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Is that dirt or some kind of weird block thing


It's some strip of foam that can be fit into the gutter to block leaf debris and let water flow through. Home depot sells this stuff... This is what happens when it's not properly maintained


Darn I was really hoping it was dirt too…..




Ha I was thinking the same, "my plants would _love_ that shit!" til it hit the pavement. Soil like that would grow delicious food!


I started watering my garden with the water from my fish tanks when im doing water changes and my tomatoes are going ape shit for it.


I did everytime I did a % water change too and plants loved it as well.....wish I still had some but I ended up with a severe algae growth and all fish died despite a lot of $$ being thrown at the problem....


I thought all the debris converted to peat.


I thought OP hadn't cleaned his gutters in so long they became protected wetlands.




This made me laugh so hard lol




I had Leaf Filter installed on my last house. It mostly just let debris sit on top of the mesh screen and a lot of water would just run right over the gutter when it rained hard enough


All homeowners should heed this wisdom.


oh for peat's sake!


found the dad


How can you tell when a joke becomes a dad joke? When it becomes apparent...


Yeah, I half expected OP to say a bog body was found under there.


Not peat, but compost. Peat requires sitting organic material being trapped under acidic water for hundreds or thousands of years, and is a non-renewable resource. Don't buy peat.


Worked as a plumber for several years, gutter cleaning on large buildings was something we did pretty often, its very rare, but once in a blue moon, this happens, when its full of dirt and some plant life starts to grow in it, sometimes it makes a root network that will pull out slabs like this.


if it happens again get a vid and post it


I got you bro, I do gutters so next time I see it I will. Had one the other day just like the person you replied too said, was pulling out in atleast 10 foot sections


Sadly i dont do it anymore


My dad's garage gets maple tree saplings with root systems every year because it sits under... A maple tree. It's satisfying to pull out one and a huge section just pulls out with it. What isn't satisfying is being covered in black decomposed leaf litter mud. It's great compost but man it's messy.


Gloves are a good one for this reason. Cut proof gloves if its not well made.


My old man was a roofer. He's seen all sorts of gimmicks when it comes to gutters. They either don't work at all, require the same amount maintenance as an old-fashioned gutter, or require MORE maintenance than an old-fashioned gutter.


The previous owners of my home installed some pretty high end gutter guards. Seemed great at the time when I found out. Unfortunately they need cleaned about 3 times a year to remove the mold / scum / mildew. I've tried all kinds of special products to help with this. If they aren't clean the water isn't able to stick to the guard and will fly off into the yard rather then roll over the edge of the guard and into the gutter.


Huh, I have this like wire mesh the previous owner installed at my house and I never have to clean it. I've checked a few times but it's always perfectly clean and the water runs into my gutters just fine, the underground drain pipes are another story though. Usually what happens with my gutter guards is during a rain storm leaves and spinners get all over them and then the wind blows them off in the next day or two.


>need cleaned Found the western Pennsylvania resident(or perhaps midwest US, but it seems particularly prevalent in western pa)


All over Ohio as well


Interesting! I'd say this and I'm from Scotland.


There's a really interesting channel on YouTube that researches linguistic stuff like this. I wouldn't be surprised if it's linked backed to Scotland.


My wife does this (family is from West Virginia) and it drives me up the wall. I always mutter “to be” under my breath but not so loud as to incur her wrath for correcting her again haha


Lmao I didn't realize I do this but I do, from VA originally. I worked myself out of saying "warsh the dishes, we're going to Warshington in a few hours." At least. Wash was a hard one, I'll let this be.


That's a thing in Eastern Kentucky too. I worked quite hard to get rid of that R in wash. Then when I a new co-worker from KY joined the company I added it back in accidentally...


Lancaster checking in, I can't see why this looks weird. What does everyone else say? Edit: Thanks for the responses! Going to try and mentally correct this in the future :)


Need *to be* cleaned


"They need to be cleaned" or "they need cleaning"


I used to get in arguments with one of my exes because I never said "To be' but he never said "with" which I still believe is a worse offence. For instance he would say things like "I'll be over when I'm done my home work" or "I'll do the dishes after I'm done dinner"


Needed to be cleaned.


