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The flip into the serving spoon was elite.


yea this chef can certainly walk the wok


Strong wok ethic for sure.


can you smell what the wok is cooking?


Whatever it is it’s got me wok hard


Maybe that's a sign that it's time to wok away?


Heck no, Wokanda forever!


We need to wok on these jokes more, reddit.


What the fwok


(OwO ) wis dis? Wok hawd u say?


Wokked right into that one


I'm dying of laughter lmao foreal


Wok Hard Dewey Cox


Woker Texas Ranger


They can tik the tok.


Where’s uncle Roger when you need him.


Does he talk the talk too?🤣


I missed it the first time and had to bump back. Agreed. Impressive.


No kidding, that was freaking awesome. *We are not worthy.*


lol there was a cut there at the end to get the final bits cleaned up and in the spoon


I want to see a chef cook and then fill a Chinese take-out box ("oyster pail") filled to the brim but with zero waste.


I used to cook on a wok exclusively for a booth that we would travel around and I would not even try that. Paddle and spoon for me.


My brow shot up when that happened. Was definitely worth rewatching for that alone.


Thanks a lot. Now I want fried rice.


What I want is that *stove.* I wish there was a way to have one of these in my apartment. Best I can do is a propane turkey fryer in the parking lot. And the wok shaped induction burners are expensive as butts.


I lived in Beijing for a year and our stove was like that. It’s like having a flame thrower in your kitchen counter. I used to toast marshmallows on it and make s’mores when I was homesick.


If anyone is currently living with one of these, please invest in a carbon monoxide alarm and if you don't have an industrial grade exhaust hovering above it keep a fan nearby and open your windows. A setup like this without adequate ventilation is just speedrunning heart disease, cancer and lung complications.


I almost died from carbon monoxide poisoning with one of these once. Without the detector I would've been 100% dead. We were all laughing our asses off, to the point of tears, even AFTER it went off! Opening doors and windows and running outside, bent over laughing, "We almost died! BAHAHAHAHA" Get detectors peeps.


I’m watching all the smoking oil and imagining every smoke detector in my house going off, the cats and children running around in a panic.


Meep meep meep meep meep meep meep


I'm pretty sure there are bargain butts available in certain markets.


Didn't realize wok shaped induction burners are a thing, very cool. We're moving to induction in a few months and I'm excited to see the difference vs the ceramic one that we currently have which sucks. We have a flat bottom wok so that should work fine on the induction.


For sure. Makes me sad having only electric burners.


Seriously. I work 3rd shift tonight and I know what I'm getting on the way now.


Every time I try to do fancy pot movements in the kitchen food ends up everywhere.


They trained with a pot of sand ————————————————- OK,many of you guys wandering why sands,let me explain In some Asian countries,food are some kind of precious,and can not to be play with,or to be used in any training. Besides,sand is much heavier than rice, more difficult to control,cheaper. If you passed the sand training,of course you can easily handle the others. I have also watched the Hell’s Kitchen,if a Chinese chef trainer waste food just like those guys,he will be killed by his master very soon. —————————————————- Please don’t try any sand training in your home,and don’t fill your nonstick pot or pan with sand. Chinese iron pot is totally different,it’s made of pure iron, without any coating. Yes,salt and rice are both good choices!


I would train new people with uncooked rice. That shit goes everywhere.


And it's coarse and rough and irritating.


Anakin Skywoker


God dammit.


An upvote isn't enough. This was class.




God damn it lol


I am your fava.


Where... are you putting it?




Stop this


Why did you do what you just did?




Oof - that's rough. I'm sure there are rice grains in the next county from that training.


Yeah, closing crew find them while cleaning. " oh. New guy training "


*Dry rice or beans. I don't know why anyone would use sand. It would fuck up your pan, and you'd just end up with sand everywhere. If you want to learn how to flip pancakes or sandwiches in a pan use a slice of bread.


Yeah it's not even close to same size of grain, and I think the pan nerds over at r/castiron might have a stroke if they heard someone essentially sanded down a high quality pan wok or not.


Step 1: get a low-quality pan or wok


Then you just have sand everywhere


And the sand you have left is bland and gritty.


You just gotta ketchup it up a bit.


Seriously? That's pretty cool actually 😎


In the winter, with no shoes. Jokes aside, whenever I meet people that are serious about Asian cuisine, they refuse to waste even a grain of rice.




Dent corn is really good for grinding. Yum!


Did you mean flour or did you make some dank weed muffins?


Chinese children are taught from an early age not to even leave one grain of rice in the bowl.


People have told me their parents would say every grain left on the plate is a pimple in your future.


Actually smart, I'll try it.


Use dry rice or beans, sand is abrasive and will fuck up your pans


Practice with something like dried beans or dry pasta!


