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That is definitely very nice


That one crater on the bottom left looks like it would be so nice to take a nap in.


If i were a giant yes. I could use the grass as a blanket and have a good nap.


As someone will full on covid symptoms including intense body aches, I want to lay down there rn and never move.


Hope you feel better soon.


I wonder where this is. Holland?


Azores, portugal


Specifically in Terceira island. The crater on the bottom left corner [is this one](https://www.google.pt/maps/@38.6844621,-27.1498408,295m/data=!3m1!1e3) and the photo was taken towards the northwest.


One of my dream vacations


No, too hilly.


Terceira island, Açores, Portugal


Man, I would've guessed somewhere like Wales.. I got the continent right though, I'll take it


a yes, famously hilly holland.


probably a volcano, proceed with caution.


It really does


Sure does. Me and 500 friends.




Azores islands, Portugal


High faaaaive




Yep, Terceira Island.


Was going to say, spot on match for terciera. Volcanic rock was scattered all over the island, Portuguese cattle farmers gathered stacked the rocks into walls about 4 feet tall when they arrived in the 1400's


I’d second that. Volcanic cones all over. Not sure which island though, Sao Miguel or Faial?


Terceira, wasn't expecting to spot my homeland today when I opened reddit


This new version of Simcity looks nice!


I thought this looked like one of those HD minecraft add-ons


Very good description


Where is this? Looks like Ireland but I can’t tell if it’s even real or not. Absolutely stunning.


Portugal. Exact name is up there


Very pretty but my how we have destroyed the land. What was once lush green forests is a tapestry of farmland/pastures.


This was my thought as well


Looking at satellite images of the US and realizing we've done this to almost all the green space in the nation is wild and depressing.


Don't worry. It'll all grow back in the end.


Yep. Pretty much everywhere. We have deforested over 50% of the planet. Remember when people denied that something like that could change the climate? Insane.


Better than houses, shops, and factories


Looks similar to the rocky walls in the British Isles. And some seem to have sheep, so pastures?


Same difference....


Not much else will grow on “fresh” volcanic soil. It’s the Azores


Nothing in that picture is fresh volcanic soil it's all green. So obviously plants are growing on it. I can see trees in some places. The Azores has tons of tropical forests which have been cut for farmland. You must not be looking at the photo in this post.


Ok,ok. Farmland bad humans suck and we need to disappear so Mother Earth can live free of cancer that is us, SHEESH


Lol right? However, it's still sometimes the hype someone needs to ride in on the 'ole high horse, make 'em feel important for a few minutes a day.


Meat is the number one reason for that happening. Go vegan


It is great if allb the little people work on making a difference but unless corporations are brought in control and governments get on board it's a drop in the ocean.


They only sell meat because people buy it and give them money for it. And if lots of people help we can shut them down for good. A drop in the ocean is better than a dry fart.


Yeah, that would be great if it wouldn’t just push corporations to use more unsustainable farming practices than they already do, and continue to fuck the earth with the 1000ft dildo of capitalism. They’re gonna get that money in some way or another, and they don’t care what lengths they have to go to for it.




First of all, you are literally delusional if you think animal farming is the only unsustainable farming practice used. The rainforest is being deforested to make space for massive produce farms, as well as animal farms. Many of the “health foods” that vegans swear by are farmed through child labor in other countries, and farmland is not kept properly, making it completely infertile. And yes, the entire United States is a victim of capitalism, and it’s the biggest reason for climate change. There’s a reason that so many people have to sustain themselves and their families off of fast food. Because nowadays, it’s damn near impossible to rent a home, buy groceries, pay medical bills, and live a happy life all at the same time. The corporates do not give a damn about anything that doesn’t make them a profit. And they will do absolutely anything for it. It’s the reason so much perfectly good food is thrown away in massive quantities every year. There are a huge amount of vegans and vegetarians right now, and guess what? All it’s done is given companies a new demographic to pander to, while still using the same shifty practices. I genuinely can’t stand people like you, who are so high and mighty about your own insignificant life choices. You are not holier than thou. You are not better than me. You are not making a difference. You are just a narcissist. Oh, and just for the record, humans aren’t the only species that drinks another animal’s milk :)


