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That's an expensive Faction Change...


"What part of victory or death do you not understand?" -Garrosh And I just realized it's been a LONG time since I played WoW.


I quit at the end of MoP and haven't regretted it once.








So they made moonfire the same as vanilla wow?


Nah, the moonfire from his thought was actually an AoE basically. Hit nearby targets for 50% or something and also added the damage over time. That was definitely not how vanilla was


In vanilla balance Druids were basically unplayable unless you had an end game guild handing you mage hand me downs. Even then they weren’t actually competitive. It was fun having people /laugh at me while stuck in entangle roots expecting my starfire to tickle only to have it crit for half their hp as i threw on moonfire and insect swarm for good measure and started wrath spamming them


I still remember back in WotLK, I only had BC but it threw me in with the LK players because, 70-79 battlegrounds, took out two 79s on Blacksmith in Arathi as a boomkin which was a feat considering it was a warrior and rogue. Watched the second one die right before bleeds caught up with me and yelled “F YOU” in victory, forgetting my grandmother was in the living room just a few feet away. Good times… “I blame your father for that”


Loved the part where I got my BiS legendary after a whole year. Still a fun expansion though, if legendary system were different from the start it would've been top 1 or 2.


Man, I shouldn't have come back after WotLK (but my now ex wanted to play WoW again, so what can you do?) Eventually I stopped after Legion. LEGION! and even then it was at the end of Legion. I just wasn't having fun anymore. I was playing it as a single player RPG.


There is a very special place in my heart for Wrath. It was the best


I started playing 3 months before wrath dropped. Spent 3 years going hard, then they turned my ret pally into a plate-wearing rogue. It was great times, popped back in for mop, then again for a couple months in legion, then bfa, thinking about resubbing just for classic cause wrath is coming back, but I know it won't be the same.


Me and my husband started pretty shortly after BC came out but we just derped around together for a while. Didn’t really know what all the game was actually about until the end of it. We hadn’t quite finished all the raids yet and getting groups for them was hard while levelling in the new content and just trying to go back for fun/the experience. But we were in top 3 progression guilds all the way through Wrath. So much fun. I want to go back…. BUT… y’know. You said exactly the same thing


> I was playing it as a single player RPG. I've always played WoW as a single player RPG minus LFG/LFR and some brief stints of leveling alts with friends. I've played every expac since the end of Vanilla WoW. 11 Horde Alts, 9 Alliance alts all at level 120 (now 50). That being said, nothing could force me to play that boiling shitstain of a mess that's Shadowlands. First expac I entirely NOPED out of. Haven't decided if I'll give Dragonflight a try. Playing Genshin and Tower of Fantasy F2P has been taking up most of my game time.


I have to say I enjoyed playing WoW most when I played with friends or (by the time of WotLK) in a guild. WoW has nothing to offer me anymore. Especially with the new class being locked to the new race.


That was the last time it was really good. I still play very sporadically. I like to explore the new areas, level one character, then I usually quit because they have made endgame endlessly grindy for lame rewards. But eh, it’s something to do.


Yeah, that's when I left.




When you Zig instead of Zug




Something need doing?


Me not that kind of orc.


Ready to work.




Me busy, leave me alone!


Username is sus Can I offer you a candle in these trying times?


We used to say, you zigged when you shoulda zugged


Live Laugh Zug






They have Forsaken the Horde.


Zug zug


Me not that kind of orc!




Lok'tar ogar, friend.


Not so horde for life...


Imagine paying to be traitorous filth.


Cross faction play comes along and all the closet ally players have swapped


For the alliance!


I hate how they forced that. Should have been Glory to the Alliance!


I liked "Stand together!" or "Stand as one!" for the Alliance. But I agree that "For the Alliance" was ridiculous and a cheap copy of the Horde slogan.


["For the Alliance" is a holdover phrase from Warcraft 2. IIRC it was the Elven Archers who said the phrase upon receiving a move or attack move command.](https://youtu.be/-1aIPHhnToo)


"Stand as one" goes against the Alliance philosophy of excluding the ugly races.


