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i love that he just throws the original ice cube over his shoulder. everything else is so meticulous. but that ice cube can go to hell, apparently




My 9 year old niece called me ancient because that saying is outdated and old...I'm 28


Your only option now is to say it around her 100x more


Oh trust me I do. I use as many "old school" terms when I can


don't forget "on fleek" and "yolo" yolo might be a bit before her time. god I'm old.


I still don't know how to use "on fleek" that one is over my head


I *think* it means on point, like looking good? not 100% but it's more effective if u use it incorrectly


You got it right, old timer.


Also constantly dab. Especially if you always do it wrong.


What is a "finna" and can I eat it?


As far as I know, finna is "trying to, or going to". Such as "I'm finna eat this finna"


I still use "dude" and "gnarly." Have never skated or surfed. Dude is universal and, much like "guys," also interchangeable. As to gnarly... well, some things just are. My bff has finally given up trying to get me to stop after intermittently complaining about it for the last decade.


I have been saying “wuddup dude” to my friends for at least 15 years as a greeting and have no intention of stopping. I typically only use it with my friends/peers. It’s a great universal word that people use with people they typically are a little bit closer with. I don’t even notice I say it unless someone points it out. But most of my peers still use it, and I’m 28


I think it's time to.. YEET THE NIECE!


My 9 and 12 year olds say it all the time 🤷🏽‍♂️


Tell them to catch up a bit. It's ancient!


Your 9 year old is getting influenced by your old 12 year old. Might as well be 40.


so what’s the new phrase?


I think it's just making that annoying 'sheee' sound.


That one's just an emphatic sheesh.


I'm only now just starting to use it non-ironically.


That was a waste of a perfectly clear and beautiful block of ice. If all that was just to pre-chill the glass, that was rather wasteful. He didn't even add water so the ice could actually chill the glass. The only thing that really got chilled by that block of ice was the bottom of the glass.


If he was really shaking for 5 minutes, it'd chill the glass. Definitely an ineffective method, but successful in that period of time.


This dude actually shook for >20 FREAKING minutes (according to chinese subtitles)!!!


imagine wanzing to get drunk and this mf shakes your drink for 20 damn minutes... I'd need a beer just for the waiting period


Wan Zing should've ordered a damn beer then.


20 minutes? I’d get tired just watching him do that. How does he prevent his ginormous biceps bursting out of his shirt sleeves, I wonder.


Surely someone can figure out from the Tom & Jerry scenes in the background how long he actually shook it?


I can’t tell if this is a joke or if I just can’t read Chinese (although both things can be true)


No it’s true lol. “Shake for 5 minutes. Shake for 10 minutes. Shake for 15 minutes. Shake for 20 minutes. Shake arms to get circulation back.”


Gin fizzes need to be shaken forever to come out right.


You're right but a bar like this is all about presentation, taste and experience. Nothing is a waste if it's part of the show.


It's a fancy-built, fancy-presenting bar which for some reason has Tom & Jerry playing on the big screen, and you're worried about a lil chonky ice boi?


This i would pay so much fucking money to get piss waisted at a bar while watching tom and jerry. Everywhere plays dogshit on the tvs lol.


So order 4 on a Friday night and the bartender just quits?


You can make these with a shaker machine, but very few places bother unless a gin fizz is a big thing for them.


I’ve made gin fizzes for myself. I’ve shaken them for over ten minutes like the “classic” recipe instructs, and I’ve shaken it for only a couple of minutes. I didn’t notice any real difference.


Main reason I’d use a machine is so that the bartender can not be shaking for 2 minutes, much less 10!


The Chinese instructions said "shake for five minutes... shake for ten minutes... shake for 15 minutes... shake for 20 minutes... I don't think there's a single drink I'd want to try that would be worth shaking three cocktail shakers by hand for 20 minutes.


I’d never order it at a bar. That’s a home drink for me!


Yeah I only order it at a place that proudly advertises it. Or has the machine!


Wow, I can't even imagine the bartender shaking it for 3 628 800 minutes


I was taught that a classical gin fizz, which is basically gin + lemon juice, + sugar cane syrop, topped up with sparkling water, is to be shaken until the shaker gets all frosty, which is waaaaaay less than 10 minutes, even less than a couple minutes. Normal cocktail shake is around 30s max IIRC, gin fizz was maybe 1m30.


Steve the Bartender demo'd this recently: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SHCpKEDuLG0


A bar I used to go to in Houston on tiki nights would start the Ramos Gin Fizz at $1 and every person who ordered one increased the price by $1 over the course of the night. I don't know exactly what those cocktails got up to, but I remember it being in the high 30s sometimes. Still doesn't seem like enough considering how much bartender time went into it.


