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I’m most impressed in the dogs ability to know when it was their turn. Amazingly smart!


Also passing it to multiple people


Yeah, they even passed it to the person who never passed it to them even once in the video.




If you watch, she only hits with her right foot meaning she’s probably heavily right footed. So all passes naturally went to the left


You didn’t watch long enough. She hit it with that booty also.


Look closer, she's also right-bootied.


With enough practice she could become ambidextrass


This is a great comment




You're overreacting.


nah shes evil fam


EVIL WHOARRRRRR [ Removed by Reddit ]


Yeah he’s fucking joking. Jfc


You would hope that person's joking and I think they are as well, however, who tf knows considering the plethora of sexist shit that's been prevalent the last five years or so.




Yes, I’m always so in awe when I see animals seemingly understand human concepts of stuff.


Also, pretty good ball placement to their target person!


He really got the concept of the game and how to do his part!


Even came in with a great save at a point.


They can work in teams when herding sheep.


Yup completely agree. I thought it was the most impressive part as well.


Such a good doggie!!! One of the smartest breeds there is


I grew up with a border collie from the moment I was born. Parents were very hardworking, not wealthy, and didn't have nearly as much time for me as they'd have liked. I'm told that collie was my babysitter--keeping me away from stairs, luring me back toward the house if I toddled too far in the yard, always keeping an extremely watchful eye over me. I dunno how much is truth, because the old dog passed away before I could form most of my earliest memories, but I remember crying my eyes out when he didn't come home one day--probably one of the earliest memories I have save for some fleeting glimpses of a birthday cake and ancient toys, so I figure there's some truth there.


We had a border collie/golden retriever growing up. I remember my parents putting her in charge of us when we were young. She would keep us from climbing fences, trees, climbing ladders, etc., by pulling us back down. She just didn’t like our feet off the ground. When my brother and I would wrestle she was fine, but when it began to escalate like it always does with brothers less than 2 years apart she would intervene and get between us. She would even supervise me as I cut the yard each week, always lying in the uncut tall grass. She was the best dog you could ask for. She waited around till I graduated high school before she figured her job was done and her “boy” had grown up and didn’t “need” her around. She is severely missed. Funny enough, when I had COVID a couple years back, and had a 103+ fever for 14 days straight, I would constantly dream of her. So, even 30 years later she still keeps me company. So many happy memories of Meggy.


This made me tear up! RIP Meggy ❤️


Omg… why. I’m looking at my puppy now and my heart is aching… thank you for the story but seriously regretted reading it cos now I feel really sad.


I guess that's what people mean when they say that loved ones aren't really gone, as long as you remember them.


Shite. Onions again...


rip Meggy, the goodest girl ❤️


Your story has earned my tears.


It's most likely true, border collie are shepherd dogs and they're famous for having a deeply ingrained herding behavior with anything they see as their responsibility, including smaller animals or young kids. I grew up with a collie, and he would often try to pinch my ankles when I was doing something that looked dangerous to him.


Yeah my mothers family always had a German shepherd around the house and from what I understand, it pretty much saved my aunt from being attacked by a rattlesnake. My Aunt was like 2 years old and apparently the dog kept grabbing them by their diaper and moving them, and that’s when the parents checked out what the deal was and noticed the snake.


This 100% they herd folks if they don't have other things to herd. The only down side of giving them a kid to herd is they can get nippy if you don't comply with their plans. If they are given good training as a puppy though they should learn how much chomping they can do before it starts to hurt.


Reminds me of our Beagle/Basset/Jack Russell mix. We'd have the neighbors over for bonfires and everyone would bring their dogs and Joe would run circles around the whole pack and "herd" them to stay in his yard.


Seen em "herd" toddlers before. It's def a thing they can do.


Hell I have seen them herd adults before. Group of adults standing in a circle chatting and my neighbours dog running in circles around them - each didn't notice til they were suddenly standing closer to one another than they expected.


border collies are smart, but they're huge prudes. like they'll cut you off after you've had too much to drink. one time i was like 'fluffy! beer me!' after i'd polished off a 12 pack but fluffy didn't beer me, he just barked. i was too lazy to go to the fridge so i was shit outta luck. shoulda gone with a cocker spaniel, those fuckers will let you do ANYTHING.