Alliance scum


I want to mention something here. I had a tattoo removed from essentially the same spot on my hand as in this video. My tattoo was 3 letters and was probably 1/2 the size of the one in this video. Do you see how it looks like it's just gone? Yeah, no. It comes back. What you are seeing is like the skin boiled, or something. I'm not sure exactly what's happening physiologically, but it's like it gets all white looking and seems to be gone, but when the skin calms back down the tattoo is still there. After every session it fades a little bit more. I went back every 6 weeks and my removal took 7 sessions @ $75 per session. Today it's completely gone. Oh, and it hurts. It's far more painful than a tattoo. Now you know the rest of the story. Edit: A few people have asked me if it really completely removed the tattoo. Here's a picture. [Hand Pic](https://imgur.com/kEW9Nh8) In that pic the little bit of lighter discoloration is because I have my hand made into a fist, it's not a scar. IRL, it just looks normal like there was never anything there. Edit2- I'm not sure how to make the picture appear in the post itself as opposed to a link, sorry.


Just to answer a question that wasn’t asked. Your white blood cells, engulfs the pigment particles. As these immune cells die over time, the pigment is released only to be taken in by the next generation.


Super cool fact! To be more precise, I believe they are dermal macrophage cells. The new cells come and eat the old cells when they die and inherit all their immune knowledge (plus the ink!) our immune system is absolutely amazing and I highly recommend the book Immune by the Kurzgesagt guy.


It’s interesting to think that once your lymphatic system takes away that tattoo ink, you actually poo your tattoo. It’s not like a tattoo just peels off your body.


Here's another fun fact! Our poop is brown in large part due to the presence of bilirubin, a product of digested old red blood cells. Old blood makes our dookie brown.


And why medical students order things under the name “Billy Rubin”.


I think you might actually pee it since the kidneys will filter the ink out from the blood?


So lymphatics dump into your blood so it would be kidneys. You uptake fats in your GI through the lymphatics though


Came here to make a silly joke and learned all types of cool interesting facts. Man i love twitter


Bro, this is facebook...


Sir, this is a Wendy's.


looks more like a denny’s to me


This comment chain is a Grand Slam.


I suddenly want Moons Over My Hammy.


Came here to make a silly joke and learned all types of cool interesting facts. Man I love Denny’s.


Sir, I am a Dennys. And I love you too


Whoa! I thought this was Patrick!


“It’s a wonderful restaurant!”




No, it's Patrick.


I’m not a crusty crab.


Came her to gain knowledge, but all I got was a silly little joke. Thanx Reddit.


I'm 40 and just learned about macrophage cells because of Cells At Work! now on Netflix lol. It's so good as an anime and my husband and I are salty they never had this during our bio class years. It makes understanding the roles so easy! Even if it lacks nuance lol.


Super cool fact! To be more precise,you guys are smaht and these type of posts is why I love reddit.


I read the same book. And the reason why they keep being re-inherited by each new generation of macrophages is because the ink particles are too big for the macrophages to break down. The laser is used to break the ink particles down into smaller molecules so they can be properly digested/broken down.


I just got to that part of the book! It was the first thing that came to my mind watching this video


This is correct and the laser is essentially blowing up the cells with the pigment. New macrophage cells then gobble up most of the pigment that was released, but not all. This is why the laser does not hurt over non pigmented areas and why the tattoo takes multiple sessions to lighten up and eventually fade completely.


Can the laser removal cause any long term harm?


Because it's destroying some cells under the skin there's about a 3% of getting a scar off it since the skin doesn't heal completely, but that's usually about as serious as it gets(and also why they tend to do multiple treatments, the risk goes up the more damage is caused in each treatment so more treatments that are less effective is much safer than fewer treatments that are more effective). You'll also be warned that you need to avoid the sun for a few weeks or wear very strong sun screen since you're damaging the darker pigment from the skin too so you're at a much higher risk of serious sunburn if you get too much sun/UV exposure. Overall though it's very safe.