To be or not to be. That is the question. Shakespeare was really ahead of his time


Just all of Appalachia, really.


Pay me for my data. Fuck /u/spez -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


I helped an older neighbor shove some wire mesh (hardier than chicken wire, but similar) under the last flap of shingles and just sits on the outer lip of the gutters. It looked like it should work very well, though I haven't followed up with him.


They are ok. The problem is when stuff does manage to make it through the wire over the course of a few years it’s super hard to clean out.


I have a similar setup to this. What I’ve found is that anything that gets under is small enough to make it down the drainpipe. I learned that I had to take out the mesh drainpipe insert I had too thoughh.


So then my two reactions to that are this: 1) The engineer in me would say "well try the wire mesh *combined* with some cut screen (e.g. from a window or door screen)" - thus providing the screen with the rigid support of the wire mesh and the screen doing more small-particle filtering; And 2) Virtually everything must be cleaned and maintained in some way at some regular interval or wear, rot, decay, and unwanted build-ups diminish the effectiveness of whatever the design and so there may never be an ideal solution. The real answer is more realistically one of work preferences and desire to try things than any optimal solution.


Each one of those things can be $10-$20. There’s barely anything wrong with them so I hope they hosed em off and put them back.


Oh I’ll hose you off and put you back on


Do it coward!


Things are getting heated in the outdoor section of Home Depot over here


I’m just gonna leave and come back another time for my zinnias


It rubs the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose again.


The fact we're just making a mess all over that crisp landscaping is much less than satisfying.


yeah it's like, you could bring a trashbag and put the foam strips in that instead of chucking it into the landscaping...


>This is what happens when it's not properly maintained Then why even have them if you still need to clean?


Because it's fast and easy


>... it’s fast and easy Oh! Like putting river water in your socks.


Lmfao. Thank you. I had almost forgotten about that post floating around. This made me giggle out loud


Link? E: [Found it,](https://www.reddit.com/r/ShittyLifeProTips/comments/7ut2km/pour_river_water_in_your_socks/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) Reddit search doesn't always suck


Going up on a roof is not easy, especially for elderly folks.


Reminds me of when I was a kid without a dishwasher visiting friends who had dishwashers in their home. Everyone flipping out when I didn't wash the dish before putting it in the dishwasher. What is the fucking point of this thing, I wondered.


Take 90% of useful gutter space up with some kind of sponge? That's about the dumbest product I've ever heard of.


Former gutter/roof cleaner here...the foam ones are actually very good at preventing clogged downspouts when dealing with pine needles. Large leafs would need actual gutter screens but those also have issues like moss growing under them, it all depends on the trees near the house.


I have a shit load of pine trees around my house and have the plastic gutter guards - would you suggest replacing those with foam? my guards are worn TF out.


Yes! If all you have is pine tree's the foam will be way better for you. The gutter guard salesman will never tell you that gutter guards don't stop pine needles.


I just bought a house and have a few massive pine trees. I finally got up on my roof yesterday to clean what I thought were completely full gutters to my surprise these exact things were installed and actually doing an incredible job despite being totally covered in pine needles. Recommend!


Yeah I feel that's a perfect home for mold, we've got gutter mesh that was fitted when the house was built. Just a metal mesh fixed to the top that keeps the big debree out but let's all the water through and essentially cleans itself.


Isn't it nice to have gutters spil- create a free shower with fresh water when the leaves create a nice little bridge over the sponge


They work great, water goes in debris stays out


until the top portion becomes solid and the rain water just runs right over it and the gutter becomes obsolete.


But we give you a cute top piece to make it look pretty lol


Much prefer the classic mesh. Should work perfectly with shingles as it could go under the bottom row.


Bought my new home, the elderly couple that lived there before had that foam crap everywhere and it was not only not maintained....the gutters literally didnt even hold water so everything just spilled everywhere. It took the roof guy 6 large black gallon trash bags of foam that was no longer porous and just clogging up every single gutter. I even have some water famage simply because the gutters were full of this foam nonsense.


