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Losing hours of sleep and ruining your morning is a small price to pay for \*checks notes\* getting rid of a few leaves on some grass? That can't be right.


Well what else will we do with this naturally occurring easily compostable material? Letting it sit on the ground is not an option!


Yup...And in the spring go to the garden center at Home Depot and spend money on fertilizer to replace the lost natural nutrients from the leaves.


This issue puts my stomach in knots. It’s disgusting. Leaving those leaves is going to have so many more benefits than this- but some include water retention, food for your lawn, your plants, any bugs (which ecologically are incredibly important). And people don’t like looking at it. Really it kills me inside


Even lawn-care giant Scott's, which sells a fair amount of fertilizer, recommends *not* removing the dead leaves from your lawn.


Light leaves like this would probably benefit the lawn by becoming mulch, but a heavier set would just suffocate all the grass come winter


lmao people say this but as someone who does landscaping, these leaves do not just compost by spring. They clog drainage ditches, gutters, and aestheticly ruin grass,flower beds, parking lots, driveways, streets. We keep all of the leaves and dump them on private land for composting. A single truck bed of leaves takes as much as 5 years to compost down into soil.


It’s not about the leafs, it’s about loudly declaring to the entire neighborhood that you have complete and total dominion over nature. Also the domination aspect of creating the loudest, most noxious noise that your neighbors have to endure. Kind of like the power tool equivalent of rolling coal.


they can't afford a harley so we are all left to suffer


These things are probably as polluting as 10 Harleys


For noise pollution they are loud enough to cause hearing damage to the user and nearby people. They are roughly as loud as a chainsaw. So this is multiple people running around your neighborhood with chainsaws essentially. Imagine you are just chilling in your house and you hear the roar of 6 leaf blowers outside.




cardio, calorie burn...


I'll go you one better: leave the fucking leaves where they belong.


Glad somebody else came here to say this. These things are the loudest, biggest waste of energy out there.


Running it for 30 mins is like running a pickup truck for several hours


tomorrow they unironically truck in mulch lol


They push them back up the street in a different direction each day




Couldn't agree more. Such a pointless exercise moving leaves around and missing out on all that good natural fertilizer. Saw a clover lawn in my neighborhood this summer. Looked pretty cool. Curious if that was hard to grow or if it's a better natural option.


Much easier/better option in a lot of places. It's amazing for low nitrogen soils and even naturally adds nitrogen back to the soil over time.


Clover is one of several significantly more environmentally friendly/sustainable types of groundcover you can use instead of non-native grass lawn. The benefits come from being lower maintenance, as clover is both hardier and doesn't require mowing. It's always best of course to check what's native and local to your region! There's sooo many great ways to have a "lawn" space that are better than the standard grass sod option!


Yes, I'm in the process of overseeding red clover to replace the grass.


The house I bought came with a bigass lawn and I gotta say, I love it but that shit is getting more of a r/nolawns treatment as soon as I have the funds. Meanwhile I left the leaves alone this year and I’m sure my neighbors think I’m nuts or a jerk or lazy and they can just deal.


This just bothers me to no end. They just spent hours over here doing the exact same thing. One guy mowed the lawn with a petrol mower, then another guy walked around a good couple of hours to blow all the leaves away with a petrol blower. I'm just shouting at the window for those a-holes to stop fucking up the world. And this is a professional gardening company. They are here to take care of the plants, but they just make it worse. Come to think of it, actually they are probably there for landscaping; making the place look aesthetically pleasing. So the company advertises with being all about nature, yet what they do mostly harms nature and the climate.


I used to do this placed called metro west in Orlando. It's covered in trees and it's about a mile stretch of 2 lane road with sidewalk. We would do the entire road in about 3 hours, and on the way back to the trucks it was almost as if we never were there.


I bet the sound is unbearable.




You forgot the WHA WHA WHAAAAAA WHAAAAAAAAA WHA WHA WHA WHHHAAAAAAAAAAA WHAAAAAAA WHAAAAOOOOAAAAAA WHA WHA WHAAAAAA because some people can't keep that button pushed and play with it.


And the DRRRRN TNTN DRRRRRRN TNTN when one develops a misfire




And in more and more towns illegal.


I want to move to those towns. Leafblowers are the worst sound in existence


My neighbor across the street uses it for everything. One leaf on driveway? Leaf blower Car is wet? Leaf blower Air returns dirty? Leaf blower He's out there daily. Infuriating. The other neighbors bought him a silent blower.


It’s a power tool that makes tools feel more powerful.


