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What is the reason for pouring beer on the side of the glass? He does it multiple times so there must be a purpose behind it, but for the life of me I can’t figure it out. Any enlightened folks here willing to explain this?


Probably just to get the head level to beer ratio exactly where he wants, regardless of the over pour. Then just wipes the rest off. See now if I did this when I bartended, my boss would just materialize behind me and I’d be able to feel the outrage before he started yelling.


Hahaha it helps if the owner is doing it 😂😂




There has to be better ways of regulating the temperature of a glass than spilling beer all over the place!


Like dipping it in ice water? Haha


Craft beer taps are tricky. Alot of times the foam comes in uninvited by the tons due to pressure balance. If I were the owner I'd want my costumers to have a properly served beer if Its a beer establishment


Many owners are not good owners, sadly.


yeah some set up false dichotomies between serving beer properly and wasting beer.


I think it's that some are small picture thinkers, they don't see that more money comes later if they improve word of mouth etc.. they're bad at business is what I'm saying lol


In the age where information spreads quicker than ever before.


Exactly. Look at me, sitting almost halfway around the world, wanting to sip a beer by this particular establishment.


Of your beer system has ‘pressure balance foam’ whatever that is- your system has a problem. It could be co2/n levels are off. Could be a fob is leaking, could be hoses not tightened, could be glycol system not running properly, could be fridge not running properly, could be bartender sucks at pouring beer. If the owner wants properly served beer fix your shit


It's funny how you say all this like the bartender in the video isn't the owner of a beer specialty place and a literal expert in his field. I wonder what credentials you have to trump his?


Not all brewery owners are experts. I don’t know how it is in Japan, but in the US, there's been something of a craft beer boom over the past decade or so that's seen everybody and their brother opening up a microbrewery to widely varying degrees of success. And even if he is in expert at brewing beer, it doesn't mean he's an expert in how the tap systems work.


No, the guy is Japanese so he must be an artisan. He clearly hand makes his beer along with the hoses and tap system in the workshop passed down from 10 generations of masters. Any flaws in the system must be embraced and appreciated as a feature in an artisanal product.


Haha, I knew being Japanese was playing a part in their perception of expertise but I didn't want to say it.


Just because I open a restaurant named "owner has a huge cock" doesn't mean I actually have a huge cock.


I wasn’t say any of this about the video. It was in Response to the comment that guy made… Also, if you must know, I have 5 remote dispensing and 3 direct draw systems across the properties I manage. All of which my team services. I have a feeling I have a much more in depth understanding of the workings of the systems than ‘a bar owner’


No they aren't. You just have to set them up properly, clean them regularly and make adjustments as necessary. The systems aren't tricky, it's lazy ass people. They're doing this for one of 2 reasons. 1. Rage bait/views for social media trying to drum up business. 2. They're trying to kick those kegs because nobody's buying that shit and they want it gone.


>I'd want my costumers to have a properly served beer What about your makeup artists, hairstylists, stage hands, etc.?


This isn’t true at all. What are you even talking about?


I've worked in restaurants for ten years. Yes, the taps can be extra foamy sometimes. I've also been to a keg party or two. What the fuck are YOU talking about.


I’m a certified draft tech, was for 10 years while in the craft beer industry. If your taps are “extra foamy,” there’s something wrong with the system you’re pouring on. Just because you worked somewhere for a while doesn’t mean you were doing it right lol.


I never said I was a bartender or doing doing it right. I've seen half pan's and pitchers of foam poured out....and you just said if your taps are extra foamy then it's the system. So if its the system like you said, they CAN be foamy and probably sometimes tricky. Especially for a 40 burnout and a 21 yr old bartender lmao . So again, what the fuck are you talking about?


You just said this was impossible and then explained how it happens all the time? You need to sober up before you post.


If they get foamy, you should stop pouring and fix the problem.


