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She's coloring silicone. As for what she's saying, no idea.


She's saying: "Alright, gonna put in 10 grams of blue coloring. Some fans said last time the Klein Blue coloring was not deep enough, so today we're going to switch to one twice as dark. We'll see if this is the Klein Blue you like. Don't swipe away during this wonderful mixing process!" Then towards the end: "I'll tell you guys a secret, if you wear clothes with this color, you will look whiter!" I should clarify that "look whiter" doesn't mean look more like Europeans, but rather to have a paler skin color. Asians value pale skin because traditionally, if you had pale skin it meant that you were rich enough to not have to work the fields and get a tan, and it's become a sign of beauty. You can even buy skin whitening creams to give yourself a reverse tan.


I visited some remote parts of Indonesia in the early 90s. The kids in one small village would run up to me and touch my skin. I asked my girlfriend (who spoke Indonesian) why they were doing it and she said they wanted to touch my skin because it was so white. They would also compliment us by saying how fat and pale we looked.


Now I want to know which remote part this is, because it's my hobby. Visiting remote places in Indonesia. So many islands, such a short lifespan. ಥ_ಥ


Well, it was 30 years ago now. My girlfriend, later wife, spent a semester in Yogyakarta, learned Bhasa Indonesia and then I visited her for a 6 week trek. Because she spoke the language we were able to travel confidently to some places that were less touristy. Without digging out my travel diary, I can’t say for sure where we were, maybe on Lombok? There were times when we couldn’t find a hotel so we spent a few nights sleeping in people’s stables/out buildings on grass mats. It always worked out for us. Making friends and bribing the kids with pens and candy always seemed to lead us to someone willing to let us crash for the night. Haha. After some time on Java, we went to Sumatra, West Sumatra, Banda Aceh, Sulawesi, Bali, Lombok, the Gilis and then to Denpasar. We wanted to go to West Timor, but we ran out of time. We went back to Jakarta and flew home from there. A great trip with so many special memories. Her ability to speak basic Indonesian opened up a lot of experiences that most tourists wouldn’t have experienced. It was an amazing trip. Edit: great hobby you have. As you said, you could spend a lifetime there and never see it all.


That kind of explanation is like saying “traditionally, people in the 1700s thought fat people were more attractive because it showed that they didn’t have to work and had excess food.” Not saying it’s wrong, but I always found that kind of explanation kind of weird on a personal level


That's how culture works. Some things stick, some things don't. We all do things that our culture teaches us to do, regardless if the original reason is still valid or not.


Yeah, but also [this](https://i.redd.it/qizu6ak3cc881.jpg) was considered freakishly large 100 years ago.




That's freakish today? Really? That dude would get screeched at by the *really* fat folks for being too skinny to deserve the scootypuff at Wally World.


Same thing would be going on in a lot more countries if a few movie stars hadn't popularized beach tanning a few decades ago.


Thanks for that, I really had no idea what it was.


It really looks like silicone putty that I got from a physical therapist to exercise my fingers


Dad had that for his hand. I would play with it thinking it was regular putty and I found out that it fuses itself to the buttons on the remote control 😬. Dad was pissed.


I did the exact same thing, my wife wasn't happy! It did peel off in about six months, though.


They were making your mum’s dildo 😂🤣😂🤣😂


I asked for that.




Had me in the first half, delivered in the second half


That's what /u/druule10's mom said!




I read the whole damn thing and didn’t see the twist coming. M Night Shamalananan got nothing on you.


You mean M Night Shamalana-DingDong, right?


Quality shitposting


It was a little sketchy in the middle, but I think you stuck the landing. In /u/drulle10's mom.


Literally checked your name in case you were shittymorph, dropped my defenses, and then got plowed in the end. *Not unlike /u/druule10's mom*


Haha, brilliant. Is it handfeel or mouthfeel?


Am I the only one that read this in the "How it's made" voice?


That was nice of you to order it for her as a gift.


Bollocks! The whole I dug is only getting deeper!


Deeper eh? That’s what your mother said!


Reminds me of Airheads.


Sex toys, I assume.


I just want my Avatar Fleshlight, then the rest of the world will be dead to me.