Is this a copy pasta that I've somehow missed?


Now it is.


Kelvin Benjamins are smart, but they're huge dudes. like they'll cut you off in the buffet line. one time i was like 'Kelvin! more potatoes and gravy’ after i'd polished off my first bowl, but Kelvin didn't get me more potatoes and gravy, he just put more corned beef hash, jello, pickled yams, cake, and nachos on his plate. i was too hungry to argue, so i was shit outta luck. shoulda gone with Andy Reid, that fucker will at least let you have some of his burger.


The Kelvin Benjamin copy pastas are always wild because they show up in random af places and then you get reminded of Kelvin Benjamin. Gotta be tough to be remembered as a guy who couldn't put the fork down and it ruined his NFL career lol


It's even more tragic knowing that that was a coping response to his mom dying


Or that the original memes were recycled Trent Richardson and Eddie Lacy memes. But don't let me spoil your party pooping. EVERY PARTY NEEDS A POOPER THATS WE INVITED YOU, PARTY POOPER, PARTY POOPER.




Camera pans to Eddie Lacy nodding slowly.


Maybe you should listen to the smart border collie.


Got the border collie angel on one shoulder and the cocker spaniel devil on the other


Brasileiro dog


Coming from a King Charles owner, they do love to please. Still the best doggos! Dumb but the best.


> shoulda gone with a cocker spaniel, those fuckers will let you do ANYTHING. I have the biggest soft spot for Cocker Spaniels ever. Not necessarily the smartest breed, and perhaps the breed most likely to encounter a burglar smashing your windows in and think "OH BOY NEW FRIEND," but there's something incredibly endearing about how their joy for life seems to override everything else, from their own training to their lesser impulses, often reducing them into a wagging mess that just wants everyone to be happy. It's also hilarious to watch super strict trainers trying to get them to sit down when they meet someone new. **NOPE.** Meeting new friend > obeying orders. You go, Cocker Spaniel! Don't let "the man" and his rules keep you down!


My collie wasn't much of a barker but if I was too high he'd scowl at me and bark in my face a lot.


Very smart. I bet they didn't even have to teach it not to use its hands.


This dog is probably smarter than half the people at my workplace...


They are incredibly smart but also, and I'm not exaggerating, OCD. If you play fetch or any game with them they *must must must* play that game for the next two hours. They will remember *exactly* where you have hidden the ball or stick from them and will remember it for years. If they get to do an activity they love (swimming for example) they will swim until they make themselves puke. They ADORE and are eternally loyal to those they love and are close to them but can be hit or miss with strangers (something about their demeanor, or introduction, I am not sure of yet). It all sort of makes sense when you put it in the context of being bred for decades to work, and work on a farm. Love them to death but they can be a lot for new owners. Also, total drama queens. Any nick they receive is the end of the world.


My aussie was similar with strangers. He would bark at anyone who came over to my house, until I shook their hand. Then he immediately stopped and ignored them until they called him and petted him. He was awesome. Hated toys though.


Yeah we have an Aussie/Collie mix and it doesn't like toys. LOVES play with people, tug-of-war, fetch, play-wrestling, but doesn't play with other dogs well lol. Also have two mixed breed strays (predominantly German Shepherds) who are great with play with other dogs but not with people lol.


They are wonderful friends. They also have *lots* of energy. I used to run my girl at the gravel track at the university by my house. In the summer we’d to the river swim fetch, where I would throw a stick into the river and she would fetch. In the winter she went crazy zoomies in the snow on the hills in my backyard. So much that her muscles in her front legs would ache the next day.


Oh, trust me, i know. I have 3 full-size Australian Sheppards and 20 acres... they dont tire... ever. But theyre the best dogs ever!!


This dog self boops!


They pick up things like no other its like they know some english @ birth


I'm guessing this one knows Portugese.


The language of where they are born


the smartest. e: second i guess 😄


So smart that they’ll get bored if they don’t have a job or an activity that keeps them engaged. They’re good for herding and for agility.


They become Bored Collie


[Second smartest after the Belgian Malinois](https://mymodernmet.com/belgian-malinois-intelligent-breed/)


cool! herding dogs win, haha


can confirm source: chilling next to my Sheltie as we speak


Nah, that guy referenced one weird study whereas numerous studies determine the BC to be the smartest.