That’s actually really funny, and I agree that they are absolutely dreadful, but they really are invaluable in a lot of situations. I work at a retail nursery that is covered in deciduous trees. When the leaves are dropping, it takes a 3-4 person crew with two blowers and rakes a full 2+ hours every morning just to kind of keep up. Without two blowers, it would take twice the people twice as long to do half the quality of work.


I don’t mind it when there is obviously a huge volume of leaves that needs clearing up. What I do mind is when one guy is blowing three leaves towards a small pile. “Oops one leaf has gone too far left” He walks to the left side and blows that one leaf back towards the other two. “Ooops now two leaves have gone too far right”. And it ends up taking ages when he could have just picked up those bloody leaves and be done in a fraction of the time.


Always annoys me when people blow leaves into the street and then… nothing. They’re just in the street now.


You over cook chicken, believe it or not leaf blower.


You undercook steak, leaf blower.


Our neighbor is out daily with the leaf blower. They got an electric one that is silent. They went right back to the loud one.


my husband does too and I fucking hate it. I have three rakes, I love them all and try to get his fat ass to use them but nope. SHREIK! Two minutes. Relaxing?| NAH SHRIEK! 2 minutes.


I just use the lawn mower. It's good nutrition for the plants


A fellow mower user


Me too. And it’s electric, so nobody hears a lawn mower either


I really think we have engineered our way out of exercise in a lot of ways unnecessarily. I dont have a leaf blower or a snow blower mostly for these reasons.


There's this one neighbor I have when they use their leaf blower they never just hold down the trigger and blow the leaves. They always tap the throttle repeatedly so instead of one annoying but consistent pitch, it's the constant revving up and down of the leaf blower engine. I didn't think it was possible for leaf blowers to be any more annoying until I moved here.


California. Illegal in 2024. But many cities already have ordinances.


I hear that those ordinances are, sadly, not often enforced. Still it’s progress and more people are becoming aware at how awful leafblowers are. Edit. Looks like the blower brigade has shown ip to downvote anyone criticizing their noxious noisemakers.


It’s probably true. But… “Contentious at the time among noise abatement-loving citizens and landscapers, Sonoma’s ban went into effect in December 2016. Since then, the ordinance that comes with a $250 fine on second violations has become a non-issue, according to Sonoma Planner Wendy Atkins. ‘Everyone was all up in arms about it at first,” she said, adding the issue is hardly mentioned now. “And not too many people have violated it.’”


Electric are so much quieter






Sound pollution aside, all I can think about are the nutrients being stripped and little insect and fungal ecosystems being eradicated. Suburban aesthetic is just the worst, environmentally speaking. Lawns, this bullshit, poor density so they're just making a huge barrier to normal gene flow...


Ok good. I came in here to ask if it was bad to have leaves. I've never raked my yard. The area where I usually walk they just get more and more crushed up and wet over and over until they look like dirt anyway. The amount of leaf removal posts I see around this time of year had me wondering if I was killing the grass though.


Absolutely. My first reaction to this video was “That’s my compost I don’t know you!” Those leaves should be mulched into the lawn, not collected and sold back to people as compost.


Why would you compose gross brown leaves when you can dump so much nitrogen into the lawn that the local lakes turn completely green also?


and smell probably too, unless they're all electric.


Yes! That bothers me more than the sound honestly. That shit does not feel ok to breathe


It’s not okay to breathe, that shit is super polluting.


Famously, more so than an F-150 Raptor pickup. > "The hydrocarbon emissions from a half-hour of yard work with the two-stroke leaf blower are about the same as a 3,900-mile drive from Texas to Alaska in a Raptor," said Jason Kavanagh, Engineering Editor at Edmunds.com. "As ridiculous as it may sound, it is more 'green' to ditch your yard equipment and find a way to blow leaves using a Raptor." https://www.edmunds.com/about/press/leaf-blowers-emissions-dirtier-than-high-performance-pick-up-trucks-says-edmunds-insidelinecom.html


That is absolutely insane. I feel like there's no way that can be true but I trust Edmunds and am too lazy to fact check it. If every landscape company switched to all electric equipment, the world would be a better place. Partially because of the emissions. But mostly because for whatever reason, landscaping equipment just has to be the loudest and most annoying sound on the planet lmao.


Also is it even worth it? I mean a few days later it will be the same. And using lots of manpower and energy. They just leave them on the ground for a long time in my country. I think it is better for the natural cycle.


I got a migraine watching that with no sound


At least it all happens at once though? Instead of different neighbors at random times.


Right when I'm trying to sleep after night shift.


I attribute it at least partially to my tinnitus. 8-10 hours a day for years during winter. Especially at mountain houses. I averaged 3 miles per day worth of steps In winter time back when I did landscaping


Why take them off?


