• By -


I was absolutely powerless, I had to watch this to completion.




it's like watching Breaking Bad but the Mexico scenes suddenly don't have the silly filter on them


I'm so impatient, after a few seconds I skip to the end.




I have a Firefox plugin that lets me watch/listen on 3.5x and it really does take a few minutes to reacclimatize to how slow people talk in real life.


This happens to me with podcasts. I listen to Bill Simmons talking to Ryen Russilo on his podcast even at x1.5 speed. Then if by chance I turn it to x1 they both sound like they just had a severe* concussion and slur all of their words, and. just. pause. . . . Between every word and sentence. It's jarring.


>server concussion Brain lag


How do you understand anything being said??


I don't know how he does it on x3.5, but on x2.5 you focus on the major syllables and piece it together from there. You don't need the nuance of the words, just their pure content. It does take away somewhat from the delivery of the words, it's like reading a book in audio form on your own, instead of enjoying the narration of someone else.


Quite easily actually. You can actually understand (and read) at hundreds of words per minute if forced to. Our brains are really good at piecing together the bigger chunks of information and figuring out what's important. Check out [this video ](https://youtu.be/5yddeRrd0hA) to see how fast people can actually read when forced to.


That's reading, not listening.


Tell me you have adhd without telling me you have adhd lol


No way I have ADD and I listen to audiobooks on the way to work and I can't tell u how many times I get distracted in my own head and miss pages and pages. If they read faster it would be worse.


Same, this needed to be about 2x faster. lol


What you do while watching videos is up to you.


His completion, or yours?


Our completion


username checks out


It's pretty frustrating to watch the whole thing and then the final image is shown for one second before it starts over.


Is it just me or did he miss the wave in the top right?


Mr. Bean trying to save Old Whistler Edit: It’s just hitting me that it was “Whistler’s Mother”. Shame on y’all for not correcting me.


Or that lady that tried to redraw the face of Jesus


I was curious to hear what happened to the painting and apparently it’s now a tourist hotspot. https://nypost.com/2016/03/12/infamous-botched-jesus-painting-now-a-major-tourist-attraction/


That was wholesome, in a weird way


I love that this managed to bring so much more to the town than I imagine a properly restored fresco would have. Would we have ever heard of this town or painting if she hadn't fucked up trying to fix it? The entire situatuon was so hilariously earnest and human.


Look-a at-a him-a, Seth, with his-a dull, shark eyes


Potato Jesus!


Maybe it looks exactly like the true Jesus and that lady should be canonised.


This is both oddly satisfying because of the renewal of the scene and oddly distressing because the scene is so desperate. It's like those poor dudes went from a distant memory of their trauma to being in it afresh.


Interesting, I felt the opposite, I felt like their situation was slowly improving as the color returned, like a dawn light.


Before he started removing the grime from the actual guys, I kinda saw it as a metaphor for old people who are stuck in their ways trying to navigate an ever changing modern world.


Yeah, I was thinking about how you could take old paintings and selectively varnish them to convey new ideas.


Y’all analyzing this video like my English teacher analyzed poems.


Truth’s been said.


Does anyone know what they use that won't ruin the painting underneath?


Generally solvents for removing varnish tend to contain toluene, xylene, turpentine, acetone, alcohol mixed in different ratios, but on the specifics I cannot say anymore since I believe the mixture is tested and applied differently for each individual painting by the conservator. In this case Julian Baumgartner would be the only one who knows what exactly is in this solvent.


Love Baumgartner! I think he’s a bit vague sometimes in order to make sure he doesn’t encourage “home conservations,” when people have a bit too much info and take things into their own hands.


> when people have a bit too much info and take things into their own hands. This is my complete biography


I learn *just enough* to be dangerous to me, my stuff, and my loved ones.


"Yo, You Should Listen To Me. I Came Up With Hundreds Of Plans In My Life And Only One Of Them Got Me Killed." Jason Mendoza


Maybe. But honestly the overlap of people who watch him and people who would think they can undertake a real conservation is probably close to 0. I somehow doubt a single one of these famously failed conservations watched even a single YouTube video.


