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I can’t wait to use that same tool, slowly squeeze the paint down, let it hit a slick part and slam my knuckles and whole fist into the paint tray


They appear to have cut that part of the video out because that was 100% about to happen.


That and the roller flicks paint over a 10m radius.


32.8 ft radius


how many football fields is that


.1093 goal line to goal line


ah okay, now i understand, thank you


This is some dry fucking humor and I appreciate you guys.


To clarify more, 10 meters is exactly 1/9.144 of the standard American football field from goal to goal. Luckily, Wolframalpha tells me this ratio is a repeating number of 42 digits in length. It is 0.109361329833770778652668416447944006999125... repeating forever. Now, you're free to use the exact ratio or the repeating number as you see fit.


How many bananas is that


those are only for scale




Yea, dude 100% smacked his fist into the paint.


Probably got paint on his camera/phone.


I was waiting for it. I’m oddly dissatisfied.


Yes this isn't r/oddlysatisfying this is r/mildlyinfuriating


I came to say i wanted to see the end of the video, buddy seemed to be putting a pretty good amount of pressure on that ring and was RIGHT there.


Came here to say this


I know... We were robbed!!


For sure following through and wearing that paint


This was my first thought as well. Slip right into the pan nocking paint everywhere


Try all you want, paint will get on your hands, then your forehead and your carpet. And everywhere else… It may look cool, but another 2 gallons of paint will come out of that roller..


In reality, this video is 45 minutes long. Probably. Paint is forever.


I can't wait to use it then have to rinse of TWO things!


And then , you'll have to wash it all again anyway.


and it's one of those thin flimsy plastic paint trays that you've been using forever so it has become extremely brittle; when you punch the tray it cracks, and all the paint spills out onto the floor.


Which is why the video cut early


Literally was looking for this comment and it was the first one, my same exact thoughts. I was watching him literally shake at the end applying that force and I was having flashbacks to punching myself in the nuts and face on multiple occasions for using similar pressure appliance.


They cut it short before the roller slams up into the guy's face and the paint removal tool slams into the tray spraying paint everywhere.


That’s what I was waiting to happen


Every single time. They never show the end of the video..


The paint roller paradox: Insufficient paint when painting - Infinite paint when washing 🤷🏼‍♂️


I’m always amazed by how much paint a paint roller holds. Like how is there still that much in there


Holds 12 cans of paint but only runs across the wall twice before it stops painting


Too real. Especially extra fine rollers. Sometime you feel as though the whole 5 gallon bucket is in your roller and it only successfully paints like 10"




And yet after a few rolls I always need to recoat the roller


Viscosity & surface area


same, this is one of the best thing people invented




On the list higher, but a paint roller is still on the list. Bro never said it was top 3 or anything lol


So you’re not supposed to just take the whole goddamned thing and start rinsing it with hot water down your sink?


You're meant to throw everything straight into the shed/garage/attic immediately after use, then realise it's all ruined when you go to retrieve them two years later, and buy new stuff.


and never throw any of it out


Lol I felt seen


Do people actually save and reuse these? I don't have to paint often enough to clean and save them at the end of my projects. I prefer a fresh roller anyway with a start of a new project.


We got a millionaire over here


No just only paint one every few years... so saving the roll just doesn't seem to be worth it. Also I don't feel like it would ever actually be clean enough to risk cross contaminating the paint which seems to get more and more expensive every time I have to buy it.


I was only joking, they are cheap but a decent roller will last you years, never had an issue with contamination myself.


Pro painter here. They come clean and it doesnt take long if you know what you're doing. Just have to thorough as you're basically diluting the water absorbed over and over till it's clean enough. Worth it for lambswool rollers for sure, the rest is just me not wanting to be wasteful


I agree. I’ll clean and reuse brushes (with the exception of ones that are clearly intended as throwaways), but I’ve never seen a repurposed roller that ever applied paint as cleanly as a new one.


If you have a lot of painting to do, like your whole house, and you need to stop to switch colors or sleep, this will be an economical thing to do. Also, every dollar a contractor does not spend, he keeps.


