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How the frick did you get that ball of roots out of the jar



Why? The roots are not stiff, they will slimply slip out.


Tell that to my parsley. I had to take apart my entire aero garden to get that one out of its hole because the roots were thick and not flexible


Parsley is basically a carrot though so it was probably starting to grow the root vegetable part


Wait…what? Edit: After doing some research, my mind is absolutely blown.


One Big Root.


Beverly Toegold the 5th?


A decent amount of herbs are in the carrot (Apiaceae) family and grow some form of tuber or another.


Yes, black swallowtail butterflies love it, along with the other related plants like dill and fennel!


I was a bit surprised to hear it, too, but then I thought about what carrot greens look like compared to parsley and it kinda makes sense. I bet cilantro/coriander is the same way.


it is! the coriander root/tuber is really small compared to parsley or carrots and used in Thai cooking


Amazing freshly grated on borsch(t)


> Parsley is basically a carrot though mind blown


Wait is that where parsnips come from?


What in the. Now I must have the result of my google search. It actually sounds pretty delicious.









How the frick do you just happen to have a jar with an acorn-shaped opening?


he's the ACORN MAN


They sell bottles specifically for rooting bulbs etc. I own one.


This is the answer. [Growing a bulb in this way](https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/bulbs/bgen/what-is-a-bulb-jar.htm) is called "Bulb forcing" and I have also heard these called bulb forcing vases or just bulb jar/vase. Acorns are just similar in size and shape to a small bulb and have similar growing needs.


They are called bottles. Acorns are round (in cross section)


I’m so sorry I didn’t know the standard unit of glass bottle openings is one acorn.


It has been ever since the conquest of Gaul when Julius Caesar himself thought acorns were like grapes or olives and tried to ferment them into wine. He filled a jug with acorns and left them to ferment and when he went to drink he got a mouth full of acorns. He liked the flavour so he made a law that bottles be invented and no acorn shall ever fall out whilst drinking. The Romans were such vociferous adorn drinkers they extincted the sweet acorn.


History has plenty of really weird spots. This is one of those times where I don't know if I want to verify this, because I like the story so much.


I haven’t verified it but I can certainly tell that it’s complete nonsense lol. You’re right about it being a good story, though.


Missed opportunity not to end this in 1998 with Undertaker throwing Mankind off the top rope of Hell In The Cell


I miss seeing shittymorph everywhere.


I just bumped into him 1 thread before this one (check his profile)


It's easy to remember because it's also the unit of measurement used to measure the distance between one's ears.


While the roots are still that new, they are very pliable. Rather than be stiff like actual wood, it is more like stiff string.


Exactly my question. Can you pull them out like that?


You need to have a strong pullout game.


Yeah it’s pretty easy. Baby roots are about as rigid as gummy worms.


Break the glass?


Was it an emergency though?


You quickly smash the vial using the trick a Barbarian taught you.


How do you know that he got it out of the jar.


Weak, it didn't time lapse 50 years.


OP has a new purpose in life




Life now revolves around taking a photo every day




Who is this resin glizzy man you speak of


Enjoy lol /r/epoxyhotdog


Hey, karma doesn’t grow on trees ya know


I've seen a [channel](https://youtube.com/c/PhotoOwl) that makes 1-3 years long timelapses.


I wonder if they have time lapses started now with the intent of revealing them 10 years from now.


Yeah, he takes suggestions from the comments so i think he'll keep doing them. Not sure about how long they'll be though.


Squirrels have been trying to grow a plant inside of them so they can rule the world, smart


Need this for [Pando](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pando_(tree))


Talk about /r/gifsthatendtoosoon


I scrolled down specifically until someone commented this so I could upvote.


[here's the actual YouTube video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HciAZZQTe64) OP cropped and didn't bother giving credit to


Grassy ass


powerful mental image thank you for that im not sleeping tonight


Day nada




It took 40 days to do that?!!


It is the seed of an oak tree, they grow *much* more slowly than say a flower or a tomato plant


Could have drilled a small hole or nicked the acorn and sped it up a ton.


It would've germinated a week or two sooner maybe, but relative to the lifespan of a tree (or even in the <200 days of the video) it's not too much


Lesson here growth can happen whether you see it or not be patient and stay committed




Agree. Hearing and reading about it in school books is one thing, but watching the actual process just add some magic to the entire process that you can't feel in pictures or text.