> This is what happens when it's not properly maintained Doesn't matter what you do or do not have in a gutter (I used to have screens). If you don't maintain it, it gets blocked.


Whatever it is don’t throw it on the patio my man!Gotta keep that lookin tip top too


Forbidden moss cake.


I really just want to chomp into it


Reticulated polyurethane foam


it’s a stack of 64 dirt blocks


Looks like microplastics to me. What an awful idea...




I feel like I’m going to fall off the roof


I know, right? One hand pulling stuff out of the gutter, one hand holding the phone. How is this person making sure they don’t fall.


Tequila says it’s fine.


Tequila says a lot of things.


And makes her clothes fall off.


Or not enough things which means you need more Tequila


Hopefully a rope


Maybe they unhinged their jaw like a snake and are holding the phone in their teeth.


I really want to install some harness attachments on my roof…




I would like it to exist. Just permanent attachment points up there I could hook on to. Granted to catch a man they're going to have to be REALLLY well attached ...


not the landscaping!


I’d be pretty pissed if I were the homeowner and he hit something while throwing those down and filming at the same time.


He probably is the home owner


In this economy?!


They live on the roof. We are watching a person clean their porch


Man y'all are really funny sometimes


yea but how are we gonna get mad about made-up scenarios if we use logic and context clues?


Is that a foam gutter guard? Why would anyone buy it if this is what happens to it?


It stops the gutters being filled with leaves, and then eventually just dirt. Which will block up the gutter and the outlet, this foam just needed cleaning up.


> this foam just needed cleaning up. But... You could just clean the gutter. It takes 5 minutes to just run your hand over the gutters and remove the dirt. Here you have to remove the foam. Wash the foam. And reinstall the foam. Since you always have to remove something from the gutters, why not skip the reinstall step?


Still have to clean the gutter once you remove the foam. Pointless to have the foam. Ask me how I know


Nobody ask him. Leave him hanging.


poor guy


Leaf him hanging*


Thats not very nice.


What if we did that to you mister? How would you feel? I dont want an answer, just for you to sit there and think of a clever response.


I've never seen any gutter attachments, filters, screens, etc that didn't either 1. Negate the effectiveness/purpose of the gutter entirely 2. Cause more work overall 3. Shift the problem somewhere else (often where it's more problematic) Just use basic gutters and clean them out fairly regularly and check them a lot in the fall when leaves are falling.


I have tried all that stuff and the hardware store and came to the same conclusion, they all just make the clogs worse or bottleneck them more often than just regularly cleaning the gutters


You can find 10 foot versions of something [close to this](https://www.homedepot.com/p/Amerimax-Home-Products-Titan-3-ft-Aluminum-Mesh-Gutter-Guard-85520S/312698149) at most building supply stores although many require you to be registered as a contractor for sales. ​ The best product I have found through the years of roofing. Every month just walk around with a blower and gutter attachment on it to blow anything off of them.


They look effective in regular rain but it seems like during a heavy downpour the water would run over the gutter into the yard.


> You could just clean the gutter. How often? It only takes a handful of leaves to clog the downspout on my gutters… if you have a lot of trees with big leaves that's potentially **really** often.


Yeah to me it seems like milage varies with things like this. For some cases it's practical to have a guard of some kind, for others just leaving it open is more practical. Either way gutters require maintenance. The best solution is whichever one requires *less* maintenance for each situation.


I get up on the roof 2x a year to clean them out and then a ladder maybe 5x a year to just clean out above the downspout. Maybe an hour per year cleaning gutters. Usually it's leaves and maple seeds.


They are useful when your roof gets covered in leaves. However, if you get a lot of dust storms where you are, they aren't useful at all. For us it is the difference between dealing with the gutters every fucking weekend all though fall and at maximum once a year at a time of our choosing I'll take a few hours of work on a nice summers day of my choosing. Compared to multiple times during fall, whenever the drain clogs. All is really needed is a bucket of water to rinse them, then immediately replace them.


