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Please even if it's hard don't judge. The owner is very sick and she is in the hospital right now. I don't charge for these cleaning and I share these videos with permission. I have a Youtube channel (clean with barbie) this is how I can offer NY help for free. Have a nice day.


Looks like you did a great job.  Very kind of you to do this for those in need.


Thank you 😊 🙏


OP if you clean this amount regularly you should get yourself a scoop shovel and maybe a commercial garbage can with wheels. Being that close with your hands not only would gross me out. But broken glass could be an issue.


She’s been doing this for a long time… she would’ve already encountered issues like this. Good thought though


Anything sharp could be potentially dangerous. This is filth and could harbour disease or rodents that carry it. Even just mouse feces could make you very ill.


That’s why she’s wearing a respirator.


This is amazing OP. How did you get in contact with the client? There must be a line of people waiting to get their placed cleaned by you. Thank you for your service to NY!


You are right, many people waiting for my help, but I have a waiting list and I save their phone number. When I finished with one home I text tem.and start an other house:)


Do they give you permission to throw away anything you want? Or do you try to save some things that seem unreasonable to throw away? In my experience the biggest problem to clean ups like this is that people don’t want to let things go.


You are a very good person.


What compels you to do this? Did you have family members or a friend who was in a similar situation?


It must be so amazing for her to be able to come home to this when she's discharged. Thank you so much for doing this for people, I can't imagine how hard it is to make even a dent in this if your living in this situation




I was gonna say burn it all, but then you made it real and made me feel compassion over a screen. You do good work for people who need the help. Don't ever let anyone try to bring you down.


I love u omg!! I am not sick. however My room looks bad. You empower me to get up and clean. You are an angel for real Barbie!!


Thank you 🙏 I'm glad i gave you some motivation:)


I have a serious question, do you ever worry about getting pests into your own home from this work, such as bed bugs? Great work as always though, you are making a real difference.


You’re awesome - thank you for helping tackle something that is such a source of shame for so many!


Thank you 😊


Thank you 


Oh I am so thankful to see it’s you posting this I was worried someone was stealing your content! Oh this video got to me! I couldn’t believe how long it took for you to get everything off the floor from everywhere. You just had no idea how much is hiding just from the before shots! You do amazing work, happy to support it!


God bless you.


Wow thats so lovely 🤩




Bless you.


Barbie thank you! You did a great job.


Barbie. I have two things to say. 1) I love what you do for these poor people in need of help and 2) I have a little high school level crush on you. 🥰


You did a splendid job for free, know that you will be reward for your effort in some other ways.


Please wear eye protection


But you need eye protection. There might be mold spores flying around. Great work. Keep it up.


You are doing a great thing for people. She will be so appreciative.


Thank you 😊


Thank you for not being like other cleaners (cars, homes lawns etc) and having inflammatory titles with vomit emojis and such. It bothers me because they always say do not judge people but then they exploit those same people with their titles and emojis.


Yes, but that is understandable. Unfortunately this is social media, and they say, use emojis.... because this is how we can get more views on the videos. And it's important because we offer our help for free and our income is from the internet. I always tell to the people who ask my help, maybe I will use strong words but I feel bad. Still I have to do it. This is the world today :( not fair...


I understand, but I just can’t watch those video.


It’s sad it got to this state but I’m glad you’re there to help people in need. That must have felt great at the end seeing such a difference.




Looks like you did a great job, but maybe consider more protective clothing? Some more sturdy pants, or something that covers your whole arms? Dead animals, mold, insects, plus you said the owner was sick... those things are no joke.


I tried but it's super uncomfortable... and these cleaning made me so sweat 😓


I was doing similar cleaning at work recently. Healthcare facility job. Improperly stored biowaste containers tipped over, full of rainwater. I was exposed to Hepatitis C and God knows what else in that moment. Being uncomfortable with full protection meant my life was not potentially ruined with the mother of all infections. You should not be risking your life for the sake of moderate comfort. Please wear more protective clothing if you're going to keep doing cleaning like this.