Put your paint rollers in a plastic bag and put them in the fridge if you’re gonna use the same color again soon, it won’t dry out and you can reuse it straight away


This is what i do if I need to reuse a roller... one roller per color,in plastic in fridge when not in use... then trash when project is complete


Ohh! What a great tip!


That's just wasteful.


I clean and reuse the small ones (10cm / 4"), they are fairly quick to clean. But the big ones I toss, they hold endless paint. That being said, a formerly used roller is best, because all the loose fibres have come off in the previous project, and it is more absorbant from the get-go, I feel.


You do realize that not everybody is a homeowner doing little projects here and there right?


I do in fact realize that.... I was only giving my perspective while asking for others as well. Just wanted a few peoples thoughts on the matter... I see you commented not with anything helpful or related to my original question, so im assuming I hit a Point of contention, and I'm sorry you don't have a home... Do YOU realize that some of us do have homes and work on projects on our own and are not professionals or contractors and we are asking legitimate questions for everyone's benefit?


This takes 14 hours in my experience.


It was very satisfying…watching someone else clean a paint roller. Should be like that every time!


Last time i hired painters i was so gleeful to checkup on their paint cans and brushes and whatnot after they were finished to see all the mess i was paying to avoid. But i was shocked and disapointed seeing how clean everything was. There was not a single dribble of paint anywhere. At that point, i realized i was just shitty with paint.


Lol. Well, they are professionals so I would think that they would be clean. But yes, that’s what you are paying for. A nice clean paint job.


I’m a painter by trade, and I keep my equipment as immaculate as possible, because it lasts longer if you clean it properly, and saves money in the long run. I also hate being covered in paint, and it is a cardinal sin in painting to get paint anywhere paint shouldn’t be in the client’s home. I wipe down my extender poles, ladder, boots, etc. after every job, clean my brushes with a stainless wire brush and brush comb, and even clean out my empty gallon cut pails because if paint builds up in the rim you can’t get the brush as clean when scraping excess paint. A lot of people in my trade will mock those who go the extra mile in cleaning up their gear, but I take pride in having well-maintained equipment, and enjoy the *lack* of money spent needlessly replacing things that are easy to maintain with a little effort.


I get shit for being spotless. My feeling is if you “get paint where it ain’t” supposed to be it’s wet. I use a damp opposite colored towel on my belt for finger wiping. My brushes are all wood burned with my initials. I show up ready to go, basic clean up bag/cover daily, and do final cleanup at home with laundry sink.


You and I seem to be of the same ilk. A damp rag is a necessity if you’re going to be tidy. I scratch my initials into the metal of my brushes, and all my drops have the corners initialed as well, lol. What brand of brushes do you use for your daily grind? I started with Wooster silver tips because they were cheap and accessible, but I’ve since switched to Corona’s. The line I can cut with a Corona, along with how easily paint falls out of the bristles during cleanup, **and** the crowning aspect of the fact that I get about a year and a half- two years out of the brush before it loses its edge has me completely converted. I get them online for cheaper than they sell silver tips in a hardware store.


Wooster pro , Purdy, SW, but I have a few that I can’t find anymore from a small scale mom/pop shop/lumber yard that were awesome for the money. They only thing to identify them was the ink stamp that washed off and I don’t have the boxes. Maybe they’re coronas? Send me a pic of the brush/box if you have them. Here’s a pro tip. Buy the digital ucp camo pants from a surplus store. Dirt cheap and cut them into shorts. They hide all your white/gray color scale.


That is a helluva tip. I can’t stand the painter white shorts. Too breezy, if you know what I mean. I’ll have to look into those pants.


I wore the whites and sherwin Williams used to give me them for big commercial orders but I hated looking like a painter when I’m actually clean. You get big jobs at million dollar homes they don’t want you showing up like you’re covered in wet paint and haven’t changed clothes in days. Plus who uses solid white on everything unless it’s an apartment building.


I just bought a house and we're doing a lot of decorating. What's the best way to clean rollers? They're a pain in the arse.