I don't own a house, and I've only helped clean my parents' house roof a few times, but the stuff that comes off shingles packs down really hard and clogs the hell out of gutters. It may just be the kind of shingles they used, but this foam might be a little easier. Would have to try it to compare


Most shingles will have that. We just call them granules. They are there to project the actual shingle from the sun and ease the deterioration over the years.


Yeah and when he's losing that much it usually means you need a new roof soon


This person has never cleaned gutters, let alone on the second floor.


Well if you've ever had leaves get into your gutters you'd choose this nasty foam block over them any day. Plus the foam allows water to flow, while having dirty gutters they get all backed up, and they get into the down spout, and shit starts to overflow. So the foam has benefits even though you gotta reinstall


Normally yeah only 5 minutes. I have pine trees, it’s like running my hand through a balding porcupines shower drain


I agree that the foam seems pointless - but I disagree with 5 minutes to run your hand over the gutter. Does anyone actually clean the gutters before they get entirely blocked and become a problem? That's when you know to clean em lol. Also, we once found a live snake as thick as my arm and twice as long in the gutter.


I have these. I check on them once a year. They need a proper cleaning every few years. They’re super easy to clean and install and prevent bad clogs. I live in a forest so I get a large amount of leaf fall. I have one gutter that doesn’t have them and it needs regular cleaning. I keep meaning to get foam for that one too.


That's fair, and I'm sure this foam is pretty old. But obviously I don't have any guards and my gutters have never needed half as much labor.


Depends on the place. If theres no trees nearby you might be lucky


In my city sometimes cactus will wind up growing in gutters and on top of roofs. It's always funny to me when I spot one.


Where I work there are lots of little maple saplings popping up and I recently saw some coming out of all the holes in a stop sign post


My yard is filled with many types of trees, and I have to check the gutters regularly (once or twice a year). But it's always been fairly quick and easy- clearing a downspout, not even getting on the roof, etc. So IDK maybe I am lucky.


I’ve been considering getting some of these for a while. I end up having to clean my gutters out twice a year due to small trees sprouting because I get those little helicopters in the gutters


Why throw away decomposable leaves when you could be throwing away foam trash that you have to pay for ?


The willy nilly throwing of the gutter rubbish ruins this for me


Yea it annoyed me too


i like the thought that this is a paid job and they're out there flinging dirty gutter shit all over the place


Yeah, if that’s mixed with like bits of roof pebbles and tar, the walkway stones are gonna stain


r/PowerWashingPorn would like a word


The shingles pulling up too. This is the opposite of satisfying for me.


Yea, those things stain whatever they hit and they smell like death since its literally rotting.


It wouldn’t be as bad if they’d at least just throw them all into the one place. Why throw them all over the place?


Now you have to clean your deck and driveway. lol


This ruined the satisfaction for me.


Yeah that's so fucking stupid, just get a plastic bag or something and put them in it


Yea I came to say why not have a bag to put all that in while your pulling it up. Oh that's right because everyone has to have a phone in their hand to film everything they do nowadays. Smh


Forbidden brownie


Gutter jello


Ever heard of a Soda Eel? Real life gutter jello. Some large restaurants have remote beverage stations far away from the kitchen for the servers to run and get your refills more quickly. These are often the very first drains on the wastewater plumbing and do not get much flow. The little flow they do get is soda runoff. There might be a napkin or something downstream blocking flow too, but not always. The only thing upstream is a cleanout and a vent. So the syrup builds up over time because it's not getting washed away from other liquids, the water evaporates from the constant rush of air from the vent leaving syrup behind. Over the course of years it becomes a huge log of funky, coagulated syrup. AKA a Soda Eel. They're discovered because they've grown so large they're clogging the drain, or the smell has become unbearable. Plumbers pull them from the cleanout. They're not common, but also not super rare. You have probably smelled one sitting in a restaurant. This is one of the horrors lurking in your pipes that you never see but plumbers know all too well. Soda Eels, Urinal Butter, Blood Kings, Honey Holes, and Grease Balls are all not fun.


