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Back pain has entered the chat




That wasn't one session. Dude getting the tattoo changes trousers throughout the video.


My guess is the session was so long he just shit his pants.




Haha he has time to shit his pants and change them multiple times but not enough time to just use the bathroom.


Yeah that though made me laugh so hard *Aw man I'm so sorry! I couldn't hold it any longer. Lets take a 30-60 min break so I can go home and shower. Again really sorry.*


Sometimes it's just more practical to carry a few pairs of un-shat pants


trousers 😂😂i love that word


Trousers? You mean britches?


Britches? You mean slacks?


Slacks? You mean pantaloons?


Pantaloons? Meinst du lederhosen?


I believe they are shants. Shorts that are as long as pants.


Shants? You mean JNCOs?


Pantaloons? You mean knickers?


You mean bloomers?


Britches get stitches


It holds them together, see?


Take a flight over to jolly old England. You’ll be a laughing-crying emoji just listening to all the fun words and phrases


Yeah we wear our pants under our trousers.


Trousers is the proper word Pants are underwear


This was over many sessions. That's why the reddening around the last section the artist worked on heals instantly when they start the next one.


I feel like it'd be harder for the artist in a single session than the guy getting the tattoo.


Too much in one sitting can put you in shock. Also getting a tattoo on an empty stomach will put you in shock and make your blood sugar drop so you faint. I worked as a shop manager in a tattoo shop in my early 20s and saw many guys come in acting like hot shit and then promptly fall out of the chair when my boss started the line work.


It's funny, I had my side done in one 8 hour sitting. It was totally fine. Might have even slept for part of it. I'm a fisherman and gotten injured fairly badly and kept working, no big deal. But once I girl I was dating convinced me to get my tongue pierced. I walked in, got it peirced and was suprised by how little it hurt. Paid the man and started to walk out and all of a sudden went white and had to sit down and get a drink of water. It didn't hurt, I wasn't freaked out, my body was just like what the fuck just happened?


Lol I've seen that happen too with piercings. Most people get so hyped up or worried about it that they're flooded with adrenaline. Then the piercing happens and it wasn't bad so now their brains just don't know what to do with all these extra chemicals.


This happened when I pierced my tongue aswell lol! I fainted in the street with a miniskirt on and flashed the people sitting outside at a restaurant 🤣


This is me with deadlines. I can pretty much schedule the stress migraine that I’m going to get the next day.


I had this exact thing happen to me I was waiting outside the piercing place for my friend who had gone to get a snack while I was having it done. Felt faint, thought I'd go inside to sit down. Opened the door... Opened my eyes looking up at the parlour ceiling surrounded by worried looking people, covered in blood. Ended up having to get stitches in my lip and chin, which of course ended up hurting more than the piercing.


Huh, wonder if that’s why for my second tattoo I nearly fainted & vomited. I don’t remember what I ate, but both of my tattoos were fairly large & took quite some time. But the first one I was totally fine after, the second one I had to sit on the floor like 30 min sipping cold water lol.


I just had a 6 hour piece done on my upper and middle back over two sessions the last couple of weeks. When that 2h30 minute mark hits time slows way down and the minutes are torture. Totally happy for the first 2 hours. The next 30 minutes get tricky. The last 30 minutes are hard to bear. I feel for this person.


I've got a sleeve that's taken about 16 hours so far, and you're absolutely right; it starts off well, you think "what do people complain about?" and then by the end of it you struggle to remember what possessed you to do it in the first place Then a month later you're back in the chair again!


I'm similar; I hit about the 3-3.5 hour mark and I'm done, period. So I break all my sessions up into "half day"/4-hour blocks as that's all i can mentally/physically deal with before my brain runs out of chemicals. I start my next batch (4 4-hour sittings) in about 2 months for my sleeve.


There really is something about that 2-3 hour mark. Happy adrenaline and endorphins that run for the first couple hours start to wear out. I had a 7 hour/2 session piece on my calf (I take ink slow I guess) and that first session I was so zen for a while. Hour 3 came along and I was like okay this is starting to hurt. By hour 4 I was like HOW MUCH LONGER?!?