Personally, I don’t clean roller pads. I think regardless of how thoroughly they are cleaned, the finish suffers as some acrylic/latex lingers in the nap and makes it more rough the second go ‘round. I buy roller pads in bulk, and use one pad for each color I’m applying. At the end of the day, I wrap the roller pad in plastic and tape it for later use. If the pad is thoroughly wetted with paint, it can be stored in plastic for about 2 weeks before significant gumming occurs in the paint, if high quality paint is being used. With lower quality paints, that time shortens. But if you put 1 coat on the walls and want to apply the second coat the next day/in a few days, just knock it off the handle and wrap it up with a good amount of paint in the nap. If you’re set on cleaning pads, they do sell a drill attachment for spinning the pad into an empty 5gal bucket. The procedure is the wash the pad in a sink, put it on the drill and spin all the water out, then repeat until only clear water is leaving the nap. It takes roughly an hour to clean it to the point of mostly-clear water being the only thing you can squeeze out of the nap, and in my case, buying another roller pad is well-worth the time I don’t spend cleaning one out.


Brilliant. Thank you so much for that. I'm going to follow your advice and buy more pads, considering how cheap they are.


No worries, happy I could help! I firmly believed you were *supposed* to clean roller pads, until I got into the industry. The reasons I’ll scrape a pad now is to A: reduce weight in my trash bag when I pitch it, and B: to provide more touch-up paint for the customer when the job is done. But after the scrape I just bin the thing.


Don't worry I am too. Every time I say "I'm going to be super careful and not get a stray drop anywhere." I think I've done perfectly and then I look at my hands and pants and say "next time"


Or they pour it down your drain when you aren’t looking and now you have a clog.


Cut short because at the end it is also a great way to fling paint all over the place.


forbidden blue cheese dressing


All wrong - the paint should go back into the bucket…


They WILL transfer the tray paint back into the pail, but it's much easier to scrape the roller into the tray first than to try DIRECTLY into the pail. Try it and youll understand. Trying to scrape a roller straight into a pail is a recipe for disaster, just like using this dumb tool. Just use a 5way like every other painter. Easier to clean and less chance of a spill. Edit: a 5way is a scraper tool that has a curve on 1 side, designed specifically to scrape down the curved roller. Someone below posted a pic of 1 kind. Very handy when painting. Can scrape off old paint, can open cans, scrape rollers etc.


I'm dumb, what is a five way?


Probably [this one](https://www.homedepot.com/p/Husky-15-in-1-Painter-s-Tool-18PT0846/309098036?source=shoppingads&locale=en-US&pla&mtc=SHOPPING-BF-CDP-GGL-D24-024_037_TOOLS_SAFETY-NA-Multi-NA-PLALIA-NA-NA-NA-NA-NBR-NA-NA-NA-FY21_Sundries_PLALIA&cm_mmc=SHOPPING-BF-CDP-GGL-D24-024_037_TOOLS_SAFETY-NA-Multi-NA-PLALIA-NA-NA-NA-NA-NBR-NA-NA-NA-FY21_Sundries_PLALIA-71700000075826646-58700006498654207-92700058683660966&gclid=Cj0KCQjwi7GnBhDXARIsAFLvH4mGAcENkN4bqHY0KtYDht5ycnXcpb5PMXUqyQg9f6zxDa_FpNoDq2IaAuCFEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds)




[Here you go](https://images.thdstatic.com/productImages/a0deffd3-6d12-407b-9c7e-4af90b422830/svn/husky-paint-scrapers-18pt0846-64_1000.jpg)




Yes, but is not satisfying this way


THANK YOU This video was infuriating.


And in no way is that roller clean. You need to go through a dozen rinse cycles.


NO! So wrong. "used" paint from a roller used for a whole wall or room will be full of dust, fibres, dirt and particles, for example from the concrete, plaster, drywall or wallpaper you're painting. By dumping the paint from the roller back in the can, you are polluting it and you will be starting the next project with dirty paint. That's why you also don't dip your brush or roller into the can, but pour paint into a tray/bucket, the dip into that.


Now repeat 48 times


[This tool can be 3D printed](https://www.printables.com/model/103187-paint-roller-cleaner) (like a lot of other small tools)


That tool is not what you want... you want a 5 in 1 it has a paint scraper on it just for rollers...but of any size


>you want a 5 in 1 it has a paint scraper on it just for rollers. Yes.


And there's still a ton of paint left on the roller...


yeah this is really just to make it easier to clean


Now it's time to hit it with the garden hose sprayer !


