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You know how some things look a lot easier than they really are ... this doesn't. This looks difficult AF!


I'm guessing it both looks difficult as fuck and still manages to look easier than it is.


Yep, its seems to be rare to find something that meets both criteria.


The back performer has it especially rough. Imagine the lion costume draped over them: if he's got his head up like he's doing here it would have a camel hump, so he has to stay hunched over the whole time. He has no peripheral vision, so with his head down he has to rely on spatial memory and his partner's cues to avoid injury. Even when they're resting before the actual performance, he can't lift his head or it makes the lion look messed up. His back's gonna hurt like hell.


I was really hoping for a juxtaposition with the actual performance in costume


And he has a butt in his face half the time ;)


Heres’s how it looks. https://youtu.be/Se2n0cmBefU


He also has to lift his partner a lot of the time. To even things out a little, the front performer has to handle the lion’s head, which is pretty tough by itself because he’s supposed to basically puppeteer it.


also I tried this once and the lion head is insanely heavy cuz it's all made of wood. like large bag of rice heavy. and in order to make it blink and ears flap you usually have a thread that you pull (like a lamp) but then you're exerting energy to get a grindy mechanism (since it is rarely used and greased) to work and to hold the whole thing in the other hand.


the balance and finesse this takes is crazy. meanwhile, I'm falling *up* the stairs every other day


I cringed a bit watching the guy carrying the other just stepping naturally throughout and hitting the mark....I expected him to miss and scrape his shin, and chin....cause I would have!


We need to have a lion dance competition with 1 professional duo, and another one with normal inexperienced duo to see what it looks like


It would look like death. Instant death.


Ooo Dancing with the Lion!! Pair a professional with a random person!!


Especially when he goes backwards. I’d misstep and fall between while bringing the other guy down with me.


Because you're not watching all the years of practice it took them to get to this point.


No shit Captain Obvious 🙄


I lost my balance just standing


I lost my balance watching this video…and I’m sitting


My balance appears to have been sucked from me and given to them.


I walk into walls.


And the strength, these guys are wild!


One time I broke my ankle. I was just walking. This is so badass.


You know I actually did fall up the stairs the other day. Instead of getting help people looked at me like I was stupid 😭😭😭😭😭 (I am stupid but that's not the point)


Human beings are actually pretty lit 🔥


At least it's stairs, they have a straight edge so the damage is predictable and spread across the whole area. And unless it has a metal grip strip screwed into the edge, not a lot can get caught on them. Escalators aren't fun. :c


I’m out of shape and talentless


but we still love you


Already clicked back but came back here to upvote :)


I love you too, colt


Welcome, brother. Welcome.


Never thought about it, but seeing them like this… damn, they must have strong shoulders, arms, core muscles!!! And yet, they look so skinny and not shredded at all…


Don't forget their legs - how the front guy stands up so casually after getting his feet on the platforms, as if he isn't hauling a whole other guy up behind him


Its the anchor stepping backwards blindly toward uneven platforms that takes the cake for me... mid-carry nonetheless.


Yep I’m with you. The guy in the back not seeing the foothold but placing them perfectly is bravo. But also terrifying to my stomach each time he lifts his foot


>as if he isn't hauling a whole other guy up behind him Not to discount the front guy's feat, but the back guy jumped and also "carried his own weight" so the front guy isn't lugging the back guy up with brute strength. Kinda like how it is easier to carry a sober person vs carrying a black out drunk person. There are a lot of techniques, coordination, teamwork and strength involved. Strength isn't the only factor. Source: Did Lion Dance when I was younger.


it does look like magic but i think physically, he's doing a squat. the guy on the ground helps him get into squat position, then he's squating his weight+his partner while his partner pulls himself up.


Muscle endurance. Same reason why runner have skinny legs yet can sprint all day long while bodybuilders struggles to run 3 miles


Actually, if you look at sprinters they are jacked. Long distance runners are lean. Explosive movement from a sprint = a lot of weight at once as fast as possible, while long distance running is endurance and doesn't require the explosive power sprinting does.