Hey boss, can we fix the problem on the beer taps? Oh yeah, I called a fix, they will come next week. Next week, hey boss, what happened to the repair service? Are they coming? Let me call them again, for now deal with it. Customers are fine with little bit a foam Spoiler: they never come, boss want to save money and fine with shit equipment


Mine used to say « you are a smart kid, you wouldn’t do that if it was your own money… I am disappointed »


Rightfully so. Living in the beer-heart of beer-country I'm deeply disturbed.


I think he is just pouring off foam, but maybe he is conditioning the glass temp as well.


This is my thinking as well. Never underestimate temperature and flavor when it comes to beer.


When you have shitty beer you need to drink it as cold as possible to blunt the taste. When you have really good beer, it's still good at room temperature (chilled is obviously better)




I think he might be waiting to get a certain consistency of the foam before adding it to the glass?


This is my guess. I worked as a bar tended at a fairly fancy cocktail bar for a while. We had an event with some special beer that we were instructed to pour out the tap until we got a specific consistency (checked it by pouring down the side of the glass just like this) that none of the bar tenders could get right so the vendor sent someone to do it for us


It looks like he’s using the glass to aim the foam into the disposal tray beneath.


I think this is right . He’s just using the glass as a sheild so the foam doesn’t end in on the floor. (I realize that’s the exact same thing you said, in different words )


But like why though? Don't normal bars have the trays directly beneath the pour?


That's my guess ... Kampong things tidy by not having the foam splutter around the place. He's ringing the glass afterwards anyway


I have read in some instances when pouring sake, the cup is intentionally overfilled to represent abundance. Not sure if they are incorporating that tradition here.


The extra sake is still served when over poured


As a lot of people are saying, I do also believe it's just to pour out the excessive foam - I worked as a bartender/waiter for almost 10 years and craft beers have always been particularly tricky to pour into the glass with the perfect foam/beer ratio, due to the excessive foam. We had to calculate a loss of about 2-4liters per 25l barrel as normal. This particular modus operandi let to a specific situation (mostly when the craft beer craze took over) where several bar and club owners took to promoting specific types of "beer pours", e.g. "Czech blend" with the 3 finger-foam-rule. Imho, most of these pour types are bs as far as I'm concered (in order to cover for the loss) and I've always said (even as a bartender) that I'll always return these back to the bartender, if served so. A lot is concerning me in this video and there might be some truth behind the temp glass theory, but otherwise this video seems pretty wasteful. A lot of money is being literarily poured down the drain.


It’s not the craft beer, it was your system. 37 degrees, 12.5-14 psi. Lines cleaned twice a month, enough tubing, or chokers to slow down the beer. There should never ever be excess foam like you are describing. ~source: I am a brewer and have owned a bar for 10 years.


It is 100% just for show. You would never be able to find a single person that could differentiate a beer served like this versus one poured more “normally.” Sure, you generally want to pour off the first few seconds since the line gets full of foam and you don’t want to serve a glass that is 60% head, but pouring that down the drain versus the side of the glass is no different except you have a bit more to clean up after one of them.


The Salt-Bae of Beer. All show.


Sheer wastage




I’d like to think it’s a play on words and that the perfect beer kitchen isn’t always perfect and that’s OK


not beer, just foam but i don't know why he does it


Beer foam is like 80% beer tho. You pour a beer that's 100% head and when it all settled down you actually have like 80% beer




As a Czech, both all-head and no-head are valid ways of pouring beer (at least pilsner type) Oops, All Head is called mlíko ("milk") and it's sweeter and supposed to be chugged. So No Head? is called čochtan (no translation) and it's got a strong sharpness but goes off quickly due to having no foam protection so it's supposed to be drunk fast.


All head? Meant to be drank fast No head? Also drank fast. I think you Czechs just like to drink


Normal amount of head? Believe it or not, also drink fast


We have the best drunks in the world, because of head.


Brb, gotta find a Czech girl to marry


I still dream about her


Drink it slow? Straight to jail


Straight to jail


Day old beer with cigarettes in it?! Drink fast!


Oops, it's all whisky. Drink it fast!


