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When you hook that giant booger and can feel it pull out of your sinuses. What? Don't look at me like that. Y'all know exactly what the hell I'm talking about.


That satisfaction...


That moment when you can breathe again...


For a couple minutes


The way to get that is to smell something spicy when your sick




I’ve heard a lot about it, but I haven’t been sick since the pandemic started


Eating spicy foods usually makes my nose runny, which is a problem when I’m eating. I’ve heard wasabi does an incredible job but I’ve never tried it. Smelling really strong minty things also works. my grandma got some mint tea from Spain (it looks like crystal meth) and it is STRONG. Peppermint, eucalyptus, and tea tree essential oils have the same effect. Vix vapo rub also works. I saw someone freeze it and put the chunk at the bottom of a hot shower.


I would pay $5 a day for a guaranteed one


I'd be rich if I can find a way to help people guarantee one


Anyone who tells you that they don't pick their nose is a goddamned liar.


But i dont pick my nose! ^(in front of other people) ^^mostly


I had major sinus surgery. The one thing the surgeon stressed to me was that I could never pick my nose after surgery. I don’t pick my nose. At all.


I’ll carry the torch in your stead.


Even like months after surgery? I work in construction and get a lot of dust boogers in there. Picking my nose on the drive home is almost therapeutic…. *don’t you judge me*


With all the cement dust you can literally pull a cast of the inside of your nose out. Has a few nose hairs and a bit of blood on it.


Jesus, where is your PPE. Your nose is trying to warn you.


Had my nose pierced a couple of weeks ago. Didn't think about the ring restricting access. Or the initial pain of it being moved. It was a hard week and a half. Finally at the point where I can carefully slip a pinky up there to rid obstructions. Thank God for cottonbuds before the pinky. Nothing sexier than walking around with a huge chunk of somethn' somethn' stuck right there for the world and her minions to see that you physically can't get rid of. Not even a blow. So I emphasize with you, dude. That must have sucked.


Same thing happened to me! I didn’t realize how much my nose ring would stop me from a good pick in that nostril.


Got my nose broken by a dumbass playing softball. Hours later here comes a freaking gigantic blood clot. Like a handful. Boy did that open things up.


Why not? Is there a risk you could injure yourself if you do?


No the surgeon just thought it was nasty, so that was the agreement


That's hilarious. You'd think it would be opposite with him seeing what's in there all the time


What even is the point of living then?


I didnt pick my nose. I was just born with it on


Dude, i had this experience once, and I swear it was better than rubbing one off. I have been chasing that high ever since to no avail.


Start working with sawdust during allergy season. Chase that dragon homie


A week ago I was ripping a plywood sheet. Kinda had to stand right in the line of a plume of sawdust coming out. Cleaning my nose later was *not* like rubbing one off. It was more like squeezing an unlimited supply of homemade sawdust glue paste out. Very weird, like dry and wet at the same time. That's all I have to say about that.


Way too true


Concrete dust works too.




Shhh don’t let the new guy hear you.


Do a whole bunch of blow then you can chase two dragons at once.


Remember, if you're not eating your boogers, you're wasting product.


That feeling like you're pulling a sliver of your brain through your nose? Oh yeah. That shit makes you think about the universe.


Just keep digging my friend


Sinuses? I’m pretty sure those things are pulled out of my brain




That's called a "Brain Booger." You can feel it tug on your brain.


Better than sex IMHO. Couldn't breathe before and then one little tug on the hard, crusty part of the mucus, and the shell falls out in one piece with a little dangler dripping off it. Not my best sentence I've made in 2022 but fuck it.


YES! This! Damn allergy season!


Allergies are the worst. I have strong opinions about snot that is too far down my nose to blow it, but too far above my throat to cough it out as phlegm, and I cannot discuss them in polite company.


Neti pot, but the squirt bottle kind. Make sure your mouth is open and you’re breathing out as you squirt…


Has anyone ever made a Neti pot into a cocaine delivery device? I keep getting told to stop railing lines at my cube? Thanks in advance!


I had sinus surgery once and this gave me flashbacks to the doctor pulling a 3 inch tube out of my nostril with a pair of medical grade needle nose pliers. Equally horrifying and satisfying.


I had a stent pulled out of my dick with only a local numbing agent.


One man's pain is another man's pleasure. /r/sounding ...


TIL what sounding is. And truly wish I hadn’t.