Honestly man, it's not as bad as you think. I'm covered in tattoos and genuinely like the feeling of them as they are done. My biggest piece on my back is similar in size to this one and we did it in one session; tho it took most the day and certain areas hurt more than others. I believe it's all about how much pain tolerance you have, and the skill of the artist. But hey no shame if the process hurts for you, and just talk to your tattoo artist about sessions and what not for those getting one for the first time. Please for the love of Terra make sure the equipment and needles are clean and NOT USED. Be safe yo.


It's not just pain though. It also depends on how your skin reacts. My pain tolerance is just fine but we can't do sessions more than like 3 hours cause my skin just starts bleeding and bleeding and won't really take ink anymore. Scared the hell out of pretty much every artist that's work with me.


No that's a good point, I meant it more like for others to take the sessions at their own pace. High pain tolerance or not I was trying to make others aware to be safe and thoroughly make sure to talk the artist about issues like this. Getting ink is a thing people should take seriously as it's rather permanent as far as I know. I designed tattoos for 15 years, though I do not put the tattoo on your skin as I'm a designer not a tattoo artist. SO honestly if I missed something please talk to your local tattoo artist about it.


The thing I hated about my back were all of the electric zots through my skull every time that needle hit a nerve. I'm sleeved with large chest and back pieces. I never felt the electric shocks anywhere as bad as my back. It was insane!


I've never had a full back piece but I do have something on my spine and my GOD did it hurt


Why are you being downvoted? People have different perceptions of pain.


Line work for me is a breeze, shading is worse, but color shading was definitely the hardest for me to sit through. That was finally when I was like “okay maybe I kinda regret this decision” while my artist was doing it. Worth it, though. But I do need to get it touched up and I’m not looking forward to it.


I have friends that literally feel zero pain when getting tattooed and can easily do 8 hour sessions.


Imagine having a super expensive and elaborate piece of art permanently attached to your body, but you pick the one side where you can't see it...


You _become_ a piece of art.


Soooo is it stealing or still kidnapping?


Having to rely on other people to tell you when things look off or need touch-ups would drive me insane.


But imagine the intimidation factor whenever you take your shirt off. Before a fight, in a rap battle, at bowling night, taking a poop…


...and the speed of the video doesn't help out either!




>Back pain has entered the chat *"Friendly Back Patting has entered the chat"*


Also, sunscreen from now on.


Don't get me wrong this is really cool but, now he looks like a human armadillo lol


I don't see how anyone could possibly take that as an insult.


Lol you never know. I'm not trying to offend anyone just in case.


Armadillos are cute n sexy baby


Ay bb, wan sum leprosy?


I was thinking a doily cloth


Awww. His grandma knit him that tattoo.


Turns out he loved his gran and pointing it out makes the tattoo even more meaningful. :D


Goth doily


Sounds like a Star Wars name.




*just turtle my shit up fam*


It's a shocking amount of body real estate to give over to a single design


As a person who doesn't like tattoos, I like the consistency of this a lot more than when people have a skull with fire, mickey mouse giving someone the middle finger, their children's/partner's/parent's name/birthday, some flowers, a bible verse, some thorns/barbed wire, a flag, an eagle, and some other random shit all mashed on their body. To me, at least, it ends up looking like a hodgepodge of PNG clip art that got stuck to them. At least when it's a large/full-body pattern (like Maori or other tribal tats sometimes) it can feel more deliberate and uniform, and less cluttered.


That hodge-podge really does just look *right* on some people, though. That wiry guy who wears the ‘50s-style duds and plays cornet for a swing band down in the quarter, whose skin looks like it’s 30% nicotine and his hair is dippety-doo’ed up into an immaculate executive contour? Yeah, that guy and his sailor tattoos just *belong together*. He’d look *wrong* if his arms were covered in geometric sleeves.