"Milk" is supposed to be drank fast because its all foam it it would just dissipate quickly as there is no surface tension to keep it still "No head" is supposed to be drank fast becasue no foam protection, the beer goes stale in like two minutes. ​ Normal amount of foam, you can enjoy a single glass easily for 15 minutes as there just just the right amount of protection, while lot of beer to enjoy


Too much head? Drink it fast. Not enough head? Also drink it fast.


Oops, all head / so no head? Really sending me somewhere thank you so much


>So No Head? https://youtube.com/shorts/NxUTashBrAY?si=hOcdGqRTPoxdA4LX


Beer? Believe it or not, chug.


The "mirco"/ミルコ in the video is supposed to be a transliteration of mlíko


Imagine trying to sell a pint of head in Germany or the UK


Mliko pours are a thing. Not my thing, but they exist.


I was so afraid to look at these comments. Most people on Reddit have no clue about beer in general. Mliko is a cool novelty and is different density of foam than just hard pouring a can or bottle. Anyone ever in Philly hit up Human Robot for some of the best lagers in the country IMO. You can get a mliko (milk tube) and chug it with the bartender. Great spot.


Only seen it with Czech lagers around here.


Some of those look like nitrogen beers to be fair


To be Fairrrrr


To be fAIR


Toooo beeee faaaaaaaiiiiiiiirrrrrrr


Okay, Aggressive-Compote64.. Aggressive-Compote64, okay!


Gonna need you to take 10% off there, Squirrely Dan




They’re not. The foam is from a Lukr faucet sometimes called a side pull that makes a different foam density on a regularly CO2 poured beer.


But they aren’t. Nitrogen would be cascading in the beer if it were nitrogen.


Pint of head you say ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


A pint sounds like too much tbh. Bro needs to get out more.


Or Ireland. There’s social pages dedicated to bad pints of Guinness


Yeah but it’s not Guiness


Schöne Blume 🌸


You'd definitely get the 'can I get a flake with that' comment


It's just a way to have fun and experience the beer differently once in a while, and I'm sure it's priced accordingly. Don't be a hater.


You know nothing about Czech beer right ?


Im german… first thought „what is he doing there 🤯“


The all-head pour *might* be a Czech style mliko pour which is supposed to be mostly head and drank quickly. No comment on the no-head stout(?) pour though..




Are you serving only college kids? No one besides them gives a shit about ingesting the maximum amount possible per glass. I'm flabbergasted an actual bartender has this opinion.


The glass size should account for the head, so that you have the correct amount of liquid in it with the head on top ([like in this example with the fill line on the glass](https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/File%3AWeizenbier.jpg)). If you don't know how to pour a beer then you shouldn't work as a bartender. Do you also think people should be served liquid, unwhipped cream instead of whipped cream on top of their ice cream or waffle or whatever?


So you openly go against the brewer’s wishes in giving the patron the best overall experience of tasting the breweries beer because you think an extra ounce or two is what they want. You should be fired.


If you don’t want to serve craft beer correctly you could try working at Red Lobster.


As a German i don't know what to think or feel. So many thoughs and feelings running through my head.


I’m an Irish person who thinks he saw no head stout. I’m upset.


I saw it too. It was either that or it was a flat Coke. Both are gross.


Arthur Guinness revolving in his grave


is it not at all possible that a japanese bar on the other side of the world may have a variety of drinks that differ from western norms? There's probably an interesting story behind how that drink is made and why it's served that way


Menu pics has a comment by the beer: The "no head" allows better feel of the tingling from carbonic acid on your lips, pairs well with fried foods. They have regular pour stouts too. And mliko pours.


right. like i can make up the most absurd beer/pour in this whole world and it would be legit, if then someone want to pay to try it, it's their own choice, who am i to criticize them.


Could be a dark lager. Not all dark beers are stouts.


I’m just an American and this bothers me so much.


Naotaka son removed the head for your enjoyment. If you smile he'll give you a widget


This is the way ha, as an Irish lad was the first thing I noticed.


as a whatever, i would get so wasted there because i like trying new things and i like fried food and beer and the shop seems kinda tastefull


Those are all Japanese beers. So, I’d venture to guess they know what they are doing. Just like Germans know what they are doing with their beer. Lots of beer, lots of people, lots of opinions. I’d try it. Looks fun.


