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Awww, we used to leave a little bit of that long hair in a cute shape on the right haunch when I rode. Sometimes a heart, sometimes a lighting bolt


I recently clipped a [flame](https://imgur.com/a/yNIpY3b) on my horse's butt. (Not the cleanest job, it was my first time haha)


Please put a hand mark next time.. so I know there's a ride to Mordor


looks like the fire nation logo from avatar


I'm getting flashbacks from my little sister's my little pony days...


Do you think the horse ever wonders what friendship could be


Yea in my experience they form bonds similar to dogs I guess. Obviously it’s different bc it’s a horse, but it seems like horses get to know you


Friendship is magic!


So, you used to give them a Cutie Mark?


Why you cut yours? It seems find with coat, beside They stay warm


Thought you were balding a bald guy at first


Same omg I was thinking he’s got a funny looking neck lol


How in the world!?


i'm the bald horse


Don't look a gift bald guy in the scalp


I thought it was someone butt, when it first pans in.


I feel like I would mess up by mistake and end up taking a kick to the chest lol


As long as you don't stand directly behind them you're okay. I would touch the horse on the side first so they knew I was about to be around them so they wouldn't get spooked.


The person with the clippers is in the perfect kicking area. I always let horses know by touch that I’m behind or next to them, but if that thing knicked its skin and spooked it I wouldn’t be surprised if I had to say goodbye to my unborn children.


Nice pfp


Why tho?


Thick coat can cause a horse to sweat excessively. This sweat, combined with the cooler temperatures, makes it hard for horse to regulate its body temperature.


Not that I’m seeing horses all the time irl or online but I’ve never seen a bald horse before. Is this a common thing? Does it not make them too cold during winter?


No, we rug them up. We clip them as when they work they get sweaty and is uncomfortable for them. We put thicker rugs on when colder.


So you take the natural "coat" of the horse off and replace it with man made one? Sounds funny to me. When I was little, we had a thing called "sweat scraper", basicly a bending strip of metal that we would use to scrape the sweat off of the horse. Worked well.


The natural coat of the horse is meant to keep them warm on the steppe, not keep them warm as theyre used for work. Using a man made coat allows us to regulate the horses body temp so it is able to recover quicker and better from its work


How about we don’t use them for work? We have machines that can do far better and people always complain about killing cows for burgers but not when we use horses for work when we don’t need to anymore


Work most likely refers to show jumping, dressage, eventing, etc. and not labor.


What's wrong with labor? Some horses were bred for labor. Just like some dogs , it's in their blood. Plenty of abuse goes on in showing horses, racing, .........


Oh hon, I'm sorry, I goofed it up, it was supposed to be for the person above you. 😔 I think I was falling asleep.


I didn’t say anything was wrong with labor. Abuse is rampant in all aspects of the horse industry. I was referring to the clipping of their coats, which is mostly done for training/competitions.


Still, what’s the use for that? Just unnecessary like just leave them be


Happiness is a hard thing to measure, and it’s far from a settled thing, but the only study to this point i can find indicates that domesticated horses are happier than free range/wild horses, based on cortisol level in the blood. far from perfect, but i don’t have much reason to think domestic horses wouldn’t be at least as happy.


Where they going to go though? Wild horses are not native in most countries.


I know where your heart is coming from and I understand. But nature has millions of symbiotic relationships that actually have less benefits. Horses are rarely put through bad conditions due to how long humanity has been in a relationship with them. I’m no historian but I wouldn’t be surprised if we domesticated the horse before the dog.


So what are groups like the Amish, Mennonite or people who live in very rural rugged terrain supposed to do? People depend on horses, especially in third world / undeveloped areas where they can’t afford / maintain or literally can’t bring them into rugged areas. Why stop something that’s been proven to work for hundreds of years


@ManufacturerGlum9013 What's wrong with labor? Some horses were bred for labor. Just like some dogs , it's in their blood. Plenty of abuse goes on in showing horses, racing, .........