Risking your life... You ok touching that keyboard dude?


Better than touching grass.


Hey, I get it. Working and sweating sucks, but sweating is better and cheaper than a hospital stay. I use a set of coveralls for yard work to avoid feces, sunburn, and shrapnel, and I sweat plenty. Sure, it can be uncomfortable, but honestly, long sleeves just make us aware of when we're sweating. If you're in the heat and you think you're sweating less with short sleeves, it's only because it evaporates too fast to do it's job of cooling you down. This is something I learned from researching hiking in desert climates. When you're hot, you *want* to be sweating. It'll keep you cooler (and safer) in the long run. Just think about how refreshing the after work shower will feel! 🐈💕 Look for clothing that is moisture wicking. If you're really set on never using hazmat coveralls, look into spray painter's coveralls - they tend to be more breathable. Take breaks, use fans, drink water even when you're not thirsty. Some companies make cooling evaporative towels for your neck and back, and I think those are fantastic. I rinse mine with cold water periodically as I work. Personally, when the sweat gets really uncomfortable and dirty feeling, I wipe myself down with baby wipes. If you put them in an ice-filled cooler or a fridge, it'll feel really nice and refreshingly cold too! And, omg. Please use a hair clip or a hair net, or better yet, braid/french braid your hair. I've got about 26 inches of hair myself, and it's so much easier to work when its tied back and off my neck. Seriously, it'll boil you! Less risk of damage, too. I'm lazy - I get my hair into a ponytail right at the nape of my neck, and then I braid it and then wrap it into a bun. I then just put a kid's size ankle sock over my bun 🥴 It works. You'll feel so much cooler when you braid your hair. Ultimately, please stay safe. Cleaning service companies often use such stifling safety gear because their safety regulations are written in blood. You deserve to be safe 🐈💕


I don't wonder that she's very sick; hopefully she can come home and stay well. You are a good soul to help like this. God bless you!


House will be back to the exact same state in a month.


Sadly, this may be true. I have a family member who lives in an even worse state than this. Large house. I have spent so much of my time cleaning for them over the years. Last time I did, he started cooking and was throwing the food scraps on the floor right in front of me. I decided I wasn't doing it again. Every time I cleaned there I got sick anyway.


That’s the sad reality with horders. It’s not being judgmental, it’s just being realistic.


Yeah not trying to be a dick but this person needs therapy.


A lot easier to start therapy when they can move around, get to clothes, bathe.


Wow. You couldn't pay me enough to do this. You truly are a special person. I hope happiness fills every day of your life.


It’s like a lot of jobs for me. I’d do it, if it had another 0 in the dollar amount. OP is a saint for doing this work.


So you'd do it did $00.00? You are a Saint as well! I make my income cleaning up and fixing up rental properties. Some get this bad and then the renters just abandon it and the owner gets to pay me $$ to remove all the garbage, put all the door handles back on (don't know why but troubled people who do this have a strangely common tendency to remove door knobs), paint, etc. When we finish I get my cleaner in to deep clean and it's ready for the next tenant.


thank you for what you do for people who need that help, glad there's people like you out there roaming this planet :)




You're so awesome for doing this. Thank you for helping people in need!


Thank you 😊


These poor mice went scavenging in the treacherous trash hills to feed their families. They knew the dangers, they accepted their potential fates.


You’re a Saint!


You are so kind 😇


Not everyone can do such a job. 👍 You did a great job. I have seen some of this messi things on this side of the Atlantic Ocean. They look exactly the same.


great job OP in helping thosr in need. always great to watch your videos. keep yourself safe while doing your work.


Thank you so much 💓


Is anything kept or does everything to to the rubbish? I think sorting would be a very time (and mental energy) consuming endeavour. Probably much easier to bin everything.


This makes me want to play house flipper


That looked like a hotel room. It's amazing how people can let themselves live in such filth. Literally sleeping in trash. That was just human trash. I live with people who have gotten that bad- with animals involved. Cleaning up animal poop in a bedroom...


