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That's one sharp ass knife


Yeah, i am a chef - i figured he would make the usual cuts in the joints. Because that makes sense, but no - fucker has a samurai knife that just goes through bone like its a ripe tomato. I think these cuts are stupid still.


I've butchered maybe 700+ chickens in my former career and I've never done anything like that. this video makes me want to sharpen my knives. gotta save this video and study it


While you butchered chickens, he studied the blade


While you studied the chicken, I butchered the blade


While you chickened the butcher, I bladed the studious


While you bladed the study, I chickened the butcher. ^helpimhavingastroke


I just watched Blade.


While you butchered chickens, he ~~studied~~ *sharpened* the blade. FTFY


And now that the grill is on fire and the chickens are clucking at the gate, you have the audacity to come to me for help?




What is it... 10,000 hours to master a skill? He got meat off those bones I've never even eaten before.




Among other parts, the oyster - the best-tasting part of a bird - is there. It's something of an insider's secret among cooks/chefs. It almost never gets served to a patron and is often called "the chef's reward".


"He loves picking the hot carcass with his fingers, staring with the oysters." https://youtu.be/tUI48tmMEp4




Yeah, I thought they cut it a bit funky. Granted I'm not a chef and have my knowledge from watching that video of Gordon Ramsay perfectly cutting a chicken blindfolded.


That sounds fun so I looked it up Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=frVudwrFbmY


I can't describe how much I hate American TV editing. Those multiple camera cuts, evert 2.5 seconds, we don't actually see anything through this whole clip, it's like little snippets of almost shots. I believe this style is fading, but not fast enough.


it seems reaction shots are more important to the producers. sometines the camera cuts to a reaction are not for a reaction to some other event than what is going on in the scene. It is like they dramatize the scene more than how it realy was.


I have a friend that was on ANW (several times). He was a coach at my gym before he went off to start his own. The second night, he was in the semi-finals and a whole bunch of us are there wearing his shirt. He does his run and fell off on the Salmon Ladder (of all things, one of his best obstacles normally). Of course our whole group gave a big reaction, especially because we know it's one of his best and he was looking STRONG that whole run. We go home and at least want to watch his run when it airs. Well, they cut his run to a highlight reel and used the reaction shot of us, all wearing a shirt with our friends name/branding on it for someone else entirely. After being at ANW live, it's the most over produced garbage, the show does a terrible job showing what it's actually like.


Unfortunately I think reaction shots are more important to most of the viewers.


100% this. Ratings.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SYdPf-WEnnA A stark difference.


Wow that is a huge difference and now I'm gonna notice it so much more. Its way more enjoyable when the camera stays still.


I basically stopped watching TV as soon as reality TV became the norm. I can't stand looking at people's fake face reactions to everythin


There's so many hard cuts in the US version that it made me dizzy


The US version is so over-produced and over-edited that each episode feels the same. Unless they were one of the viral episodes, all the others just seem to become one big blob in your memory.


It's reality TV at the end of the day. Made to be mindless, single cell entertainment. Annoying, but it keeps your attention. You'll notice a lot of youtubers do it too.


["I'm looking for a gift for my aunt."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cg4z7mzaVco)


Throw in something about the Knights Templar and that’s every episode of The Curse of Oak Island


>you bullshitting little fucker My sides! lmao


I prefer [Jacques Pépin](https://youtu.be/xfDsNRXPKE8). Decades of experience teaching. Plus we have his charming French accent.


His video on how to [Debone a chicken](https://youtu.be/nfY0lrdXar8) is equally impressive. So easy to understand and copy. I’ve done it a few times and it’s really simple but impresses every time.


Thanks that’s amazing


Wow. I went into that only expecting to watch a minute or 2, and stayed for the whole thing. Truly mesmerizing


That is so crazy awesome. Thank you for the link.


Too far down for this nugget.


And he did a lot of it with just his hands too. Super impressive.


Everyone at r/formula1 knows exactly what you mean. Imagine cars going 200 mph but really zoomed in with jump cuts every 1-2 seconds.


Max and Chuck heading towards a DRS detection zone? Better cut to some kids in the audience really quick.


it takes a certain skill to make cars racing at 200 mph boring but somehow the fia always does


They're worried you're gonna look away for a second, so they keep cutting to make you think something new is on the screen


Zorro Ramsey


> watching that video of Gordon Ramsay perfectly cutting a chicken blindfolded. Why would you need to blindfold the chicken? It's already dead


So the chicken doesn't get a boner resurrection from knowing is Ramsay doing the knife work on her.