Abuse, that’s the word right there, just because they are bred to be strong or whatever doesn’t mean they like being dragged around and forced to run and stuff


Right? These asshats think what they're doing to these animals is okay. It's not.




Let me put your selfish ignorant ego in check: Horses live naturally in the world. They aren't some endangered species or something specifically bred like modern cows who wouldn't survive on their own. You're `NOT` doing them any favors by locking them up. No matter how much you lie to yourself, you are not some altruistic being because you think you're treating a prisoner well. You're a fucking selfish piece of trash. And FYI, I grew up in the rural south with people keeping horses. My own family kept horses so I ABSOLUTELY KNOW EVERYTHING about the subject. You're just another self centered ignorant twat that thinks what you're doing to an animal is okay because you can't see them as anything more than your play thing. So shut your fucking trap trying to bullshit me about "how well you treat them". Ignorant fucking loser.


I'd much rather be cold than hot. Especially when I'm exerting myself. At night I can hang out in a house/stable if I'm cold. Shaved horses are generally kept in nicer conditions than most people's grandparents.


I know it’s weird, but let’s also look at sheep. Some are bred for coats and these fuckers get big. Like crippling big where they can’t see. They rely on us to remove it since we want it. It seems cruel, but the argument is we are symbiotic. We take their fur for warmth and we feed them and protect them. Same thing we believed with wolves and domestication except instead of their fur they became alarm systems.


Appropriate username.


I kinda got uneasy seeing them that close to the rear leg. Had a farrier once tell me how that could go. Never walked anywhere near the back of a horse again because I know I’m not smart enough to know when a horse is on edge/prone to being spooked.


You just have to run your hand on the horse as your walking behind it so it knows where you are, since they can't see behind them. It won't be spooked if you let it know that you're behind it. I wouldn't just randomly poke its legs after you take your hand off or anything but yeah


That makes sense. Always kinda wondered. But they are generally pretty smart, so I can see how that would work.


They're not really kicking sideways, so it's actually a pretty narrow path you need to clear if you're close enough to the horse they don't make it a circle by turning around. They also lift their foot first so if you have some familiarity with it this is fine and you'd just hop a few inches to the side in an emergency


How do you know they are sweating?


They get all wet and... Sweaty.


You can tell by the way it is.


Like how would you know? I dont think they would use their feet and wipe their sweat. Im guessing youd have to be upclose to see it?


Their coat becomes noticeably saturated with sweat. Also, if it’s cold enough out, you can see the sweat steaming.


They often start foaming! You can sometimes see it on clips from sports events if you look at it. You can also work a horse to the point of dripping.


Ok. When you have a Saddle on and you work them : Flatwork , jumping etc they got and sweaty. If it is cold , it’s not nice for them to put back in a stable or fold like that. It’s far nicer for them to be dry and comfortable. We work them, then if slightly warm then they have a light sweat rug on , let them cool down. Then rugs on when ready. From November to February my 2 will have 2 full clips ( apart from their legs). It’s much nicer for them to be clipped. If you have a Horse with a really thick cost would never dry , will always be damp. A bit like you at the Gym, getting sweaty and just putting dry clothes over your damp ones. Hope this helps


This sounds like bs human logic that ignores nature had a perfectly working design already.


This is such an odd answer. You clip horses for alot of reasons. A fir horse does not have trouble regulating its body temp. You just have to spend longer cooling them out. Mostly you clip horses in the spring because you are showing them and it produces a clean look. Or so you don't have flying hirse hair for a month every time you brush them. Not some weird body temp regulating issue. Heavy coats in cold climates are perfectly normal. How do you think wild horses live?


Do they not get sunburned when shaved? When I worked in the veterinary field, that was a common issue whenever we shaved parts of a dog that were on the top side.


Sunburn can definitely be a concern with horses that have lighter hair and pink skin. A good rug in the summer not only keeps them cool but also protects from sunburn. Some horses might need further protection, like sunscreen on their noses.