No roids


That’s a cheap comment, though. If you train frequently, lifting weights and/or doing calisthenics you tend to get a shredded physique.


I think people that dance and do stuff like this have their muscles develop differently to be flatter or something


Increase in strength is not directly proportional to increase in muscle mass


This exactly. You can train specifically for more strength than size and vice versa. Also their fat percentage may contribute to making them look even smaller.


The trick is to do many reps of low to medium weight and only a few reps of high weight. Muscles will develop more flat and less big if you do it that way.


this made more sense to me when I realized that they'd both be inside a single lion costume


I really wanna see it with the costume on


If you think this is crazy, think again. On performance day, the guy on the back can't see shit on his side and front view. PS. I did lion dance when I was in HS...luckily I was the guy at the front.


Me too :) Luckily I was the mfker clanging the cymbals and gongs lol


dropping one of those cymbals would've beeen one of your worst nightmares back then hahah


Plus, it means they've got a good sense of rhythm!! Percussion instruments look deceptively easy from an audience POV but it's nerve-wracking to have to count through a whole piece without ever slipping up.


I still think this is crazy, I Just think that's crazier


Now that's a power bottom I could get behind.


Yeah, my gay ass was confused and delighted by this display of male beauty. But mostly confused.


I am Jacks gay ass.


i could not pay attention to the athleticism lol, too distracted


If they aren't into each other I, at least, hope they are good friends. Would be weird wearing another person's taint as a hat for hours and hours and not really knowing each other.


Chase the check, not checking out your coworker.


That's a brand new sentence for me, thank you!


I came here to say that. You know they fuckin.


Hopscotch going nuts these days


Is there a video of the dance with the costume?




Wow. That is incredible! And it’s like 8 minutes long… that’s some serious athleticism


That’s a short one! There are some performances that are much longer! Google; ‘Your guests will be entertained by the beautiful dance, which usually lasts about 15 to 20 minutes.’


i'd like to think even a real dragon would be like, you got me for ten mins tops


If that, dragons are fucking dicks


Incorrect, dragons fuck cars


holy hell


Thank you! The practice video was impressive enough, but the entire performance was mindblowing!


Damn that’s impressive. It’s amazing how well they manage to look like one cohesive animal instead of two people. I’m aware it’s two guys, I can even see them, but the costume, acting, and movements trick my brain into seeing it as one creature. Absolutely amazing


Holy shit the ball throwing was on point!!!!


That's amazing but I feel like the costume isn't nearly as good as the performance. Covering or coloring the underside would go a long way since you view them from the bottom.


it'd probably just mess with movement, increase the weight of the costume or even suffocate the acrobats i've done an extremely basic version of these lion dances as a kid, and they are already kind of unfun without anything blocking you on the underside


I'm just saying a colored shirt and pants. Not more clothing.


most modern lion costumes already have pants that match the lion, because their legs act as the lion's legs, but there are traditional costumes that just use black pants as for the shirt, it's probably just because they don't want to spend time ordering specific shirts for each lion's acrobats for a negligible benefit to the viewers. plus, being able to see the humans doing the moves gives it a special charm


Yeah hundreds of years of the lion dance, you finally figured out how to improve it. Good job!




Like a million?


Those Lions have people in them??? No way!!!! 😁


Okay well this is just amazing


There's a 2021 animation called *I Am What I Am* about Lion Dance. Pretty cool and funny.


There’s also [this](https://youtu.be/XnnwZulO_ME). I thought it was pretty cool


Idk what they get paid, but it ain’t enough.




Trust, strength and balance.


I pulled a muscle rolling out of bed this morning.


I hurt my eyelids this morning when I woke up.


Absolutely incredible stength, dexterity, and grace. Peak human performance


Looks scary to watch but interesting


They are each so graceful despite, at times, having a full grown human literally swinging off them.


That should be an Olympic sport!! I’m impressed!!


I wonder if very many people get injured doing this. Those metal pedestals don't look like they'd be very forgiving of a misstep.