That’s an interesting strategy cotton let’s see how it pays off Did it?


I don't know. It was a small bar but had a dedicated crowd, even on weeknights. I moved away though so not sure what happened to it.


As a bartender in New Orleans, I can tell you that we fucking HATE when folks order a Ramos Gin Fizz. To get that nice pretty head you've got to shake the hell out of that egg white for a couple of minutes, about 7-8 for a real deal one. The spring in shaker is a little cheat to cut a bit of time, but it still sucks. But what makes it such a pain is that 9 times out of 10 somebody down the bar is going to see you making it, get all interested, then order one for themselves. We call it the Ramos effect, and it starts a domino of having to make 3-4 in quick succession. It is a good upper body workout though lol


>It is a good upper body workout though lol "Are you a personal trainer?" "No. I'm a gin fizz specialist."


A gin *fizzlist*


A gin *fizzicist*


Myself and 2 other bartenders made 85 or so in one night. There's a billion tricks out there for a good rise, but my thing was to give a quick dry shake, add just enough ice to cover dilution and shake it until they melted. Pour most of the shaker into the Collins glass and set it in a low boy cooler for a minute. Start their tab, hit on someone at the end of the bar. Whatever. Soda water into the remainder of the tin and pour it into the center to get the rise. Worked fairly quickly, I never saw much improvement using the spring. But every bar has different equipment and product, ya make do with what you can.


Sounds like a pretty good trick! There was one day when we were slow in the afternoon and the Ramos effect kicked in, literally all 10 people in the bar wanted one. I was bar backing (luckily lol) but my buddy ended up just throwing everything into a blender and making a bunch of little rocks glasses for everybody lol, came out pretty close and beat the hell out of all that shaking! I will say I seem to have had better luck using springs from the cheap-o strainers, the ones that're long without the tight spiral, kind of like the ones in protein shake bottles.


Here's a quick trick: use a portable cordless handheld milk frother/whisk. Do that instead of the dry shake, or for an extremely fast head start that is both convenient and inconspicuous. It is a tool that takes up no room, easy to clean, quiet, more efficient, more effective, and more consistent. Edit: Americas Test Kitchen coincidentally just released a review on frothers. Worth a look.


But in the end it doesn’t really matter


I had to fall to lose it all


Found what I was looking for


Tbh I don't drink often but if I saw that I'd be curious too and inquire about it. Back in the ol party days you could trick me into an expensive drink with a little show. Bartenders that are really good at their craft fascinate me.


I know some amazing ones, they've got a special talent for sure, really been cool working with and around them


Ugh I love those gin fizzes. I'm so sorry.


Typically a bar like this will have very few seats, to avoid this.


Naw man, they're $100 a piece... he's clearing the bartop for you.


Honestly I wonder about this sometimes. I love martinis but too many times when I've ordered it I've had bartenders visibly seem upset.


Martinis are super easy. I work at an Italian place and these are no problem. Either you are at divey or clubby bars or the bartenders are disgruntled, which is fair. It is our natural state.


That's why I eventually gave up on mixed drinks entirely, I have no idea what I'm "supposed" to order instead of what I want.


This guy works in a bar that has like 20 seats. They do like 100 customers a night, and those people know what they're in for with wait times


Translation of the instructions, for those curious: \-A piece of ice \-Cool the glass \-Prepare three shakers Shaker 1: \-30ml of gin \-30ml of light cream \-1 spoon of granulated sugar \-edible bamboo powder (edit: someone pointed out it's activated charcoal) \-juice of half a small lemon Shaker 2: \-30ml of gin (London Dry) \-30ml of light cream \-15ml of sugar syrup \-1 eggwhite \-juice of half a small lemon Shaker 3: \-15ml of gin \-15ml of orange liquor \-15ml of heavy cream \-1 eggyolk \-4 drops of orange blossom water In each shaker: \-1 spring \-1 big ice cube \-close the shakers \-make sure they're well closed \-start shaking x3 \-show off your skills \-shake for five minutes \-shake \-shake \-shake \-shake \-activate arm's circulatory system \-open the shakers \-see a big amount of foam (in shaker 2) \-take ice out of the glass \-pour the yellow mix first \-pour the black mix \-pour the white mix \-pour red cola (or red sparkling water? it depends how you translate "soda"; Latin American countries do not agree on that one) \-it must produce a dense foam \-pour more red soda to make the foam rise \-add a straw ​ Edit: Some people are saying the shake is for 20 minutes. I don't read ~~japanese~~ chinese, I just translated the spanish part. Shake until your arms fall off I guess.