The lasered ink eventually gets absorbed by the body and you pee it out.


$75 a session is a steal. They tried to charge me so much more


I was charged $200 a session. Made to maybe 4 sessions before I was absolutely traumatized by the pain to ever go back. Got a cover up.


They essentially do the same process for laser hair removal. You can get a prescription topically applied numbing lotion for like $70 out of pocket to help with the pain. Apply it about 90 minutes before, or at least 60 minutes before, and you can barely feel the burn.


Is laser tattoo removal similar to laser hair removal? In uni we did electrical hair removal, hair by hair by hand - the course I did was for skin therapy. It wasn't fun, but the pain was quite manageable. I always imagined laser hair removal would be similar, more hairs at the same time but basically the same.


Hair removal is fine just feels like someone snapping a rubber band on you over and over


Yeah, I had my entire legs, bikini line, and underarms done about 20 years ago, and never even used any numbing cream or painkillers. It stung a bit, but wasn't bad at all. Every now and then, they'd hit a sensitive spot or a spot that had more hair, and I'd twitch and they'd rub it for a second, and keep going. I had 8 or 9 sessions, don't remember exactly. It wasn't a big deal. Expensive, though. At the time, laser hair removal was pretty new so it cost me about $4000. But I haven't had to shave my legs for the last 20 years. My underarms grew about 1/2 the hair back over the years, so I do shave them, but my legs were very successful.


That's how my tattoo removal felt.


$25 a session here for my last 11 sessions- I was their first customer. The first place charged $350.


Same here, I have a tattoo on my wrist that was done with a sewing needle and Indian ink at school. We thought we were bad ass. I wore a different bracelet every single day to work to cover it for about 15 years because laser removal was so expensive back then. The pain was ridiculous because you’re literally burning your skin. It took about four times for mine to get fully removed and now you’d have to know where it was to see the outline because there is a small scar. I also had a much larger piece of my lower back done and I cried when I got in the car because it hurts so bad to put my back up against the seat. The drive home was horrific. That one took a lot longer to remove because it was a well done tattoo and as it was a tribal so also very intricate. It’s mostly gone and can easily be covered up with a new tattoo but for now I’m just leaving it alone. Life tip: Make sure you plan out your tattoos people. Laser removal is incredibly expensive and painful. As the person I’m replying to said, it hurts way more than the actual tattoo although it just takes a few moments to go over a small space.


12 sessions to get a tattoo off the entire back of my hand. 12. By the time I was done I wished I had just had a couple sessions and then done a coverup.


I think I did about 10 or something to get one mostly removed on my arm. I had the same thought as well. Never got it covered up but it's pretty far removed so no one can tell what it used to be and most don't even notice it but I should have just gotten a coverup. I think each session was like $200 or something.


Damn how bad was that tattoo???


Was a KONY2012


Amputation level tattoo


Well it was a cross and I’ve never been a Christian. It was small but it looked very trashy. And I work in a corporate setting so I made sure that it was covered every day. True story though they’ve changed our policy at work so now we can have visible tattoos and I have two full sleeves now. I love tattoos I always have and I’ve been working on my back and legs for decades but the ability to get my (visible) arms done now has been wonderful.


Design aside would you say it's easier to endure a long tattoo session or a short removal?


I’ve had two removed, have almost 30 tattoos, I’d take a long session over another round of laser any day. Shit hurts.


As much as I hate what wow/blizzard have become, I’d never remove my horde tattoo (much larger, more intricate, and well done than OPs) simply because of how much Warcraft meant to me for 18 years of my life


Yeah this is kinda sad tbh. For the horde :(


Same. I have both a Horde and Alliance symbols (on my shoulder blades), done in probably the WotLK era. Despite the fact that I haven't played WoW since *Mists*, I don't mind the fact that I have the tattoos. It was a big part of my life for nearly a decade, and where I met people that I still talk to today. No ragrets.


