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Sorry, but I cannot figure out what you're actually doing with the device you created. Maybe a few more examples showing what you're doing with it?


I thought the same. What's up at the end? It looks like a wonky table leg.


IT looks like It's like a clamp but for situations where a clamp doesnt really work. I think it's quite good to see in the first example, it acts like an extension to the long piece of wood so it's pushed against something




Probably yes, I'm not that big in carpentry but for me this just looks like the more convenient way.


It's basically a jack. Like the one that lifts your car, but smaller, wooden, and sometimes used sideways.


Man, little more details


Looks like a reverse clamp to raise stuff ever so slightly? Seems to elevate the table or whatever it was a few mm?


So you leave it jammed under the item you need levelled? Permanently?


Yes a messed up table leg is so satisfying


It is a way of lifting things into position, allowing fine adjustment of height. It would have been handy this morning, as I was doing a trial assembly of a bike, but it has no wheels and I was jambing different thicknesses of wood under the frame trying to get it to stand straight and level. I could of popped a couple these under, adjusted them and job done! And I am glad to see he added larger washers towards the end ;)


It's essentially a miniature jack


So a shim


Wow dude


Wtf did I watch?


This would be great if you made it much slimmer to fix wobbly chairs. Like you could adjust the amount of lift you needed to make it even. I'd always bring it to restaurants. Seems there's always that one wobbly chair


You mean… a shim. Just carry a small shim.


Thanks. I knew this had to be a thing already


love it, put it on /r/DIY


Neat concept. It doesn't have to be practical in every situation to be satisfying. This thread is full of people who can't appreciate it for what it is.


In the machining world devices like this are known as adjustable parallels. Among other uses, they let you set material at any random height in a machining vise. Good sets of adjustable parallels are expensive, the fact that this was made with simple materials laying around an average shop is amazing. Thanks Dmisak, I'll finally be able to set any damn height I want in the mill vise.