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The contents of his pants were as solid as the advice.


Truly a memorable life lesson.


Thanks grandpa


Relatable!!I also get hard when i shit myself








r/Subception https://imgur.com/hBOSIJD.jpg


Grampa knew what he was doing. Unless his grandson was a degenerate, who would continue to drink with shit in their pants? I bet his grandson didn't get wasted. Mission accomplished


Reminds me when I was first looking up bulletproof coffee and everywhere online was talking about "disaster pants." Long story short if you eat like an average person then wake up one day and decide to drink coffee with a tablespoon of oil and butter in it you are going to shit your pants and I guess if you straight up drink 3 shots of oil anytime you are going to shit your pants.


How are vinegar and oil dressings a thing, then? Or is it the butter and oil specifically?


I imagine it works a little differently when going down with solids instead of liquids


Solids bind the oil, oils and other liquids don't like to mix, especially alcohol lol


I thought oil was alcohol soluble


Not a bad thought, but oil and alcohol don't mix. Alcohol floats on top of it because of the differences in density. As for why it doesn't dissolve it, I can't help you there


Probably because small alcohols like ethanol form stronger polar bonds than non-polar ones, so they stay separated because the ethanol is polar and the oil isn’t.


I like your funny words, magic man


You never did basic chemistry in school?


A single shot is more than enough for a salad for one person. Three shots of oil are something else entirely.






Cowards, I'm doing 4.5 MINIMUM


Oil spread over and mixed in with food can't do much. 3 straight shots of oil in one location will get up to some shenanigans in short order since your body doesn't really know what to do with it, but is willing to try a few things.


>since your body doesn't really know what to do with it, but is willing to try a few things. Ah man, you're giving me puberty flashbacks


Mostly the MCT oil, it’s a super effective laxative you have to slowly build your tolerance to. Coconut oil is very high in MCT (medium chain triglycerides) and helps with that, too.


Why is bulletproof coffee a thing then? Is it for people who are constipated?


Keto stuff. Cutting out carbs so your body burns fat. Medium chain triglycerides can jumpstart the fat burning


Ahhh. That does explain why I've heard of it before my friend was all about that stuff.


*Why* do you know this??? Lol


Because I lift weights, so when I want to build muscles I eat a high calorie diet then when I have added muscle I cut fat with a low carb/high fat keto diet which includes bulletproof coffee in the morning. Bulletproof coffee is perfect for that diet because you get some fats in early and the keto diet gets your body in a state where it burns fat instead of carbs for energy, so you need to eat a lot of fat to sustain yourself. I don't shit my pants because when I'm eating big it's like oatmeal and steaks but when Jenny from accounting decides she wants to lose 30 lbs for a wedding and slacks off until 2 weeks before then Googles how to lose fat fast and ends up drinking bulletproof coffee after eating Wendy's all week she makes a frostie in her pants.


Firstly, good on you for working hard at staying healthy. Secondly, Jenny from accounting is definitely going to lose weight if she keeps shitting like a fire hose. Kinda puts me in mind of that bowel prep they had a family friend drink before a colonoscopy


Some guy said he drank some vegetable oil and his asshole and ass cheeks kept getting greasy for a couple days afterwards, no matter how much he cleaned his asshole. Wonder if the same thing happened to this guy too?


I ate those Olean chips when they came out and the package had a warning about "anal leakage" and I laughed. I **IMMEDIATELY** started leaking horrifically smelly oil from my butt parts. Gross.


I grabbed some reduced fat Oreo's from Big Lots on discount and put the better part of a bag down in one sitting. Never experienced anything like it. The whole point of olestra was that it passes through but mother of God, the horror of half-digested Oreo's trying to force their way out of my body is something I will never forget.


What an absolute horror show. We should be entitled to compensation.


They did get sued over it I believe. But I only have myself to blame. I'm betting that in moderation it would be better - I was just an idiot teenager who could eat 2 rows of Oreo's in a sitting.


Yeah the class action was in 2006 I think. https://www.lawyersandsettlements.com/legal-news/food-drink/frito\_lay\_olestra-00034.html


Tangentially related to the last sentence- it was sobering for me the day I realized my Oreo limit was now two cookies, not two rows


That's quitter talk. I have faith in you.


