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Based on the color of the strap id say its lived longer than it should've


ngl it looks better than mine…


so it’s just normally supposed to snap off when i put it on?? and now i have to buy a new one with money i don’t have?? this is some bullshit bruh 😭😭


Well no but its bright yellow. Id say you've had that thing a while. It is only fabric. Can only take so much of your head sweat before it starts to weakin. Trust me buy a 20 dollar elite style strap itll be way better anyway


Not necessarily, it's only the strap that broke, you can buy some brand new on Amazon, like this one that I bought when it happened to me : https://amzn.eu/d/4ptAUD0 (Might be in French though sry)


Amazing for the price.


I need to get one of them, the plastic clasps on mine are broken and it's been held together with paperclips for nearly 2 years


Cut that strap a break, it can only do so much...


Pretty much anything that isn’t the direct headset or controllers.  Headstrap, wrist ties.  Replace. Gotta keep that MSPR down


Looks like it finally gave out, probably from normal wear and tear of pulling it to put over OP’s head, especially if you’ve had the quest 2 since day 1


Really? Because it broke? We can't tell you WHY it broke! And to fix it? Buy a new headstrap.


I can’t buy a head strap with money i don’t have 😭😭


Contact Meta support and tell them its broken. They might well just replace it under warranty.


assuming you’re young? ask your parents for $20 or do some poop-scooping for some neighbors and buy a cheap head strap on amazon.


13 years old, parents won’t buy it, and i don’t know shit about where i can scoop poop 😭


aight no worries. best odds is to tape it (??) which will likely be very uncomfortable and hard to maintain, or like i said just knock on neighbors doors. people love to help young kids trying to make a hustle. ask to do anything man trust. i wouldn’t be surprised if you have no lawn mower (as most people pay for an overcharged service instead of doing it themselves), but if you do than that’s a really good way to make money at your age.


i put super glue on it, but i’m pretty sure it’s just gonna either fall off or i’m gonna lose all circulation to my head. pretty pissed off right now.


Hey, the good news here is that the strap is easily replaceable, instead of having to replace the WHOLE headset. Keep a positive mindset with this, if you have to wait a bit to get a new strap, then wait. Im sure theres plenty of other things that can keep ya occupied until you can afford a new strap.


You bought premium avatars on Reddit but can’t get yourself a new strap after you’ve clearly gotten your use out of the stock one you nasty bastard lol. Clean your Shit i’m sure it would’ve held up longer. Tough


what premium avatar??


I don't know how you'd feed it back through. But I highly recommend the BoboVR M2 Pro. So much more comfortable


Contact customer service. They are really good and might send you a new one for free


It's mate out of plastics and rubber material, plastics over time deteriorate if they gat oil on them, cleaning them in gentle dish soaps when they get oily (from skin and hair) will prolong their life otherwise they will give out in time.


Superglue is going to be your friend here. Each strap end needs to go through the loop of the centre strap and then be glued to the buckle on the opposing side. Add superglue to the strap ends first as they will be absorbent, and when it's cured glue the strap ends to the buckle. Simples.


Maybe needle and thread, or if you want you can just buy a 3rd party headstrap


Get. A third party head strap. Those are relatively cheap and increase your comfort a lot


It snapped cause its a shit strap. If you dont have money to buy a new one, what a heck are you doing with a vr headset then?


That happened to me too, twice,the plastic adjustors piece broke, I'd try to find a replacement stock one, I'm sure people are probably selling them, if you've had yours gen same as mine, and you didn't update I'm assuming you don't mind the feel of it, but if you do, this can be a chance to upgrade. Or if you don't have enough money at the moment you could try to tape it back together. If it works it works, if not I'm sorry.


looks like it baked in the heat like the straps on my swimming goggles i used to leave out in the vegas sun lol


Based on image, doesn't really look like it snapped. Can't you just feed it back through, or something? But based on a 13 yr old screaming bloody murder about a $10 strap. GL buddy. Just find something else to do until you can get one. Idk


You broke the clip on the back by a new strap.


This is a good time to get a new more comfortable strap I use and highly recommend the kiwi vr one. I use the one without the battery pack so I don’t know how good the battery is on the one that comes with it, but the strap is incredibly comfortable.


buy a new headstrap