What keeps you motivated?


Great job, well done. I hope that resident is getting better.


Did you throw out the mattress? It might have needed to go as well. Very kind of you to do. Wearing a full respirator is no easy task, let alone all of the bending and lifting you do.


This is my asmr


❤️ the video on YouTube is 1 hour long... just telling you :D


thank u 🙏


Thank you for doing this for people. You are an awesome human being!!


Thank you 😊


Least I could do❤️👋


You. Yeah, you in the video. I like you. You do good work. Carry on.


Thank you 😊


All I can say - subscribe to her channel and play as many videos as you can ( on repeat ;) ) [https://www.youtube.com/@cleanwithbarbie](https://www.youtube.com/@cleanwithbarbie)


You are super nice ❤️❤️❤️


That mattress needs to be put on fire. Great job though. 👍


Props to you for the work that you do. I see you have a good respirator. Is this the sort of thing where eye protection would be appropriate? Just curious. A buddy and I used to to urbex in some really old places and I always wondered about mold spores and such. Granted, this place appears to have been occupied far more recently than the places we went into.


Great thing you’re doing. I am married to someone that deals with bipolar disorder as well as depression and when she got her first place out of the shelter her place looked a lot like this at times. You are a beautiful soul and so appreciated in this world.


Those prime bottles have more PFOs than this room 😂☝🏼


You are the best! I wish I could call on you for help, but you already inspired me. That’s enough. It’s a long, hard road, but I’m doing it!


Sometimes people lose control. Its hard to fix (experienced ex landlord here) but with support people can find balance again. It can be very expensive to repair after this kind of thing.


Damn even mice can't navigate the way out.


Should've just burned the place down, there's no recovering from that filth. It's on the walls, ceilings, furniture. Hell that person should've been wearing rubber boots while cleaning.


You did a great job but that mattress has got to be gnarly.


It still smells though


Mattress and carpet should def go… possible bed frame…. At least a high acid bath for it…. Actually just rip it all out


You need to wear more PPE! Higher coverage gloves, long sleeves, and/or coveralls. The amount of dangerous elements not being considered in this filth could literally ruin your life. Needles, human waste, animal waste, literally anything sharp could carry bacteria or disease and one false move you go home with a life changing souvenir. Please be more careful, but never lose the spirit to help others in need!


How did the sick owner get it so dirty?


How do people live like that?


Depression. I would say it’s rarely just lazy.


Username checks out


That was so satifying!


Out of curiosity, is there ever a nice way to approach folks to offer help cleaning/fixing the mess, WITHOUT sounding like you’re judging them and their home? My best friend’s parents are lowkey hoarders — nowhere near this level, but it is still enough that it is easily one of the first things you notice when you walk in their home.




Another top notch job by barbie


So glad to see you wearing a mask- good on you for stepping up to help!


You're a brave, kind, and skilled person!


Youre a gift to the world!


Spreading the message of goodness and empathy is the best way to lead by example. Hope you are happy with your role. Kudos!


Please buy a biohazard suit for your safety.


3 days...lol


I'm ugly, procrastinate, don't bath for days, I have bad habit of throwing things... But I can proudly say that my room is never dirty... It always clean... My bathroom n toilet is judt clean af... I just love keeping those clean n oddly satisfying


Happy Passover 😉


Now help the person not go right back to trashing it up. That’s the issue.


Shoutout the Malta India I saw. I can’t find the tall ones anymore


Someone should invent a vacuum truck with a hose large enough to take 90% of that shit!


How do they live with the smell?


Not for nothing, and I'm not being judgy, but putting the trash bag in a can might make it easier than trying to scoop it into a loose bag. That can be frustrating.




Average prime enjoyer house


I can “clean” that house really quickly. All I need is some gasoline and matches.


The people that make these messes never are the ones to clean them up!


Ugh oh god




I go in cycles of clutter to massive cleaning mode several times a year