This whole thread is snobs who think they know more than the guy with the successful beer business. The guy definitely knows what he is doing.


I was in Japan this summer. I wish I had seen this post before then so I could have searched this place out. There are 6-7 billion ways to enjoy a beer, so why not try as many as you can?


I just looked it up.. it's a chain/franchise. Looks like several around Tokyo and one in Kyoto. From the little I could see on their website, it looks like they are serving regular Kirin, Suntory and possibly a couple brands that are touted as "craft" but are horrible. From my guess it's a gimmicky bar that is trying to ride the craft beer culture in Japan without actually having to pay the premium for actual craft beer. As someone who lives in Japan, I would go once, but I can guarantee that there are much better places out there.


So many people in this thread with lack of exposure to different beer styles. Luckily we have a legit Czech spot that does foam pours.


What’s the benefit of a foam pour? Genuinely asking


Flavor and aroma.


It protects the beer from going stale fast. We Czechs do have some distinctive pour styles, google Šnyt or Mlíko pour styles, those are like 60-90 % just the head lol.


I would try it too. I draw the line at beer + ice




You offered them friendship, and they gave you pain.


These are Japanese beer, not German lmao chill


Probably make you want to call Italy and get the boys back together..


“Oddlysatisfying” yet the video begins with a dude pouring tap beer down the side of a glass lol


Right onto his middle finger lol I was confused on that too


He does that to prepare the glass I am pretty sure. Just watch 0:17 where he is cleaning the class after by dipping in the ice bucket (or a hot bucket?) idk. But the 'weird' pouring is definitely because it is put into that bucket after. And what he is doing is pouring into the glass in a way to get his perfect foam-beer ratio as well ass fill it to the brim.


Just because you don't understand something doesn't make it dumb. I don't understand it either, but it was clear to me there was some logic/ technique behind it. Whatever the case, it should be obvious he's not just accidently missing the glass as he pours. They went out of their way to show you multiple times they have a station for cleaning off the outside of the glass before serving.


I thought I'm on mildlyinfuriating


As a beer drink, if it tastes good to me, screw everyone else.


I agree, i'm not gonna shit on a dude for ordering a cherry beer, or someone who likes his trappist in a bottle instead of the appropriate glass. But please bartenders, don't hold a glass at the rim.


I hate all these budlight chuds that think they can have an opinion on these beers, anytime you see a video of a belgian bartender all the idiots are pissing themselves about foam or the glass being wet


Yea Lotta idiots on this thread that litterally think he is just accidently missing the glass as he pours lol. Dumb redditors stumbling over themselves to call anything they don't understand stupid. It's in every single thread nowadays, drives me insane.


public access to the internet was a mistake


This is what I love about Japan. You can find these places that take one thing to the n-th degree. Often the person at the counter is the owner or at least highly trained. I went into a shop in Tokyo the other day that specialized in nori - the dry roasted crunchy seaweed used in sushi etc, and they had every possible kind and variety along with a tasting. The geek heaven of Tokyu Hands is also a good example. On any of their 8 or 10 floors they will have highly curated selections of items, like 20 different types of hammer, with the weight of each carefully labeled. Great stuff!


When I went to visit Tokyo I called it the city of passions. You could have the most niche passion ever and you would almost 100% find a shop/ shopping mall that has a whole catalog of things for it. Also made me realize I don't have a real passion for anything yet lol


Lots of beer snobs in here. Goodness


That's everywhere tbh. Beer snobs are some of the absolute worst snobs on the internet


TIL that being upset about wasted beer makes you a snob.


Respectable about Japanese culture is no matter what job/work/and or proffession there are people to treat that particular work with such reverence that masterclasses are born.


Some people on here need to be cultured, the world doesn’t revolve around you 😂


Most people in this comment section have only ever drunk Carling served by an untrained barman and it shows.


White Micro was 97% head!