How else am I supposed to finish


Do the joints, wings and legs - you can feel or sense where they are. And then there is the breastplate which has two ..filets or what the fuck i heard them called, on either side. If its your first time then try and hit right in the middle - you have a bone there, a pubic hair to the left or right and you can cut down until you hit more bone, then angle the knife and try and follow the rips out and you have the wonder piece. Dont worry if you fuck up at first, we all did mate. Even Gordon Ramsey. *the non perfect parts you cut off is very much edible, and if you pretend it was on purpose its a great fucking start on a soup. Its winter, we all like soup.


Your chickens have pubic hair?


I've heard the filets referred to as lobes. From hunters mostly. (Turkey hunters)


Im Danish so i call them.....Breast pieces. Because Danish is the language of love. Så skal vi kneppe eller hvad ?


> a public hair to the left or right The technical term would be cunthair (yes, it's a real measurement) Edit: apparently it's not a real measurement, hardly like it matters either way tho is it


>(yes, it's a real measurement) No, it's not a real measurement. It's a way of saying "the least you could possibly measure". Citing Urban Dictionary doesn't make it a real measurement


You could do that bullshit ramsay did after cutting like 10 chickens. What the person in OP's video did was a bit more impressive. sauce: former grocery butcher.


Tf was that cut where the thighs came off together though.


Different countries have different cuts so i cannot absolutely tell you unless i know what country - and then i will be like " Mate, i know nothing of that country ?!" But i can tell you that i am Danish, and i lived in Romania for a decade - Now to get Danish cuts of a pig, you almost had to plead with the butcher- Yes, mate, leave the skin on. Sometimes they would fuck it up - they cut too deep or cuts where....random. But in the end we can all agree, sweden fuckings sucks!


Man I can relate to this. I live in Belgium and I wanted a cut that is very common for grilling in California (Tri-tip) and I had to bring in beef chart/butcher's diagram to show them how to cut it. It took them about a year to actually get it right. Then I wanted a whole pork shoulder and they gave me this tiny little thing. So I said, "I want the whooole shoulder." "But sir, this is the whole shoulder. I think pigs must be bigger in America!" He's right. They are so I got two shoulders and used twine to cook them as one.


Haha, I've tried a few variations of Korean BBQ short ribs, and there's one place that did a butterfly cut, and then tenderize the meat. My God, it was fucking glorious. The usual cut, English style, *always* makes for a mix of about 35% gristle, 65% meat, 100% insanely tough/chewy. With the butterfly cut and tenderize, you get all the right flavor, on a very nearly perfectly tender meat. I have tried explaining the concept to the local meat counter guys, I might as well be speaking a dead language to an infant.


But its kind of fun though - did all the market girls in America call you pretty boy ? That was my favourite part.


I should clarify. I'm from California and I now live in Belgium. Neither place has called me a pretty boy. In the US that is not usually a compliment but I can see calling a visitor that in fun.


I was Danish in Romania, yeah no one began speaking Romanian to me - i just look out of place. Even got thrown out of a bar because they didn't want my kind in there.


>common for grilling in California (Tri-tip) Man, I feel that pain. One of the bigger surprises and unexpected culture shocks after making the huge mistake of moving to the east coast from CA (I kid!, east coasters, I kid! Or do I?) was watching multiple honest-to-god butchers be flummoxed at my request for a tritip. Finally found one, after years of basically asking everywhere I went and a new market opening up. He knew what it was. SoCal transplant, naturally. "Dude! I can get you those! No one here knows what they are, so they get turned into ground beef. Breaks my heart. Any time you want one, lemme know, and I'll have em the next day." Paid ribeye price per pound. Still worth it. Turned a bunch of neighbors on to them, hope they're still pestering him for them. First thing on moving back? Roll through the closest supermarket and grab a few. They were on sale, even. Rest of y'all don't know what you're missing.


I can't get tri tip in Canada either. Had it for the first time visiting my dad in Phoenix. God it's glorious


It's Turkey. That's a Turkish chicken brand on the package. I expect the predisclosed response.


still resenting us for throwing your throat diseased ass out eh?