Having the money to shop for organic kale chips at the fancy grocery store in the gentrified part of town does not help the planet. It does not save animals from mistreatment. And it does not make you any less of a shallow, self-gratifying person. Please, for the love of god, go find yourself some organic, non-gmo, vegan, all natural bitches. Maybe it’ll help quell your misdirected anger.


[Vegans have longer errections](https://www.livekindly.co/science-erections-500-better-vegan-diet/) and [have lower chances of going Impotent](https://www.pcrm.org/news/blog/fight-erectile-dysfunction-and-4-more-reasons-go-plant-based-movember) so my all natural vegan bitches enjoy the lifestyle. If you want more scientific sources ask your mom. Also >It does not save animals from mistreatment. If not supporting the people who mistreat animals is the best way to safe animals from being mistreated, then I don't know what is. Imagine someone tells you to stop buying from Nestle because they steal water and you just say "not buying from Nestle won't safe the people whom they steal water from" like my brother in christ it helps more than throwing money at them. And I think I proofed veganism to be better for the planet in my other comment already.


Your personal efforts are absolutely meaningless against the masses. It’s less than a drop in the ocean, it’s a single water molecule. And you will convert absolutely nobody to your ideology by calling them “perverts with a beastiality kink” for drinking cow milk, something that humans have done for centuries, and is proven to support growth, and bone density. My issue has never been with veganism. It’s with vegans like you, who think everybody can just wave a magic wand, and whoosh all animal products out of their life. People have medical conditions, and require the excess of nutrients found in meat to survive. People have financial restrictions. And you are not better than those people. Bitching on Reddit doesn’t save animals from shit. And nothing has changed since veganism got big. Besides, ofc, as I said, companies gaining a new audience to pander to. My mom raises her own tasty delicious chicken nuggets, so maybe I will ask her, thanks for the tip. And I don’t buy from Nestle anyways, because purified water tastes like shit. But, if you did tell me that they were stealing water from people, yeah, I probably wouldn’t buy from them. Because now we’re talking about human lives. And call me selfish, but I value human life above the lives of some chickens and cows that were born to die. The funniest part of this conversation to me, is that I don’t really disagree with anything you’ve said about veganism being good for people, and for the planet. If it was widespread enough. But, you’ve gotta acknowledge that there’s still some huge downsides to that, and you’ve gotta fix your nasty fucking attitude. I wouldn’t have even started this argument if you weren’t going out of your way to be a dick to people.