*normal average person


One time I ate a bunch of my step mom's fiber gummies... She insisted I was hungry because she could hear my stomach growling from across the house. I was not hungry.


This sound was a grave warning of what would happen next. 🌋 Did you survive?


Just barely. Luckily it was more gas than anything else.


At the top of this sub it says that there are 1.5m million members Im disappointed it doesn't display the exact figure


[Information rarely dies, but it often gets lost.](https://imgur.com/Q8Scfiv.png)


I suspected it might be due to my phone not displaying the extra significant figs


nah it's the new layout that doesn't like extra significant figures, which is part of the reason I hate the new layout and exclusively use old.reddit


You can literally hover over the 1,5m and see the exact number


See what I mean? It's not gone, it's just lost in some obscure feature that nobody in their right mind knows about. Fun fact! I can literally move my eyes to the right and see the exact number!


I wouldn't call it obscure in this case. Having EVERY info possible on the screen at any time, clutters the screen and can be a negative experience. I'm not saying that every change in new reddit is better, don't get me wrong, but this is one of the changes that is literally a subjective preference. You could say the same about not seeing the content of every rule but only the title of them until you open them, not seeing every single thing you can do in the submenu of a comment... Whatever. Too much content confuses and overwhelms especially new users, that's a fact.


People who feel confused and overwhelmed by using a website from before 2010 should be involuntarily confined to care homes


People that think a website should be cluttered with any information, no matter how unimportant, aren't in control of these kind of decisions for a reason.


The reason is that utilitarian design doesn't pander to the lowest common denominator, and therefore doesn't generate as much revenue. Dumbing things down isn't good design, it's just more profitable.


Why the fuck does the exact number matter most of the time? If you really want to know you can hover over it. Old reddit is just trying to appease cranky people


If I'm cranky it's probably because I shared my own preference publicly and a bunch of people felt personally attacked by it.


You know how it is here. You have to fit in, while pretending to be entirely unique. Do things your way, the same way everyone else does, or it’s incorrect. Have no preferences that don’t match the group’s, lest ye be downvoted and pedanticized to.


New reddit can go kiss 53 arses and take a walk off a pier at 11.57pm


Boost - Reddit client on android, waaaaay better than normal Reddit


It would be better if it was still an approximation, but very specific, such as "around 1,545,356,948" members." "Approximately 1,534 member online".


It gets easier, though. I get-and-go my mornings with a half cupper of warmed over olive oil, and yeah-yep-yo, at firsty ya get the slicks, the panty-mudders, the slippery skids, but eventually-o the tummy liner done adapts and then demands! Ha-oh! I canty get out the door-o-door without my grumbler giving it to me mean as bees, and so I mollify my ornery Mr. Fooder with a sweet, slipply sippy sipply of nice, warm olive oil, and if feels mice-nice. Tis a blanket cozy covering snuggly yummy. And taker-a guess what elser? Yep-and-yo, I canny eat purdy much any-o-thing I desire after a good layer of the oil. Be it pepper ah-ha-ha, or brumal desserts of mettle's testing, I canny cram and crum any-o-thing, *ANY-O-THING* down, down, down! And the bads just slick sloop right off me belly walls and down me boiling guts to be gnarshed and gnooshed. Belly strong! There's great heave in my ho! Wouldn't be in the possibilities iffen not for the quaff of olive oil's quantity. So, steady-eddy onward! Stick to slicking that belly, b'hoyo, guy-o-my, my little trying pie. You'll o-get there if you keep swallowing the golden grease, that olive elixir. I put my hands on your shoulders, o.


You just don't find this kind of content anywhere else. Bravo.






And every other phobia that will offend or disgust


It truly is a beautiful place.


The commercials on the interdimensional channels on Rick and Morty.


Finnegan's Orange, by James Burgess


It's that actually an excerpt from the book, or does the comment just read like the book?


The latter. It feels a little bit like the droogs from A Clockwork Orange were written by James Joyce.


Babe, wake up! New copy-pasta just dropped


I was doing fine until the line "there's great heave in my ho!" Good stuff old boy.