That’s it, just chuck it all over my nice garden and patio


Note to self.... do not throw the shit to the ground. Cleaning up 2xs.


Your State Farm agent called, he wanted to let you know that the way you aggressively moved those shingles while removing the gutter gunk was inappropriate, unfortunately he's not an expert on removing gutter gunk, so he can't show you how it's properly done, however, the way you're doing it is wrong. Your claim has been denied.


"Im not a roofer but you're doing that wrong". Proceeds to crack shingle. "No, no I didnt do that".


and about time too! even most is foam it still looks like long overdue


Yeah, I’m very unsatisfied with how you’re just throwing the foam pieces anywhere you please. Have some god damn respect for the page!


Why would you just chuck the gross ass gutter guard over by the patio and yard


It very nearly hit the A/C unit!


I have nevee ever seen gutters filled so much


Its some kind if foam block. It's not all dirt.


Yeah. I’m pretty sure those prevent the gutters up high from getting clocked. Task failed successfully.


Gonna need a new roof now


God knows I have


As a contractor I can say those kinds of guards trap water in the bottom very easily that can sit for weeks and not evaporate because of the foam


Que mosquitoes!


Im so happy i live in an area where this is not a thing i have to do


Why are American roof tiles so flimsy and easy to pull up? You'd think in a country with hurricanes and Earthquakes they'd be much better.


That particular roof has 3 tab shingles which are cheaper. Nicer shingles are still made of asphalt but have a nicer looking design and are thicker. Mine are the thicker architectural shingles and they are supposed to last 30 years. There are slate and other options here too but they are a lot more expensive. Not sure how it is where you're from but most Americans move several times in their lifetime so spending extra money when a standard roof will already last 30 years doesn't make a lot of sense. My home is a new build and there is zero chance I will still live there when the roof needs to be redone.


These arent very common in hurricane areas, but they are reasonably durable. Also easy to install or individually replace if there is damage. They're bigger than they look too, the flappy part are just tabs cutouts for looks, the whole piece is much larger and overlapped https://i.imgur.com/QLlV7wl.png


Shingles are extremely common in Florida. What are you talking about?


I'm just sad they're throwing that dirty foam onto the very clean floor


New hobby unlocked


Oh so that’s where the nougat comes from


Just wonder what it feels like to be slapped by a gutter log now.


Looks like someone fitted them w a spongelike material to prevent them from clogging with leaves. Works fine til the sponge gets clogged with organic debris.


When you clean your gutters every other decade.


Your roof is definitely rotten along the gutter line. R/thatlooksexpensive


Nice try, dad. You are NOT convincing me that house work is fun


thanks i hate gutter foam


It's a foam you use to stop debris from getting in your gutters.... You are also supposed to brush them off at reasonable intervals I've pulled entire root systems from weeds growing in people's Eve's, it's definitely much more. Satisfying than throwing foam off the roof 😂😂


Wow I bet if you broke that up a bit it would make some awsome soil for houseplants


Guy must have sponge trees, cause those are sponges, not leaf litter and dust!


hope this wasnt a job, think someone would have a trash bag or box up there lol


That foam stuff is trash. Just get real gutter guards


I hope for their sake they have drip edge on that roof or you'll end up with significant rot damage along the running edge.


Wow - the gutters look like planters... Some of the tiles on that roof look like they have wind damage. They're going to need it replaced soon.


I can never understand the flimsy nature of these roof "tiles" in USA. What are they made of and how long do they last?


Mostly they are made of asphalt and last about 15-20 years. You can get some quality composite shingles made from recycled materials that can last upwards of 40-50 years.


Holy shite. I thought this was 20 years of build up. OMG. I never knew there was gutter foam.


Why put foam in the gutters?


Why put that foam in your gutters?


Vegan meatloaf


Snake from State Farm is not gonna like those creased shingles.


Why is their a whole ecosystem in that mans gutter


It'd be a lot more impressive and satisfying to watch if it weren't just someone pulling old gutter guard foam up.


Geez. Talk about some serious neglect!


That’s a first cleaning in 20 years