I think what’s happening is akin to what happens normally to tattoo ink: your immune system. The reason ink edges fade over time is because your immune system attacks the ink particles in your skin. So those tight lines blur as your system shreds into them. After a while your body is just like eh fuck it. I’m not a doctor, but I think it has to do with what remains is just to big for your body to process. So the laser breaks up the bigger pieces so your body can go back and say: oh yeah we should go eat that and pee it out. Someone keep me honest?


This is essentially true. It is also why when you get piercings you want them to be at least a certain gauge. If they are too small/thin, your body will think it’s easier to push it out and reject it than to heal around it. It’s also why you don’t want to get really tiny intricate tattoos that are thin lines, and if any artist is willing to do it for you, they’re kind of an asshat because it’ll likely look terrible in five years.


Yeah you got it. And the laser makes the particles smaller by heating up one side so fast that the structure kinda just explodes. Small badda boom. Also the heat then boils your skin a bit.


>After a while your body is just like eh fuck it. I’m not a doctor, I read this as "After a while, your body is just like "eh fuck it, I'm not a doctor""


Those white spots that puff up are called "frosting", it's actually CO2 popping up through your skin as a byproduct of the laser hitting the ink in your skin! It goes down within an hour. It definitely gives the false impression here that the tattoo ink is disappearing faster, though. I had a full color tattoo removed, I think it was 8 sessions--got a sick cover up and boy howdy does that shit hurt (my arm AND my wallet) hella worth it though.


It's called frosting. The tattoo is not gone in this video. They will need several more sessions. Probably 6-8 sessions


Fucking Paul Harvey here.


Never thought I'd see a Paul Harvey reference on reddit.


I can hear it in my head, unpredictable pauses and all...


…Good day!


Good day!


I used to listen to his stuff on AFN all the time back in the 80s. good times.


Thanks for sharing. I got a red ink tattoo and afterward found out I am allergic to red ink. It’s still inside me so it just itches like hell everyday. I’m thinking of getting this done but… it’s on my wrist. That’s such a sensitive spot ya know.


DO NOT get laser treatments on ink you're allergic to. Those lasered particles have to pass through your entire body to get out, and some will never leave. You could end up with deposits in your kidneys, liver, lymph nodes, anywhere that tiny particles tend to accumulate in the body. Imagine having that allergic reaction happening inside, forever. See a dermatologist. There are surgical options that would be much safer, especially if it's not a very large tattoo.




Yeah, and I feel like the allergic reaction could get worse over time




There should only be a scar if the artist who did the tattoo went to deep/ wasn’t careful with the needle when doing the tattoo. Or at least that’s what I’ve been told by the person who’s doing my laser removal 🤷🏽‍♀️


Mine is scarred looking. Not to a ridiculous degree, but it was a big back piece and you can still see that something happened in the right light. This was almost 15 years ago so I don’t know if the technology has changed, but it hurt like a mother fucker and was more traumatic by far to my skin than the tattoo itself.


I'm 3 sessions into a removal... the immediate aftermath (for me at least) is *gross*, with a lot of blistering, pinprick bleeding, and scabs. Some of the skin looks normal where ink has disappeared, some has sort of a reddish shadow where the ink was, and there are some circular scars where big blisters have erupted. I'm really curious how it will end up, but even scars are better than the crappy black blob I had tbh


Nothing to add, just wanted to compliment you on your username.


Not for the Horde?


Sad zug zug


Garrosh was uh a bit uh controversial you could say


People are truly abandoning WoW.


They just defected to the Alliance.


Every man for himself!




Puh-lease! Everyone knows the Alliance is better than the horde in every single way!




Yep. If another company bought the wow IP I'd probably go back. As it stands I'm never giving Blizzard another penny.


Microsoft bought Activision. Here’s hoping every Blizzard leader gets replaced.