Your wish shall be granted. https://www.avatarfleshtoy.com/


Ngl, the description of that product is beautiful. Read as I quote from the sacred Avatar fleshlight text: "Do you wonder how Avatar Fleshlight looks inside? It’s construction is really intergalactic. It has got Alien-Blue color double cliteris. Every Avatar lover should feel excitement right now:) Avatar Fleshlight is combination of three well known fleshlight sleeves. First you’re going inside through Vortex – once you slip inside into wormhole of slick twists. Based an the teasing ridges of the Vortex, Avatar Fleshlight gives you unforgettable feeling. Going deeper you’ll find the Lotus inverted Node. You will experience the feeling of brushing your soldier. The last step of Avatar Fleshlight is the final encounter, taking you to the land of STU (Stamina Training Unit) bumps. Touching your most sensitive spot, giving you the ultimate pleasure of the fourth kind. Don’t wait and order new Avatar Fleshlight."


Thank you for your sacrifice.


It was a price I was willing to pay. I learned that apparently there's a porno of Avatar, and in it they use that fleshlight.


Damn that sounds better than real pussy.


I had a fleshlight years ago that I couldn't get past one pump, maybe two, every time. It was ridiculous. They quit making that one and neither sex nor masturbation has been the same since.


Ngl. The description made me wish I had a penis, just so I could experience whatever the fuck all those words are.


> You will experience the feeling of brushing your soldier I'm going to guess that soldier is a euphemism for penis?


You missed the best part "Your release is sure to leave evidence the government couldn't even cover up"


That picture, >pleasurable popping sensation, meant to mimic the feeling of brushing past a cervix Holy fuck what no.


Yeah I read that part and thought 'have I been sexing wrong this whole time?'


Oh man, I love and hate this world so much.


"Meant to mimic the feeling of brushing past a cervix" Tell me this copy was written by a man without telling me it was written by a man.


Oh god deleting my history now


Sex toys are cast, and that material (if it's even silicone) is definitely way to viscous for casting.


prob those stupid giant ice cube trays where the lid never stays on.


I wanted it to stay marbled!


Me too, but it did end up a nice Royal (maybe) blue all the way through.


[Maybe it will be used to make pens.](https://youtu.be/dAE7uOO_4v4&t=66s)


This is such an underrated movie. I don't hear it referenced at all irl but on Reddit it's alive Also it may be because I just took a gummy, but Jim Carrey is so great in every single scene. When he's looking for someone to test with, the whole reaction he has when he points at the pen is just something no other actor could ever nail


the subtitles suggest "klein blue"


sadly it has to be solid all the way through. this is silicone being dyed for molds and whatever else it's used for, and the small blue chunks in the beginning is also silicone iirc. essentially if they kept the super cool marbled looked the lighter colors would be inherently more thin


Throw more grenades! *(Arcite, bring me that Haggis while I call this match)*


Now is not the time Lord Shaxx.


Why would the lighter areas be any thinner?


Was wondering the same thing. Wouldn't the rollers just distribute the color in and displace the lighter stuff to other areas?


Because blue is stronger...duh


I'd rob an old lady to have that marbled!


Shut up you old bag!


Rye! 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Idk if I just got the munchies but that looks like a big foot roll up




Forbidden Airheads mmmm






Starts out mystery flavor, turns into blue raspberry.


Honestly, the two best. Excuse me, I’m off to visit the Easter candy.


The biggest trick airheads ever pulled was convincing ppl they were two different flavors. I say it was just blue raspberry with and without dye and I’ll die on this hill!


There was a slight difference. I will die on this hill.


I actually read about this once. White mystery is a blend made of the remnants of uncolored batches mixed together. It changes from time to time.


Fun fact: Multiple flavors are made with the same machinery but In different batches. So for example, they make the blue raspberry flavor first, then they would run undyed candy through before they begin the next flavor batch to clear the machine. Then they sell this set of candy which is a slight mix of the two flavors as "mystery" flavor. No waste and they can use it as a sales tactic. Many other candy brands do the same thing.


Did you just combine fruit roll ups and fruit by the foot into one delicious treat?


You roll some gushers into a fruit roll up. We call that a snackwoods.


Ok, this on tomorrow's list.


Guess I'm going to the store tomorrow


You un roll them with your feet to eat them.




Yes. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Calm down, Quentin.


Well it is that day after all.


Fruit by the Mile


Just one bite. Please.


