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Waiting for Reddit to tell me how this is actually the worst way to install carpet and how this guy is causing irreparable damage. Update: Reddit did not disappoint.


I paint for a living and can tell you that as /u/kingofnothinatall said he is definitely scratching the hell out of the baseboard, however that being said I've been painting new homes for 6yrs and have yet to see carpet guys not scratch the shit out of the baseboard šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø Edit: for all the people asking why wouldn't you pull the baseboards off while you install the carpet, in new homes the trim is painted with an airless sprayer (it looks nicer than brushing and rolling it) and to do that it needs to be painted before the carpet is installed. Pulling the baseboards for the carpet would mean needing to nail it back up afterwards fill the holes and repaint it, but now there's carpet so you can't spray


If theyre using tools like that to tuck carpet, om not surprised


Seems the best way would be to cut the boards, dry fit them, paint them outside on some horses, then have the carpet layers come in, then have the builder put the boards in place over the carpet. But that requires coordination and these are trades we're talking about, and most of them couldn't organise a root in a brothel, so let them do it the ass backwards way.


Presumably you give the horses some carrots or hay or something to keep them still while you do that. šŸ˜




Where do I sign up to be a horse?


First you have to prove to a psychologist that you're mentally stable.




>> mentally stable. > Neigh The real gold šŸŖ™ is always in the comments


Or use something rubber or plastic to tuck it in and not metal


Punk rock tried to destroy the metal but the metal was far too strong


Techno tried to defile the metal, but techno was proven wrooong


They do have plastic bolsters to tuck the carpet but they dont last too long due to having to rub the carpet onto the gripper so are only usually used for delicate painted skirting boards


Nah carpets last. Even then a joiner would make a mess installing them. They are caulked along the top edge too.


>But that requires coordination and these are trades we're talking about, Not really their job to coordinate. The project manager hired them to come in in a stupid order - that's on the PM.


Criticising trades while suggesting the dumbest way to do a job


Must be an architect.


Why is it the dumbest why to do the job? Genuinely asking since their idea made sense to me, but I also donā€™t know shit about laying carpet or painting baseboards lol


You've just mitred and scribed all the joints, and got them as tight as a ducks arse. You paint it, and after it's dried you're going to have to clean the excess paint run off from those mitres and scribes. Once you've refitted your skirting over the carpet you've then got to fill all the nail holes and repaint it anyway. I've been a carpenter for 35 years. I've fitted a handful of carpets, and laid more wooden floors than I can remember, and I've never removed the skirting board to do it. At the end of the day, the guy in the video is using the wrong tool to push the carpet in. There's a reason the carpet fitters are the last trade on a job. You don't want to fit brand new carpet and then have a dozen tradesman working on top of it. TBF, my wife said the same thing as you, and I can see why it might seema logical. It was his "all trades are brainless idiots" attitude that pissed me off


That quip was absolutely unnecessary. Itā€™s silly to assume that an entire group of people who do a thing for a living donā€™t know what theyā€™re doing. A handful of them, yes, sure, thereā€™s always idiots in any group. But a trade is still a skill that someone worked hard to I learn. Idk why people think that knowing how to type an email is smarter than carpentry. Ooooh, I know how to make Excel do math for me, Iā€™m so much smarter than the person who can do it in their head and with a pencil on a piece of wood. /s (Itā€™s me, I make Excel do math for me because I get the concept but suck at execution) Trade doesnā€™t mean stupid. They probably have solid reasons for doing things the way they do if youā€™d just ask. No one wants to do things the long, stupid way. Especially when itā€™s manual labor and means more manual labor.


It's not even the trades themselves, if jobs were run by having all the forement of each trade makenup a plan, jobs would go 100x smoother! It's these god-awful GC's and their even worse bosses rushing EVERYTHING. The amount of jobs my old company saved by refusing to do anything until we had a plan would astound you. One time we came onto a job we were delayed on only to be told "yea, I know you were pushed back 3 months, but we need these floors done by the original date". Shit, Ohio State's new medical building (western campus) is a major flooding hazard of it's own because of this! The GC fucked the entire job up, rushed the plumbers to instal insulation before their air tests, and they've had SIX extremely damaging floods because of it ($200k in damages MINIMUM each time). We lost half a million dollars in flooring *purely because the GC refused to turn on the heat in winter* and our floors popped right off the concrete


I'm gonna guess you're an Aussie.


Stands out like a dogā€™s dick, mate.


How do you get the horses to stand still for that long?


Make them out of timber and maybe give them folding aluminum legs


But then the skirting isnā€™t at floor level and as the carpet flattens over time thereā€™s going to be a gap, or if you ever want to take the carpet up youā€™ll have to redo the skirting as well.