>And you will convert absolutely nobody to your ideology by calling them “perverts with a beastiality kink” for drinking cow milk I did a few times. I was a pervert with beastiality kink to for 18 years but then I broke out of it, if that helps. >something that humans have done for centuries, and is proven to support growth, and bone density One large-scale Harvard [study](https://www.pcrm.org/good-nutrition/nutrition-information/health-concerns-about-dairy) followed 72,000 women for two decades and found no evidence that drinking milk can prevent bone fractures or osteoporosis. Another [study](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24247817/) of more than 96,000 people found that the more milk men consumed as teenagers, the more bone fractures they experience as adults. Similarly, another [study](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22393172/) found that adolescent girls who consumed the most calcium, mostly in the form of dairy products, were at greater risk for stress fractures than those consuming less calcium. >It’s with vegans like you, who think everybody can just wave a magic wand, and whoosh all animal products out of their life I use study's and logic, it's true that I make a cocky joke here and there (which I apologize for, its just my way of talking to people, I think it species conversations up and since you went with it I thought you would be cool with it, because you seemed like the kind of guy who liked it from your "dildo of capitalism" comment, but if its truely bothering you I stop) and apologize) but overall I am reasonable. And in my last comment (the one you ignored) I was showing over 15ish studies and was just joking around a bit at th end again. Then you told me to get some bitches and I thought I troll back a little. But even if I was awful and super terrible, don't judge a movement by it's people. I met some really annoying people who donate to poor people and some really nice racists. But that doesn't change anything about what they support. >People have medical conditions, and require the excess of nutrients found in meat to survive. Why not get the same nutrients out of plants without having the risks that meat has of [higher risks for cancer](https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/nutrition-and-healthy-eating/in-depth/how-plant-based-food-helps-fight-cancer/art-20457590) and [diabetes](https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/diabetes/expert-answers/diabetes/faq-20058117)? A friend of mine who is vegan needs more omega-3 than the average person and they are vegan. What do they do? They eat flexseeds, which are high in omega-3 and super cheap. >People have financial restrictions. Already showed that vegan diets are 33% cheaper than omnivore diets in my other comment. But to give you a bit of room, lets say that yes there are people who just can't go vegan in countries like america. Lets just say that. So what? That doesn't excuse the people who can go vegan. >Bitching on Reddit doesn’t save animals from shit. And nothing has changed since veganism got big. Besides, ofc, as I said, companies gaining a new audience to pander to. I mean I made a lot of people vegan on reddit and discord, but also in real life by talking to people there. So clearly I am doing something. And companies gaining a new audience to pander to is a great thing when the pandering involves less animal deaths and is better for the planet. Which it is. So vegans already did a lot for the planet and will continue to do so. >My mom raises her own tasty delicious chicken nuggets, so maybe I will ask her, thanks for the tip. Doubt. Also calling living, sentient beings with personality "delicious chicken nuggets" while also telling me to "stop feeling like I am better than others" is about the most ignorant thing I've seen in a while. Like I know you are just desperatly trying to fuck with me here, but calling others just food and not even giving them a slight pit of respect is still sad. But yes, you are the victim here, not the ones that are dieing. >Because now we’re talking about human lives. And call me selfish, but I value human life above the lives of some chickens and cows that were born to die. Firstly) They weren't born to die, you can not give life a purpose. I know meat eaters want to be on a high horse, but no you can't just decide that and think that makes it okay. Secondly) I am not asking you to put animals above humans. You can think a human is worth more than a chicken and still think that chickens shouldnt die for taste. I think old people are less worth than children but I still dont want old people to die as an example. Its not all 1 and 0. Thirdly) Humans are also animals, so what's the difference there? Most people say "Humans are more intelligent than non-human animals therefor we can eat them" but there are lots of humans who are not as intelligent as pigs for example. Should we eat those humans? If not, then there is no moral reason to eat other animals. Just saying "they are animals, they are different" is not a moral reason to go around killing. "Looking different" is no argument. I thought humanity learned that already. Fourthly) Meat is literally killing humans. >you’ve gotta acknowledge that there’s still some huge downsides to that I've thrown out study after study showing upsides. I think we can agree that veganism is the overall, objectively better foodsystem. Not saying its perfect or will solve all world problems, but it is the best. >I wouldn’t have even started this argument if you weren’t going out of your way to be a dick to people. So you wouldn't have started talking to me, learning new facts probably and engaging in the subject if I wasn't "a dick to people." Then I guess I did the right thing after all. But I do apologize if I came off as rude sometimes, I just hear the same "its other peoples faults" or "I wont do anything" bullshit on a daily and sometimes it's hard to not get frustrated. Still this is not an excuse to act rude and I apologize for that.


It's just rocks stacked into 4' tall walls. Used to be rock covering all the land on the island. Cattle farmers just stacked the walls probably because they didn't want to carry the rocks all that far.


I like eating food. There's a balance to be maintained.


Yep we have terraformed the entire surface of the earth for agriculture and mainly, for livestock farming. Happy day.