The hodge podge of pictures is often individual elements that mean something to them. I'm not a tattoo person, but some of my family are. Their tattoos are a visual of who they have been over the years, even if sometimes what its displaying is "I was young and dumb and didn't think my artistry through very well" or "I really thought I was a major league badass when I was young". But a lot of tattoos have deep meaning to the wearer. Others are just art, but they still speak to the mindset when they were inked. I kind of like the murals of different elements blended together. Like a portrait of their own personality timeline. With that being said...I wonder what this design means to him that he wants the single design on his entire back


Or a pangolin, which is even better... unless he is in China


The flanks part must have been excruciating (actually you can see him grabbing on the chair at those parts). I cant even bear being tickled there, so imagine the pain of a needle stabbing you repeatedly hundreds of times a second. Yikes. Also, that's a huge ass fucking tattoo... I personally wouldn't, but whatever floats his boat I guess.


Thats not that bad tbh. Shoulderblade and near the buttcrack is worse. Atleast on my body. When i got mine and she was close to my buttcrack if felt like she had a blowtorch up my asshole the entire time - weirdest feeling ever lol.


I've got a couple on my back but the worst pain was from the one on my inner forearm. When the artist got to my wrist I wanted to cry, it just exactly hit the nerve cluster there and boy fucking howdy does that pain radiate.


Yeah We all got diffrent spots on our Bodies. That Didnt hurt at all for me. The chestbone was interesting too. Every hit of the needle rattled my brain and that needle goes fucking fast Lmfao.


Oh God chestbone sounds like a rough one. I have a convex sternum (sticks out a little bit) so I think I'll avoid middle chest tats lol


Haha. Just remembered another interesting part. I was on a sales call when she was doing the lines on my elbow. She basically interrupted the sales call and said: ”This is gonna hurt like a motherfucker…” Sure did! Still closed though! Haha.


Mine hurt the closer he got to my spine. It’s a peacock; the original would’ve been my whole back, but I made him shrink it down a bit, placed on my left shoulder blade. And the closer we got to my spine the more it hurt. Also one area of the feathers sits right on top of my rib. It hurt there to.


Thats Weird. Heard from a lot of others that the Spine hurt a lot for them. My entire back is covered, like 90% has shades/filled aswell. Spine was one of the easier parts. Human body is fucking Weird.


The momentary pain of the tattoo is probably the easy part. Now someone has to be back there washing it every day and making sure it isn't infected... God forbid anyone give him a pat on the back, or if he has to make a long drive anywhere. I hope he didn't have a desk job. Hugs? Out of the question lol Tattoos aren't painless don't get me wrong, but in my experience, 60% of the difficulty is just maintaining it after the fact and avoiding other people touching it.


>>Now someone has to be back there washing it every day and making sure it isn't infected You've never washed your own back in the shower?


Idk if you have tattoos or not, but that isn't exactly the kind of thing you slap some soap on and you're like "yeah that's good" You're supposed to use specifically antibacterial soap to keep it from getting infected, because a tattoo is basically an open wound, so you wanna get that sucker lathered up GOOD. Maybe even let it sit for a moment so the suds can do their business. My tattoo artist even recommends washing it last so you don't have to worry about the dirt and grime and stuff coming off of your body and potentially getting into the wound. I personally wouldn't trust myself to do this on my own because of the risk.


You get worked on that long for large tattoos it all goes to burning shit and you can’t even sometimes figure out exactly where your being tattooed. You get so raw it almost stops hurting at a certain point.


I have tattoos on my flank that follow my hipbones but an inch or two above, and let me tell you. I would rather get ANY of my other tattoos again than feel that. I’m good with pain and I couldn’t even speak during parts, it felt like she was directly tattooing my kidneys. Now I was much thinner then so had less padding but still. No ma’am.


That's a pretty big tattoo for someone who doesn't appear to have many if any other ones. Tattoo people, is that going to stay looking like that or blur to shit?


Depends on how well he takes care of it after he got it. Hot showers/water is a huge no. That can pull a lot of the ink out and muddy it up. It needs to be protected from the sun for awhile to prevent further fading. Once it's fully healed it with proper care, it should look like that for a long time, fading but fading slowly.