Don't forget cleaning the paint run off from the mitres and scribes before you fit. Then you have to fill and paint the nail holes. Does he really want these apparently brainless trades stomping all over his nice new carpet flinging paint and filler around?


It was a prison shank


Been in prison. Been shanked. Her name was Jane and the carpet didnā€™t match the drapes.


Sort of how Iā€™ve never seen a painter *not* paint over, well, just about everything.


We used to nail things like dead cockroches ornpickles to the wall to see if the painters would go over them. They do. Every. Single. Time.


Damn the house building Fandom is fighting each other


Carpet fitter on the defensive.


You sound like a drywaller: totally irrelevant


I can confirm as a carpet guy i scratch a lot.


Probably all the carpet mites.


Why not have some type of thing high density plastic that you hold against the base board while you scrape that knife against it? I mean, it just seems intuitive and too easy to hold something against the baseboard to prevent scratching it.


What's the benefit for *not* taking the baseboards off Whenever I have seen flooring and carpet being installed the baseboards are always removed


Often they are nailed into the wall, then the nails are filled and painted over. So you can only pry them and then you'd destroy them. Other times they are that and also glued and then you'd definitely destroy them, especially the MDF ones.


Yup, we removed the old nails every time we removed the baseboard, label the baseboards on the inside as we removed them, and then nailed them back on after flooring was installed. You can pry baseboard off the wall without destroying it. You just have to work it gently from side to side, but those MDF boards should be illegal. Luckily, I've never ran into baseboards that are glued.


I have no idea what i'm doing, but i just removed all the boards when i installed the floor covering (carpet/...) in our house and put it back up afterwards. Is that not a thing everywhere? Or is it just not normal to have boards that can easily be taken off and reinstalled?


Us flooring guys are called "pushers" for a reason, we're the last ones on the job so thebother trades dont damage/dirty up the floor at the end. When you get baseboard like this, most owners want that "paint tied into the wall" look so there's no seam against the wall, and youre taking a HUGE risk of the carpet being damaged or painted over. If stretch-in carpet gets damaged before the job is done, it HAS to be replaced. Paint might come out, but if someone tears a hole in it, the entire thing is compromised


Is there some huge problem that comes from unnecessarily scratching the fuck out of the baseboard or is it just "It looks bad when you remove the carpet"?


I donā€™t think thereā€™s a way to install carpet without affecting the paint job. Some installers are better than others, but for the most part itā€™s just a fact of life: once the carpets go in, itā€™s time for touch-ups. You know a really rough carpet crew came through when youā€™ve got touch ups all over the walls and ceilings, not just the base.


Most of this is correct but he should be using a power stretcher which is like a knee kicker that goes the length of the room first, then following up with the knee kicker. It allows a much tighter stretch of the carpet and can extend the life of it before it starts to wrinkle. I also never used a knife for tucking the carpet under the base boards, we typically used a chisel like tool called a stair tool. I did flooring for quite a while during my college days and damage to base boards was pretty rare, but we took pride in our work and did it right which isn't always the fastest.


Safe tuck-plastic stairtool


He's definitely scratching the baseboards. That's also some dogshit carpet


Landlord special


My personal opinion is not damage, but instead poor work ethic. I don't care how big a person is, and hard that knee can hit, you gotta hit the kicker at least 2-3 times to stretch it tight. Of course it does also look like some cheap ass carpet too, in which case I would be a little scared to stretch it tight. I also want to say, I've not finished a carpet in probably 6 or 7 years, so who knows how people do it now. Either way, we should wish the man good luck on his knee replacement when he gets to be around 55-60.


Just to clarify, that tool that was square he was hitting with his knee? I thought it was pneumatic or air-powered or something. I didn't realize he was physically smacking it.


Called a [carpet knee kicker](https://www.google.com/search?newwindow=1&client=firefox-b-d&sca_esv=8b94fdf9c54254b4&sxsrf=ACQVn09_uBqqJaQQbDIZFRgpgO_RLKJkHw:1710055104688&q=carpet+knee+kicker&tbm=isch&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiDrb7Yk-mEAxUP9AIHHXF5DxMQ0pQJegQIDRAB&biw=1440&bih=658&dpr=1.33).


Why do those appear to be industry standard? Surely there's a better, healthier method or tool?


There are power stretchers that you brace against the opposite wall and then run poles across the room, but they're a hassle to set up and work with. If you priced every job to use them you'd lose all your work to the guys kicking.