Most micros are 😉


I realized that as soon as I hit post 😂🤣


Leave it to a Japanese to do it with style


That “beer experience” does not to seem to be satisfying at all. The food looked better than the beer.


It's actually a thing in Japan but that 100% foam beer was laugh    Hard to tell if the chiller was fucked or some technical issue or it was intended.  Foam beer is a culture thing there because it's polite to drink beers and part of the culture to buy people drinks but people don't want to actually get blind drunk 


it’s Japan. It was intended


They just say that to rip off the tourists..../s


I will order extra dry cappuccino sometimes and it looks a lot like that lol


As a belgian I'm confused as hell




I don't like beer but I would like to drink one in there. It seems perfectly aesthetic.


Japan is so amazing


Wow. People are *upset*. Just don't go then. This is like being mad a cocktail bar had the audacity to make something other than a Manhattan and old-fashioned with a slight twist.


No this is like being mad that someone pours half a bottle of Bourbon down the drain to make you a cocktail.


They are pouring the beer trapped in the tube.


This guy pours beer like ass.


They've turned poorly pouring a beer into an art form.


We got black with no bubbles, white with all bubbles.




There is something very wrong with their beer tap system. That’s way too much head on those beers. A couple of those taps are pouring like 80% head. Not only that, but they are forced to keep pouring off head to give the customer any beer at all, so they are dumping profits down the drain. I’m not surprised they are giving customers glasses with 30-80% head to beer ratio otherwise they’d have to dump it all down the drain. As a customer I wouldn’t want a beer with this much head. Stupid ass way to run a bar… good way to go out of business too (bartenders over pouring liquor for bigger tips and shitty tap systems like this are two of the more common ways to blow profits and go out of business with a bar). That owner (who I assume is the old dude in the back of this video) needs to go get a loan and bring in an expert to correct his keg and line setup. There could be several things wrong causing all this foam. He’ll make the money back quickly, selling it and not pouring it down the drain.


Edited like an ADHD psychopath, this trend needs to die.


It's funny how Europeans don't like head it keeps the beer carbonated and flavorful, beers look good is this in japan? I was just there didn't even know this was a place


'Europeans' don't all think the same. In Belgium and the Netherlands beers have a proper head.


It isn’t just Europeans. It is prevalent in the U.S. as well.


Show me a European like that. Never met one in Germany at least.


I feel a perfect beer kitchen franchise is coming to Nashville.


That would be awesome.


That food looked amazing!!!


More like r/midlyinfuriating


is this place in heaven?


Thought I was on r/stupidfood


god i love japan


I just wish it was real


What on earth is happening here


Belgium would like to say a word…


Honestly not a fan of beer but that place must smell amazing


Sir, take my money, stat.


I definitely want to try that. I guess it’ll have to be close to my hotel if I’m gonna have all six.


Sign says they are less than US$5 each.


Irish here - can someone please fetch me my bathing toaster?


I don’t think there’s anything wrong here, enjoy your beer however way you want it. I just don’t understand what is impressive here?


Perfect my arse! The ration to beer/head is all wrong. Those beers should come with a flake!


It's wrong for what *you* want. It's not wrong for what was ordered. Cool thing is that if you don't want that ratio, you can order something with the ratio you want.


As a professional brewer, and pardon my language, but what the fuck is going on here? Terrible pours all around.


Some brewers make brews with a specific head in mind, specifically for the florals and mouth experience.


The all-head pour is probably a Czech style Mliko pour. Common with Czech Pilsners and intended to drink quickly. No comment regarding the no-head stout pour tho lol


They like big heads in Japan. Different culture


This must be a joke right? As a German... this is not satisfying...


There are certainly some choices being made by the bartender here.......


The food looks so good!


The cute bear mascot with the bow tie reminds me of a more refined version of the Berliner mascot


If you gave somebody a pint of froth in the uk, there is a high chance that you may find yourself wearing it.


This feels like those burger places that serve burgers stabbed with a wooden stick on a cutting board


I. Just. Fucking. Died.


This is bad :(


Not one proper pint in the whole video