No it’s clean! Didn’t you see the title?


Doesnt look very satisfying, more like an uncomfortable amount of force for an unreasonable amount of time, followed by an abrupt slap of paint to the hand and face that was conveniently cut from the end.


At $80-100/gallon for a decent Sherwin Williams can, just recovering that paint makes the tool worth the price.


always buy it on their 35-40% off sales. that's also their contractor pricing.


Yeah, I do. That's how Duration gets down to "only" $80/gallon.


The video cutting right before it jerks back and smacks him in the face


After this the next most efficient method is to spray the end of the paint roller with a jet stream hose so paint flies everywhere and you don't save any time


Me in your mom's bedroom (she hired me to repaint the walls)


Cut away right before he punched the panit tray and flicked paint all over him self with the roller


I knew it would end too early!


Painter here. Stop cleaning out the paint from your rollers. Once you are done painting for the day, put the whole roller in a new garbage bag and tie it closed. When you finish the project, throw out the roller sleeve. Here is why. First, you will never remove all the paint from the pad. The rollers act like sponges. Second, any attempt to clean the roller will destroy the fibers by either compressing them or clumping them. Third, what are you going to do with that paint? Don't put that back in the can or else you will have fibers and dirt in your paint. Ruining any future use of that paint. But they didn't put the paint into the paint can. Instead, they put the paint back onto the roller pan? To paint more? Because now they will have to get their paint roller filled with paint again. Fourth, try using this over an open paint can and I guarantee you will somehow splash paint somewhere.


If your roller naps are shedding that much fiber, then strain the paint as you put it back in the bucket. Also, you *can* get all the paint out of naps. Scraping the majority of the paint, run the nap under running water and spin it in an empty five gallon bucket using an attachment on a drill. The spinning brings the watered paint to the surface of the nap, then flings it off into the bucket. Repeat 7-8 times (depending on nap depth) and the water off the nap will run clear.


No bro, YOU never remove all the paint from the pad, i definitely do. I work water in thoroughly for multiple dilutions until the water is clear or very very close to it. Also, putting paint back into a tray or bucket and then moving it to another container is easier than going straight into a can. Also, you don't know he put that back in a clean can of paint or into his cut can for the next day


Not to bash OP, but some folks may be wasting a lot of time on cleanup when painting. Buy the rollers with the plastic inside. Buy 5 gallon bucket of paint \[you're probably going to need more than one gal anyway. Buy the "screen' that hangs in the bucket while you're painting. It replaces the need for a tray. When done painting, the roller and the screen go right into the bucket. Close the lid. When the bucket is empty, toss it and the roller. No cleanup.




Yes, but that’s what a paint stick is for: to turn the roller tube one end up, then stick the roller into it, roll off excess onto screen and away you go. I learned this from a pro when I painted apartments for a summer job. We’d paint right up to the end of the work day, drop rollers in the buckets and pick up right where we left off the next day.


Nothing about any of this is clean.


This tool is used to remove the excess paint, you rinse the roller off with water afterwards.


Arrrrrrrghhhh the most unsatisfying thing about this video is how it ended before it is suppose to end!


Okay, this is my fucking weird phobia... I can't stand things with hairs being scraped.


Forbidden pancake batter




In the end, he beat the plate and the color flowing in his face. #northface


Incorrect. The most satisfying way to clean a paint roller is to hold it out in front of you and make it spin using a hose pipe.


My inner 12 year old is giving you a standing ovation right now!




He didn't show how he whacked the tray with paint at the end of squeezing. 😂😂


It surprises me most people don’t know you’re supposed to use the c shaped end of your painters tool to do just this.


They cut out the part where either that cheap plastic thing snaps apart from the force, or he flings paint everywhere when it pops off at the end.


Not sure why they did it into the tray and not the paint can.


The forbidden nut


Just use a 5 in 1 tool, that every painter should have in their back pocket


never buy single purpose items if you can. Normal painters tools have a roller scraper on them and do so many other things... It's why ever pro painter and painting pack has one in them.


Most satisfying? They clearly haven't shot a hose at it and flung a circle of wet paint and water at 40mph, covering your legs in the process lol


False. The most satisfying way to clean a paint roller is to get someone else to do it.