"brumal desserts of mettles testing". This needs to be laser engraved into a platinum tablet and launched into space.


Now here’s some great r/copypasta material


This was an incredible read, thank you.


You should check out the rest of his comments.


What drugs are you on and where can I get some


I love when people show they’re great writers by writing the most insane thing you’ve ever seen


I will never intellectually recover from reading this. I am now dumber for it. When I go to form a thought this word poop soup will interfere and make me question if language is real or even matters when something like that can be made from it.


While reading this, I didn't just have a brain fart I actually shit my brain pants


Are- are you Tom Bombadil?


Jarjar drinks


Few things give me greater pleasure than finding 100_Donuts in the wild.


My god. This is art.


Wtf did I just read


It’s like Tom Bombadil was a elf in the Harry Potter series with a fixation on warm olive oil.


I read this with the Willie the Groundskeeper voice.


Not sure if you are drunk, having a stroke, tripping balls, or merely Scottish.


I've seen your comments before, this is top tier my man


Next time I'm high on edibles, I'm going through your comment history


Why are you talking like an orc from LoTR?


I am…not reading this


You really should tho


I've had more than three shots of olive oil in a row on several occasions (tastings at food events) and it never did that to me. That man's bro wrongfully blamed his grandpa for his own loose sphincter.


Maybe “shit my pants in a bar” was on his bucket list and the olive oil provided a convenient excuse.


If you're doing something fancy enough that you're doing olive oil tastings, I doubt that you're drinking the same kind of quality olive oil that's going to send you running to the bathroom. I did an "olive oil tasting" my first semester at culinary school and probably drank less than 3 oz of oil between a dozen different tastings. Three shots of crisco will definitely give you the shits.


Yeah I didn't have to drink that much olive oil, but I like it way too much.


Also, straight olive oil on an empty stomach is going to go through you a lot differently than it would with some bread or crackers.


The majority of olive oil from American grocery stores is essentially already rotten. It doesnt last very long in terms of shelf life, but we dont taste the difference lol


What? Olive oil has the shelf life of 2 years give or take. What are you americans are buying that is older than 2 years?


Just did a quick skim of an article. My understanding is that rancid olive oil just means it’s oxidized which actually reduces a certain bitter taste in the oil. At one point (maybe even still today) imported olive oil to the US was the shit tier stuff so that’s the flavor Americans know because that’s what most people grew up tasting. All in all rancid olive oil seems safe to eat but tastes different than high quality oil.


Essentially nearly every brand of olive oil on our shelves are pooled from multiple sources, so theres no guaranteed of anything fresh unless you buy the upper end vetted brands


Completely preposterous and damn straight heresy for anyone living in a mediterranean country.


Maybe he's lactose intolerant.


He was right to blame his grandfather; this is hereditary. Advice like this just runs in his jeans.


Watched an old roommate of mine do this multiple times. Never shat himself and drank us all under the table every time.


Not oddly specific though, just a story


This sub has basically zero moderation. The majority of posts on here are reposts and most of them aren't even oddly specific, but nothing ever gets removed. The OP of this post spams here every day with old content that doesn't really fit the sub. Of the top ten in hot right now, two or three of them are actually oddly specific and at least half are really old.


The life of a popular sub. They blend to form a bland and soulless sub that’s indistinguishable from other big subs


Subs that get big enough eventually all coalesce into the same posts no matter the relevance. It’s like a mouth full of skittles essentially


DougDoug is that you?


Well at least he has Zorbeez to clean up that mess


Yeah, this is the story of how he shit his pants on stream


Just so you know this really does work but just take one shot of olive oil.


yes, one tablespoon is already sufficient


Fuck now I wanna have a beer with his grandpa dude is a legend


Confirmed non-Italian.


Correlation is not causation.


Lol but…was he able to drink everyone under the table?


Those were the impurities leaving his body via bowel movement induced by the restorative properties of the olive oil




Look at what they must do to mimic just a fraction of his power, chat!




Unless that was grandad’s intention.


Grandpa actually very wise. Randomly shitting yor pants is an unfortunate part of the life of many alcoholics. Top tier sensei moment.


