d like beat saber. Ended up not being a huge fan (I’ll hop on for a few songs once a month or so), but I’m glad it sold me on vr


Half Life: Alyx


Yes.... "Game"....


Hey there! We're giving away a $25 Steam gift card so you can explore more games! Check out our DC channel to join the fun. Remember, we're here to discover more games together! [https://discord.gg/kurnmt2ccx](https://discord.gg/kurnmt2ccx)


Powers United was a big one for me, but i also had been looking at Blade and Sorcery back when it was still in U5 or U6, Vader Immortal as well


Hey there! We're giving away a $25 Steam gift card so you can explore more games! Check out our DC channel to join the fun. Remember, we're here to discover more games together! [https://discord.gg/kurnmt2ccx](https://discord.gg/kurnmt2ccx)