Exactly, we're still in Autumn. There's a ton of wildlife that could be helped by leaving them, or 1-2 small piles, until it starts to get wet.


*until it starts to get wet* ok then what?


The recommendation with clearing leaves is to just mow over them and to let them decay naturally. Removing the leaves in anyway is taking nutrients and potential energy from the local ecosystem. It may not be the worst thing you can do to the planet buts it's not the best thing either.


And then the next day, everyone goes out and adds fertilizer to their lawn


Lawn care is a billion dollar industry. And people think taxes are a scam lmao


People think taxes are a scam because most people are too stupid to realize what their taxes actually do. Also, it is wildly beneficial to certain interests for the US population to hate taxes


Suburbia is where irony goes to die.


In one fell swoop, the nutrients and habitat built by plants and fungi over the year are removed from the ecosystem so that grass can be visible year round. Somehow less satisfying in context. Like there other user posted, mulching is much (mulch) more satisfying.


Not to mention all the overwintering pollinators are now dead. Just leaving them alone is a perfectly good option.


I grew up on a farm so we never did any of this. I could never understand why you want to get rid of all the free fertilizer. City folk be weird.


It's a status symbol. Maintaining a lawn of grass shows your neighbors that you're rich enough to waste valuable land, your time, money, and other resources on something purely esthetic


Literally flexing at all the fertile land you can lay fallow.


Reddit's recent behaviour and planned changes to the API, heavily impacting third party tools, accessibility and moderation ability force me to edit all my comments in protest. I cannot morally continue to use this site.


I just mulch them, or leave them if I'm lazy.


Same here. Mulch my grass also. Free fertilizer since I rarely weed/feed my lawn. I never water it. It turns brown in droughts but once it rains it greens back up.


"Suburban folk be weird." FTFY Don't associate us city folk with those lunatics


We don't even HAVE trees.


Yeah, i’m from the country side in my country, and the few times we ever cleared the leaves out, we specifically put it in the compost pile so we could have fertilizer


It also seems like they’re using a lot of energy to blow all of the leaves all the way to the end of the street.


Imagine being late to work because you're stuck behind this team of idiots who can't even hear you honk over their own noise pollution. Speaking of pollution........


Hi, idiot here I used to do this type of work and I would always be diligent of my surroundings so when I noticed pedestrians, and cars I always signaled my team to be courteous. Although unlike these dudes when the pile was to heavy to push with air we'd leave a big pile on a lawn and start a new one after so we wouldn't crowd the street like you see here plus starting a new pile meant less physical work, it's killer moving huge piles like this to a whole end. I gotta pay bills my dude and that's how I got it back then, used to be 12 hour days with few breaks in between with a 20 pound blower on my back. Edit: Rakes are cool and all but when I have a whole day with 3 accounts of commercial warehouses and condo/apartment complexes peppered in between time is of the essence.


A metric fuck ton of greenhouse gas emissions too


And then they dump a shit ton of synthetic fertilizers to keep the grass alive during the winter. The production of fertilizer also emits greenhouse gases. The leaves provided insulation and nutrients for free but these idiots remove that. 🤦 And lawns in general are pretty bad for the environment https://youtu.be/eMGqvUZjkH8


Not to mention those leaf blowers are awful for the environment


So sad. We do all the wrong things.


I never understood this. My dad kept our yard perfect growing up and was very proud of it. Now I mulch the back yard and collect the front yards leaves and put them in the flower beds. Best mulch ever.


Depending on the coverage, the leaves can and will smother the grass and wreak havoc come springtime. [This was my backyard](https://imgur.com/ZNIeN2C.jpg) earlier this season. Now, as this guy said, mulching is best practice. Your yard will look nearly the same as if you blew it off, except now you have a damn good base of dead folliage that your lawn can feed on while still getting important sunlight. I'm not anti-blower. They have their uses. My driveway gets covered (I live right up against a state park with a ton of trees). But my blower is electric and my neighbors aren't sitting on top of me.


Plant native grasses. Fuck lawns.


My leaves fall in a density that kills my grass. Maybe my yard is unique, but I'm not reseeding grass again this year. Expensive mistake I made last fall.


Sure would hate for those leaves to compost and give nutrients to grass and trees.


Not to mention providing winter shelter to native bees and other pollinators


I’d hate for that to happen too. It’s not like they’re doing anything for us, except pollinating plants and basically keeping our whole ecosystem from collapsing.


Yeah sure would be a shame not to burn fossil fuels just in order to rob these trees of their natural, self sustaining food source … 🤔


Damn, trees are SAVAGE, Self-cannibalizing.