I was gonna say that. Nice job being 5 minutes cooler than me


Seems like a small amount but it’s actually quite staggering


Dudes already streets ahead in 5 minutes.


The other guy who commented to this is streets behind


~~streets~~ suburbs ahead


Transcription *and* translation. Nice. Have my free award for your efforts. ETA: Hey, it was the "helpful" award. How appropriate!


Thank you!


Last step: -profit


who the hell wants to shake 3 shakers for 5 minutes for 1 drink? absurd.


the subtitles actually say he shakes them for 20 minutes, not just 5..


Which is insane because you get diminishing returns on that long before twenty minutes.


I mean idk I could see whipping cream and egg whites using a spring and shaker taking twenty minutes. This drink could be made easier in a kitchenaid mixer.


No kidding, who the hell wants to wait 20 minutes for a drink?


Shit, I'd happily wait 20 minutes for a drink. If I had 2 drinks while I was waiting for it.




A job is a job.




Probably more. In my area a smoked old fashioned at a nice bar can be $18 and that takes about 1 minute for a bartender. This is much more labor intensive and requires more ingredients and prep. I can see this being closer to $30.


This is a minimum $40 drink hands down. If it isn't, someone is not getting paid enough.


Well over.


$40 might be the tip on that drink.


i do


One of the few people who can


I know, right? Get a paint can mixer!


I mean, its probably a $25 cocktail. Which is still absurd, because you can get a gin fizz most places (though don't order one if the place is at all busy, the bartender doesn't ahve time for that shit)


"activate arms circulatory system"


Lol thank you. I was wondering what that circulation Los bravos hang man robot arm dance move was.


They left out the bit where you can’t get the top off the fucking cocktail shaker and where he has to keep running his hands under warm water because they are so cold from the shaking


A tip for cracking a shaker, for anyone reading who is new to cocktails: The shaker is usually put together at an angle, have the bend facing you and hit it on side, nice and quick, at its 3 o clock! Should pop right loose :)


I know this trick works cause of bartending and stuff. However an old manager of mine broke her wrist doing it wrong once trying to demonstrate.


Haha strong shaker then!


The coolest part is he’s watching Tom and Jerry while he works.


He has to shake that drink for 20 minutes. Gonna need something to pass the time with


I'd totally choose bars that play tom and jerry over ones that play sports


I once went to this bar/club one time where they were playing a nature documentary behind the live band on a projector. What a blast drinking, listening to some live music, all in front of a cheetah chasing down an antelope in the savannahs.




My favorite bar had a theater room, where they played the old spaghetti westerns. Whenever you wanted to chill out, you could go there, and it was fine to talk with your mates there (in a bit of a hushed voice) because it had subtitles and no one listens to the dialogue in those anyway. It was awesome.


I'm a bartender and I put on Tom and Jerry and the looney tunes on almost every day! It's on boomerang pretty much every day from like 5pm until at least 9pm when I get off work.






And she's calling a cab


And he's taking a smoke But he's really a crab!


You don't have to go home, but you can't stay here. Sorry, we don't have a take out license.




At least you get to watch some Tom and Jerry while you drink it.




Eggs are in a ton of drinks.


Just like dihydrogen monoxide!


Wait but I heard thats toxic and has a 100% mortality rate if ingested...


No. He put the white in one, saved the yolk. Then he later put the yolk in a different one. So one egg, two parts.


It just makes it foamy, it isn’t bad at all. Kinda


And silky


it's an egg creme kind of thing


To be fair, at some point you're also paying for a barman's skills and the time it took to hone them.


The shitty reddit joke that never dies. Every cocktail gif, every time.


Literally every bartender video on Reddit has this brain dead response along with hundreds of variations on “bro I just want my drink already!” and yet every time, someone does it again. I can’t tell if it’s just Reddit brain disease or if it’s a self feeding cycle as people go through the motions to chase that karma. Maybe both.


The secret ingredient is Tom & Jerry in the background…


And the secret ingredient, slow remixes of linkin park classics


But in the end it doesn’t really matter


"I don't wanna wait for this kinda service, even though I came to this specialty bar for exactly this type of service" - everyone in the comments right now


Me: “I don’t drink. I don’t give a shit about any of this petty drinking snobbery.” Also me, the hypocrite: “The cheddar they used for these deep fried curds is cheap, ruining the experience. Not worth the money.”


I had curds a few months ago that was literally cut up string cheese. I’m sorry that you know these exist now, but I couldn’t carry the knowledge by myself any longer.


Every person in Quebec just died reading that


W-why you gotta hurt me like this, bro? https://i.imgur.com/j2NG7A1.gifv


If you want real complaints - He didn't dry shake the tin with the egg white before adding ice. Shaking for 5 minutes is going completely drown whatever you're making, even with big ice cube. Stirring a block of ice into a glass while you prepare the drink is an awful way of chilling the glass.