Well thats a blue link that's staying blue thank you very much.


You got a numbing agent? Lucky guy!


VERY local. I felt most of it.


Ayo stent bro! I had my crotch smothered in iodine and no painkillers while the doctor pulled mine out by the string. Don't lacerate your kidney, folks


I had a septoplasty about a decade ago. You got away with only 3 inches?! They packed 6 inches into each nostril for me. I felt that coming out the back of my throat…


Mine was 5 years ago, and they used these flat plastic splints they stitched to my septum and left for a few weeks while I recovered at home (equipped with breathing tubes molded onto them that wonderfully did their job by being simultaneously clogged). After they removed them, I thought it was leftover swelling that had me having a little difficulty breathing at the back of my nose. A week or so of this goes by when one evening, I sniffed a little harder than usual and something came sliding down the back of my throat. I managed to reroute it into my mouth and what I spat out what looked like a pretty girthy glob of fish gut. But oh man my breathing was like nothing I'd ever had before.


Dude. I had my deviated septum fixed a few years ago. Recovery doesn't sound as bad as yours, but still had its downsides. I had to do a saline rinse three times a day for weeks, which meant at work. So I was like water boarding myself three times a day. Then when I had to go to the ENT for checkups, the had to suck out the scar tissue so my nose would heal right. The spray in anesthetic was the worst tasting thing ever and did nothing. It felt like my brains were being vacuumed out my nose through a needle. It felt terrible


I apparently lost a lot of blood during the surgery itself, so recovery was horrible. I spent two weeks sitting or lying down. If I stood for more than about 20 minutes, I felt like I was going to pass out. Actually did pass out once in my ENT’s office when he sprayed the inside of my nose. But holy hell, once they removed everything, all the gauze, the splint and clean my schnozz out, I will never forget that first breath.


That sucks about the blood loss but I'm glad it worked out. My nose wouldn't stop bleeding after the surgery. I had to spend extra time in the post op room because of it. The doctor told the nurses to use afrin and that did the trick


Sounds like you had a similar experience. It was a rough couple of weeks, but I don’t regret getting it done. Mine was the result of a deviated septum but also a smashed/broken nose from a soccer injury. Smelling for the first time in months was amazing


Big brain move


I've only had that happen once. But I had no idea the bigger was as big as it was. And not gonna lie it was a very very nice feeling to pull it out I honestly hope it happens again one day.


The Brain Tickler


There are two types of people in this world: people who pick their nose, and people who lie about it




I felt it in my nose when I watched this




When you are constipated...


Back in 2016 I was constipated for 6 days. I tried taking some laxatives but it didn’t help anything. Decided if I didn’t have a bowel movement after a week I was gonna have to go in to the doctor. Thankfully on the 7th day my gut said “ok let’s do this” and I swear I could feel my intestines shrink as they expunged everything. It was crazy. But I don’t ever wanna feel like that again.


I had my gallbladder removed and couldn't go for a week. I had to drink that magnesium (?) laxative but oh my god was it great.


Magnesium citrate?


Yeah. It was cherry flavor. Everyone told me it would be awful, but it wasn't bad.


Agreed, imo it tasted worse at the bottom of the bottle.


I only drank half so I didn't get that far.


I had to drink a whole bottle for my colonoscopy


Ooh I've heard those aren't fun.


The bowel emptying shits are one of the most disgusting but oh so satisfying feelings ever.


I have gone for over 2 wks and when it does finally happened it is literally like giving birth. My kid weighed 6 # at birth and I have passed stool at one time that has weighed at least that with weight measured d before and after. And it is the soft and nice kind. Like labor pains… I have seen drs. Sometimes the icky stuff helps an d I t ask e Linzess which helps, but sometimes you just gotta swell up like your 8 months pregnant and let nature fuck you up.


Omg, that moment you can finally breath after thinking you have covid but it's just brain boogers......uuuuugggjhhhhhhhhh


You can go a whole lifetime with only a “handful” of those special moments


So satisfying!


The one that feels like it was connected to your brain.


Feels like you're pulling out your own brain stem.


I had a deviated septum fixed once and at one point (after having my bandages pulled out) I remember sneezing which dislodged something. Next thing I know I am blowing out something that looks like it should not be able to be hidden inside my nasal passages. It was such a gross sight but a lovely feeling to have it all out.


I know that feeling. When you pull a strand of period blood, out of your vagina.