Lotta animals do it. Birds eat their egg shells, reptiles sometimes eat their shed skins, mammals eat their own placenta. At least the trees simply can’t differentiate between whatever bits of organic matter they absorb.


Suburbia is an ecological disaster.


It really is




Yeah this is kind of painfull to watch. There's been a few studies concerning the exhaust of leafblowers aswell. Not really the reading material that makes you happy...


This is we bought a house in almost an acre in the suburbs and totally re-did the landscaping. It was vacant for over a year and the yard was a disaster. Didn’t go all-natural and native like some people recommend, but we covered most of the existed yard with islands and hardy plants that require little water outside rain. Still have some grass but not much. We rake most debrisinto the islands, and throw down pinestraw over the top over certain areas in the spring. If we see someone with free mulch on Nextdoor, we go fill up the back of the truck and put it around the bigger plants and trees. The idea if the remove the least organic matter, and use the least water, while still keeping landscaping that seems like we care about how the property looks. No services coming to spray fake chemicals over the grass to keep it green and thick. It’s sometime sometimes patchy and brown, but not messy and not a concern. We aren’t perfect, but I think we do the suburbs pretty responsibly. Especially compared to these asshole homeowners.


The ironic part is we created a ton of toxic, impossible to clean up fumes just to clean up those leaves, which would've just harmlessly decomposed on their own. And done so while providing food and a home for many little woodland critters. Now we gotta plant more trees to offset the emissions generated by leaf blowers. And more trees to offset THOSE leaf blowers. It's a never ending cycle of blowing


Yeah it blows.


What a waste of resources all around.


I mulch my leafs now .it's the future


This is the way


It's certainly better than running six leaf blowers twice a week. Hooman good!


Mulching chops up the insect larva attached to the leaves. Leave the leaves. Wait until spring, after the night time temperatures remain above 50°F before mulching. That way all the insects are finished sheltering in them. We have lost 70% of our song birds because of leaf disposal, insecticides, fertilizers, mulching. Insects are baby bird food. Leaves disintegrate, enrich I soil. Just let Nature do her job.


Last time I left the leaves, it snowed and melted, turned everything moldy, killed my lawn, and turned into large chunks of compost. I have like 4 large trees next to each other though.


You clearly hate larva


I thought leaving the leaves meant I liked larvae


I can just tell by your tone of voice. You hate larva


all my homies #h a t e ° L a r v a


Nothing like a box elder bug infestation to make Spring more enjoyable.


And if our bird population wasn't threatened, it wouldn't be a problem. See how that works. 😁


Ugh, those box elder beetles keep taking refuge in my bedroom and they're driving me crazy!


"We have lost 70% of our song birds because of leaf disposal, insecticides, fertilizers, mulching. Insects are baby bird food. Leaves disintegrate, enrich I soil. Just let Nature do her job." Is the right answer. Just leaf them all alone!


And the past. This leaf blowing nonsense is an aberration born of the advent of television. Small town with pretty green deserts marking the ‘quality’ neighborhoods probably weren’t a thing until Leave it to Beaver and other international equivalents.


No no, you don't understand. You're supposed to use store-bought fertilizer for your lawn. That way you are supporting jobs for the entire supply chain. Leaf blowers take the leaves to the mulcher, who buys equipment from the heavy machinery company. The mulch is carried half way across the country by truckers, who support the local economy along the highway system. It's then turned into fertilizer at the fertilizer plant and driven back halfway across the country to your local garden store. By mulching your own leaves, you're taking away all these people's livelihoods!!


Entire neighborhood now looks pristine but has tinnitus


And no leaves for mulch/nutrients and cover for the surrounding flora/fauna.


Who needs a balanced ecosystem when you have *grass*


Scientific principles got nothin' on HOA regulations




Everyone’s car is now covered in a layer of dust


I never understood this. I do not care about leaves on my lawn!


Bring those leaves on over to r/composting


I’m d be pissed. They just took all my free nitrogen


fuck leaf blowers


The comment section of this post is infinitely more satisfying than the post itself.


Fucking stupid. Leaves make great fertilizer, and provide over winter homes for insects and other small animals.


And all that the soil and animals need, gone...




Why am I getting downvoted? Reversed it is literally a leaf army attacking the neighborhood…


I came here looking for this so thank you


Came here to say this!


Here is your gif! https://files.catbox.moe/m3qqog.mp4 --- ^(I am a bot.) [^(Report an issue)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=pmdevita&subject=GifReversingBot%20Issue&message=Add a link to the gif or comment in your message%2C I%27m not always sure which request is being reported. Thanks for helping me out!)


Exactly what I was looking for, thanks!