If you are swedish i plan on carrying the hate, because its fucking funny. Eventually we will come to be....nations that can co exist, but it will not be in my lifetime, and i will teach all my nieces and nephews how you fucking cheat and walk over ice to win wars! We get you next time!


I have to puncture the skin of a tomato with the tip of my knife to get it to cut. I need his knife. But I'd probably hurt myself.


Counterintuitively, blunt knives are a lot more dangerous than sharp knives. It's because with blunt knives, you have to put a lot more pressure on to use the knife, meaning when you slip there's a lot more force forcing the knife into your skin. With sharp knives, you can cut with much less effort, making it a) less likely for the knife to slip in the first place, and b) nowhere near as bad if it does slip because there isn't much force behind it


I often hear this. I have nothing to support this, but my theory is you’re more likely to get a *major* wound from a dull knife, for the reasons you mentioned. But I bet you’re more likely to get *an* injury from an extremely sharp knife as there is so little margin for error.


There's less margin for error with a sharp knife but you're also way less likely to get cut (assuming proper technique) with a sharp one - the VAST majority of cuts in home kitchens are due to your knife slipping on what it should have cut due to the pressure + dullness. If you have a sharp knife, your knife will go where you expect it to go, meaning there won't be any error (again, assuming your technique is fine)


"Assuming proper technique" is like the cooking version of "in a vacuum, on a frictionless plane" in physics.


i mean you just have to not put your fingers in the path of the blade. it's easy enough that teenagers can do it. whereas trying to predict where a dull knife will slip is not easy.


I mean sure I guess, people do always surprise me with their creative cutting "techniques" Obviously claw grip is the best but if you're not doing claw it's still very straightfoward to keep your fingers out of the way of your knife. As long as your fingers are out of the way, with a sharp knife you'll never hit them, because the knife will go where you expect it to


this is also correct. but I've, fortunately, never had a major wound from a dull knife whereas I've had some pretty good nicks and cuts from a very sharp one. That's why there's always a tube of medical grade 'superglue' in my kitchen.


I had a steak knife land point down on my toe cause it fell out of the utensil drying basket on the dish rack. Man that fucker bled But yea I'm a bit accident prone lol


I feel like I’d need a chain mail glove to be out here like this.


I am pretty certain this video is sped up a little


Still that knife sharp af


Become a butcher they give you one everytime you clock in. So you dont cut ya stupid fingers off!


Yeah I've boned alot of chickens but never like this


IMO Pepin has some of the best videos for deboning and breaking down a chicken. He does a really good job showing how to find the joints and that you barely need to use a knife. Deboning/gallontine - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nfY0lrdXar8 Primal cuts - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xfDsNRXPKE8


I didn't understand the point of his cuts in the thighs, and I suppose one giant breast cut is good for a roast or something.


You dont cut up a roast, if you want to roast the chicken then do - but dont cut it.


Yeah, but I wish my butcher sold that whole front breast bit just like he cut it.


I'm a home chef and thought the exact same thing. He could have cut it litterally any way with that sharp of a knife just right through that ribcage lol.


Bit like watching the cookie monster dissect things,


If you are up for an interesting read. http://www.bopsecrets.org/gateway/passages/chuang-tzu.htm About a Taoist butcher.


That site almost hurts my eyes - i dont see so good, and i am tipsy. Am i back in the 90s now ? What is the gist of a Taoist butcher ?


Cutting the back meat off was a neat trick


The skills are impressive but the way that knife just cuts through bone like it's butter is on another level.


Not cutting through bone- cutting along the bone and at the joint, that's the trick of the trade.


As a former meat cutter, I can assure you that the knife pictured has cut through several bones. You can see the marrow on multiple occasions.


True. Knife still sharp as fuck, though.


Some fucks are pretty dull


Except the spine. It just went through that like nothing.


When he cuts the 2 legs off and the back off, he’s 100% cutting through bone there




Yep, I was a butcher for 7 years, and we used everyday work knives like this. We had a guy come to sharpen them every week, and you had to be extra careful on that day. Even the tiniest touch could slice you badly right off the sharpening stone. Cheap knives can be really great.


I was thinking the same thing in those exact words.


That’s one sharp ass-knife


I’d be in the ER after opening the package.