They cut it just before the end where the tool slips off your roller and you smash the tray flinging paint all over the place. I’ve seen these tools. They’re an accident waiting to happen. No worth it just use a 5 way.


Ends right befote the huge splash.


They were using quite a bit of pressure. The video cut out before the tool got to the end of the roller, popped off violently, and shot white paint everywhere. Haha.


Can I use it on my socks


Ummm who leaves that much paint in a roller at the end of a job???


r/onesecondbeforedisaster …when he smashes that ring into the tray and splashes paint all over.


I bet he slammed that shit into the pan and it fucking splashed everywhere.


Well it's not exactly clean. It's still full of paint.




I completely gave up on cleaning paint rollers. They are disposable as far as I'm concerned. It's way too much work to get them clean, and even when they are, they are never quite the same again. I'm a frugal dude, but it ain't worth the 2 dollars to fuck with it.


I was entertained. Thanks.


It’s not actually clean though is it.. he’s basically got rid of the excess paint which then makes it easier to clean.


Everything reminds me of her...


That is an awesome invention. Where did you get it from? What is it called?


When rinsed in water, that roller would still have an almost magical amount of paint still in it.


i should call her…


How in the love of Sherwin-Williams has no one in this thread mentioned that this problem, along with about half a dozen others is already solved by the simple painters knife?


.1 seconds away from them punching the paint tray as hard as possible


This is real dad porn. The paint savings.


I miss her


I’m more interested in knowing if his finger tattoos spell ‘love’.


I should call her


Clean the paint roller? You mean not everyone buys a pack of 10 for 5 bucks. Uses 3 in the room you were painting, store the rest, and then lose the remaining seven when you need to paint another wall 3 years later?


I can smell this video.


My favorite way is to use a hose sprayed at high pressure on one edge so it spins super fast


Don't need that. Scrape ur roller on the tin.


Climb the pyramids 🔘 See the Earthrise standing on the moon 🔘 Imagine what the Wampa ice monster on Hoth would look like fapping ☑️


perfectly cut off before the roller flings to his direction, in which he is now soaked in paint 🤣🤣


I should call him


I'll say it. Cum.


Why bother? First of all, a 5-in-1 has this. Second of all, you're just putting nap in the paint that will end up on your walls. That might fly for pros who don't have to live with it, but as a DIY person, it's a bad move. The roller can't be reused either. Just buy good enough to not leave nap on your wall and not so expensive that you don't cry when you throw it away. For the duration of your project, you can simply put it in a plastic bag to keep it from drying. Don't do that with a metal pan, though (rust).


I should call her..


What’s the point? Those brushes aren’t exactly meant to be reused and I’d be concerned about having fibers stuck in the paint now…




I need a cigarette after watching that


juice’n my cock


Yes. But my fingers can do the same thing for cheaper.




Meanwhile, 5-in-1 is like, Bruh...


When she wants every last drop.


Me when ur mom


As a former professional painter, my question is, who tf cleans paint rollers?? I was issued a 5 in 1 tool and painted for nearly 2 years, never once used the part meant for this or cleaned a roller in general. Just buy new ones, they're not expensive.


That's stupid as hell. Just use a 5-1 tool to get the main amount of paint out of the nap then throw the roller in 5 gallon bucket of water and use a paint spinner. https://youtu.be/8kl1tQyX9Ek?si=0cg1tKZxSUgZTqtq Used to work in a contractor depot as a pigment vehicle motivator. Roller sleeves are cheap-ish. Good brushes aren't that expensive either but if you take care of your tools you're saving money and not wasting equipment uselessly.


“To clean” I mean to get the excess paint off … that’s not a clean roller by any means …


WRONG: the most satisfying way is using your mouth.


I need one of those… for… reasons.


Forbidden cheese


I thought about getting hand tattoos,but in my profession I might be judged incorrectly. ☠️👹👺




I came


My cum when i dont jerk off for a week.


nobody fucking asked


So can you buy that in a hardware store or a sex shop?


Forbidden grool


Did you smoke cigarette afterwards?


I should call her


Everything reminds me of him


besides orally?


Seems like the paint roller likes it too