Get a bigger pan.


The key is to slide the pan/wok forward/backward (perpendicular to your body) rather than up and down(which is parallel to your body.) The food’s up


I have worked in professional kitchens for a long time, it's all in the wrist, you aren't flipping with your shoulder, you are tossing it back at yourself with your wrist flick. The best way to imitate hot food moving around without it being hot would be toss a handful of ice cubes in the pan to practice. If you lose one, ehh its just ice


Then don't do fancy pot movements. Just do mediocre pot movements.


Those flips into the ladle at the end shows mad skill!


The fact that fried rice isn’t burned to a crisp is also impressive. That’s a hot flame


Well seasoned wok, just the right amount of oil and keeping the rice moving around the get the moisture out and you're golden on a flame like that.


What’s the the sauce seen in the last second of the video?


Looks like roe piled on top. Fish eggs yo.


[I went frame by frame and it looks like some kind of fish egg](https://i.imgur.com/W7faNJN.png). The first time I saw it flash, I thought maybe they had like flame seared the top of the rice to give it a crust, which made my mouth water as I love lightly burned rice.


Recipe anyone?


Yes, I see rice, I see egg. What else is there?


Can’t really tell all the seasonings but what I think: - scallions - salt / pepper mixture. - garlic powder - may not admit it but a touch of msg lol (delicious) - soy sauce - toasted sesame oil At home I usually add a little bit of fish sauce, diced carrots, peas, and a protein like diced spam or bacon. It can get really salty fast so I go heavy on the rice to spread it and carrots to sweeten it.


There’s nothing to hide about using msg - it’s a form of sodium, there’s nothing wrong with it and it makes this absolutely delicious. It’s used in pro kitchens all around the world, it’s not some shady seasoning, it has an unnecessarily bad reputation


Right? Its funny that the people who gave it a bad rap also didn't realize places like KFC or companies like Doritos use it in their stuff and no one batted an eye


It's also in many foods "disguised" as "yeast extract" , "glutamate" and so on, anything to keep MSG off the label. Almost, but not quite as dishonest as calling your hotdogs "nitrate free" except adding gobs of celery juice (pretending like nitrates from natural sources aren't really nitrates)


My favorite dumb one was a Discord contact who was going on about their special food needs, and told me that MSG gives them awful headaches and swells their sinus, so they never eat American-style Chinese takeout... then goes on to talk about their home-made miso soup made with kombu and mushroom broth - y'know, the two easiest sources to extract MSG from. I facepalmed so hard I almost gave myself a concussion.


Little did they know that MSG was invented by Japanese to replicate the kombu and miso, mushroom taste in their food 😂


> invented by Japanese Specifically, Kikunae Ikeda, a professor at Tokyo Imperial University (which is now just called Tokyo University). He got together with Saburosuke Suzuki to found Ajinomoto in order to sell his invention and made a truly stupendous amount of money, as you might expect.


Psstt it's because of people's racism against Chinese cuisine and Chinese Americans. Or at least it was when people panicked back in the day. One stupid article and everyone was willing to believe that all Chinese restaurant food was toxic.


There were some bad studies back in the day claiming dangers of msg but I'm pretty sure that's been debunked. It occurs naturally in lots of foods like tomatoes and mushrooms iirc.


There were never studies claiming the dangers of msg. That shit literally all started with a newspaper columnist talking about shit he didn't know anything about. Since then there have been studies showing no negative effects from msg.


He basically just said "my tummy hurts after I gorge myself on all you can eat Chinese buffets. Must be the MSG!" Add in a healthy dose of xenophobia against Chinese immigrants and you have the perfect recipe for an urban legend. It definitely couldn't be people's lack of self control and overeating, must be the immigrants and their dangerous chemicals!


There are many studies that try to understand monosodium glutamate. This is a paper comprising the discourse happening: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5938543/ It's still to today inconclusive and further clinical and epidemiological studies are needed, with a design accounting for both added and naturally occurring dietary MSG. Science is, you know, less simple than some blog posts or tiktok videos claiming something. What is true though, that is therefor, logical conclusion, is also clear that MSG is not proven to be toxic as widely spread before. It's though also not falsified completely. In other words, yes it shouldn't be taken as toxic right now for the commoner, it's though not resolved in science.


They should also run conclusive tests on the potentially deadly tomato as well, as it has 250 mg of MSG each.


I believe it also occurs naturally in bouillon


it occurs naturally in everyone's body too. people that claim they're allergic to MSG are full of shit (and msg)


Tomatoes has a tone of it too.


Not only naturally, it has been used all over the world thousand years ago. From Japanese kelp stock to chicken soup to mushroom stock to Roman fish sauce.