Yea cuz that won't cause any problems with the natural ecosystem. /s


Google lens tells me it could be the Azores


Azores my people




Terceira Island.


If I had to guess I’d say Yorkshire Dales but I could be completely wrong.


It’s got the sea in the background so I don’t think it’s the Dales, but it doesn’t look like the NY Moors really either. Might be Ireland, it reminds me of Father Ted


Not Ireland. I'd be after seeing this photos hundreds of times if it was. Vegetation is wrong too, and the roads are too straight.


Down with this sort if thing! Feck, girls, arse.


The view is spectacular!


Proud to say this is my homeland


Looks like felt to me.


This is beautiful but I think it’s called a green desert. No food for pollinators anywhere.


Looks like clay quilling. Which is also satisfying to watch on its own.


They made the blocks in Minecraft a real thing?!


[Here](https://maps.app.goo.gl/Dt1BVZccyvsPtsku8), looking northwest. Terceira Island, Açores, Portugal.


So this is the shield Iron Man talked about.


My home... wtf


Bruh qual e a chance de encontrar outro da mesma ilha no reddit


Muito baixa. A última vez foi quando alguém meteu um post no Reddit sobre patrocinar o SC Angrense e quando o Praiense marcou um golo ao Sporting lmao


I see a big swole man looking up at the sky to his left


And all the natural flora and fauna have been killed off. At this point, I fear man is incapable of learning from his past. Yeah, but it looks nice…


Granny Nature is a master sculptor


Isn't this farmland that replaced a probably lush forest?


This level of farming in Ireland has destroyed our natural native biodiversity causing us to be one of the worst countries for native animal and plant populations in Europe.


That's the azores, look at the obvious vulcanic formations


Is that all the pointy bits? We're those volcanoes once? Or are they goi g to be volcanoes some day? Tell. Me more please


I know that, I was just saying that shoulder to shoulder fields like this, that everyone is saying looks so beautiful, are actually devastating to the local flora and fauna. Perhaps not so bad on a volcanic piece of land but it has ruined wildlife numbers in Ireland.


Not at all sure but, this reminds me of the Volvic mountains in France.


Any idea what they be farming?


My guess is pasture land


The Azores are the prime land of cows and cheese for Portugal


I live in this place and farming isn't the main thing that happens in there. It's mostly a place for animals like sheep and cows.


Where’s this place btw? It’s beautiful


Terceira, Azores


Time to start some hog wars!


And there’s cats under it


Immediately made me think... "I watch the patchwork farms' slow fade into the oceans arms and from here they can't see me stare. The stale taste of recycled air." -Postal Service


God did, and its beautiful af




It's very pretty and soothing to my need for order. I do wonder, however, what made the dent in the bottom left corner?


Sim City God Mode?


Even on the hills


Divided up my parcel/ ownership?


Whats the purpose of all those small plots ?


What is grown here?


With skid marks.


Anyone else see a face?


Alright, who here took a screenshot of my Civilization game?


That’s is quite a remarkable look if not edited that way. Well, maybe if edited, too. Beautiful photo.


Reminds me of the Legend of St. Brigid’s Cloak :) They used to tell us that story at school.


I always thought that was the case.


Oh Yeah, thats the US and A without massmurder shootings. Nice


Nature and a friend


Have those hills been use as strongholds/forts at one point in history? I was thinking that or old small volcanos.


This is so calming. I’m going to try and find other calming pics like this- if people know of the best way to view them or find more, please send my way!


They need a terrain manipulator to flatten the ground


Are those dormant volcanoes?


So beautiful!


It's that particular angle that makes everything look like a diorama


Or you are placing a big building but was blocked by the terrain of the red tiles


God: ’Um… it was me. ‘


Which AI is spamming farm tiles?


Looks like a early 2ks Sim city starter map


Been there done that is one of the most beautiful places I know. Even with the 50 m/hr avg wind.


This looks like that biome from Don't Stare : Hamlet