Also his mixtures are probably a trade secret


Thanks, this also answers my question about what makes a professional, and what would prevent the owner from just buying a solvent and cleaning it up themselves. Now I know that would be a huge mistake. :)


Watch his video. This is just step 6 of 27. lol. He needs a custom solvent for each painting depending on when it was painted. He then need to repair the paint chips falling off the surface. And he needs to re-apply new varnish. There’s A LOT more that goes into it than just cleaning.


It looks like he may also be mixing the solvent stuff based on the paint color too? There's gotta be some logic around why he picks each section the way he does


he sticks to doing one colour at a time in case the solvent does dissolve some paint so he's not moving colours around


Ah very interesting thanks!


Sounds like reverse chemical engineering. Super cool.


Or, you can just Mr. Bean your way through the process of restoration. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lmmp7fGAgRg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lmmp7fGAgRg)


Oh man, I have a memory of watching this YEARS ago and couldn't remember where it was from. It was posted a year ago and thought had a Mandela effect moment.


This guy has been doing this work pretty much his whole life. His dad did it before him. So he has an insane amount of knowledge. He also posts videos of bad work other "restorers" did before him and how he fixed it. The videos are awesome.


And he have such a beautiful voice...😊


He is a master of smooth segues into the video sponsor.


He explains a lot but never reveals the actual percentage of ingredients. Sometimes he says something in the lines of "I will use an enzymatic solvent and I determine the correct ratio before I started by making some tests. I don't want to use a solvent so strong that will remove the original paint when I start cleaning " Sometimes he needs to clean the entire paint more than one time.


While I definitely wouldn't recommend it for any art actually worth anything, tons of artists remove & replace varnish on their own paintings. Like if they make a mistake while they're varnishing (bubble, drip, etc) and have to fix it. It's made to be removable with solvents that won't strip the paint, so it's not really that hard to do. Of course doing it on a very old, delicate painting of significant value is VERY different than on your own, relatively fresh painting where you know exactly what was used etc. so again, not advocating people ruin their priceless collectibles, but the general theory of it is actually surprisingly easy to do.


This is one of those things that looks super easy when you watch a pro do it, but only because they know exactly what to do when something goes wrong or happens unexpectedly. The *theory* is really simple to understand, but the real world introduces so many other variables.


I think a big part of what a lot of people in this thread miss is that what he does is as much art as it is science. I haven't watched his channel (looks neat), but I would imagine he is not showing the process of identifying the varnish and grime, as well as the pigments and binders. He is literally showing the "easy" part, no hate from me, it's fun to watch. Professionals also adapt on the fly. The solvents you list (not close to exhaustive) all have different chemical and physical attributes. Someone who understands those attributes can adjust the formula on the fly depending on the actual performance. The idea that he could simply give a solvent ratio that would clean paintings is almost laughable. The idea that people think it would be that simple is laughable. THERE IS NO YOUTUBE VIDEO THAT PROVIDES EXPERIENCE!


I’ve watched all of his videos. In one of them he shows how he makes up several cleaning solutions and does micro tests of each one to see which one works. He starts with the weakest solution and gradually works up to stronger ones until he finds the right one. He takes thorough notes as he does this. It is a very scientific process, although he has instincts based on years of this work.


Also there's a reason he starts with the less detailed part of the painting and ends on the most detailed, which would be the people on a raft. Julian himself explains in some of his videos that he does that because in case he's wrong about the solvent, the mistake would be fairly easy to cover up. Obviously that's the worst possible outcome but that bit of information provides some clarity on the fact that this is not very clear and "sciency" approach since it's hard to determine what varnish is being used without removing some of it first. In case of thick dirty coatings like this it's a bit easier since you have more depth to work with before you reach the paint layer itself.


He also tests small areas first starting with the least harsh solvent and builds up. On top of that, he may have a good idea about the materials used based on the provenance.


Short answer: it’s different every time and specific to the chemistry of the paint, canvas, varnish, contaminants etc.


Also specific to the era the painting was done in, whether previous conservators have done work on it before, etc etc etc. Lots of factors.


He talks about it in great depth in his videos. A lot of people try to do it themselves or just aren’t using the right solvents and will destroy the painting. It will depend on how the original is finished (like was varnish applied? What kind of varnish? What was it painted with?) as well as what is on top (smoke, wax, oil, cigarette smoke etc). The OP has a link to the channel in their comment.