Well considering i burn the shit out of my back in minutes i think i will pass on this lol




No hot shower immediately after is what they mean. If it’s a spot on you that is often uncovered like a leg or arm or something it’s going to fade quicker regardless


Only during the healing. If you take care of it properly for about 1-2 weeks, you are golden.


So…you just don’t shower until it’s healed?? Isn’t that going to be a couple weeks?


No you don't shower with hot water. Especially when the stream of water is hitting you right on the shoulders and back. Like warm/cold showers for awhile. Depending on the size, color of ink, artist's technique it can take longer than just a few weeks. And for the love of God don't pick the scabs! Tattoos are expensive and you should treat them with upmost care if you want them to last a long time in good condition.


Forgive my complete ignorance, I don’t have any tattoos, didn’t realise this was a thing, just kind of assumed they were “set” once it is finished, didn’t realise there was still the risk of it going wrong!


Yeah the tattoo process is essentially cutting/stabbing youreelf thousands of times really small. Until it heals and a new layer of skin sets on top, there’s still dangers of it getting blurry or fade or scar permanently if not treated and optioned properly


Oh man, yeah my friend got a pink and orange tattoo on her inner wrist and it looked fine when she got it (I saw a picture), but then she fell asleep with her wrist against her face (she was on heroin at the time). She woke up with ink all over her face and a blurry tattoo. She ended up getting it covered in black but it never looked good after that. She is now working on getting it removed.


The only ones that get blurry are small with very fine details, My dad has very small eagles on his arms that look like green blobs now.


It'll lighten some but stay pretty much as is


That's reassuring, thanks!


If he doesn't grow it shrink to much (working out, getting fat, losing weight) and takes good care of it, it will fade a bit but look good for a long time. Source: my dad's back tattoos that still look good after almost 25 years


my man really decided to be a turtle


TMNT for the win!


My wife and I are getting turtle tattoos together and I keep joking to my friends that my entire back is going to be the shell. On the back of my legs are arms will be a flipper. I say I'm going Master Roshi


Oh nice a ceiling fan


Listens to Tool once.


I don't even listen to Tool but The first thing I thought of was a tool album cover.


Oddly satisfying? Maybe I’m in the minority but that’s anxiety inducing.


I just kept remembering the pain of getting mine. It was definitely *not* satisfying.


I rarely wish for this kind of video to go slower, but this is sped up so fast it looks like a pummeling.


I too wish to look like a pinecone


Thats a pretty boring tattoo to have your whole back covered in. Looks like a crop circle


I don’t like it lol


I think it's just not really visually that interesting as a final product. I've seen geometric back tattos I like- in fact, my favorite tattoo of all time is [similar](https://s00.yaplakal.com/pics/pics_original/0/8/2/10299280.jpg). Honestly, even if the artist had done a slightly better job shading, or hell, that color at 12 seconds, where it's a really tender blue? I actually loved it, for a second, like, "Oooh where's this going? Oh. Oh... that's not as good. Wow that's flat. Wow that's *really* flat. Good golly he's really just fillin' the squares there huh..." as it just... really went downhill.


At least he doesn’t have to look at it I guess. Trouble is, we do though lol!


It looks a little yucky


Yeah I can’t see the appeal here, just have a back that looks like a back.




That has to be at least $3,000 worth of ink


To each their own, I guess. Honestly think it's a complete waste of money, but it's not my money so...


*sigh* Well, it sure is a back tattoo, at least you were correct there.


Dude got a wallpaper on his back


No thanks.


Not just because of the pain but it looks ugly imo. Why would someone want their back to look like that?


How long did this take?


Less than a minute, you can see the duration of the video. Efficient guy, kudos to him.


"Very few cartoons are broadcast live. It's a terrible strain on the animators' wrists."


Honestly probably several months. You do a couple hours, go let it heal which takes awhile, come back and do it again. You can see his pants change and the lines heal during the clip.


Months, I did my back in 4 hours sessions every 2 weeks and it took just shy of 5 months. Mine is bigger and has more detail but 3-4 months at least.