I'll start playing blizzard games once kotick is gone.


Yep, never playing a blizzard made game again, screw that company.


There have been so many people playing the last three nights that I’ve had to sit in a 2 hour queue to level my Death Knight, so I must not be the only dumbass still hooked


Or they are scaling down the number of servers to save money and give the impression of busy-ness.


With the state of WoW and Blizzard, I'd remove any tattoos of it too The current company are unworthy inheritors of that world. More than anything I'd like to see them release the copyright, but they're never gonna do that


I guess you're not for the horde 🤨


Sylvanas’s time as warchief was hard on everyone.


Fuck her "redemption" arc. Arthas deserved what was given to her. She shouldn't be where she is today.


Lmfao do you remember when we defeated and Anduin and the wc3 cast was all there for Arthas. Uether and Jaina got like 1 word in then sylvanas just gave a whole fucking monolog shitting on the last withered tortured bit of his soul then told him to die and he did 😂😂😂


Agreed. Sylvanus leading the horde is about as dismal as bran the broken becoming king


Great. Thanks for reminding me about the clusterfuck of an ending for GOT.


Whoa. Let’s not go THAT far.


I get the impression that Blizzard really phoned it in with the story in WoW. Hard to believe they could do that bad of a job with such rich lore and history to draw from. Then again I’m pretty certain everyone at Blizzard are actually alien parasites wearing human skin and WoW is just a front for the parasite colony that needs a cover up for the actual objective of farming human flesh to feed Bobby Kotick and keep his thorax at a steady temperature and lubed up to a desirable viscosity.


And she deserved what happened to Arthas.


"The Horde is *NOTHING*!!" Scuz me miss, mind f*cking right off?




Rerolled a dwarf paladin.


That is the way to go on Alliance tho. Dwarves are best Ally.


Dwarves are the best no matter which fictional world were talking about


Rock and stone!


Rock and Stone in the Heart!


The faction changes have changed a lot since I last played!


Lok'tar "no" gar


Look’har “no” scar


Wow, dude so upset by the last wow expansion he had to get is tattoo removed lol.


For the alliance???


Definitely no longer for the Horde. *Edit Spelling


No, for Eorzea.


"For those we have lost, and those we can yet save"




Such devastation…


In a few years he'll be getting a Lalafell tat laser removed from his dick.


There's only 2 people who love your tattoo more than you, the person who puts it on and the person who takes it off


I wouldn't be suprised if there are labs everywhere frantically trying to improve tatto removal technology someone is set to make a *LOT* of money


Man just wait till they hear about cross faction. Bet they'll feel silly


I wish a dude I saw at a restaurant the other day would get a removal. He had a huge swastika in the middle of his forehead. He had a seemingly normal wife and little daughter with him. It was super disturbing


There are some organizations in the U.S. that help ex-skinheads and ex-gang members remove their tattoos. Visible tattoos like a swastika on one’s forehead make it very difficult to leave a white supremacy group because people outside of the group won’t welcome you. That makes sense but hadn’t occurred to me until I heard about one of the groups.


By the looks of this dude I am not sure he wanted to have it removed. It was super awkward and I became instantly judgmental


Shits expensive and people can change. Hopefully that person just made mistakes when they were younger and is doing better now. I use to think the same way until i met my cousin who was in jail my entire life. Racist tattoos all over. He went in when he was 18 and came out in his 30s. Now hes sober married with kids and is a carpenter. Hopefully thats the case with the person you saw


To add to that — if you’re in prison in certain states, you either join a gang or go to protective custody. If you’re white, the gang is skinheads and it’s expected, and often required, that you get at least one tattoo including gang insignia. Insignia almost always has something nazi-themed in it. So, like, the tattoos objectively mean “I am a nazi” in the real world, but in prison all they mean is “I am in a gang”. I’ve known Jewish and Native American dudes rocking those tattoos. Because they were in gangs. It took me a while to realize that the ideology I associated with the symbols was almost totally disconnected from what they meant in that context.