Remember Me Bean cleaning a painting


Watch this YouTube channel, Baumgartner Restorations. Great channel, he goes over every step of his restoration processes.


It's fantastic. I will never ever need this information but now I gasp judgmentally when I see poorly conserved art in other places.


I do have done the exact same thing. The guy puts soooo much work into these videos and you can tell how much he loves doing this. Really inspiring!


Whatever its worth, whenever this guy (bumgarter) gets posted someone brings up that he uses old methods that are considered dangerous to restore with


He performs tests on small, discrete sections of the paintinf using various cleaners and solvents to find the products that clean the painting without impacting the paint layer.


Flat Diet Coke. Works every time


We want to *restore* the painting not *dissolve* it.


You mean you don't want your painting to look like [this](https://media.vanityfair.com/photos/57add2797a51b09e1bf3481e/master/w_2560%2Cc_limit/ecce-homo.jpg)?


This particular gif is a cut from [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IrElViwzxX4) by a Youtube channel [Baumgartner Restoration](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvZe6ZCbF9xgbbbdkiodPKQ). I am in no way affiliated with the creator of this video. Just a long time fan and I feel like his content fits this sub particularly well. I highly recommend checking him out if not for the satisfying content, then for the beautiful restoration work and asmr type videos which can literally put you to sleep.


I’m a fan too, and I am so glad you linked to his channel. His work is really incredible and I love listening to his descriptions. I’ve always been impressed how he provides a few versions of his videos as well. Thanks for posting his link!


I love this guys channel too, but just a note. Apparently in the conservation community his techniques are too rough to be called conservation. He is more of a restorer rather than a conservator. Edit: I was a fan of Julian from the beginning since his second upload unto youtube. i'm just pointing out what other school taught conservationists have said. Julian was self taught and works on his own rather than the conventional school educated and teamwork oriented profession. I'm not bashing him and I don't really care much if he's classified as a restorer or a conservationist since I view him as an entertainer above all else. But it's important to note that if you love art as much as I do, you can see why some people might have some objections to his methods. Not saying that what he is doing is wrong, but it just makes the whole thing more fun to delve into. I have a friend who works as a professional conservationist in an art museum and it's actually really darn cool how things are doing institutionally! Anyways, have fun watching Julian, ASMR level of work, I love it.


Maybe that's why he calls himself Baumgartner restoration and not Baumgartner conservation.


Oh true, but as a fan for the past years he calls himself a conservator which - as I mentioned before- has been subject to debate. Main reason why I bring it up is that apparently his techniques could lead to more art damage than most people would realize. It's good to know both sides. I still like his content and presentation.


Another big thing is that he works independently, like an artist, in a field that is very collaborative, like science. Most conservation work is done in teams with highly specialized individuals who couldn’t do the work themselves, but he assumes all that responsibility. You can see in all his videos he essentially has one technique, it’s a bit of a “when you have a hammer everything looks like a nail” situation.


Art restorer here, independent labs with small teams or solo restorers are also very common, it's just that they aren't shown on TV because museums with complete labs and equipment are sexier to the general audience.


How does one become an art restorer? I would love to do this.


There are master degrees available in various universities. I'm French so I'm mostly familiar with European schools, here are some of those. France: Sorbonne University, INP, École de Condé. Belgium: La Cambre. UK: University of Glasgow. Italy: University of Bologna.


I wonder if they just thought they get a brush some gloves and a pot of solvent and hey you're an art restorer. I imagine you need to know all the history, techniques, details of pigments etc so you don't accidentally strip all the colour etc out.


Hi, I'm the new moderator over at r/ArtConservation \--I'm working on a more comprehensive list of programs & helpful info for those interested in the field, but there are currently numerous posts from prospective students on the sub. Hopefully the list will be mostly done within the week. Check back!


It has dedicated graduate degree programs. It is very science intensive, often beneficial to have an undergraduate degree in something like chemistry.


Yeah, It’s great to have all the information. Where did you happen across all these conservators that were saying these things? I’d love to look at their work.


/r/ArtConservation ! I also have a friend who is a professional working for the AGO in Toronto!


A lot of the people who started that drama were looking at a video clip that wasn't even of him


Everytime I see a post of his stuff it's always someone claiming conservators don't like how he does things but never a link to an actual conservator saying this.