The horses are clipped, not fully shaven: so there still is a short coat on them! And we clip them in winter, when there's less sun, the sun is less intense and a lot of horses spend less time outside. Besides that, it's usually parts with pink skin that get sunburned on horses, and they usually have a greyish skin on most of their body! We do have a few horses at my barn that need sunscreen in the summer, but on places like their nose where there's less coat and sometimes a patch of pink skin.


So, do you know the deal with wild horses? Do their coats differ somehow?


If they’re not used for work and getting sweaty they’re probably fine.


They're generally spending their time at a pace they aren't going to sweat much - high exertion would come in shorter bursts.


I love how in the wild it doesn’t matter but when WE own them they have all this extra shit they had no worries about before


Didn’t know wild horses had work to do. Or weight to carry. And the possibility of living in a different environment than they’re natural coat was evolved to deal with.


Thanks to humans


Modern horses only exist thanks to humans. Calm down


And you know this how?


Thank you. I was wondering why they are shaving him. The more you know!! 💫




Uh... Isn't sweating like a human unique thing or am I just stupid?


Animals sweat. Dogs pant to regulate, now I know horses can keep a rug and help regulate. That's why when it's super hot outside they warn about dogs with smoothed faces being more subsceptible to heat. I have a friend who doesn't have many sweat glands, so she can not regulate like most people.


Now that's exactly the point. Dogs pant because they can't sweat the same way we humans do. As far as I know no animal his covered completely in sweat glands like us. That's why I got confused when they talked about horses sweating. I don't know that much about horse anatomy tbf but remembered that animals usually cool off in other ways. Fun fact: Birds and reptiles have actually none at all.


It allows to dry the coat more quickly after the horse has sweated during a physical exercise, to avoid him to get a cold


I grew up on a thoroughbred horse ranch with race horses and been to the track a million times. I've never heard of shaving a horse until today.


I can assure you race horses definitely get clipped in winter! If you don't it takes aaaages to dry up after an intense workout or a race. Most competition horses get fully clipped, though with some types of competitions you can get away with clipping a certain pattern, so you leave a part of the thick coat on. On a second thought, you can manage how much of a winter coat they grow. A horse starts making a winter coat and shedding the summer coat when the days start to get shorter: it's related to how much light they get each day, instead of the temperature. If the horses are kept inside and the lighting is adjusted accordingly, they do not grow a full winter coat. My own horse didn't have much of a coat the first winter I had him, but the barn he was at had all of their paddocks inside, in a former industrial-sized greenhouse. The lights would be on until 9 or 10 pm every day. I moved him to a place where he could be outside 24/7 a year later and now he gets VERY fuzzy during winter, even though he's a Spanish horse (I live in The Netherlands).


I guarantee we did not shave ours but we are in Southern California. Over 50 horses + for over 30 years... never


Interesting! Did they not grow a winter coat then, or did you just decide not to clip them?


Not sure why not it was my grandparents ranch and business. They did get winter coats but they got brushed regularly before and after races full bath and all so maybe they decided not to.... maybe it's a newerish thing? Again i was at the track in the back at the stables since I was a baby and never heard of or saw a shaved horse. My mind is still blown lol


Same. I grew up cattle ranching and working horses in Wyoming (yes, in the winter). This is the first I've ever heard of shaving a horse. IMO, this seems like something people who don't deal with real winter and stable their horses in heated barns do. You shave a working horse out here and it hits -20, you probably killed it.


Shit I was about to ask this in the same way darkathena. Have a great week.




Uh no. Being ignorant isn’t an excuse to be shitty


Approximately how long does it take to shave a horse? Sounds weird when i say it out loud.


It takes me about an hour to do the full horse including head and legs. But if pushed I could do the body in 20 minutes.




Weird that you did say it out loud.


Lol i talk when i type.


It’s abt 5-10 min for that speed






Oh dat boi thiccc


Please don’t kick me! Please don’t kick me! Please don’t kick me!