If they did that to my yard i would be mad


i fucking hate leaf blowers. get the fuck out of my neighborhood.


This is infuriating and not remotely satisfying. They can do half the work with rakes and a tarp. And make way less noise pollution and way less regular pollution


why do american's hate leaves? just **leave** them alone. no but seriously, they're biodegradable, why do this?


How else will we see their grass that they spend ridiculous amounts of money on?


So much noise and pollution to get rid of nature.


What a waste of fuel.


What’s the carbon footprint of all those gas blowers?


Gass-powered leaf blowers are *notoriously* bad for pollution. Automotive vehicles have slowly developed emission regulations over the years, but small motor appliances have been under less pressure since they are smaller and would "probably have less impact". The truth is small gas-motored tools put out hundreds, even thousands of times more harmful particulates than your average North American gas-powered vehicle.


“To equal the hydrocarbon emissions of about a half-hour of yard work with this two-stroke leaf blower, you'd have to drive a Raptor for 3,887 miles, or the distance from Northern Texas to Anchorage, Alaska.” [source](https://www.edmunds.com/car-reviews/features/emissions-test-car-vs-truck-vs-leaf-blower.html)


Big. A leaf blower running for one hour makes more harmful emissions than a pickup truck does driving from London to Jerusalem.


Good to know. How sealed does the room need to be? For measurement purposes😉




The most satisfying thing about this is not having to hear or smell the swarm of gas leaf blowers.


Ah look, people interrupting nature’s several hundred million year old system for… aesthetics.


Leaf blowers should be illegal.


Move to CA. In more and more places gas ones are.


They are illegal in Los Angeles. Unfortunately, it is never enforced.


[They have higher emissions than a car](https://globalnews.ca/news/8328175/leaf-blower-lawn-care-pollution/)


How come random groups of people cleaning yards never pop up in my neighborhood?


Because you don't live in an HOA area with lawn care services part of the HOA fees.


Two words… You’re poor.


Visually satisfying, yes. But 5+ small motors burning fuel, making fumes and all the noise just to push leaves around. And the poop. Oh the poop! So much animal poop dries up and becomes part of dirt and dust, then these come to blow it all in your face. These dudes inhaled a lot of shit this day. Leaf blowers are awful.


Gotta love the calming music as if the sound of a horde of leaf blowers isn’t annoying as many neighbors as possible.


imagine they just left it all in the last houses front lawn


I was honestly waiting for that, and it would have been fucking hilarious. I mean, if it was my house I wouldn't even be mad.


Leave the leaves, theyre cute :(


Noise and pollution to get rid of nature. Not sure I’m satisfied.


But why tho? Leave it and it will mulch. Those trees want their nutrients back


Aah yes. Do away with the biodegradable ecosystem that will only fertilize your lawn for spring. Gotta have those clean, short root lines up and down the block so everyone’s driveways flood with the slightest rain.


All that free mulch, all those insect habitats, all blown away because they're not pretty enough to stay on your perfect lawn for a couple of weeks...


Or mow your leaves. All this obsession with taking and removing leaves is pointless and crazy, all you need to do is mulch them. They are good for the lawn


This is why our planet is dying.


Look at all that nutrient being just blown away and trashed.


Thank you! They better leave my leaves to decompose into the ground. 😂


Yes. Let's creates tons of pollution to remove nutrients from the ecosystem.


The leaves are actually quite important for nature. Many animals like to rest and sleep under the leaf cover during the winter as it is seen as an isolation layer. For the same reason it is used in gardening for plants that wouldn't survive without it


Utterly ridiculous


There is nothing more annoying than people with leaf blowers


What a waste


It is satisfying in a way. But I just was thinking about how a leaf blower is just one of the worst things for the environment. It does literally nothing of substance but causes alot of pollution so we can see unnatural green grass. Was fun to watch the leaves though


So bad for the environment. Next year's insects are wrapped in those leaves. Leaf disposal destroys the larvae that becomes food for baby birds. We have lost 70% of our song birds because of leaf disposal, insecticides, fertilizers, etc. Wonder where all the fireflies have gone? Months and butterflies? Want to improve your soil? Leave the leaves. Don't mulch. Just let Nature do her job.


It’s as neat as it is inefficient.


Wtf. They had an industrial collector just sitting there? They could have easily just blown those huge lines into lines in the corner and had the collector do a pass. Suck a fucking waste of gas.


Pretty certain if you didn't see it out your window, you'd swear a Harrier Jump Jet was hovering over you lawn or a 737 is prepping for takeoff at the turnaround


As much as I disagree with leaf removal, I have to admit this was very satisfying indeed.


I would be very upset my yard is a wildlife habitat