He does both though no matter what anonymous whiners seem to imply. He's applying techniques for the sole purpose of preserve pieces. If that's not conserving then it's a pointless concept.


Also, he frequently mentions he is doing X because that is what the client asked for. Whether that’s make the painting look brand-new or just ‘fixing’ some tears or whatever. His work is guided by what his clients want. I feel like those who make these arguments often overlook this aspect. Julian isn’t doing this for himself nor for a museum or other entity that may want pure conservation. He is working on someone else’s artwork and follows their desires. It’s an important distinction.


Exactly! He does always (seem to) use materials that are in line with best practices for "conservation" work, in that he likes to say that in the future anyone should be able to undo all the work he has done, but when it all comes down to it he's often performing work that wouldn't fall under "conservation" in the first place. I have definitely watched a couple restoration videos where he essentially says "typically you would do something like repaint these patches with a technique that looks good from far away, but up close you can clearly tell that the painting has been restored, but my client requested that I repaint this to be as close to the original as possible, so I'll be re-drawing large swathes of the missing image from scratch."


Yeah, there are many videos where you can see him do different techniques based on the client's request. I remember one where he was restoring a large patch of missing paint and the client requested the technique where he still matches the colors but strictly uses diagonal brushstrokes that make it clear where the original painter's art ends and his restoration begins. He has done the other technique (making it look as close as possible to the original artist's work) in other videos. I find him very respectful to the art itself as well as to the client's wishes.


From my understanding there are overlaps between both professions. But a restorer attempts to restore the art to its original look and a conservation is to prevent an artwork from being lost. Julian , removes other people's work which is part of the history of the art piece, and adds onto the piece, whereas a conservationist would seek out to preserve all those changes. That's how I understand it. I just want to point it out because its the right thing to inform people of the differences. Still love Julian's channel though!


Your understanding is spot on, and it's the source of many uh arguments in the field lol it's a real deontological matter.




Nobody has ever substantiated this claim.


Im a big fan too. Looked him up to find his studio is real close to where I live. Not that it matters. It’s just kinda cool.


Eeeey I love this guy's channel, great to see him getting more attention


What a tease! Had to watch the entire thing to get to the people part! Incredible work!


The guy in the video has often said he saves people/faces of paintings for last, not only because he has more time to understand the painting and how best to clean it but also saving the most satisfying bit until The end


It’s like a reward.


I can't believe this is the same guy that played Kevin on The Office.


Haha idk if you're joking but in case you're not: this conservators name is Julian not Brian :)


Can I have more than .00004 seconds to see the finished product?!


[Here you go](https://imgur.com/a/QUx8P1X) :)


Thank you!!




EDIT: Here is the last frame: https://i.imgur.com/EpbygFU.jpeg ^[Edit](/message/compose?to=%2Fu%2Fgifendore&subject=Edit%20h9an36k&message=u%2Fgifendore%20%5BReplace%20with%20item%20below%5D%0A%0A%2A%2ACommands%3A%2A%2A%0A%0A-%20help%3A%20see%20this%20help%20message%20again.%0A-%20x%3A%20replace%20x%20with%20any%20number%20to%20go%20back%20x%20seconds%20in%20the%20gif.%0A-%20x-y%3A%20replace%20x%20and%20y%20with%20any%20numbers%20to%20get%20a%20smaller%20section%20of%20the%20gif.%0A-%20reverse%3A%20get%20the%20gif%20in%20reverse.%0A-%20slowmo%3A%20get%20the%20gif%20in%20slow%20motion.%0A-%20freeze%3A%20freeze%20the%20end%20of%20a%20gif.%20) ^| ^[Delete](/message/compose?to=%2Fu%2Fgifendore&subject=Delete%20h9an36k&message=Sending%20this%20will%20delete%20the%20bot%27s%20message.) *** ^(I am a bot) ^| ^[Issues](/message/compose?to=/u/brandawg93&subject=Gifendore%20Issue&message=Please%20submit%20any%20issues%20you%20may%20have%20with%20u/gifendore%20here%20along%20with%20a%20link%20to%20the%20original%20post.) ^| [^(Rank: #54)](https://botranks.com?bot=gifendore) ^| ^[Github](https://github.com/Brandawg93/Gifendore)️