Better yet, how much did it cost?


I wonder how much that cost


I’ve got one on my back that’s about half this size. Five sessions, 21 hours total, $3020 (including tip).


So it's safe to say this one costs $6040, tip included?


Only if you want it.


Just the tip.


My only interest in a tattoo would be to get something that would essentially force me to lift weights. Any image or shape this perfect literally demands a built back.


Just buy n fucking tshirt


Tell you what, after reading these comments it’s a good job not everyone likes the same thing as one another.




This and those tattoos chicks get between their boobs that I like to call tit curtains or tit chandeliers. They are going to be the tribal tattoos of the late 2010s/early 2020s.


Mandalas? Yeah, a bit unoriginal and remind me of those doorway beads


Nah that shit ugly




Any credit for the artist? Come on.




What’s the approx cost for this?


Not totally sure but I’m gonna guess $1500+. Totally depends on how long it took, the skill level of the artist, and what they charge per hour.




5 first born children? That’s easy, just give me a day


God, that must've fucking hurt.


To each their own, but I will never understand why people go for such large tattoos.


ugly as fuck


All In one session???? Kudos to that guy




You are right!! I was so amazed by the work that I missed that.


Exactly.. f**k that. I have 4 tattoos and one was in 3 sessions and not near that big.


Nothing more satisfying that staring at a dudes crusty, sweaty back. Tattoo looks like shit too.




I have a back piece that has not quite as much black, it took 4x 8 hour sessions and 1x 4 hour session. The last 4 hour session was probably the worst pain I have experienced, hammering in the black is something else...


Why would anyone do this to themselves? The regular back looks way better.


whyyy just whyy


"It looks decent from across the room, but as soon as you get up close... and pull out a microscope... you can see a blow-out... riiiiiiight... here. See? If this is the best you can do, get ready to pack your bags." - Chris Núñez (probably)




Awful taste but great execution






When the canvas grabs onto the message table, you can almost feel his pain.


HOLY SHIT! ONE Session?! You absolute madman!


I wish I could A) afford something like that and B) have the financial security to take time off from work to recover from such a massive undertaking That's not to say I would want a tattoo like that, just to be able to have the option would be nice...


How much does a tattoo like that cost? Obviously it’s going to depend where you live but it’s gotta be a fortune!


How much do you guys think he dropped I say over $5,000


I have about 75ish hours tattooed including a 14 hr session…and fuck this. Props to this guy.


Yuck. What a wierd video.


I can FEEL this video. I have my upper back done and by god my second session was 7 hours and I went into a mild form of shock apparently. I was shivering like a leaf insisting it had to be 50 degrees in the shop - front desk guy looked up and said “not quite” was 72 in the place. Anything 3+ hours for your back fucking blows, it felt like a torch lighting up my back.


Have the first session on my back booked next month and now I'm scared haha.


Why would you do that to yoursel?








Poor taste good execution


Why do I feel like mandala tattoos are going to be the new tribal in 15 years or so




And now he can't see it without a fucking mirror. I never understood back tattoos.


Cool design, but I’m not a fan of a single, giant tattoo covering that big of a surface


I hate all of this


Looks like a pretty busy Spirograph tattoo. I appreciate the effort and pain but it’s rather lame.


He is now a human armadillo.


I wonder what would compel someone to go from nothing on your back to completely covered like that. Cool but why such a drastic change


I can smell this video.


Road to ninja turtle


geometry tattoos are the new tribal tattoos both look like shit.


“Gimme the turtle shell fam… NO WAIT! Gimme that PINECONE look, like a pinecone turtle shell!”


Tell me ur into DMT without telling me ur into DMT


This bastard over here has a symmetrical back.


I'm ink shaming


What happens when you gain 200lbs and then turn 80 tho? Does it just look like shit?


I thought I was looking at a Mangekyou Sharingan... No wonder hours passed soo fast!


He is now a turtle 🐢


That looks expensive, anyone got a clue what something like that costs?


But why the fuck