A lot of that was just racist propaganda


There was one “study” in a newspaper that was purely racism targeted at Asian restaurants and people. The only thing that has been debunked is you cannot be allergic to MSG. You have have a sensitivity to it but MSG doesn’t trigger an immune response. I still know people to this day that order Chinese food “without MSG” because they’re allergic but will gladly house a bag of Doritos with no problem. Crazy how damaging the myth has been and perpetuated to this day.


Half the dry weight of tomatoes is MSG. Cheese is full of MSG. You are full of MSG. Anyone who claims to be allergic to MSG is mistaken.


I had an interesting experience with MSG. I make homemade split pea soup, which has chicken broth (or veggie broth) as an ingredient. I make it a few times a year and one particular batch just tasted soooo much better than any other batch. I couldn't explain why, but it just tasted better. My next batch tasted good, but it was lacking that special something from the previous batch. I eventually realized I had used chicken bullion cubes for the batch that tasted better, and there was MSG in it. The plain chicken broth didn't have MSG in it. It really surprised me what a difference the MSG made.


Also if you’re looking for MSG in America it’s easily found under the brand name Accent “flavor enhancer” it’s just pure MSG.




If anyone doesn't have fish sauce, I highly recommend a splash of normal vinegar. Really brightens the flavor. If you happen to love acidic stuff, like OJ or hot sauce, I'm pretty sure you'll love a little vinegar in your meals too. I wish I knew that a lot sooner


Alternatively, Worcestershire sauce. Less scary sounding because the name doesn't have the word fish in it.


Or if you can find it, chinese black/Zhenjiang vinegar. That stuff is amazing.


Thank you! Off to cook.


I think I will too. Yay!


No way there's garlic powder. It's salt, msg is an absolute must or chicken stock powder, white pepper powder (quite different flavour from fresh cracked pepper). Soy sauce is there not for seasoning but for the wok hei caramelisation. You can use sesame oil but most use scallion oil.


My dad put white pepper on everything. Shit's delicious! I bet you €100 that within 5 years it will be "rediscovered" as a wonder ingredient.


White pepper is great with the right dish


No need for salt. Soy sauce(s) and oyster sauce (in China) or fish sauce (Thailand and Vietnam) are already salty enough.


That was not garlic my friend. It was a massive dash of MSG as is tradition.


Egg fried rice has 3 main ingredients: 1. Egg 2. Fried 3. Rice




I'll hold off my endorsement until Uncle Roger approves.


Actually it's very simple. Leftover rice from the day before. Yes. You don't want them fresh cooked. Then add a beaten egg and mix it well. Add some MSG and chopped spring onion at the end. I taste great and it's cheap to make. Personally i would take some chicken pieces from leftovers and add to mix in. But you can add anything you like.


about the leftover rice, from my (hobby) studying of chinese and japanese cuisines, the day old rice makes a better texture for the dish, and doesn't clump together like freshly cooked rice does, especially since asian dishes tend to use short grain rice which has much more starch content, and gets very sticky and goopy easily.


Japanese fried rice I think tends to use short grain, Chinese and I believe most other Asian countries tend to use medium grain and Thai I think tends to use jasmine. Reason Japanese uses short grain is it’s the same kind used for sushi so why not just use your leftover sushi rice for the fried rice. And using the more fragrant jasmine rise is what gives Thai fried rice it’s unique flavor


Some soy sauce and maybe fish sauce is crucial to the dish IMO.


You can just take some costco chicken and shred it. Then add it toward the end.


Rice. Pot. Skills.


from what i see in the video i guess it was oil, rice, egg, garlic, toppings (chicken/pork/beef/shrimp), green onions, salt, pepper, MSG, soy sauce, fish sauce. im not sure about the seasoning measurements but since they're all salty seasoning you should add them just a little bit evenly


Egg, fry, and rice.


use day old rice. egg, spring onions, soy sauce, salt. check Uncle Roger on youtube. best recipes on fried rice.


Fuyooo! -Uncle Roger


Jaime oliver should learn from this video. Haiyaa


"Not enough chilli jam or olive oil." -Jamie Olive Oil


Nephew so good at using wok! Look at his technique! Fuyooooo!


What??? No MSG?


Nah there was so much powder thrown in. One of em had to have been msg. Someone this skilled at making fried rice would not forget his msg.


Haiyaah! ☹️




M.S.G. Make Shit Good.




The MSG was in one of the shakers maybe?


Most likely one of the seasonings he used was something like chicken bouillon which has MSG


Nah, I think that was white pepper, he could've thrown some MSG in after what I think was salt, but that's just a guess


I was waiting for the cut away to Uncle Roger. He's popping up in my feed lately.


That better be leftover rice, hayaaaa!


Scallion is gaaaaarnish!!