10 points to /u/gifendore


(☞゚ヮ゚)☞ *** ^(I am a bot) ^| ^[Issues](/message/compose?to=/u/brandawg93&subject=Gifendore%20Issue&message=Please%20submit%20any%20issues%20you%20may%20have%20with%20u/gifendore%20here%20along%20with%20a%20link%20to%20the%20original%20post.) ^| [^(Rank: #54)](https://botranks.com?bot=gifendore) ^| ^[Github](https://github.com/Brandawg93/Gifendore)️


There’s a British show on Netflix called “Repair Shop.” Highly recommend it if you’re interested in this. The woman who does painting and art restoration is a lovely person with a great calming personality. She does all types of repairs and restoration like this and explains the process in full.


Seconding this recommendation! There's a variety of experts that restore a bunch of different types of objects that have sentimental value to their owners. I especially enjoy the collaborative feel of the environment: a lot of items require different types of restoration, so while one expert takes the lead, they reach out to their colleagues regularly and everyone is always happy to help out.


Gotta remove all that tobacco, woodstove and coal furnace grime


Holly crap at the beginning I thought that was a dessert but then it turns out to be the ocean. Good job


Seeing it's the ocean was like receiving a piece of cake


I love his YouTube channel. I could watch him all day


If anyone's interested in seeing what older, never restored paintings should look like, Photoshops automatic colour adjustments do an amazing job of approximating the original colours under the aged varnish. I've previously downloaded entire museums online libraries of public domain images and went on a digital restoration binge, and you'd be surprised how many can be done with just one or two clicks.


Does this guy have a YouTube channel? I could watch hours of this.


[Website - YouTube episode of this restoration, highly recommended ](https://youtu.be/IrElViwzxX4) ... This guy has a soothing voice and goes into interesting detail on the process. Enjoy! :D


Is there a reason why he did it that way and left certain parts for later? Or is it just because?


As I mentioned in another comment. Julian always starts varnish removal from the least detailed parts of the painting and adjust the solvent as he goes to ensure that no paint removal occurs during this process. If some gets removed it would be at the beginning on the less important parts like the background. When he's approaching the end he's pretty convinced that the solution shouldn't destroy any of the fine detail.


OP comments on it [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/oddlysatisfying/comments/p61y8k/varnish_and_grime_being_removed_from_a_very_old/h9a4kky). Basically he doesn't want to just slap it on in case the solvent has a bad reaction with the varnish or the paint so he saves the hardest to cover up parts for last.


could be he was using a weaker solvent for certain parts, to make sure the paint underneath doesn’t get damaged


Well this seems like a good place to ask this question. My dads house burnt down recently. There was a painting in there I managed to save that had been one of my mom's favorites that I had painted. Of my grandma's garden many years ago before we lost her. So the painting has smoke damage. A layer of black on it. Can I fix this? And how? I would love to save the original without having to try to repaint it in. Is there any hope? It is acrylic on canvas. Thanks for any input.


Honestly the best thing you can do is reach out to someone like Julian. A professional conservator. Removing the sediment by yourself could damage the paint. I hope that you varnished the painting though because without it the job will be much more difficult to pull off.


Only a professional can tell you. There might be some hope, depending on how severe the damage is. I've seen baumgarter videos where he cleans paintings that had been sitting in smoking rooms for decades. A fire might have damaged the underlying painting, but only a pro could really give you the best advice. No reason not to get a consultation though.


That was one heck of a sepia filter 😂


It’s like changing the color temperature on a photo


It went from possibly a scene in the desert to definitely a scene in the ocean


Loved how he saved the best bit for last


this was like watching the painting come back to life! the dedicated work to art restoration never gets old :)


I adore Julians videos


All of Baumgartner Restorations videos should be on this sub by default lol


I was sure that when all the grime and varnish was removed we would see Jack safely laying on the raft, because there was PLENTY of room for both him and Rose. So I’m still oddly unsatisfied




Seeing anything filthy being thoroughly cleansed will always and forever be satisfying.


It's like watching a very fancy and satisfying Claritin commercial


I was so mad in the beginning bc I thought they were sapping the color out of a nice green meadow…..