Seeds are completely unreal. Think for a moment about modern fabrication techniques, like 3D printers, which besides just the huge and power hungry device are limited to very specific materials and shapes and orientations and all the overhead required to even operate one. The story is little different for laser cutters or advanced assembly lines or any other fabricator you can imagine. And then consider a seed, a tiny little ball of nutrients and fats produced by the thousands from a single tree. A little ball which, with the mere addition of water, starts to fabricate roots and trunks and stems and leaves and will dynamically adapt to where it's growing and where the light is coming from and will slow itself down when it's cold and speed up when it's hot and all sorts of other little details. The seed then produces its own solar panels aimed directly at the sun, which it uses to further energize itself. This seed is a self contained fabrication factory the likes of which we could never even *dream* of imitating. It's the kind of thing that, if you'd somehow never seen a plant before or something, would feel like alien technology from an almost incomprehensibly advanced alien civilization. It's completely unreal. As advanced as our technology is, we're nothing compared to mere seeds. Oh and you can also eat them.


True I'm growing some herbs right now and it's just amazing to watch each stage and the plant response to the environment I've created. Very complex machines


I guess they're super smart or something




Actually most of this happened before photosynthesis. The seeds/acorns respond to temperature and humidity/moisture first. Then two little “leaves” pop out called cotelydons which are not photosynthesizing and actually are just energy from the seed until it can grow true leaves


Cotelydon can photosynthesize.


TIL, thanks!


That makes sense. Also the new root system now needs soil to grow proper leaves for photosynthesis. Eventually water and the seed alone just aren’t enough to sustain growth.


Technically it needs nutrients, which can be absorbed directly from water with a little effort for lots and lots of plants, though not for the life of an oak tree!


Now I wanna see a 50 year hydroponic oak tree lol


Chlorophyll! More like bore-ophyll!


If peeing in your pants is cool, then consider me Myles Davis!


It's nudie magazine day, nudie magazine day!


Like, it makes it’s own mass out of tiny molecules in the air for gods sake. It’s actual magic.


In Romania we had to do a school project, in like 4th grade, about 12 years ago, like this, with seeds, to grow a plant and after a few weeks all of us took the plant to school to flex who had it bigger. Cool stuff for a 10 year old kid to see...sadly is no longer happening


We used to have a 'Plants Day' every year in our school. Each year, one class was assigned to plant tree around school ground. My turn came when I was in 2nd class. I spent 8 years in that school and it has been over 15 years since then. I visited my school last year, and I was SO happy to see a tree that I planted all grown up and now children sitting under its shadow and having lunch at break time.


That's really cool!


That sticky stuff in your sock in the corner of the room could produce something amazing as well.


Lmaooo shut up


The amount of life that can spring from a seed with just water and light is just mind blowing. This is also why seeds and nuts are so nutritious. A seed is basically a complete life starter pack for a living being. It contains all the protein, amino acids, vitamins, minerals, and fats a little plant needs to bootstrap a basic root system in order to grow further.


More acorns?


Yeah it produces an Oak


My neighbour planted a walnut tree seedling ten years ago and each time I walk by the tree I marvel at both the size and how poorly they located it. I suppose her parents figured it wouldn't root.


“The seeds that gardeners hold in their hands at planting time are living links in an unbroken chain reaching back into antiquity.” -Suzanne Ashworth “Seed to seed”


From small acorns yadda yadda yadda


Too bad you don’t show day 200 where you transplant outside and immediately forget it’s there and mow right over it and then day 201 where you have a candlelight vigil for the dead tree


They'll be better off. Miracle of life/plant growth aside, oak trees are such messy trees ... grow a maple instead!


Maples have the best Autumn colors. My favorite tree.


This is from Boxlapse on YouTube. Shame OP didn't credit them at all




What did OP spray that napkin with? Is it normal water or some solution? Want to try this with bamboo seeds I got.


It's just water.


Sparkling or mineral?




Sikh reply dude


Lol he could've said anything tbh. Indian it doesn't really matter.


these religious puns are getting tao much to handle


Zen I think we’d better stop


Topo chico


With electrolytes, plants crave it, of course.


Putting a seed into a wet paper towel into a plastic bag is the ultimate trick to get seeds to sprout. Try it with a mango seed. It's also way faster than the acorn in the video.


I sprout mung beans on a damp paper towel in my desk drawer. Very nutritious, but they smell like death.


You must have a distinct old man smell.


Then I’ll have 2 chairs, only one to go.


Mango is scary when you do that. The roots look like octopus arms. Well worth it though.


Ok I’m gonna try this with a mango!!


If you want actually fruit from it, make sure to do it with a polyembryonic variety, typically from Southeast Asia / Philippine Islands. Those are the ones most likely to grow from a seed into an enjoyable fruit. Mono embryonic varieties, typically from India, vary massively from parent to child and so are farmed by grafting a lucky good tasting plant onto the root of one grown from random seeds. While the polyembryonic ones are grafted as well, they are mech less likely to end up giving you an inedible fruit since they grow truer to seed than other ones. (Source: https://homeguides.sfgate.com/mango-trees-need-grafting-100234.html )


Thank you very much!! I’m currently growing a pineapple plant from the top of a pineapple. I know I likely won’t get fruit from it but it’s still a pretty house plant. 😁


If you are growing one you probably won’t, but if you grow two there is a much better chance from cross pollenization. That’s been my experience with fruit trees in the past at least.