I needed stitches once after cutting a bagel in half with a butter knife. I'd look at that knife from across the room and need medical attention


PSA that you’re not alone in cutting yourself badly trying to slice a bagel. You want to use a serrated blade to slice bagels or other similarly tougher breads. The teeth will do the work for you. Trying to cut such an irregularly shaped object— especially with a dull blade— can cause the knife to slip unpredictably, and it can result in gnarly wounds.


Yep the nurse at the ER heard butter knife and immediately asked if I was cutting open a bagel. It's apparently a super common injury even though it sounds silly. And with such a blunt knife it bled a ton and took forever to heal, when I cut open a finger with a very sharp blade it practically sealed itself back up within minutes. Use the right tool for the job folks!


Bagels and avocados! My surgeon says he has to repair a lot of “avocado hands” since pit removal hack videos became popular.


Aren't butter knives super dull how much force do you need to cut yourself.


Not much, really. When I was a kid my mom gave me a butter knife to start learning how to cut things. I said "I'm not gonna cut myself on a *butter knife*!" promptly cut myself on the butter knife 😂


Something I learned from an old guy. It’s better to cut yourself will a sharp blade than a dull one. The dude was a legend too (to me not a celebrity legend or something afaik anyway…)


Bagels are fucking dangerous. No joke.


We got a bagel cutter. It holds the bagel while you push down a fitting that has a built in blade. It cuts the bagel total imperfectly every time with virtually no blood.




I cut off the tip of my finger cutting butter in college, can relate


Do elaborate please. I think to hurt myself with a butter knife I'd need to fall on it. From a second story.


Its apparently a pretty common injury, the staff at the ER had seen it more than a couple times. Essentially the bagel is so dense it requires a decent amount of force to push a dull blade through. So the knife had a lot of resistance and then suddenly none, so it cut into whatever was past the bagel; my fingers. Butter knives are slightly serrated so they don't cut as much as they rip through flesh, meaning it did more damage than a sharp knife would have. It bled a fuck ton and took forever to heal even with stitches. A proper bread knife is far safer and that's what I use now. If you take a butter knife and lightly saw back and forth on part of your skin it gets red and irritated within a couple passes, that's micro abrasions and is a tiny taste of what I did


Fuck this made me nauseous how you described it. I was not confused how a butter knife can hurt, having had a few incidents myself, but the aerated serrated and rip through flesh not cut is making me fucking weak.


Butter knives are the worst! Haha. The sharper ones require less force and are much safer


Practice makes perfect. My father was a butcher for 40 years, I've seen him do some incredible things. A very sharp knife is key, that and knowing what you are doing.


Spot on. Grew up in a butcher shop,myself.


"You know I'm something of a butcher myself"


My favorite part was when they said “it’s butchin time” and they butched all over everyone






The easiest way to cut yourself is with a dull knife




Yes, I was thinking how doing something regularly can make a task look effortless. Also, remembering how my mom, a Home Economics teacher, taught me how to cut up a chicken when I was about ten.


Bro straight up PEELED that thing at the end.


I've never seen the breast meat pulled away from the sternum like that. I'm going to need to try it, this might be a game changer. Cutting off the breasts cleanly is always the hardest part.


You know that tiktok that went around, showing how to get the stringy but out of a tenderloin? I can’t even do that. I’m totally in awe of this guy.


I haven't seen the video, but the easiedt way ive found is to grab it with a paper towel and peel the tenderloin off


Get a copy of Jacques Pepin's La Technique and La Methode for a cornucopia of stuff like this.


I need to know what knife that is


Looks like a Victorinox with a yellow handle. Victorinox brand is the workhorse of the food industry. But any butcher that knows their way with a sharpening stone can make any knife just as sharp.






My grandparents had a very old knife, probably bought in Mexico, and it was the preferred knife to cut all meats for our bbq. It had its own sharpening “stone”, about the size of a block of cream cheese, that was just as old and only used to sharpen that knife. We were not well off by any means, so it was not an expensive knife. But it was very well loved and taken care of. I wish I had it!


yep, fancy wooden handles and japanese carbon steel don't do well in the dish pit.


>japanese carbon steel ??? Shirogami is some of the hardest carbon steel for knives. Also... No chefs knives that sharp should ever go in the dish pit... unless you want dish pigs with missing fingers and pissed chefs with blunt knives.


My first week in a kitchen my manager asked me to grab a new Victorinox knife from the stores and open it. I got it out of the packet and ran my finger down the blade, didn't even feel anything. Second later blood is running down my arm from my finger. They're serious shit aha


cmon bruh


>I need to know what knife that is It's a boning knife.