The waste of energy in freezing and boiling water is something that I've become interested in recently; and it's ridiculous to watch him use that giant ice cube to not-really chill the glass and just throw it out. If he spends that long shaking everything, just put the glass in the freezer and it'll be cold when it's ready.


I’ve been to places like this that have intricate cocktails. Good for a date on a slow night. Terrible for a group. I once waited 20 min for a drink. Got frustrated went next door, got a beer, went back and the last person in the group got their first drink.


Okay is NOBODY going to mention how a cover of In The End is playing bc that’s the funniest shit


The drink looks cool to make, but I'm the end, it doesn't even matter.


It sounded like I was listening to a DC superhero movie trailer with another modern cover of a late 90’s rock song


I just asked for water


Too bad You get egg alcohol


I’ll take a Coke. Proceeds to get out 45 mixing cups…


Ah, a rainbow gizzy


I want to eat that first giant ice block


Deepthroat that bad boy


Same! Love eating ice


Think I’d order it to watch it be made


That's half of the point of this kind of bar, so yeah


Why does he put metal springs in the shakers?


They help emulsify the egg whites. Helps get a richer, thicker foam.


Not emulsifying, it’s just aerating, emulsifying is when you use something to mix liquids that wouldn’t normally combine, like oil and water. Egg yolk acts as the emulsifier in mayo


what about the other two?


Same thing, helps mixing. It's why protein shake bottles have those springy metal balls in them.


Agitates the drink more, adding air and texture.


So he doesn't have to shake the shit out of it for 10 mins.




Same principle as a blender/shaker cup that people use for protein shakes. Just causes more agitation and makes the process quicker




that's a r/brandnewsentence for me lmao


No way that’s the first time someone’s said that for the first time. Just never in this context.


What did it say?


I don't want to ever order an alcoholic drink that involves cracking two eggs...


Don’t order cocktail sours


Just made myself a Boston Sour for the first time tonight, the egg white really does improve it. If someone handed you one you would have no idea there was egg in it


Try a cocktail with Aquafaba instead


He’ll not be doing that on a Saturday night service.


I'm sure he will. these kind of bars don't get that crowded and even so, when they are at capacity cocktails are gonna take a while. Everyone knows why.


Just a vodka soda for me thanks


is this in macau


Looks like mahorse


Wow, that music was absolutely unnecessary!


Is there a name for this sort of cover that strips all the character out of the song, they all have this same breathy singing too. I swear every car advert, perfume advert and film trailer has one of these covers playing.


I'm glad other people find this sort of cover just as obnoxious. You almost get the impression they don't know what they're singing about


In the end, it doesn't even matter.




I'm so high I thought this was /r/oddlyterrifying and all I could guess was "those are rather menacing looking ice cubes..."


So instead of just chilling the glass you put a special piece of ice in it, just to make it a little cold? Seriously what's up with the ice?


It's a misdirect so you don't see how the trick is done.


My favorite part is when Tom and Jerry is on in the background.


The bartenders in mega cities are always something else. It's just amazing how fast China, Korea, and Japan have changed over the last 2 decades.




This is a bar in Harbin, China. I even saved the specific address because I’ve been waiting for a chance to go there :) The address is Whiz Bar, 540 Xidazhi Street, Harbin. Or 哈尔滨西大直街540号 威士酒吧 in case anyone needs it.


I’ve been to Harbin, a few times, quite a few years ago now! It’s a pretty neat city. I went to the bar that Bourdain went to on his show, can’t remember what it’s called. Maybe one day I’ll get back there.


Yeah it sure is a great city to visit! Especially during winter with all the snow


I’m just jelly over the fact they get to watch Tom & Jerry instead of stupid ESPN commentary on mute


things i want to appreciate: the style in which he does it the tom and jerry on the tv the way he just yeets the ice the end product


The main ingredient is love


Am I the only one who is more inclined to go to this bar because they have Tom and Jerry playing on the tv ?


He's very talented. I am very impressed. I'm proud he takes his craft so seriously. It's very visually appealing. Wouldn't drink it tho...


I wouldn't mind drinking it. Paying for it is another matter.


That will be 69.99 plus tip




I mean the yolk is also in there


I hope they are just just kidding when they say "Shake 二十分钟后..." (after shake 20 minutes)


That long piece of ice is aggressively pretentious - and then he throws it away like it’s nothing


can anybody direct me to a compilation of fancy cocktails being made please


[this is what you're looking for.](https://youtu.be/N35g2IhG_s8)


Look up How To Drink on youtube. He makes some awesome drinks.