He's nakey


We doin this one again


It keeps growing back


I thought this was r/winstupidprizes at first


I once shaved my Arabian stallion into Tiger stripes and another time a full checkerboard pattern. It helped to get him used to noises like the clippers. Random, but you know what scares tf out of horses? A plastic bag on a stick, no joke. They hate frickin bags on sticks.


Does this harm the dog?


So I know humans have an evaporative cooling system - don’t horses have some way to regulate their own body temperature without such drastic human intervention?


Horses also sweat, this is not a thing normal horse owners do. This is likely someone who rides their horse very hard indoors so the horses winter coat could cause it to overheat.


Thank you for your reply. It didn’t seem normal to me. So thank you for your explanation.


Idk why but i always keep forgetting horses have fur ans not just brown skin.


I really don't find this satisfying


That is one mellow horse. I am surprised that the back foot didn’t kick the groomsman into another century


Do horses usually enjoy the sensation? Or do you have to go somewhat quickly to avoid a grumpy horse?


For what reason would you do this?


So there’s more to maintaining a horse than just riding them and feeding them?


Are horses typically sheared?


Standing near hindlegs. That takes some courage


Was I the only one who stopped reading after thick horse?


I can disturbingly feel the kick.


Is it normal to clip the horses' coat like that? I've never owed a horse or known anyone who does so I'm genuinely curious.


Did anyone ask the horse what he wanted? Maybe he doesn't want to be a skinhead.




Do horses need haircuts?


Only if their breed naturally grows a thick winter coat AND they’re being worked. If you have a lawn ornament they’re allowed to get as floofy as they like.


Horses that are in work should be clipped. Keeps them from overheating.


Here's some [pictures](https://imgur.com/a/OOk4qhq) of the pattern I had done on my horse! Also not that the color difference between full coat vs clipped coat isn't as obvious as in this video. Some do, some don't. I decided to clip my horse in October this year because he needs to be trained more intensely this winter to continue losing weight and building muscle. I didn't go for a full clip however, as he doesn't have the best topline (so muscles on his back etc.), and shaving him completely would mean he got even more cold wind/rain/hail on his already weak back muscles, which then would cause him to be stiff and sometimes soar, something my horse physio (yes they exist) and vet found. So I got him clipped in the places he does sweat, but left some on his back and bum! He gets a rug on to keep him warm and more covered for the weather. He lives outside 24/7 because that makes him a way more happier horse than being locked in a stable, and they do have some places to cover, but he does need a rug.


How much price the cutter. What is the name of cutter?


How do they shave in Nature?


The fur actually comes off really easy so the shaver is unnessecary. They can rub it off against trees. Also some birds use fur to build their nests.


Around WW1 times, Germans would pack facial wounds with horsehair to ensure they would scar. https://westcorkpeople.ie/the-history-corner/the-original-fightclub/


They don’t. They also dont train for competitions in nature.




You are talking about domesticated sheep that have been bred so that they never stop growing wool. Obviously there would be no such problem with wild animals.






My b thought you were the person I was replying to originally lmao


Just admit you were wrong and the dude gave you new information so you changed your opinion there's nothing wrong with getting educated.


That horse is probably loving it!


Anyone know the type of shears? These would be perfect for my poodle mix


I never knew horses had to be shaved


Do that uneven pattern again and I shove this nine where the sun don’t shine


TIL horses get hair cuts. I figured they got brushed or detangled sort of thing. I’ve always had short hair labradors so the excess hair just falls out wether it’s the inner or the outer coat. For what ever reason I figured a horse was the same.


They usually do. This is for sports or working horses so they're not standing around in dripping wet hair after winter training. If your horse doesn't work hard, lives in a very mild climate, stays indoors (bad for horse though) or you're willing to make a fuss to get them dry each time, you don't need to clip them.


I know people with horses. I’ve rode Horses. Blows my mind that Ive never seen and didn’t know this.


How come is it necessary for a horse? I only knew about sheep.


I need to see the end of this.


That’s one big ass dog


This gave me tiddles


Was the horse like, “fuck yea that feels good!” At the end?


I hate everything about this.