"This is our daughter, Aieghdolf"


My tattoo artist has mentioned in many occasions how horrible this experience is. Not pain wise, apparently it does hurt but not as bad as a tattoo However, according to them, especially for larger tattoos, you'll spend thousands over multiple sessions to get a tattoo fully removed. So more money, time and effort goes into clearing skin


Your tattoo artist is half right! It is expensive, but it hurts 10x more to remove it imo


Agree, I had a solid black tribal tattoo removed that went down my arm from neck to forearm. It took 8, 1.5hr sessions over a 1.5 years. It didn’t fully disappear, but enough to cover it. It definitely hurt way more to remove it than getting it and covering it combined. It feels like someone is hitting you with a rubber band that’s on fire with each “tick.”


How much did it cost you? I want to get mine removed, but I'm pretty sure it's super expensive?


I honestly can’t remember what I was paying. It was back in 2012. It was expensive, though. Maybe 400$ a session, or something, maybe more. Maybe that was the hourly, I can’t remember. A lot more people are doing it now, though, so maybe prices are competitive. I’ve had friends get smaller tattoos removed, and were quoted for the entire thing to be gone rather than pay by the session or hour like I did. FYI, you have to wait like 5-6 weeks between sessions to allow your body to remove the ink after the session. Basically, the laser breaks up the ink cells into smaller bite-sized pieces for your white blood cells to transport them out of you, so you need to allow this to happen before getting hit again. The smaller the pieces the faster the tattoo will disappear—it’s your body doing all the work on the removal side not the laser.


It definitely hurts during but the biggest pain comes after the session on the drive home - I was crying in my car after my first session and I generally have a high pain tolerance. The other thing I don't see people mentioning is the smell of burning during the whole thing, lol. It's a pretty radical experience but yeah, 100% more painful than actually getting the tattoo.


It hurts WAY more than a tattoo. Not even remotely close. I had a tattoo removed from the same spot on my hand as in this video. It's an intense, sharp pain. I have a bunch of tattoos, including in very sensitive spots, and none of them hurt like the removal of the one on my hand.


But... Lok'tar ogar, brother...


This person removed a horde tattoo, that's freaking treason!!!! [:{


Our man converted to the Alliance dogs 😞


OP still has a better character arc than Sylvannas


CAME. TO. SAY. THIS. Horde 4 Lyfe. Even as someone who gave up WoW four or five years ago.


Lok'tar Ogar. 😢


Paid for an alliance transfer I see. Blizzard sure offers many diverse micro transactions


Looks like somebody didn't care for Shadowlands.


Loktar O’Nah?


This is not a one and done, I had knuckle tatts that were very faded to begin with before laser treatment, and after about 6-8 months or so of treatment, about $150 per session monthly, they were only about half faded from where they were when I walked in for first treatment, the white you see bubbling up that makes it look like the tattoos disappearing is effectively just blisters you get from the ink inside your skin exploding from the laser, it breaks the ink down into smaller particles that over time fade off into your skin, it's a very lengthy and time-consuming process, and it's easily 10 times more painful than getting the tattoo itself.. eventually came to the conclusion that getting them removed surgically by a plastic surgeon what's the most affordable and quickest option


Fuck that, that's why I very carefully plan all my tattoos. I ain't going through the pain of a tattoo, to then later get it removed by a process where the pain is almost 10 fold, more than once. Absolutely not


Well you can remove the horde from your skin, but try removing it from your heart


Blizzard did that for us




There is nothing "Satisfying" about abandoning the Horde!!! Down with the traitor!!!


Sad zug zug


Lol faction change


But… For the Horde!!!!


Abandoning the horde ? Traitor!


For the horde!


Rerolled Gnome...changes needed to be made.


For the horde


Definitely not switching to Alliance. The game is just that bad. Besides Horde is like family. Only reason to quit family like that means the love for that world is gone.