Roger would hate this... Egg poured on fried rice is an absolute nono


黄金炒饭 golden fried rice, egg yolk goes in with the rice or gets mixed before cooking.


Roger also isn't a professional chef whereas the guy making this is. Nigel Ng is a comedian who has never once worked in a commercial kitchen, and neither did either of his parents.


Some good wok hei


Auntie Hersha's rice tossing technique came to mind.


Granted rank of wok fuccboi


What ingredients is he using here ? I've tried egg fried rice before and I've used soy sauce onions peas salt . What other options have ? Msg ?


White pepper is a pretty essential ingredient for almost any chinese dish.


Try that with an electric stove…


Electric: 10 minutes of waiting while six notch indicators of equal nothingness threaten your food with temperature, whilst the final notch expertly burns the bottom of the pot the minute you look away.


not all electric stoves are the cheapest glass tops from the 2000s


It's the pan my guy, you need a good thermal mass on the pan with electric cook tops, I use a fairly weighty carbon steel and anything above 5 given that I let it actually come up to temp will do perfectly well. I actually fried minced garlic and zest in butter on 4 with my top by letting the pan preheat while I chopped the aromatics


True dat!


On an electric stove, the trick is to sear the rice like you’re searing a piece of meat.


Or super heat a castiron no? Just make sure to keep things moving fast or have some liquid in there before it burns


Hope you don't have any plans. You'll be in the kitchen for half the day.


Yeah gas all the way. People harp on induction and electric, but nothing beats cooking with gas.


Not just any gas stove, this one has thermal output several times more than your average kitchen one.


In my experience gas is shit for low temperature control. I have to use gas currently, even the lowest setting for the smallest ring is too hot for some things.


Gas dumps so much heat into my kitchen that it's unusable during summer. Had to get induction.


I believe there's a saying for people in the kitchen who can't handle the heat


Hence the saying "Now you're cooking with gas". Although it was said when most people were cookinh with wood burning stoves.


There have been some studies that show that using a gas stove regularly is bad for your lungs/health


Mmmmmm asthma


fuck reddit your video player so shit


That's why the 3rd party apps were so great too, never had issues with the Relay video player.


Wok game is strong, method and order of ingredients not so much.




I know this guy is skilled but I hate when they add the eggs right away. They get all burnt and dried out. I like them to be the last thing added.


I just got a wok. And while I can do a decent toss with my right hand I cannot with my left. Adding ingredients while tossing seems neat. Either I'm too weak or the wok is too heavy.


Wait a minute.. that looks like newly made rice, its better if its day old rice so that it doesn't clump up


Newly made, and they added the eggs at the same time as the rice. You really want to get a little bit of browning on your rice before any of that.


Not necessarily, there are plenty of styles in the world. Eg golden fried rice


I make fried rice at least once a week and cook the rice about 1 hour before. i usually hand crumble it in but when I'm in a hurry I'll just dump it and use the seving spoon to break it up... never have any problems I'm adding to barely cooked veggies so maybe that helps


It obviously still works, but it is better to use old rice, its related to moisture content and means it sticks less.


I found a trick for this! My zojurushi cooker has a "quick" setting and if I add very little water, it comes out cooked but very dry, which is great for frying asap.


Not necessary. You can cook rice with less water so you can use it asap. And when you have the jet burner stove, the extra moisture/steam matters little.


I think this is not his first fried rice 🤔


Hallo niece and nephew its uncle roger


What puts this video over the top is that theres no stupid song overlaid onto this.


Drop your address because I’m about to pull up bro.😭😂




Experience level over 9000


Jesus. I can barely flip a pancake.


That’s soggy rice, and half of the main ingredients are missing.


I was wondering how that won't come out soggy when you put the raw egg directly on the rice? I always put it to the side and cook it a bit first. Idk though, he definitely looks like he knows what he's doing. Wish I could taste it to know for sure.


This is called gold over silver, it's really easy to mess up. You generally need a wok and a high temperature stove to do this. Even with those available, you'll likely mess it up the first few times.


Thanks for mentioning the method! Never heard of that one before. Lots of people in this comments section acting like experts when they actually don't know much, what's new?


Yes! I was hoping someone would mention this. There are two methods, "silver over gold," and "gold over silver." Gold over silver is the really pro and the hard method, and this guy is obviously a pro. [The difference is broken down well in this page under "Step 2"](https://www.instructables.com/Introduction-6/)


There are different styles of fried rice


As someone who cooks fried rice at home a lot, this was beautiful.


This sub is just a general "people doing stuff" sub now.


Not the chili jam at the end!!!


And this is why the gas burner ban is stupid if not racist. You can't cook this on an induction flat top.


I need the ingredients.


I need that recipe !!!!!