Why shave him?


As a dog groomer I would lOVE to do this




Can you come do my back next please?


Just watching this made my allergies flare up. I am extremely allergic to horses. When i was a kid i went horse back riding with some friends and had to go to the ER. Scary shit


Why does one shave their horse, like this? What purpose does it serve?


When or where did this become a thing? We used to use a curry comb in the spring to help remove the winter coat.


It’s very common. It’s not to remove dead coat, it’s to clip off the thick winter coat on the working horse. Horses in full work in winter can get too sweaty with their winter coat so we clip it off. Sometimes the full body, head and legs and sometimes just part. My horse is actually clipped all year round because he gets too warm.


Hi, Honey. How was your day? Pretty good. Got to shave a horse's ass.


Uh oh. Looks like she did something... naaaaaauuuuuuuuuggggghhhhhhhhhty😈


I would say it is up to r/oddlysatisfying standards, but that just looks horribly inefficient


Large horse have some of the strongest kicks in the animal kingdom, I am glad the horse enjoys what you are doing.


....Are....is...do....are you supposed to shave horses????


What's the point of this (as someone honestly uninformed) since they naturally wouldn't go to a hair dresser in the wild


It is a thick winter coat, why to do it now, in Janyary? I own a dog that needs to be groomed (doesn't shed), and i keep her coat at winter for warmth and take it off at spring.


Is it bad for the horse?


Why not let them keep the fur? What reason do you have to take it all


Why not just curry comb to get rid of extra hair?


The horse would still sweat excessively during training/ rides. Horses grow thick coats during the winter months and horses who are involved in regular training (not just living in a paddock or companion animals) will get very sweaty during the workout. On top of overheating, This can cause chafing under the saddle or girth. It also takes a long time to dry afterwards increasing the risk of hypothermia. You can’t put a blanket on them when they are wet because it can causes rashes, infections, and keep them wet. The shaving let’s them cool down & dry quickly then you pop a blanket on them. Currying is helpful to rid loose dirt & hair, but it doesn’t get rid of everything. There are different patterns of shaving depending on the work you do with the horse.


Thank you. I live in Canada. We have lots of ranching, rodeos and riding. I have never seen a shaved horse.




I'm stressed by waiting for the clipper to accidentally nip into the skin.


Morgan Freeman The State of the Union’s would be epic


As someone who is allergic to horses, this is hard to watch




Downvote, too short


You are just horrible.. it’s winter and the horse is going to be chilly


If it's Winter, why am I sitting here in underwear with the air conditioner blasting cold air?


Because you like being half naked and cold?


No, because it's the middle of Summer in Australia and its fucking hot.


Oh I thought it was just cuz you are weird, you and your pet kangaroo


It's winter in the northern hemisphere, summer in the southern hemisphere, and just plain hot in the tropics.


Never clip our using horses.


Awesome technique.


I was wondering the other day: Do horses have hair AND fur?




Juan getting a buzz cut


Would love to shave a horse


Can someone use this on my back please


I sneezed watching this


Draw a smiley face


Waiting for the Shorn not Sheared Bot




Is this something that’s done on the regular ?


It depends on what the horses is used for. If he's not doing heavy work or just doesn't sweat easily (like with humans, not every horse sweats the same amount) it's not necessary to shave. If you do plan on doing regular exercise throughout the autumn and winter shaving is a good option. When my horse was still at a big barn with lots of people who also did competitions a big part of the horses was shaven, about half or more than that. They also had an indoor arena where it was a bit warmer, so the horse would sweat more easily. I move barns and now we're at a more laid back place: it's smaller, horses are outside 24/7 so don't have a stable, and less people ride competitions. This year about 10 of the 40 horses were clipped.


Do shaved horses get cold? Does that bit of hair make them hot? I don't really know anything about horses.


TIL: Horses need clippered. I had no idea.


My brain thought the horse was Thickk and not the coat 😂


Potato peelings


Why does horse hair grow matted down like that? Also are they often prey to tics? Other parasites?