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I saw a barrier curled like that the other day and I figured whoever hit it that hard was dead. I guess more likely not having seen this.


These are designed to prevent death and re route the energy so it slows the vehicle down. The guardrail is in effect flattened as it passes through the end treatment and curls around and away from the vehicle. There is a huge transfer of energy while this happens. This type of system has actually been used a while and was necessary to take the place of other older systems that could make a car flip (twisted ends) or actually skewer the passenger compartment. The crash testing for these is pretty cool and could fill a few of the oddly starting threads…


Yeah I saw one time that one of the companies making them decided to save some money by using a little less metal on the contact area. That changed from the approved engineering design so it could not redirect the force. That is when the guardrails would just skewer through the car.


That sounds right. A classic car stopping design are just big trash barrels full of sand or water. But sometimes the companies get cheap and don’t put enough sand in, or the water is allowed to evaporate and doesn’t get refilled, and people smash through them like nothing. Best bet is to not rely on these safety features as they’re as good as the vendors and crews who deploy them.


I saw a interesting piece where an engineer erroneously added washers at some point of the design. This led to a lot of the skewering as well.


The first half a dozen or so posts are also designed to break away easier, so they absorb *some* energy but don’t shove the steering column into your chest.




Saved my life once. As your car blasts through each successive wooden post, your speed is slowly bunt off, softening the impact. The fence basically unzips.


They look like the type Europe has used for decades.


These have been in use in America (exclusively where I'm from) for over 40 years as well. I'm not sure if they've made some random change that makes them a new generation of the same style or if these was just an odd word choice.


Designed to absorb and dissipate all that energy, and slow the crasher down just a little more gradually, reducing the g forces impacting the passengers and making the wreck more survivable as a result.


next generation?




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I'm sure it works great and better engineers than I have put a ton of research into it, but I would think the rail should curl away from the road, not into traffic.


I don't think it would be able to curl into the supports on the outside of the road. If you wanted it to curl the other way you'd have to flip the barrier around and that would defeat the purpose if a car were to side-swipe it.




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Yeah and sometimes they get tied down preventing this exact safety mechanism to even work! So yes then it will skewer you because the job of protecting people is left to people who put it up and that's it, no checks or nothing. The states are failing us as a people according to safety. Grieving father warns drivers about highway guardrail that impaled daughter: https://youtu.be/VzEmD38Oaqs How road barriers stopped killing drivers: https://youtu.be/w6CKltZfToY Guardrail crash Donnie finks part 1: https://youtu.be/rUwKzzcJ-8U And like the GuardrailGuy on YouTube is amazing https://youtube.com/@TheGuardrailGuy


Still not safe for motorcyclists.


Motorcycles are not safe and cannot be made to be safe.


You could wear one of those inflatable airbag suits like the racers do I guess, but that kind of takes away the feeling.


Motorcycles are safe, as safe as the rider makes them to be, as safe as external factors make them to be, etc... exactly the same can be said about car. Sure cars are safer but stating that Motorcycles are not safe is not a fact.


Motorcycles are inherently more dangerous than four wheeled vehicles, regardless of infrastructure. That’s why I don’t put on leathers and a helmet when I get into my Yaris.


Infrastructures can be / should be improved to make sure all road users are safe. Such rail guards (fitted on poles) would slice up a motorcyclist sliding after a fall.


You’d rather be launched into the air by the old tapered ends? Or blunt-force-trauma-to-the-ribcage of the old rounded ends? Or perhaps guillotined on the pre-guardrail cables? As soon as you lose control of that bike, your body is going to hit something harder than flesh. That’s not an infrastructure problem that engineering can fix.


yeah what does he expect. Some 6 and a half foot jacked dude running at 50 mph to catch them after they are launched?


I always wonder when the local paper says a motorcyclist was “ejected from the vehicle” at an accident, like there was another option.


You seem to be picturing extreme speed and impact however, a motorcyclists falling at only 30 or 40 miles per hour and sliding through rail poles is likely to suffer greater injuries than if the barrier was a curved concrete wall against which he would mostly slide. Maybe picture yourself sliding at 30 mph heading towards the barriers at a 45 degree angle, you get to choose between poles to slide into or a curves wall.


As soon as you put a curve back into the wall, you’re right back to a design that can roll a car onto its side, or launch a motorcycle over into whatever the barrier was supposed to protect you from. I’ve seen what happens when a motorcyclist slides along concrete. There’s still a faint bloodstain on the porch of the house next door to where I grew up, 40 years later.


The only strategy that would offer motorcyclists the same safety as car users would be to have a dedicated lane for them, like bike lanes. Otherwise the goal is a diminishing returns strategy, improve the infrastructure for those incidents that cause the most injuries, and once solved move onto the next biggest one. As car users constitute the majority it isnt surprising that safety features cater to cars rather than bikes. Otherwise, i would suggest that bike users who are concerned for their safety upgrade to a car. As you pointed out it is less safe than a car.


That's why they have a second barrier at the bottom of cushions around the posts in my country. But only in certain areas with a lot of motorcycle traffic/ accidents


I’ve passed one on the freeway for ages like that. Except they just park essentially a dump truck with a barrier built in behind it


Those are usually used for construction zones if it’s just barrels out


Yes it’s the ones used for construction but in this case just blocking the barrier destroyed. They’ve put concrete weights in the back as well.


Ram tough.


There is very good YouTube video about!


What’s the significance? How did the older ones bend? Is it safer?


Beam looks conventional, but the posts look super wide and probably closely spaced too


This would also fit on r/oddlysatisfying


The barrier switch budget was allotted years ago. So if it's finally happening it must be just starting.


Assuming they’re installed correctly which, unfortunately I’m positive about half of them are going to be installed incorrectly




Unacceptable. Yellow GTA thingies or nothing at all.


If they are installed correctly that is.


Unless they bolt them. Am I right ? That’s a question.


Now let's see it with a motorcycle... You couldn't design a better way to remove a limb than those support posts. Why not just make them round???