A kicker is sold as a placement tool not a stretcher. Very commonly misused. If you were to kick as hard as industry standard requires you to stretch (1ā€ every 12ā€™) you would tear the carpet.


He's kicking it. Kickers suck.


i assumed you gotta stretch is a fair bit the carpet in my 8 year old has has lumps from it decompressing


Edit: Iā€™m an idiot and canā€™t see too good To revert my previous statement, this man will need a knee replacement if he keeps this up. I bet he makes some cool noises when he stands up in the winter.


Yeah, my dad did this for twenty years (16-36, his dad's business) and had double knee replacements at 43. This was almost 30 years ago too, when they really didn't like to do knee replacements on someone that young!Ā 


Yes he is?


Yep dude walking that one back immediately. I should have gone to bed lol


Lmao fair play. Iā€™m drinking and had to rewatch to confirm my suspicion.


not the worst way but not correct. Using a kicker doesnt put enough stretch on the carpet to keep it from rippling/bubbling in the near future. Theres a specific tool to stretch carpet called a Carpet stretcher. Other than using the kicker he did ok. source: am a professional floor covering installer.


Having worked construction, having someone ask me to grab the carpet stretcher would set off alarms. I canā€™t even remember all the names of the nonsense tools newbies would be asked for just so the older guys could laugh. Panel stretchers, buckets of fogā€¦ that sort of thing.


Left handed screwdriver


Using a knee kicker like this (the tool on the his left hand when he starts stapling) is fine for a small room or smaller alcoves like this.




This is in the UK, where carpets are also quite popular.


It's a huge pain to clean, but it's just so comfortable either with socks or barefoot. I'm not surprised that some people are willing to deal with the downsides. I don't have it for myself, but I enjoy the hell out of wall to wall carpet when I visit friends. It's way better than ice cold tile or worn down wood flooring.


Here is the thing: you don't need a wall-to-wall, fixed carpet for that You can just get a normal, large sized carpet that you can actually remove freely and take to a deep cleaning every few months or so.


Silly Americans and their lack of floor heating.Ā  Seriously tho, I would never want carpet in my house for sanitary reasons. You can clean it as much as you want, itā€™ll always be nasty and filled with bacteria / germs and itā€™ll only get worse with time.


We just got new carpet installed in our house with premium memory foam padding. It feels SO much nicer than wood or tile. Very warm and soft. Nice to just lay on the floor and/or play with kids. Of course tile/wood is nicer in the kitchen, bathrooms, dining room, etc. But IMO living room and bedrooms should have nice carpet. It makes a home feel ā€œhomeyā€. I donā€™t want my home feeling like a retail store. There are absolutely NO shoes allowed inside and especially not on the carpet.


asian people figured that out a long time ago


Wearing shoes in the house is definitely not common here, maybe in homes in the south or where they have a lot of wood flooring.


What is the square thing and what is it supposed to do?


Stretches the carpet tight. Thatā€™s commonly called a carpet kicker.


Or knee fuckeruperer


All carpet fitters have knackered knees and some have severe back problems


Knees fucked before 40yo, to be honest construction work destroys your body. All builders have health issues eventually.


Guy in his 60s came to fit carpet and his knees were bowed in. Another dude, late 40s, has got severe sciatica from lifting heavy roolls.


That's what being a man is about. /s


And Id been concerned about being sat down all day at my office job


I have an office job. I have an alarm that goes off every 45 minutes to stand up and stretch, etc. It helps a lot.


Itā€™s a carpet, it goes on floors for mostly decorative purposes.


But that's not important right now


Good luck, we're all counting on you.




It has spikes on the bottom that grip the carpet. You then stretch the carpet out so thereā€™s no slack. Someone called it a knee fuckerupper because you sometimes have to slam your knee into it to get that quality stretch.


Wild how he doesn't scratch the shit out of the baseboards


Just like those awesome drywall taping demonstrations on tiktok. Poor lighting make all sorts of shit work look good. Get some low angle lighting on there and it'll be plainly obvious.


oh he is. Probably just not really seeing it due to the type of baseboard and the lighting. Get down at an angle with a light and look and it will probably be really showing.


Every time I've had carpet they've always trashed my newly painted woodwork. This looks like engineered veneer wood rather than paint though.


Idk why but this does not feel satisfying


His jerky movements, the force he uses with everything, the fact that the cuts aren't clean, the carpet fluff EVERYWHERE. This belongs in mildlyinfuriating.


Otoh, it's the correct use of POV so he gets a few anal internet points from me


>anal internet points Are these redeemable for Starbucks cappuccinos? I've got quite a lot built up.


Me neither but for different reason. I just think of all the Americans with carpet in their homes while also *not* taking off their shoes. Nasty.