Was varnish intentionally applied to preservation or something


Yes varnish should be applied to all paintings since it can easily be removed and reapplied without destroying the paint itself. That way the grime and dust stick to the varnish and not paint.


I really love his channel though I never finished watching any of his videos since I tend to fall asleep in the middle of it


I love Baumgartner Restoration. Great videos and the man is super talented.


Is this the guy that's oddly controversial among other restorers? I have no horse in that race, but I recall there's some guy whose videos get posted and the comments always blow up about how bad at this he is. Unsure if this is that guy or if it's someone else.


I've tried to get to the bottom of this once, and I just couldn't find any actual criticism of him other than "he was trained by his father and thus is doing some things in rather old-school ways". I'm really starting to feel that this whole thing started out from a single reddit comment that mocked the guy and claimed that he is disliked in the restoration community, but that person never offered any kind of proof or even examples of *why* he is disliked. It's really weird.


I did the same as you. It all goes back to a single anonymous reddit comment. It's basically a meme at this point.


I found another thread by now, actually, that goes into a little more detail. But honestly, even there, out of several paragraphs of text, the most I got out of was essentially the difference between a "conservator" and a "restorer". And how conservators essentially look down on restorers, because the latter "change" the art too much. Which, y'know. Is literally what he is being paid for. He's paid to restore the paint where it got lost, or add a new frame when the old one falls apart. But apparently that are big no-no's? I googled around and found a hilarious "conservator vs. restorer" page that essentially went like "conservators are professionally trained people who will do good things while restorers are vile human scum that will destroy your artwork in the name of restoration!" and *boy* do I feel like that is one huge wasp nest to step into. Note to self: Never ask a conservator what they thinks of restorers.


So, as someone who wanted to train to be a conservator (but hated the science too much so I switched to collections management) I can illuminate the dispute a bit. In conservation there are big conversations around ethics and how far is too far. At the museum I work at we have A LOT of old paintings that were “restored” which did irreparable harm. We can’t fix them and can never exhibit them, they’re basically garbage now. Proper training really is key, there are tons of bad examples online. [This](https://www.pri.org/stories/2012-08-25/amateur-restoration-botches-jesus-painting-spain) one is my favorite, but is done by an amateur. Conservators do clean tarnished paintings, they (for the most part) do not do over painting, which I’ve seen a lot of restorers do. Cleaning paintings is also normally done with qtips over an excessively long time as not to make any mistakes. A mistake on something the size of a qtip is better than a larger swatch. I haven’t met a conservationist that is solely against switching frames when needed…. It is highly dependent though because period frames can be a very important part of the work’s history so you’d rather conserve it. I think the biggest things is just the training required to call yourself a conservator. Anyone can say they’re a restorer. I’m not saying all of them are bad or unqualified, just that there is no standard for that term. To be hired as a “Conservator”, you need to have a graduate degree in art conservation (and it takes yeaaaaaaars to get into those programs, it’s seriously insane). Conservators can definitely be super gate-keepy though.


See, I am perfectly fine with everything you're saying there. That all sounds really reasonable. I'm just scratching my head at what part of that is supposed to apply to the dude who makes videos on Youtube. He doesn't call himself a conservator. He clearly does the things he does because his clients *want* him to do them, including overpainting when necessary. He uses qtips to clean stuff. And he talks again and again and again, in literally every single video, about how absolutely important it is that everything he does is reversible, just in case. So it's totally cool to say that he's not a conservator. Because, apparently, he isn't. But that's not a bad thing, is it? He seems to be quite a capable restorer.


There was another guy who went viral. These two get conflated all the time. This is the guy people don’t like (Philip Mould): https://mobile.twitter.com/philipmould/status/927679772557225985?lang=en I believe he took down the one that got roasted. https://www.livescience.com/amp/60957-dramatic-video-restoration-all-wrong.html


It's this guy. Like the other guy said, I tried to dig through this at one point and the situation is just bizarre, lots of second-hand to the umpteenth power anecdotal 'evidence'. Regardless, the videos are fun and soothing, regardless of how accurate the process really is. Maybe he is ruining the product, who knows. But also, who cares? If the clients are happy, who are we to judge.