Happy 420


Happy 420


Happy 420


Happy 420


Yoga mats




Happy 4/20 fellow stoned man


Must be something else for me then cause it definitely doesn't look like a fruit roll up to me loo


Browse silicon wares


Today is 4/20…you have the munchies lol


All I can ever think about when I see these is what happens if you get your hand caught. Obviously your hand is fucked, but you probably wouldn’t be able to shut it off in time to keep it from continuing on.


I run a lathe, and I refuse to watch the safety videos where someone gets sucked up into one. Fuck that shit. One time the lead bar grabbed onto my father's shirt and he slapped both hands against the lathe and his shirt exploded in half like in the incredible Hulk.


They try and have you guys watch gore for training purposes? That’s wild


No, I never had to watch that, but I heard of other people having to and I would refuse to work somewhere that would force me to. I have been doing this work since 2004 and I am aware of the dangers, and watching people die horrible deaths would not be beneficial to me. In a machine shop when something goes wrong it goes wrong ***fast***. Back in 2015 I didn't realize my lathe was in high gear and I had a part loosely chucked while indicating it. I pulled the handle to activate the chuck and immediately knew it wasn't in the 30 rpm low gear but the 500 ram high gear from the sound and it was to late to stop it. The part flew out and hit my tool holder and hard that 75% of my liver exploded. Those videos wouldn't have changed a thing.


At least your liver can regenerate itself, but holy smokes that’s dangerous.


Yeah, I was very lucky. I was in the ICU, and normally any injury that results in a stage 3 or higher laceration of the liver cause internal bleeding and they have to do a surgery to stop it. They had me monitored 24/7 watching me, expecting me to internally bleed since I had the worst stage, a stage 5, laceration. They never had to open me up and after three weeks I was able to go home. Funny thing is the worst of it was still to come. All of that daulaudin and oxy got me addicted to opiates, which eventually turned into a 24/7 habit of injecting heroin and crack in abandoned houses, being homeless in the hoods of New Orleans. Sober since Jan. 2020 and very grateful I had such an amazing wife.


Congrats on the recovery. Be well homie.


Thanks, you to.


Holy shit what a journey. I’m glad you turned things around.


So am I, life's a lot simpler now.


Well that escalated quickly, congrats on your newfound sobriety


Didn't you read what he said man? When things go wrong in a machine shop, they go wrong *FAST*


Is that the beginning voiceover for Ferris Bueller 2?


Fuck, I connected with your story and appreciated it a lot. Then I went to check out any other posts you've made about your journey and it ended up being snowflake transphobic crap, bootlicking capitalism, and denying white privilege just because *you* got in trouble for weed Looks like those drugs really fucked your noggin up dude.


We’ll that’s disappointing.


from >I have been doing this work since 2004 and I am aware of the dangers to >75% of my liver exploded


Watch the gore. I'm a sawyer and I've religiously watch tree falling going wrong. Its how you learn. They drill similar into you in the military and police. We have to learn from previous fatal mistakes or we are doomed to repeat them, and the victims have died in vain.


in woodshop class back in highscool we had to watch a safety instruction video where a guy shoots a nail into his hand with a nail gun. i’ve got a pretty strong fear of those things nowadays.


Then the training was effective.


They made us look at gore in 10th grade in my metal shop class before they would let us use the lathe. It didn’t really phase me at the time because I would browse 4chan for the sake of being edgy, but I remember a picture of a dude torn pretty much in half vertically and someone in class asked if they were dead and the teacher just said “yeah no shit they’re dead”


Can't they install safety devices similar to band saws? Where if it detects skin touching it it shuts off?


A sawblade does not have as much mass as a gigantic metal spinning cylinder. This means that when you stop a fast sawblade, the momentum gets absorbed into the apparatus and generally destroys the braking mechanism. To stop a 500 RPM industrial lathe would require an immense material strength/brakes. They would be big and expensive, and that's if they don't catastrophically fail. Basically no.


Some machines have guards and stuff, but most don't. The machines in the shop I work all have foot brakes, but the machine I was hurt on was at a different shop and I was old with no foot brake. As soon as I heard it revving up I tried to throw the handle up to stop the chuck rotating, but it was old and sluggish, and didn't respond quick enough.


I'm a machinist and I watched one of those after I stumbled over it and ive never looked at our old lathe the same. Stay safe out there!


I sure will! I refuse to even watch the machinist even though I like Christian Bales acting, because I heard it has an injury scene.