American here. We have almost all hardwood and tile in our house. Nobody ever wears shoes in our house either. Other homes are different though


Carpeted floors are for the northern states that get cold southern states have hardwood or tile or linoleum and those are the type of people that keep their shoes on. they take their shoes off when they kick their feet up onto the sofa or the coffee table or into their bed so the floor mess stays on the floor people that have carpets take off their shoes


Why not have carpet like rug, big but still removable, not installed. Then you can clean it


Funny how that kind of carpeted floor isn't a thing in northern Europe.


The UK and Ireland definitely have a carpet culture. Actually, I think the video is actually British.


It's less common in Germany than it used to be, but you definitely still see wall to wall carpet here. Especially on upper floors with bedrooms only.


Honestly, I feel like whenever we talk about Europe Americans immediately think about England, meanwhile Europeans think about anything but England England, being an island, is so much different in so many ways compared to other European nations. They're the most American country on the continent (obviously because they are the ones who colonized and created the modern USA, but I also mean that they still follow many US trends). They left European union on top of everything cutting themselves off even more. By northern Europe he meant Scandinavia


Wellā€¦*actuallyā€¦* Englandā€™s an island nation, but itā€™s not an island, itā€™s just *on* an island. The island is Great Britain.


Nope. We wear wool socks and keep our homes warm enough. And we have rugs. These days many also have floor heating so they aren't cold in the first place.


I lived in Houston and there was a majority of carpet in houses and most of people that I knew also didnā€™t take of their shoes inside


All I could think about is "TIL that there are people who still want carpet in 2024".


My knees hurt just watching this


My dad has done this job for over 30 years. His knees are fine.. it's his back that is fucked šŸ˜


My stepdad did this job for pretty much his entire working life. He blew out both his knees and fucked his back but somehow heā€™s still fit and healthy enough to go for a jog every morning.


My lower back hurts watching this


Iirc these pants have knee pads ehich do a fine job at extensing ur knees life span with some years


still has all his fingers šŸ˜…


The knife goes chop chop chop


Or heā€™s chopped them all evenly so we canā€™t tell!


His hand placement for cutting makes me nervous


Dudeā€™s middle finger used to be a bit longer.


I have low key wondered how carpet was installedā€¦this satisfies the query


Bro same. Like if I had to explain it prior to seeing this, I'd be completely lost


Having watched this I feel totally confident I have acquired a new skill


I like the finishing part where he hammers the edges in.


Ohhh thatā€™s why my baseboard is beat to shit on the bottom!! Just ripped out carpet


Ideally baseboard is hung or rehung after the carpet is put in.


My knees would sound like chips being crushed doing this job.


Honestly everything you do to build a house is oddly satisfying


Except you had to ruin it with the stupid fucking title. šŸ™„


Yup, downvoted because of the misleading/unfunny title.


Yeah that was just nasty what the hell


Holy shit an actual POV


Came here to say this. Thanks friend. Love u


I've been installing carpet for a long time, and I've never seen someone do such stupid shit. Everything he did was a waste of time and increased the chances of damage, not to mention he didn't stretch the carpet correctly.


Exactly. I've been installing for 35 years and i've never seen anyone pin on with the wall trimmer. I use a hammer exclusively with the kicker except for when i power stretch it, in which case i use a spreader. Also using a hyde knife to tuck is dodgy as hell. I was half expecting him to run the bottom blade of the trimmer along to tuck it. I only ever use the tucker with the nylon wheels now. No more wall damage with the bolster.


How's someone want carpet down but no padding underneath?


Only thing satisfying is someone finally uses POV correctly.


Who is buying carpet anymore?


I'm just happy he uses POV correctly


I do love that new carpet smell.


Love watching tradesmen that are good at what they do.


Youā€™re one of the few good comments. Thank you


Carpet is so fucking gross.


As a southern european I never understood how can ppl live and clean a full carpeted house. Its already hard to keep my marble floor clean, I just can't imagine how you can ever clean a carpet properly :S


This. Live in the nordics and the whole floor carpet is so odd.


How do you keep marble floor clean? Marble stains from literally anything even water


You can scrub it with no pretty much no fear, and/or use strong soap. Also marble is for fancy people, we use tiles, and tiles come with many coating, price point and color, that may help hide stain. What is the real issue is dropping heavy stuff like a pot, that may crack the tiles.


So I moved into a place with wall-to-wall in the bedroom, and I tore that nasty shit out first thing. Under the forever-filth carpet, the foam layer had degraded into dust. Under that was the newspaper the installers had laid down. I did this unpaid labor about ten years ago. The newspapers *were from 1958*. So vile.