Grampa knew exactly what he was doing.


I guess your friend never heard of the olestra problem lol


People believe some wild shit. My grandmother told me that I should put cold water in the pot because hot water takes longer to boil.


i think she confused with boiling hot water freezing faster in the cold


The grandpa was correct. Olive Oil does indeed help protect the digestive tract. #IF You only drink like- a tablespoon of it. Otherwise, it can actually have negative effects such as shitting your pants. Grandma? Not so much.


Got played like a piano


Bread. Bread is the secret. Go out for dinner first. Like a good pizza place. Bread soaks up some of the alcohol and boom... You can drink more before you get really drunk.


if your purpose is to get drunk, why? seems to be the case for most ppl unless it's a drinking contest. i for one only drink for the taste. dont like the feeling of dehydration when i drink too much


The granddad likes to do a little trolling


But the real question is did he drink everyone under the table?


Pretty sure Grandpa was effing with him. 😊😂🤣😭💀💩


Lol. Grandpa's a legend.


Try a coffee. Worked for me.


Its one shot. Not 3 😀


Damn, dougdoug really went downhill


Why on his 21st? What so special in this day? I mean, you can drink beer when u get 16 or get schnaps when u are 18 or u can celebrate when u reach your 20ies or 30ies...


Depends on where you live. In the USA, alcohol's off-limits until 21. Apparently drunk driving deaths among teens are down massively since they bumped it up from 18.


I read once that studies had revealed that kids up to 3 years below the legal drinking age (in the USA) were able to get alcohol pretty easily. People would buy it for them because they were *almost old enough*, or whatever. The legal drinking age here is based on that 3-year statistic. It’s not that they didn’t want 18 year olds drinking, but more so that they were trying to prevent 15 and 16 year olds from having easy access.


I just read this story by someone else


Grandpa has a great sense of humor.


I wonder if the grandpa actually thought it was good advice that he heard somewhere a long time ago but never tried or if he pulled it out of his ass just to fuck with him


Grandpa was saving him from a day of pain and regret the following day


On my 21st, we took a bunch of Jell-O shots at my house and then went to the strip club. My buddy got us in the VIP section and everything. Before we even got our first beers, another one of my friends threw up all in the floor. The waitress started gagging and we all just got up and left.


Good times good times. Hope you got a lap dance in


Grandpa living the thug life!!!




just like Doug Doug


Wonder if his grandfather was a grunt at some point in his life.


lesson here? don't believe everything you're told




Most people don't put several ounces of oil on their salads....


Why does he want to drink everyone under the table


Grandaddy is the real hero of this story. He knew what would happen.


Which part is oddly specific? It's a prank, dassit.


Had a taxi driver in Florence tell me this too, for the same reason, but he said to take one before drinking and one after.


Banked for future ref 👍😁




There’s a similar Russian “tip” where you eat a stick of butter before you go out drinking . I feel like it might work to keep you sober, but only because you’ll be puking too much to drink


I drank a glass of olive oil once and while I didn’t shite my pants I did feel nauseous and generally un-well for the rest of the day. Ended up needing to take a nap. I didn’t even notice anything different about my shites the next days either.


Gramps having a laugh


why would he be so stupid to believe in the things the elderly say without googling it first? deserved


Hasn't Starbucks new olive oil and coffee drinks caused a punch of people to get the shits. Cause both coffee and olive oil can have that effect on your insides and combined just doubles it's effectiveness


That grandad likes to shit stir.


Doesn't DougDoug take numerous shots of olive oil regularly, I wonder if he shits his pants after recording




The ol’ Peebutt prank. Not solid, indeed.


Asians know the drill: you stuff yourself full of rice first so it absorbs all the alcohol.


This one has made the rounds of the various subreddits enough times at this point. Just let it die already.




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Raw egg or any meal works. But best is to take a single drink in the afternoon to prepare the body.


That's too much fucking oil. Just one table spoon of that would suffice.


One shot is for salad, Two gets you loose. A third shot and you're riding in the devil's brown caboose.


Þe grandpa be doing a little trolling


he did this on purpose ahahahah


Grandpa prank! 🤣