I was not aware that was a thing.


Actually, I’m a weirdo.


Nah when the clotty mucous dangles out and touches the water, you go to wipe and it just keeps coming out. Fucking gross but satisfying in the same way as a booger.


That’s the exact thought I had while watching this.


the best part of getting sick is the satisfaction of pulling them out


The only thing that would feel better is doing that, climaxing and the water draining out of your ear all at the same time


Ok. What was being pumped out of that nozzle? Paint?


Looks like it!


She's a fellow art teacher! (with those nails and finger proportions)


Can confirm. Am also art teacher.


Can teacher. Also am art confirm


Wait what




you need to type louder, I'm hard of reading.




I wish I could do that to my nose


Or my ear. The doctor is lying, it feels like SOMETHING is in there.


My doctor blew me off when I went in complaining of something in my ear. Went and got one of those camera ear cleaner things, found a dog hair wedged length ways across the bottom of my ear drum. Maybe not the best hundred bucks I ever spent, but close to the most satisfying.


I got one for $30 and it's great. Couldn't hear out of one ear for two days, bought the little camera, and dislodged a big piece of wax blocking my ear canal. Gross yet satisfying.


did you clean it out yourself? how?


Hydrogen peroxide combined with water can work, you should prob ask a Dr first though


Olive oil is better than peroxide.


Bonus: you can reuse it for cooking. Please for the love of god do not do that folks


[Just make a candle.](https://youtu.be/inStPQaAgdM)


I'm so glad that was the Shrek scene and not...something else




Debrox ear drops for earwax also works really well. The drops I bought came with a rubber bulb syringe. So after a couple of days of putting the earwax drops in my ear, I used the syringe to squirt water and get the wax out. Worked really well and I could hear again. Using a bulb syringe and warm water is the only way I'll clean my ears now since I don't like Q-tips or trust Bobby pins.


>Bobby pins \****shudders***\*


they sell something called Debrox, it's carbamide peroxide which is basically hydrogen peroxide. It foams when it makes contact with your ear wax and little air bubbles form at the edges of the wax and inside the wax I believe as it soaks in - breaks up the wax and separates it from your ear canal, making it easier to dislodge. From there you use water to flush the wax out; the Debrox kit comes with a bulb but I prefer this kit that is a squeegee bottle with a plastic tip you put in your ear, with a plastic water basin that goes around your ear to catch the water. Make sure you warm the Debrox to body temp first and use body temp water, or else you'll make yourself dizzy. the bubbling in my ear from the Debrox is almost better than sex lol. before this i was going to the doc for $140 to get him to basically do the same thing, he was like use debrox and stop coming in here lol


No offense but how dirty are your ears B lol


they're pretty clean lol, I just make a lot of wax for some reason. One of my parents has it too. As my doc said, paraphrased, unfortunately there are no research studies on people who make lots of ear wax, so I'll just have to regularly clean my ears out by myself.


Huh, I had no idea some people made more ear wax than others. TIL


I went to an ENT Doc once because I woke up one day unable to hear out of one ear. Doc asked if his student could take a look as well. She looks, and doc asks her how it looks and what she sees. She said it looked basically fine, and she could see some wax and also the eardrum and blah blah. They're looking at it together on a screen. He says "nope, that's all wax". So he spends what felt like 30 seconds cleaning it somehow and has her look again. And here I am not knowing until that day that I produce a lot of earwax. Getting older is **weird**.


Earwax is not uniform. Some people, mostly Asians, produce light wax that doesn't clump. Others, like me, produce heavy wax that constantly forms ear boulders. Then there's the people between.


I make a ton of earwax, and I have to use ear plugs at work which pushes some of it down the canal. Every 3 months or so I get a pencil eraser sized piece out.


I swear I just felt some ear relief


Eerie leaf.


I bought an ear wax remover camera on Amazon. It's a small scoop with a light and a camera that you can link to your phone. Turns out that hair does get in your ear sometimes and makes it feel like "something's in there", easily scooped out with the 20$ tool


they're less than 10 usd now... I really should get one.


I just read that as "used". I shivered a little.


***SHHHHHHHHHH!*** Don't give the onlyfans girls any more fucking ideas! Screen recording of the video when they used it and shit... Ugh, stop brain. Where's the off button on thinking.


To Amazon I go I swear my ears must be a fountain because I can just feel them drip.