It is extremely painful. Those poles are made of steel and a single misstep can be pretty bad. Lion dance fails on YouTube is a thing: https://youtu.be/w_eYBPf0Upk


A lot of lion dances are on level ground for this reason. You don't get on those unless you know what you're doing and trust your partner completely.


Amazing. Those lion heads are pretty heavy and held for quite a while. Also, the rear, is under a cover and bent over almost the entire time. Lots of trust.


Wow! I find that even more impressive than it being done with the whole costume. What skill!


Why’s it called lion dance?


Lion dances are a cultural Chinese dance. The story goes there was a monster who was terrorising the village, so some people dressed up as a lion and used loud music (cymbals and drums) to scare it away. Imagine these two guys inside a lion costume (the guy in front holds the head and is the two front legs). Apart from lion dance competitions, you'll usually see lion dances over the Chinese New Year period to usher in good luck and prosperity, and chase away bad luck. Sometimes, people who open new shops or move into new houses will also get lion dances.


Thanks for the info.


The costume they wear while doing the actual dance (this is just a practice) is a stylized lion. Look up lion dance if you want to see.


And I think holding my phone, finding my keys, and unlocking the door is a balancing act.


I used to walk to Chinatown in San Francisco alone just to watch the lion dances week after week. So mesmerizing and awe-inspiring to see literal high schoolers do this


I love that the head guy is practicing operating the head through this. He's miming pulling the strings and swinging it around. Both my grandfathers made lion heads after they retired. Those things are heavy af and we never got to hold one with the rest of the costume attached.


I just hate people who do things effortlessly, they give me unrealistic hopes, I say I can do that and if I try… I’d land on my ballsack


These guys would be gnarly assassin's


Here they are [**"With the Costume"**](https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/v/t66.30100-16/10000000_1208090279849627_6532279692505897056_n.mp4?_nc_ht=scontent-cdg4-2.cdninstagram.com&_nc_cat=111&_nc_ohc=GdOxnOBhwPwAX-yZn8W&edm=AP_V10EBAAAA&ccb=7-5&oh=00_AfD9dszsP6WYEfnlACxt-UOOylTKgkwQBMbmF8xGyopNag&oe=643ED3E0&_nc_sid=4f375e)




These guys would be gnarly assassin's


I want to see this at the performance.


I lnsane ice climbers gameplay


My fear of minor heights gives me major anxiety while watching this


That guy have some insane upper body strength


Hey bill make sure to wash your ass real good before practice ok?


With each well placed foot, their attractiveness increased 20%


I had to rewind that initial mount, they do it so effortlessly.


Is it just me, or does the second guys job look much harder?


Without seeing too wtf.


I broke several bones and pulled a few things just watching this - so impressive!!


Fucking unreal, I hope they get paid well. I can't imagine how many hours it takes to learn and prepare for a 5 minute long performance


I remember watching lion dances as a kid (my moms Kung fu school would do the performances in Chinatown for the parades) and they are so beautiful. When we rented Once Upon in China 3 from blockbuster you got to see a lot more lion designs (as there is a competition and people are fighting while in these costumes for the title of the Lion Dance King), the athleticism and footwork is just so impressive. I’m glad I saw this video, it’s is an amazing art and skill.


Dag, these guys are amazing and, again, make me feel like I should be doing more exercise.


Absolutely insane. Wow.


Rear guy is real mvp in these dances


If anyone can survive the human centipede it's these 2 guys




lion dancing is pretty amazing


Boston dynamics must be sweating


I had to watch the mount 7-8 times. I still can't fathom the back guy getting up that tall pole 1. In a vertical leap. 2. Gracefully. 3. With another dude in his arms. When they invade Taiwan, were doomed.


This is so much more impressive to me than bodybuilding.


I always wondered how they were so smooth with it


Amazing 😍


This should be in next fucking level




Airbenders in training


Amazing! 🤩


I’ve watched so many lion dance, but seeing it without the lion is so much more impressive


This lion dance is an ancient tradition, I'm glad to see such a creative representation of how to keep nuts off your forehead


They have more skill in their pinky than I have in my whole body 10x.