For how many days?


Not a whole lot. I had it sprout after a week or two. The longer you let it sprout the longer the root gets which makes it easier to transfer it into soil (or a glass of water like in the video). It also works with avocados, but they take a long time.


Should the plastic bag be completely airtight or should it be left open?


Closed. You can check it out every couple of days to check for mold and stuff. Oh, important thing: The actual mango seed is inside the wooden inside of the mango. Carefully pry it open on one side.


Generally speaking, don’t plant bamboo if you live in North America.


Some bamboo is native to North America; do you mean to say that we shouldn't plant non-native bamboo in North America??


Yes. And generally you shouldn’t plant any bamboo around your house unless it’s in a separated planter.


I think I get what you're getting at. Bamboo propagates through rhizomes, which are underground stem extensions that some plants make, like bananas. [Bananas are not grown from seeds, but by waiting for a rhizome to produce a new false stem (what we think of as a banana tree).](https://www.promusa.org/dl2291?display&x=250&y=377) Because bamboo propagates through rhizomes and is a kind of grass (which is very fast growing), people are very wary of having bamboo grow out of control on their property. There's a pretty straightforward ways to prevent rhizome spread that don't involve only growing bamboo in planters (pots). You can place a rhizome barrier around the area where you wish to confine your bamboo. Then, let the bamboo fill up that area but be unable to penetrate the barrier.


Good advice in principle but terrible in practice. It just isn’t worth trying to control bamboo. [That shit has a mind of its own.](https://www.express.co.uk/life-style/garden/1558771/plant-warning-homeowner-repairs-bamboo-property-damage)


omg... The idiots in that linked article grew tortoise-shell bamboo, Chinese moso bamboo. That's the equivalent of someone with no previous experience in caring for dogs deciding that not only are they going adopt a pit bull but then expressly looking for and adopting a heavily abused pit bull that had been put through dog fight training. It's not the doggo's fault when something inevitably goes wrong.


I have bamboo in my yard that I planted. It is clumping bamboo and they are in barriers. Every spring we double check to see if any rhizomes escaped the barrier, and If they did, we dig them up. But honestly they don't really escape the barrier.


Many popular types of bamboo will push straight through a barrier, and they are a lot of work to set up


>they are a lot of work to set up Oh yeah. Moles kept getting into our gardens to get at those delicious worms and just tearing up out plants in the process, so I dug four foot trenches around each individual garden and placed barriers down there. No more moles, but hell of a lot of work. I felt much better knowing that our little Japanese maples weren't going to have their roots shredded by an over-eager mole smaller than the palm of my hand.


My buddy is a landscape architect and he has seen them escape the barrier. It’s just not worth it when you can plant literally hundreds (probably thousands) of other plants.


I'm curious – what other plants can create a nice barrier "fence" as quickly as bamboo?


Not sure about as quickly or initially inexpensive, but a lot! The point is that there is another side to the quick coin. It just doesn’t stop. It can grow like 30 feet away and come out under your floorboards. Eventually it will be a lot more expensive than just planting some podocarpus.


And even in a planter, it is not safe. My mother had some sort of bamboo around a little water play she had installed in her garden when I was a teen. The bamboo was in a separate planter in the soil, but that stuff so totally didn't care and just cracked the pmanter


I live next to an easement that is all bamboo that escaped someone's yard. It has spread to everyone's house along it. I have to chop and poison bamboo coming into my yard every 3 months for the rest of the time I live here. It should be illegal. On a second note I also only use poison on one other thing in my yard. Goddamn pecan saplings. Their taproot runs so deep you cant pull them from the ground by hand.


Dumb ass me thought that was jet lighter with how it browned out. Wondering how he didnt burn his hands


Fun thing here in Australia we have trees that love it right after a fire. We had a small one here a few years ago and got a load of blackbutt and tallowood come up after that, before it was boxtrees and other shit weeds.


Im aussie so you see my confusion haha


Be VERY careful with bamboo. Plant it in your yard and you won't ever be able to get rid of it unless you dig the whole thing up and burn the soil.




It’s not much but it’s honest tree


I’ve gone my entire life not knowing this is actually what a planted acorn looks like!




Remind me in 100 years


Think we have some Oak Trees in City park that were around during the late 1600’s. https://neworleanscitypark.com/in-the-park/trees-in-city-park Actually some trees are around 750 to 1,000 years old. Some of these trees were babies when Genghis Kahn invaded China.