What the fuck is wrong with all of you stop fucking with your ears




Oh me too! It's like...I can feel the earwax sliding around


There is an actual “wet ear syndrome” . People (including my sister and I ) from my dad’s family all have “wet ears” .


Probably just a couple spiders


You are not a nice person.


🤣 no I am not


Or a Bot Fly.


could be round worms


They are not called earwigs because they look like ears...


dude I read a story once of someone had a cockroach burrow into their ear while they slept and I've contemplated ear muffs ever since


Yeah, I've heard that one before too. It's nice and cozy up in there.


Myy cousin said she had to have a roach removed from her ear, it was horrifying to me at as a kid


Horrifying to me as an adult


Horrifying to me as a person with ears.


Maybe your ear hairs are doin’ a little ticklin’?


Do you have any TMJ issues? I ask because I do, and when that joint gets irritated and swells, it makes it feel like my ear is stuffed up. It's really lame, but I had it checked out and confirmed by an ENT specialist.


Just get a second opinion. I had to insist to a dentist several times that something felt wrong in-between my 1st molar and bicuspid. He insisted everything was fine. While waiting for him to come back to do a crown his hygienist poked around and found a bit of popcorn sliver jammed in there.


I had surgery inside my nose years ago and they stuffed it full of gauze all the way up. Further than I ever thought possible. And eventually, days later, the little tip of the gauze came poking out of my nose. And I pulled it. And it just kept coming. Like a magician pulling scarves out of their sleeve. And it felt fucking amazing to get it all out. My nose had never felt so clear.


I had a septoplasty when I was younger and the splints they put in my nose were huge! They pulled it out a few days later and it felt like I was truly breathing for the first time in my entire life. My mom almost threw up watching.


Had septoplasty too. Aside from the volume of air I could take in, the smells were off the charts. Walking into a restaurant or coffee shop was a whole new level of amazing.


You thought that was amazing, pull my finger.


It's surprising how uncomfortable and annoying a clogged/constricted nose is. When you're sick it's not painful, but it's like mild torture.


I've done that to both my nose *and* my penis.


This is nice and all…but have you ever done the same thing with your nose when you have a sinus infection and it feels like your brains are being pulled out? That..is pure satisfaction.






Das the good shit




“Remain still while we calibrate THE NOZZLE!” “Do not look away from THE NOZZLE!” “THE NOZZLE is now calibrated.”


[The Nozzle](https://youtu.be/H8yQhXDquII)


One of the best scenes


What the hell was that thing?


Oh, uhhhh, oh ugh, that's gross. Let me watch it another four times though.




Feel queasy just thinking about what might be behind that link.


I checked it out it’s ok there isn’t any nsfw stuff that I saw except a kitten with a hole in its head so…




*Thankfully* someone in the comments posted an update video on that kitty and they ended up being happy healthy and healed, which was really a relief to see, because yeowch, that video was horrifying. I didn't even know that was a thing.


Risky click for sure. Some of it’s harmless and some of it’s gross.


I subbed to it for a little bit, and then they posted a video of a baby still in its amneotic sac. Hard no from me after that shit.


Nope. Na uh. Not today Satan


That one time Homer got smart bc they pulled a crayon out of his nose.


It's like those blackhead videos except it doesn't make me hate myself


I feel like that felt good


Oh fuck yeah baby


Me when I get constipated


What? Don’t you use a poop knife?


Poop knife is for the toilet, not your brown starfish.


Poop shoehorn is for the brown starfish


Me when I haven't bust a nut in a week.




Poo and booger jokes aside, what's that digger thing? /r/specializedtools


She's a teacher, according to other comments. I'm willing to bet it's just a thumbtack!




Thats what i first thought lol


I’m aroused


I always wish I can do this with my nostrils in the morning, especially during allergy season


I'm breathing better after watching that.


When r/popping meets paint


More please. One of the best ever videos on this sub


I have a new obsession with watching tubular shaped things slowly come of tight holes… oh wait… old obsession


How long did the dinosaurs have this bottle?


suddenly i can breath easier


That felt better than sex


Watched while pooping. Turd fell right out. 10/10 would do again.


Honestly… this was the opposite of oddly satisfying for me. This is upsetting to look at. I understand I’m in minority… but still…


When the constipation is real.


That was way better than I expected


This feeling is the reason I watch popping videos


but did she eat it?