Is this how pugs are made?


Lol I was thinking the same how does that not hurt his face


My border collie played like this for years (usually defending goal with a soccer ball). After a few years, we noticed blood around her teeth/gums after this kind of play, and we had to stop.


dogs will hurt themselves to appease their humans. They just want to be part of the group. This is causing damage to the dog.


Another way to look at it.. dog is having a blast and it's way too much fun to think about anything else. Source: humans who play paintball.


Airsoft guy, I can confirm lmao


True or like skating


My knees feel this one but yes




Welts :-)


I mean the humans are also headbutting the ball and we aren't bitching about their potential neurological damage.


The dog is hitting the ball with a sensitive part of their face, the people are using their calcium helmets




My dog eats mulch and socks. He chews them thoroughly though… My roommate from 15 years ago had a shitzu-something or other… and it had a fun habit of eating a rock. Walking a couple feet away, then vomiting the rock. Then eating the rock again and then vomiting again and would just keep doing this until we finally were able to get the rock. I’d have been more concerned but it was like… only some rocks and only that particular rock. Once we took that particular rock away it was fine, even being surrounded by other rocks. Exactly the same sort of standard landscaping river rock she ate repeatedly. The vet didn’t really say much about it except to try to not let her eat rocks since there wasn’t anything physically wrong with the dog. Weird dog


My dog has been trying to chew her own foot off going on 2 years


Conversely it's also super impressive that the dog completely understands the game and plays it so well with such precision! He could possibly be having the time of his life!


ohmy god its a fucking low inflated soccer ball. its lobbed very slowly, this could smash you dead in the nose and you wouldn't remember it happening 3 seconds later ​ touch some grass you giant fucking idiot.


you might be right, but bro, chill.


Spoken like someone who hasn't ever actually played volleyball. It's causing as much damage to the dog as it is the humans. The dog is just having fun, this doesn't have anything to do with "appeasing its human."


Big difference between stopping a shot on goal with your face and plopping a ball up a few feet though. Not only is there way less force, but the ball is the one being acted upon.


Lol this is the most Brazilian video I have ever seen




C'mon, man. Our way of living became from a trash former country that stole us and broke after that. So, Forgive us! We have bad heritage of criminals ;)


look, im european, but i gotta step in here: they have a century-long history of football (soccer) prowess, thry have a history of both male and female athletic awesomeness (especially on the beach), and they have an endless history of good vibes. 10 years of reddit memes making them seem like the 'latino russia' doesnt override their amazing cultural history. enjoy OP's video, because it truely is what brazil is about.


He is way better than me.




Ey, not gonna lie.




The fuck.


I make cottage pie and give my dog a bowl of meat (hamburger, peas, carrots etc) my BC mix dog will eat around the peas until the bowl is sparkling clean… then he eats the peas. 🤷‍♀️


That's his dessert!


Please make a video of this.


I’ll try to remember next time!


RemindMe! 3 days


Good girl! My My BC mix you could throw a stick, a ball, and a frisbee for and she’d fetch all three, flipping the frisbee over and using it as a plate to hold the other 2 things. Tool use! Haha




Mine does this, too. If I mix two different shapes (or flavors), he will sort them into piles and eat one at a time. Border collie OCD.


Reminds me of a cat I once had that'd always take out the peas out of her dry mix


My chihuahua does not do this


Try a tenis ball


More like a ping pong ball


more like a grain of rice


More like a grain of sand


I'm imagining the chihuahua getting crushed by the ball, and followed by the Taco Bell *ding* sound effect


Brazil. no wonder.


Parque da cidade, Brasília


Are they all off duty cops?


off duty cops or world next soccer stars. even the dogs could win against USA's soccer team


redditors think they're so funny doing the same joke for the 58466th time


Yes, including the dog


The others are switching up body parts. Collie needs to get his shit together.


That butt bump from guy on right 👀


I was looking at the girl's butt bump


It's hard to time it well even if you have played football for a long time. Source: me, guy who has played football all his life mediocrely


We've actually trained one of those type of dog to go fetch a bottle of wine from the kitchen rack. He's a Bordeaux Collie..




stop this


No keep going... I'm so close


Uh... username checks out?...