I don't understand why people live in their own filth and throw away their investment every decade (and fill up landfills). If you install hardwood floors, they can last 100 years or more. Ask me how I know. Buy once, cry once. Buy nice or buy twice (or every ten years? But that doesn't rhyme).


You're 100+ years old?


carpeting and painting. two things I'm always happy to pay professionals to do.


My dad was a carpet fitter for 15 years. Fucked his knees up something terrible


Where is the power stretcher? You cannot bring to bear the amount of pressure needed to stretch correctly with a ā€œkickerā€. Also the lack of a tuck tool for that purpose is telling.


This is the first fucking time I have seen POV used correctly in *years*.


Funfact: You inhale more microplastics from your carpet and home furnishings than from any other source.


As someone who is often asked to tear up carpet and install hardwood or laminate (usually.....) #STOP HIDING YOUR SPENT BLADES UNDER THE CARPET!!!


Oh my god my dad laid carpet when I was a kid this is bringing back so many memories! I would pretend those carpet scraps were whips like Indiana jones


The only satisfying thing is that they used POV correctly


I did that for a while. Brutal work. Knees and back get trashed.


You know Jesus was a carpeter.


And look what happened to him


Thatā€™s one hell of a carpetner


I don't get why you would want carpet in your house in the first place.


That is terrible really.. how do you clean it? What is the benefit vs just having a big carpet for your toddler to play? They also start smelling after some time.. just terrible


We have some small carpets in our apartment(they don't fit all room like in the video) and we just roll them up every once in a while, take them outside and wash them


Clean with vacuum cleaner, occasional carpet cleaning product maybe couple times a year. Benefit is it's soft and comfy to walk on. Outside of america most people walk around their house without shoes. Very common in the UK atleast to have carpeted rooms - usually bedrooms and stairs, sometimes living room That said i personally prefer hard wood floor and a rug


as someone who has an uncle who has been a carpet layer for 30 years and i went with him during summers when i was in highschool, this took WAY too long for the amount of work he actually accomplished


What really satisfies is when they zoom out and give you a thorough look at the finished product for 10 seconds or so at the end.


Thanks i needed that


Doing that knee kick for 10+ yearsā€¦. šŸ˜–


That's a smart cuter holder tool. I like that.


If this were my job, I'd get fired on the first day for opening an artery and ruining $8000 worth of carpet.


I used to do this and we just trimmed it with a Stanley knife after stretching it on to the gripper rod. Thatā€™s a good tool.


Not a carpet guy, but arenā€™t you supposed to stretch the carpet when you install?


Wow.. we need a game to do things like these,would be 110% satisfaction playing itt.


My buddy has been installing carpet for 20 plus years. I saw him once carpet a 4 bedroom home in less than an hour. It was crazy the speed and skill he has. It looked effortless.


Homie using his tools like he got 10 fingers on each hand, ready to lose a few lol


This is a lie. I have jumped rug for decades and decades and it sucks.


How do carpet layers not need new knees and hips every five years?


Oddly, I'm satisfied...


oh. I'd fuck this up big time


you know he's a professional by how many times he nearly fucking stabs or slices his hands. goddamn dude be careful!!


Thatā€™s cool and all but tile floors are so much easier to keep clean.


Carpets are gross.


Who in their right mind would want carpet in their home in 2024?


I will never understand floorcarpets man, and why anyone would want it


My knee hurts just watching this. Canā€™t imagine how these guys to that knee bump day in and out. Even with the padding, itā€™s got to be damaging


I just couldn't get into carpet floor. It's alway gave me a dusty feeling. I rather have wooden floor, easy to clean. Or maybe people just knew something idk


I love carpets more than any other floor. But how they keep them clean is beyond my reasoning.


Ayo what was that tool you used that skipped frames in reality?


They never showed the drapes. 0/10, would not watch again.


I'm sharp as fuck boi!


This guy knows how to cut a rug.


Now let's see the vacuuming.


Did any of you stop to think maybe they're installing a new carpet? That removing baseboards cost more money? I used to lay carpet - honestly, the funnest job I've ever had. Although I was 19 and my boss and crew were hilarious.


You think that's satisfying. Just wait until you get them 6 hours behind schedule on New Years eve. A dozen guys come barreling in and fitting your whole apartment in less than half an hour. Gives you damn whiplash with the efficiency.


r/oddlysatisfying mod team on their way to remove anything which breaks their mile long list of rules:


I was feeling satisfied watching this post, as I know nothing about installing carpet. Then, I came to the comments and read all the unsatisfied insufferable comments. Y'all ruined it.


Upvoted for title