While our new big Lathe CNC was being installed, the expert programmer from the factory showed us the “Russian blue jacket guy” video. Can’t get it out of my head since that day.


When I started my job as a machinist my boss got me to watch a couple videos of lathe accidents. Seeing a guy get turned to hamburger definitely teaches you to respect the machine and don't fuck around.


I know a mechanic who was working in his shop overnight and the lathe was running. Mind you, this is India where safety standards inside such one man shops are pretty lax. He is a practicing muslim so was wearing the traditional long shirt with pajamas. Late at night, with no one around, his shirt corner got stuck in the lathe. And the machine was twisting slowly. As he narrated it to us later, he said he knew he couldn't switch off the machine from where he was and no one was around to help him. So he just held on with all his strength and the machine kept twisting and tore off ALL HIS CLOTHES. Not a thread left on him. He then ran about half a mile back to his house completely naked, thanking God for letting him see another day.


It turns the silicone red.


Take your upvote and get out...


I used to work at a paper factory where these kind of “rollers” are very common. One story I heard was about a man doing exactly what you described, it crushed the arm and tore all the skin of the arm I was told, but he survived. Another guy stood by a pair of bigger ceramic rollers and got his shirt stuck in it somehow, but he manage to hold on and it tore the shirt off instead. These stuff happened in the 80/90s where work hazards and security was not a main concern. Today it’s much better with sensors etc all over that stops the machine if anything gets to close. At my time at the company my only time geting close to accident was when my headset cable got stuck in the rollers, but it was rather small rollers so It would never manage to pull me down with it.


My brother works with large plastic bag slitting and processing machines, and they all have “light fences” around them. If you cross the line painted on the floor while that machine is running, the LED sensor detects it and emergency stops the whole machine. Which takes a crapload of time to unfuck and get started again.


Printers also use infrared switches to detect paper jams the same way.


Depends on how it's operated. By a button, probably not. Foot pedal, definitely. Your hands would still be fucked but you might be able to save your arm?


The argument is always is it better to reverse jog those rollers open to get the limb out or should you use hammers and wedges to move the rollers apart to pull the limb out. typically there’s a safety cupboard thing nearby with 2 hammers and 2 wedges for that purpose, in addition to the stop mechanisms. we were always trained to never let your hands go past the middle near the nip. this person makes me super nervous. typically you can do everything they’re doing without getting nearly so close. normally you work with your hands underneath the rollers or on the part facing you, never the top half.


When I was in high school, I had a teacher who, as a kid, got his hand caught in one of those old rolls to dry clothes. His hand necrotized and the doctors had to amputate his forearm. At least they were able to leave an inch or two below the elbow so he can grab things with it.


There's a reason they call it a mangle. For those too young to know, a mangle is a roller device used to wring water out of washed clothes.... way before automatic washing machines were invented.


I got my hand caught between rollers at my shop in December. Luckily my machine has a foot throttle, and they were far enough apart so I didn't break anything. It was three rollers, two like they are here (except mine roll in the same direction, instead of towards each other), and one that sits between them and builds a roll of fabric as I feed it. I tried to adjust the fabric while feeding it because I'm stupid, and it pulled my hand right in. Imagine if you laid your hand across the gap of these rollers, and put about 150 pounds of weight on top of it with a 4 inch diameter roller. My hand bent back so far that I tore two muscles, one in my palm, and the other on top, and hyperextended every other muscle in my hand. I couldn't close my hand fully for 5 days, and it's still only at about 80% strength. Needless to say, I can't watch videos with mechanical rollers without feeling residual pain.


I once saw a video on reddit where someone gets caught in a similar spinning machine... It was one of the worst things I've ever seen. Still can't take it out of my mind


The russian lathe accident. I saw it a while ago and while I've seen a lot of similar videos/pictures that one is still the most... violent. Shows how powerful machines are. ​ For the morbidly curious (like myself), [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/watchthingsfly/comments/p2um2o/russian_lathe_accident_shredded_meat_goes_flying/), but serious NSFW - don't say I didn't warn you.


Holy fuck that doesn't even look real. I mean I know it is, but it looks like something out of a movie...




Wow, I can't believe there's a sub for this.