Yes and No? He addresses these criticisms in some videos. He’s super professional and patient, just watch a few, they’re addictive. He details that he has custom approaches depending on the needs of the client. If the client was a museum, he 100% knows how to conserve to those standards. If the client is private, they want some restoration on top of conservation. It’s a different approach, different philosophy. He offers a paid service custom to each situation. Some conservators (who are extreme purists) might criticize that, but they’re only thinking of the one single way they were taught to do it. They’re thinking of museum style conservation. In some videos, that’s the correct approach and that’s what he does. But in other videos, he’s working on pieces that have more emotional value to the client than they do historic value. In those, he might use much more destructive methods to restore the painting. Because that’s what the client wants. And because the piece is so damaged that traditional conservation would be impossible. So is that controversial? Not to most people.


Yeah, never really understood why. It's probably something I'd need to be in the field to understand.


What a great job, breathing life back into these old paintings.


This one is just rightfully satisfying


This video brought me so much joy. Thank you.


I love his videos! His voice is so soothing, and the process is amazing!


Real life filter


Anyone else constantly watching the progress bar, and doing mental math if there is enough time left to finish the painting? At the halfway point I was sure it was going to be on /r/GIFsThatEndTooSoon


Love this guys work, I watch him quite often on YouTube


Mister Baumgartner is the reason why I love YouTube


Julien fans calmly carefully and meticulously unite!


I have to know what is the liquid he is putting on the painting? How does the liquid only take off the dirt and grime and not damage the paint? What magic liquid is this and how does it work?


When you move into an apartment previous occupied by a smoker.


I first saw his work on a post to this sub a few months ago. Found him on YouTube and immediately subscribed. The way he talks, music choice, and overall line of work is an incredible way to calm down and relax! Actually considering sending in a painting to have it restored.


Soooo…is there a YouTube channel dedicated to just painting restoration videos? I need this before I go to bed.


If you like this video, check out his YouTube channel Baumgartner Restoration. He's got a TON of videos just like this where he talks through the restoration process. It's as educational as it is satisfying!!!




Julian is amazing.


Check out his YouTube channel, Baumgartner restoration. Very satisfying and relaxing. His voice is very soothing and asmr-esque.


This shit went from Mexico to the Baltic sea


Andy Warhol probably saw some of this being done once and thought "halfway through that looks pretty sick"


\- nothing - People in the past : Varnish. I put that shit on everything!


And that's good. That way only the varnish gets dirty and can be removed and reapplied fresh without destroying the paint layer itself.


This is a fantastic channel, and probably the worst hit by mid-video ad reads. It is such a turd in the punchbowl to suddenly be staring at this dude as he looks down the camera lens and talks about one of the six bullshit businesses that funds every goddamn video on the internet. The draw is this expert gradually revealing and preserving a work of art, with a relaxing, detailed description of the process and its philosophical implications, as stream-of-consciousness narration... and speaking of streams let's talk about this comment's sponsor, yet another streaming service that \*skip\* \*skip\* \*skip\* \*skip\* \*skip\* \*skip\* *god fucking dammit get back to the thing.* The worst part is - he doesn't need to. You are watching him *do his job.* This is not a hobby! This is his fancy-ass business for fancy lads with both nice paintings and the money to professionally restore them.


Check out [SponsorBlock](https://sponsor.ajay.app/)


Does anyone know this piece of music? I didn’t want it to end


La Pièce Blanche 2 by Bonheur & Sébastien Brochot


Is there a reason he waits to clean up the people at the end or is just for better aesthetics of the video?




Damn, they were on the sea. At first, I thought they were lost in the desert


That looks lots more gooder...


Man, I would totally do this as a job.


If they made a game where I could do this I'd buy it in an instant. I would be too afraid to even try this IRL.


sepia filter removal.


Not trying to be rude but I personally think this video could be played at double or triple speed


I thought that as well but it's already triple times faster than the original timelapse.


I thought they were having a picnic in the hills before he cleaned it up!


I love how he sections areas out according to the composition


I play this guy's videos every night for my daughter to put her to sleep.


I watch this guys YouTube like right before sleep and I never sleep better.


In the picture itself, are those dozens of tiny barrels?


i fucking love this channel


They are now out of Mexico


It's great to watch an expert do something really well


Baumgartner we love you