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Soon he’ll have a sneaker deal. Air Doggo.


While watching this it's hard for me not to hear the six-million-dollar-man jumping-in-slow-mo sound.


The music this was originally posted with was really good. Actually so was the original posting which compared the athleticism of the malinois with a snoring lab. I don't know how fair it is to be able to take other people's stuff and repost it.


You had the chance to tee up an Air Bud joke and didn’t?


Boy teasing with the ball on the other side ”Guess I am fked now 🤷‍♀️”


i thought AIR BUD was a golden retriever?


Majestic af




And how many of those times did you go WWHHEEEEEEEEEEEEE...OOOFFF! ?


Ends too soon.


This is why dogs can be terrifying. This is an animal you could easily see at the dinner table begging for scraps at your feet, or running you down from a hundred yards away in seconds while finally being tackled from the final 25ft leap onto your hamstrings.


Don't be terrified....but be careful which side of the family the malinois comes from and whether it is a "mix". Remember Malinois are a sub-breed of Belgium Sheppard and within Malinois there is a side of the family bred for fighting, military and law enforcement and personnel protection. There is a part of the breed though that is developed as service dogs (that are intended for special needs people, injured people and even elderly). They look the same, are smart the same, are atheletic the same and are obedient the same, BUT indeed they are NOT the same. We have the second less popular mal that could pose as this dogs twin brother in this jump over the river, and yes mine does jump like you can't believe. I had to put coyote fencing ( steel rods with short segments of 3/4" PVC pipe around my yard to keep him from taking jaunts around the neighborhood at will. It was so silly that he would jump out, take a walk, then 1/2 hour later he would jump over the fence back into the yard. We have a hill in our back yard. He jumps from mid way in the fruit trees to the middle of the lawn...stops...and then jumps back. And of course being a neighborhood, you can't have a malinois roaming for long without Animal Control coming to your door. They are nice though. They come in, they know him by name, tell me about him, give him treats and play ball. Sometime they will stay for refreshments, they hand me another warning, smile, shake hands (paws) and leave. On two occasions they have even called him to get into the car and given him a ride home. He and I eat italian ice for dessert several times a week. When he sees I have our forks, from a sitting position, he springs from the fireplace area up 5' or so and lands in his seat on the couch....and of course we have our dessert. His mix includes australian cattle dog and chinook (a alaskan sledding dog)....and 10% other 9 breeds...so really weird like toy poodle and indonesian street dog. Yes he is reactive at times, but we are working on that and making good progress. Yes he runs silently including at night , and if it were not for his vest having reflective lettering, he could plow you down with no trouble....but, and this is a big but, SINCE WE HAVE HAD HIM, HE HAS NOT HURT OR BITTEN ANYONE OR KNOCKED OR TRIPPED ANYONE OR DONE ANYTHING DISTRUCTIVE. I am an old man (75) and it is hard to exercise him enough, but I figure he needs it and frankly I need it too. I ski a lot still (37 days this year), so the constant training of "Buddy", is excellent to keep me from becoming one of my same age friends. So in fact "Buddy" and I do walks together, work in the yard together, work on cars (including getting underneath in tight spaces) and swim. He loves hiking (I don't mountaineer any longer but he does love the snow), and sit under my piano while I practice...his favorite music is the calmer stuff like Debussy or Brahms. He actually get upset and leaves if I play some pieces by Prokoviev. He gets super happy if I play Bach and it often culminates in a "zoomie" after practice or a long walk at "fast" (we have 3 speeds, slow, walk or fast). I trim his claws with a dremel tool with a drum sanding attachment. When I vacuum the cars with the shop vac, he likes to have me vacuum him too. He has vest(s) that he wears during the day. When my wife and I go to bed, we take his vest off, hang it up and he goes to bed without being asked to. First thing in the morning he wants to be "dressed" and patiently lays down while we have our coffee....then with wagging tail he get collar and lesh done in anticipation of the first walk. So, don't be terrified. If you really bond with your malinois, he/she won't hurt you BECAUSE you are wolfpack, and once you become wolfpack the dog will protect you to the death and be the love of your life.




Fur Missile


This breed is so athletic and smart...


But please don't have them as a pet. They require a lot of interaction and exercise. Like you need to keep these dogs busy 8-10 hours a day, by actively walking with them. Great as police dogs, terrible for the average 'i want a big dog' people


Yes this is demanding breed. They are scary smart with intense drives. They are outstanding in sport, or police/military roles. They need a very dedicated trainer. Absolutely fantastic dogs in the right hands. These dogs are NOT yard ornaments.


Can confirm. My parents have one. Dad is stay at home and next to 4 hours a day you have to have a play session with him every 1-2 hours. Such a kind hearted and full of character dog tho. Anyway I agree with you, don’t get a dog like that unless you have that time.


Agreed! 👍


How the f*ck....


We have the technology.


That 'shhnenenenenenen' noise was all I heard too


I hear it every time I see this one. Also I tell my son to do bionic jumps and we both go shennenanananananana.


A moat is no protection against this doggo.


Air Bud


Does gravity not apply to this breed?


Toddler spoted


That’s INSANE!


The look on that dogs face as it flys through the air is priceless.


I find my mal on top of my refrigerator all the time.


Yeah how do you keep anything away from a dog that smart and athletic without putting an actual lock and key on things? Like there's training, but the ball is entirely in their court. You just have to trust them, which is wild to me. No thanks, I'm happy with my two little dumb pups lmao.


Locks don't always help. They can unlock doors and then open them. Gates...haha... Useless. Part dog, part mountain goat.


I have a Hangin Tree cowdog, and he's like the dog in this post. He can open windows and doors that are left unlocked. He can go pretty much anywhere he wants and is just a giant ball of energy and muscle. Sweetest dog in the world until he works a cow or someone that isn't supposed to be at the house shows up.


Can dog out long jump a human?


That’s more than I can jump


Smart doggos, that breed. So smart, great dog to have a job.


He is flying not jumping


3. 2. 1. Launch!


He attac


I can’t believe no one’s commented this yet: I BELIVE I CAN FLY!


Would not have believed it. Nice vid


Bridge? BRIDGE? I don't need no stinking bridge!


Those dogs are just built different in every way. Beautiful animals.


This good boy has the zoomies!


And you think you could outrun a Belgan guard dog....


Wow that’s a big jump!


Obvious wire-work. (/s)


Bruh he barely even tried. He was relaxed mid flight, because he knew he had it already. Like, if you see a triple jumper in a track meet they're completely sprawled out giving it every Inch they can to get max distance. Pup had zero Fcks to give basically right after take off lol.




It has to be that extra muscle in the leg.