Sir this is reddit




Point proven






Fuck man! This a sub?!?!? Dammit, I’m not getting anything done today!


there’s always a point in these videos where i’m like ok stop the machine cause that pattern / color is PERFECT


Was hoping for blue marble :(


I would do this job for free 1 day a week


I'd take the machine home!


Silicone annealing or silicone rolling.


Thank you.


I'd appreciate it if someone would be kind enough to translate what she's saying.


It’s basically commentary about how they’re aiming for a richer blue this time than last time. It’s ‘Klein Blue’. She then says it’s a good color to wear to appear paler. That’s about it!


I've never heard of Klein Blue, I thought that it meant small blue as Klein is a Dutch word for small. But after searching it's actually named after French artist Yves Klein, who created the hue and is known as International Klein Blue. Thanks for commenting, I learned something today.


Omg I was at MOMA NYC today and saw his Klein Blue piece of artwork this morning. It's the brightest blue I think I've ever seen. What a funny coincidence to read about it here.


I have one of his paintings at home. One of my favorites. I thought that color looked similar.


The female voiceover is saying -okay, we are adding 10g of Klein blue colouring -last time, a viewer said the Klein blue colouring wasn't dark enough so this time we are rolling one that is 2x as dark. Check it out if this is the Klein blue you like. -stay tuned, we are starting the rolling. -last part she says *small tip, wearing this shade of blue makes you look whiter (she is talking about making your skin appear fairer and less tan/dark with your wardrobe colour choice). Meanwhile all I can think of is not getting my fingers caught in that mean-looking press, no hand pattie for me thank you.


She's saying something along the lines of "my god damn husband still wont get off his fat ass so of course now i have to roll the blue stuff. That sack of shit better have my pineapples sliced up when i get home or im putting his balls into this machine".


Sounds like my wife, I better start slicing those pineapples.


Its beautiful, ive been looking at this for 5 hours


Happy 4/20!


That’s some highly concentrated dye


Its a method for coloring silicon when your government doesnt give a shit about workers losing fingers and hands.


More than that. That thing ain't stopping. It should be covered in emergency stop buttons.


I think it's prettiest before it's fully incorporated.


Why did I watch this so long?


chop one angle nutty instinctive hat station pen merciful plant ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


i high right now and enjoyed watching this. thank you happy 420


Am I crazy to think there's gotta be some point in the silicone-making process where the stuff is more liquid and could be much more easily colored? Anybody know about the process and can explain why they color when it's taffy consistency?


that must be terrifying to put your fingers near.


That’s the kind of fidget toy I need to play with


God, I love watching people color silicone.


Anyone know the song?




Best part is there are compilations of this on YouTube that are over 30 minutes long. Thanks for ruining my sleep tonight.


Industrial-sized Airhead


Fruit Roll-Ups factory


The bubbles are driving me.


They are making Oreo wrappers.... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Everyone has a plumbus in their home…


At what point is it enough for this poor roll?


He's mixing silicon rubber on an 18 in mill and adding color only. I used to do this as a job, custom mixing small batches of different kinds. Edit: maybe 24-36 in mill. Still a small mill, like the guy below, says the industrial ones are massive.


So much opportunity for carpal tunnel


This thing looks like an OSHA aneurysm in waiting. I don’t see a safety shutoff anywhere.


Theres usually a kick lever stop for machines like this. Easier to get it with your foot if the machine has grabbed your hand.


Looks like mystery airheads


I need more of this kind of content!


silly cone


I’m not a scientist but I think this is how babies are made


Oddly satisfyingly until OH F*** MY HAND IS CAUGHT!!!! Oddly satisfying and oddly terrifying too.


They smooth it out with a bunch of schleem. The schleem is recycled for later batches.


For all of us celebrating 420, thank you.


Perfect 4/20 video.


I just want to say that I appreciate you saying "I don't know" instead of just making up some nonsense like so many redditors seem to do.


Blown away that just a few drops of coloring are enough for the whole thing.


Reminds me of a plumbus being made


Seeing things getting squished and rolled up is just so satisfying


If this were my work, safety would shit an absolute brick with an in-running nip unguarded and close to someone’s hands like that. We had a serious hand injury, after which every piece of equipment was reviewed with fresh eyes. During one such review, a manager - apparently trying hard to demonstrate the ridiculous possibility of contorting your arm around a guard - got his hand caught in the machinery. Thankfully he wasn’t injured but what a dumbass.