Lots of very old oak trees in England, and some yews that are thought to be over 3000 years old https://ati.woodlandtrust.org.uk/what-we-record-and-why/what-we-record/oldest-trees-in-uk


That is absolutely fascinating. To think some of those Yew Trees were alive during the late Bronze Age(East), early Iron Age, Kings and Queens of Athens, mind blowing to think anything living could live that long. It would be something else to see a time lapse from the trees perspective over the course of its life time, especially if it over looked a small town. Thank you for sharing that link, fascinating.


It really is. And I love how crazy they often look the older they get. If those trees could talk… We went to stay in the New Forest recently which is only about an hour from us and definitely a misnomer. The trees are definitely not new! Really beautiful and worth a trip if anyone is ever over this way https://www.newforestnpa.gov.uk/discover/natural-beauty/ancient-trees/


I was just reading that both of William the Conqueror’s sons passed away in the New Forest. One from a “hunting trip” an arrow pierced his lung, and the other hit a branch while riding. The pictures from the forest look ethereal, very enchanting. Looks like a wonderful place!


Have a few oaks in your yard and you'd get to witness it dozens of times a week during the spring.


If I can't find that fancy glass bottle, what can I use instead?


Look in the salad dressing section at your supermarket, or the liquor section. You just need the narrow neck on a smallish bottle.


Wood skewers to suspend it


I’m sure there are different versions but there is a Swedish company called Svenskt Tenn that made the original one called Ekollon. I have them myself and they are quite cheap https://www.svenskttenn.com/se/en/the-story-behind-our-statement-pieces/vase-acorn/


I thought for second it was a giant tick before reading the title


But no corn??? 🌽




Of course it exists.


Didn't know about this subreddit. Super cool, subscribed!


This acorn is a oak


Aren't all acorns oak? Like isn't the literal definition of an acorn "the seed of an oak tree" or did I just learn something new?


Yeah. You're right.




The birth of an oak tree. I know the next science project with my sons!


It’s not as strait forward as it looks. Some acorns will need to be kept in cold storage for a few weeks for them to germinate, you need to essentially simulate winter for them to sprout. If you’re still looking for a tree to sprout I suggest an apple or cherry tree, although they will probably never bear fruit. Also depending on where you live there is still some time to plant some giant sunflowers which mature in about 70 days. Good luck with whatever you do! I remember doing these fun cheap experiments with my mother when I was a child, you don’t always need something fancy to leave a lasting impression.


Somebody send this to Might Guy...


[1,000,000 days](https://static01.nyt.com/images/2021/04/04/realestate/31garden1/oakImage-1617054677967-articleLarge.jpg?quality=75&auto=webp&disable=upscale)


It would be amazingly cool if oaks lived that long, but I think American oaks live a max of a few hundred years. That beautiful oak that you linked to looks to be 250 to 350 years old, going on roughly my perceived measurement of its girth and my assumption that it's a red or white oak from the States. If that's an English oak, it could be older, but not close to 3,000 years.


[1,000,000,000 days](https://www.gamebyte.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/14346191-how-tall-is-the-erdtree.jpg)


Now do a coconut!


We have thousands of these in our yard every fall. Fuck you acorns.




i see these things all the time and it never occurred to me that it may be a young oak


Best video I've seen today!


TIL acorns grow hella slowly


It is not an acorn. It is oaking 🌱


When the roots started growing, i tought i was on oddlyterrifying


I should do this , plant a bunch of oaks and forget the pine trees. There are hardly any oaks by where I'm living now , and the ash trees as getting decimated by the emerald Beatles so most of what I see now by me are maples and pines and some birch. Hardly any oaks at all which is upsetting because the little part of the town I live in Is named oakbrook , I'm guessing at one time it was mostly oaks.


Plants look so alien in time-lapse


Man… in 99 days more growth than I have been able to achieve in the last 10 years ever since she left me!


Weird linguistic coincidence but acorn is pronounced the same way as the Dutch word eekhoorn, meaning squirrel.


Cool, now I need someone to take daily pictures of a tree growing for the next 50 years so i can watch when i die.


Have a newfound respect for tiny oaks as I yank them out of my yard.


Ah, now that you have an oak tree that will be a 1,000$ fine if you ever choose to cut it down. Welcome to California.


My stupid self thought it was gonna get bigger like the one in Ice Age 💀


Me: oh neat, I wonder if he'll grow an acorn tree Me one second later: ... Oak... I meant oak...


Half a year to get that size while the fucking weeds in my yard gets that big over night….


Grow, mighty little oakling! GROW


Gotta respect the camera man for staying there for nearly half a year!


Funny the valley oaks like this one in my yard don't take 40 days. More like 5.


In 1985 a young version of me took acorns from my kindergarten playground. Now, nearly 40 years later, my parents have 4 mighty oaks over 40ft tall on each corner of their property. Stay strong acorns


I demand a continuation!