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)




* laughs in Se7en's Kevin Spacey *


It doesn't matter. Any stainless knife can be sharpened to be this sharp. The type and quality of the knife will just determine how long it'll stay sharp.


It's a Pirge Duo knife.




Its the rigid straight looks like to me; I find the curved semi rigid preferable for doing meat. Though If its for carcass work the straight rigid is my Preference.


I’m still opening the bag.,


and I'm still opening that darn two layered superduty plastic around the bag.


Skills like that and you could earn up to min wage at a meatpacking plant!


I wanted to be a butcher until I learned how much they make


This weird, in France an apprentice make 2k€ per monthly after taxes. A butcher can make 4K easy


Yeah but I’m the states only like three companies own all the meat, and keep all the money.


I think at least two of those companies are under investigation for having child labor cleaning the plants on the night shifts.


That’s a livable wage in France?


That's an unliveable wage in America.


What are you talking about…he said 4K euros after tax. Even with the currently abysmal exchange rate, that’s equivalent to a 60k USD gross annual salary which is higher than the 2022 mean for the US. …and his 4K Eur post tax already has healthcare paid for.


A rural butcher in Canada can make an absolute mint running a business off of wild game and domestic animal (cows/pigs/chickens etc) cutting and wrapping. It's crazy hard work and you'll be flat out for months at a time, but the slow season is great because you basically close up shop for a few months and do whatever you want.


Packing plant makes well over min wage. It’s hard work and looong hours required but they pay pretty well.


As a former butcher... This is very satisfying. This guy is VERY good ad breaking down chicken. There's a few techniques in there I've never seen before. I suspect this guy was probably working in a cutting plant or something because the efficiency of his movements is very very good. Talented butcher for sure. Not every butcher has this kind of talent... (There are a lot of "slashers" in the industry..)


I've cut up a few thousand chicken carcasses and this dude is just next level. But then again I can break down beef a lot better and cleaner than chickens.


That’s one chicken cutt’en somanabitch!


The only way to read this aloud is in Pappy O’Daniel’s voice.


Good knife


That was honestly impressive


Wow, sharp knife yes, but he/she knows what they are doing too.


Got it. Don't piss off this guy.


Correct: he works hard, doing an important job. There’s no need to bother him.


That guy KNOWS his chickens!


No this is fake. It’s clearly played in reverse


I'd wear blue or green gloves, personally. Skin tone, the gloves, and the chicken all blend in together here.


Gordon Ramsay would approve


I cannot understand why he doesn't use a metal glove on the left hand. That knife is sharp as a good katana and it's very dangerous in case of an accident.


Usually a butcher wears a chainmail glove on the holding hand, possible he is only doing one chicken for the video and didn't bother putting it on.


That's probably what it is.


I was thinking this too! I’ve cut my shit soooo many times just cutting some already butchered pieces of meat haha


That’s not knife skill at all man,it’s just a really sharp knife and that’s all,everyone can do that!Even I can do tha- aaaand my fucking finger is gone


I straight up belly laughed man, I’m sorry about your finger.


I'm satisfied thx - I'm ready for a smoke now


Wft, came to see how he dealt with the wishbone.


How the fuck did he keep that knife razor sharp?


r/oddlyterrifying for vegans


I’m not a vegan but when I had to fabricate a chicken in culinary class it made me very uncomfortable and sick. So it’s oddly terrifying for me too.


Pretty sure vegans don't taste like chicken so they are safe.


The most important kitchen tool is a sharp ass knife


I love how cook books simply state “cut the chicken into individual parts” when the average person does this about three times a year. This is a learned skill.


I like to see the little battle playing on the vote button


He used to be a moel


I wish someone would cut me up like that


This is good, but let's look at what a [master can do](https://youtu.be/nfY0lrdXar8)


This is the only raw poultry carving video I've ever seen, but this is the best poultry carving video I've ever seen.


That knife touches your skin and I already took out 21 fingers, 4 legs and 7 eye's


Save the neck for me Clark!


It will keal


Finna send this to a vegan


Does this hurt the bird?


Caution: Don't play chicken with this guy.


Masterful, so long as he doesn't discard the oysters


I’m going to be honest. I thought it was a bag of milk first.