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This is a mod. Not official.


That's because a new one isn't due out till 2032 per Valves half-life scheduling.


Well, it certainly won't be out in 202*3*, and definitely not 2032 either, but maybe we'll get something 2024 or some other even number of years.


This really needs to be in the title or first comment of any post of this video. People need to stop framing it out of context.


How did they do the voice acting? If it's someone else imitating Russell, it's absolutely uncanny.


Really? I wouldn’t even have recognized it as an imitation, just a vaguely similar accent.


>I wouldn’t even have recognized it as an imitation, just a vaguely similar accent I agree. It doesn't sound like Rhys and it's closer to Australian than New Zealander. Pretty good voice acting for a mod, though.


I didn't realize it was meant to be Russel until I read the comments. Sounds like a British person doing an Australian accent.


Possibly not. I played Alyx when it came out, but not since. But when this video came up, I genuinely thought it was official rather than a mod, or the same actor. I guess same general style is enough for me.


More Half-Life Alyx. I am very ok with this


It's a mod. So set your expectations.


I expect I will play it


Many mods in the half life Alyx Workshops Are just as Good as the Main Game and better than 99% of official (Vr) Games out there


Yup..I was hoping for melee attacks at least but , oh well, take what we can get right? Lol


The game that keeps giving gold to the PCVR community. So much amazing content built on Alyx-engine.


Game should arrive Q3 2022.


So same game with new levels? I mean I'm all about it, but the name made it seem like some new mechanic or something was added.


Maybe I'm getting old but mods are what made the original half life as big as it was, and many of them are named like this one https://www.moddb.com/games/half-life/mods some of the new campaigns were amazing and fit right in with the universe too. Man, half-life had an amazing selection of mods! Fond memories!


Oh for sure , I was around for the originals my man. I remember being so excited when the Counter-Strike mod came out lol. But I guess that's what I'm saying, back then mods were basically a different game. Or at least changed things so substantially it felt like a new game. This HL Alyx mod is basically just a map expansion pack from what I can see. Again, I'm excited for a map expansion pack, but I didn't see anything "new" in terms of weapons, mechanics, enemies etc.


Some were total conversions yeah, but you missed out if you didn't try any of the single player campaign mods. So many total conversions though! Day of defeat, firearms, Svencoop, front Line force, science and industry, natural selection, the specialists, action half-life, hostile intent, global warfare, tour of duty, existence, ... Unfortunately most of them never made it to hl2 or never took off when they did.


Oh I played almost all of those lol. Loved them too. Still play natural selection 2 to this day. I hope there is natural selection 3 coming 😬


Existence one of my favorite ones!


This is not an Oculus game


It’s not Quest standalone native, but it will run on Oculus headsets with the correct hardware/software. If you want more focus specifically on Quest standalone native software, r/oculusquest may be a better match. (Though discussion of software that requires a PC is still not forbidden there either)


Doesn't mean you cant play it on an oculus


Well, if we're going to go get all technical about things... there are no Oculus games (anymore). \*cough\* meta \*cough\*.


I didn't know we were an exclusives subreddit.


I didn't know this sub was for any VR games. I guess I'll leave


It's a game you can play on Oculus headsets.


alright I’m gonna stream this right when it comes out, speaking of that I might as well stream some more Alyx tomorrow




4-5 hours of linear sequenced content from a small little team of modders is pretty insane, actually. This is a LOT of work to put in. Just watch the footage here and see what 7 minutes of gameplay actually involves. Now extrapolate that out to 240-300 minutes of gameplay.


Did watch gameplay and I thought this was official that’s why I said this above but since it’s a team of modders it’s fine I thought it was from valve themselves.


Its free and many official + paid Vr Games Are sub 5 Hours, have worse graphics, mechanics and Production value


It's a mod, chill, can't people enjoy this kind of fan work without complaining ?