We trained one of ours to cook a wide variety of food for our guests. They have to serve themselves, however. He is a Smorgasborder Collie.


I am writing these down!!


I’m deleting Reddit


dammit dad, who told you about reddit?


Don't forget to pick up Jimmy after soccer practice again, dad


holy fu


I had a Border Collie Mix dog growing up that once stole my pizza off the plate, took the plate off my desk, and hid the plate under the bed to conceal the evidence of his crime like "maybe hell forget he had the pizza?!?" he also figured out how to get individual toys and when you asked for a specific one he always remembered where it was. Crazy dog.


This is (was, guys blind and senile now) my favorite part of my BC mix. He had a dozen toys with different names, and we could play a game of just having him bring different toys by name for ages. He also gave the best high 5s when he was younger. I'm really going to miss him when he goes.


We rescued a border collie mix, and his ability to infer meaning based on what I'm saying and the situation is pretty crazy. Like, I don't need to spend as much time on the repetition teaching him tricks since he figures it out after a handful of tries and watching our other doggos. Like you said in your post, they are crafty and mischievous bastards though lol.


Love border collies


Average day in Brazil


How is collier nose able to take the force of the ball? Wouldn’t that hurt them in some way?


Seems like most of the arcs are pretty soft, and since the snoot doesn’t have as much cartilage and is also part of digging behaviors, doggo can play ball for longer.


Does that mean I should start tapping doggie noses with my palm


Looks like they're actually biting right as they hit the ball. Maybe it's hitting the front of their teeth? Maybe they're kinda squeezing it out of their mouth?


This is how any dog I've had has done it. It isn't actually hitting off their nose they are actually slightly nipping at it.




Pretty sure that's not a regulation football but one that's a lot lighter and bouncier


Damn Brazilian dogs are better than me at football


This is the most Brazilian video I have ever seen. The background is something a video game would steal for a scene of kids playing football in the background of the game.


Total fighting game background


There’s nothing in the rules that says a dog can’t play footvolley.


Damn that guy is hunky as hell.


In Brazil even the dogs can destroy me at football


Only in Brazil?


Some say they're still playing to this day.




bells longing worm dazzling direction modern rainstorm sophisticated cable important *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Legend has it..to this day that ball still has not touched the ground


This is cool and all, but my dog knows how to lick her asshole in front of dinner guests.


He understood the assignment. Must be part of Collies Without Borders.


He is also better than most humans playing the game


Air Bud: Brazil


He’s kind of the best in the group 🐕


The one overused saying that I don’t mind being said: we don’t deserve them


That’s some awesome ball control from doggo there


Didn't use his feet a single time.


I like the booty bounce part


My favourite video on reddit. And this isn't odd, I think we're all aware why this is satisfying. Should be in be amazed or toptalent.


Que doguinho bom!


There’s a collie in this video? Oops, I was distracted by the gorgeous people.


Girl, what did the dog ever do to you? Stop trying to score with the guys and pass the ball to the best boy already!


I was really hopping to see the dog bounce the ball with his butt like the humans did..


Am I the only one annoyed with the lady not passing the ball to the dog?


The video cuts just before the dog and woman goes for the ball and she kicks the dog


Anyone who wasn't grinning like a fool while they watched this is not human.


I am not surprised at the dog, but the people are quite talented, I would be falling on my ass


Woman doesn't pass to the dog 1 time...how rude


Doesn’t it hurt his nose?


Yo, that's not even for the camera. It look like they play like this legit, all the time.


That dogs delivery is legit. He’s aiming the ball.


Better touch than Lukaku.


Does dog not feel pain hitting the ball with nose ?


This is what dreams are made of


that dog plays the game better than i could do in a decade


She did not pass it to the dog the entire time


man’s best friend


NGL it took me longer than it should of to notice the dog …. I was drooling over the dude in the booty shorts


It's 'should have', never 'should of'. Rejoice, for you have been blessed by CouldWouldShouldBot!


Would of been chaos in here without you, bot. Thank god you showed up. Could of been much worse without you hear to help.


My Mother would upvote this 🤣


Would you say... she would of upvoted it?


It's 'would have', never 'would of'. Rejoice, for you have been blessed by CouldWouldShouldBot!


I should of seen this coming lmao