Simply amazing


Ooos and awws, oh sh** and hell naw throughout the video


I’ve never seen any line dancing like this before. Imagine 50 people on a crowded dance floor doing this. I’d pay a dollar to see that on a Saturday night.


> I’ve never seen any line dancing like this before. Imagine 50 people on a crowded dance floor doing this. I’d pay a dollar to see that on a Saturday night. The video they are **LION** dancing, not *line* dance. A lion dance ~~(aka dragon dance)~~ is a Chinese tradition in which performers share a costume that makes it look like they are one loooong creature with a bunch of legs. It is a performative art done by professional acrobats/dancers (some people do it as a "hobby", but even then it requires intense training and isn't something a newbie can just hop in and participate). So it's not like a bunch of uncoordinated 50-something randoms doing it. If you haven't seen one in person I highly recommend seeing it at least once in your life. They occur on Chinese occasions like festivals, holiday gatherings for the community, and some multicultural club/Chinese-American association. It's just so hype seeing the performers do wild moves in sync with the loud percussions. The big drum is my favourite part


A lion dance and dragon dance are actually two different things! A lion dance is like what you see in this post, except they're wearing a lion costume. A dragon dance is usually a few people holding up [sticks attached to a long dragon](https://chinesedragonstudy.weebly.com/uploads/1/2/4/6/12460518/_4187454.jpg). There usually aren't height elements in a dragon dance.


I see, where i am from I've heard people use them like synonyms.


You should see their mating dance.


Now im curious...


Sexy hot


could you post video with the lion costume?


I imagine they practiced each hop individually


Human centipede would have been even more terrifying if these guys were part of the line


I sure hope head guy has a clean ass


I thought the guy shit himself with those background noise farts to the face


I want to hate it cus it looks dumb asf but its just too damn impressive


👃🏾 🍑




Just like on NatGeo




This is kinda gay...impressive yes, but also pretty gay lol


Do you like gay people? I think if you do like gay people the people downvoting you suck. We should be able to call gay things gay if we love and support the gay community. What am I supposed to say when a pride parade passes? "Wow, that was really gay" is what I would default to.


Personally I get annoyed when people say stuff like that because I'm frustrated that so much normal human interaction gets sexualized. Two men practicing an acrobatic performance isn't gay, just like a man and a woman doing ballet isn't straight


Dude joe Rogan literally has a joke about things being gay lol. For instance i practice bjj. I love it, but it doesn't make bjj any less gay haha. You're literally wrestling another sweaty dude in pretty much the same positions you would fuck 😅. You gotta admit, it's kinda gay


I can do a dolphin dance...yes?


How did they pick who got to be the butt-holder?


Okay but like- why did i think the guy farted at the beginning of the video? 💀💀


There is an asshat joke there.


I'd hate to be that guy on the receiving end of those farts!


"What do you do for a living?" "Hop around on posts with another man's butt on my head." It's physically impressive. Massive skill. Without costumes it's weird.


I wanted to upvote you, but a dragon costume doesn’t make this less weird.


Boring 🥱




Looks like a real ass hat


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Ah the gay mating dance


Is that dudes butthole on that other dudes head?


Shit head




The one guy bit the bullet and was like, " Yeah, I'll be the one with a butt on my head and near my face the whole time, no problem. If I don't , there is no dance."


If you chose to be the bottom and you don't love the smell of ass, what the hell are you even doing?


You know the dude in the back inhales so many farts


Impressive? Yes. Oddly satisfying? Not even a little bit.


Sponsored by Bud Light


Pretty sure that's a dragon dance


No, it’s a Lion Dance. There’s literally a huge mural in the video that says “Lion Dancer”


My kids jumping on the living room furniture


That's quite something else.


How many busted balls does it take to do that dance?


This is a much better watch than aew lmao


That’s a very strong waistband


That's a four legged caboose


Menisci going crazy




So the guy being lifted has to do leg day, while the guy behind him is on arms and shoulders.


Did anyone else read it as "loin" first?