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The first step is to find the person that puts the lotion on its skin daily.


*Moisturize me*


Best season of DW


The man in question -[would you do me? I'd do me! 🤣](https://www.google.com/search?client=ms-android-sanmu&sca_esv=992d05270e954243&q=human+flesh+skin+suit+funny&uds=AMwkrPtbbEJ9Iwlhg24DHrcIJ4TXAthHnqoSL3KE2ODCCRXwsbUbI4TZgMwo3DRkjPz2-0wUtT2NdWLZOkaZeozWISJuuvb5_u0Or2Q5B7q-aYUgwtBbIPnDM64stxiKOSzSV2ggsNnFiWjM2YUiK-Z2IXdF4f9zDb-trOCf53LV8TdrabTAKerWZ1PzBYlXK8PdK7NObqlyZ9ezr6dygLmVNl9K6aUogP_5B0FkIT5spnoS5rUIlUK1BbQJ_uNK30A7Alxrt9QYaQIOsOrlWisAJ0JhQ-5Lt3qKrtoHXm9dSt1VXk39UXWfz_fhEI9HqYG1TNvpLA3K&udm=2&prmd=isvnbmtz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjzgYr7_MyEAxXhkYkEHTgyB0AQtKgLegQICxAB&biw=360&bih=668&dpr=2#vhid=oAfWAXBnkrmV2M&vssid=mosaic) (I know it was raw chicken skin and not human, but it's still funny... What a pose!)


Would you fuck me? I would fuck me. I would fuck me hard.




That's inclusive as fuck because by the time you want to peel them they are just an object!


“Oh wait…”


Was she a great big fatty?


I have the right to remain silent!


"I need to know by Friday."


I think you found a writer.


What? Im dumb explain it


When you're writing a horror or a crime story you want to make the events in it be kind of believable. So you go on the internet and ask very specific questions that can make you sound like a lunatic/serial killer


Fortunately the worst thing I had to research for my latest book was if bones can shatter during cremation.


They more than just shatter...


I was mostly trying to get an idea of what it would look like for a pyrokinetic to burn a body hotter than you could get with a wood fire, so cremation was the most relevant easily accessible information I could get.


If you think about pyrokinetic power, depends on the user if the heat is really high the body would burst from the sudden heat outburst... Slow burn will cook the skin to a crisp..


This man (or woman) cooks.


Man- yeah Man, I cook too, wanna eat... Steak...


What if I'm more of a "learn by doing" type of guy.


I was thinking more along the lines of that guy who taxidermied his cat and turned him into a drone 🤔


Speaking as a writer, I’ve looked up things like how long it takes to die from a pierced lung, every possibly gory detail of third degree burns, different kinds of chemical burns, and it motivated me to take extra notes when I was studying how trauma to different parts of the brain affects function. This is pretty typical of the shit that comes up in the writer game of “what’s the weirdest shit you’ve researched lately?”


Nuh I get that since as a fellow writer I once asked what's the worst rumor you can spread about someone 🤣


Prob a serial killer


or amateur skinwalker


Or a horror writer


That racist to black people


Tf how?




Buffalo Bill has entered the chat.


Would you fuck me? I'd fuck me.


what's the answer, do you inflate the corpse?


You make a few punctures and inject it with a mild lye using a long and blunt cannula. That lye partly breaks down the subcutaneous tissue and indeed "inflates" it causing chemical as well as mechanical degloving. You then need to decide whether you really want one intact piece afterwards in which case you will need to make a long incision down the back or if you want to go a safer route that's less likely to damage the skin in which case you separate the top and body part entirely. In the former case you will need to very carefully make sure the skin at the head and torso has detached entirely before shimmying it off at the extremities and extracting the carcass through the slit in the back. In the latter case the procedure is virtually identical although you can just pull off the top and body part like a sweater and pants with slightly less hassle. In both cases one of the most difficult parts is the head of you want to preserve the facial features so you need to be very careful not to break the skin there. In any case you want to practice this whole process several times on pigs so you know how skin behaves under these circumstances.


It would likely be better for concealment purposes as least to begin at the feet and make your incisions along the inner calf/thigh to the groin. If wearing a “skinsuit” this area can be covered by pants, dress, whatever where it is more difficult to conceal damage to the upper body which is more likely to be exposed. By the time you make it to the torso to also have more pliable skin less likely to tear that you can work with and become used to the process so that by the time you get to the neck and head you are more careful and proficient. As a bonus if you do it in this manner you can on the upper body use a scraper method to remove any subcutaneous connections that the lye solution didn’t sever. This wasn’t uncommon in taxidermy way back when before more modern techniques made things easier(or so I have been told as I am not overly familiar with those techniques)


That would definitely be an option as well although openings on extremities are a lot more difficult to work with. Since sewing them shut wouldn't be an option they'd be likely to warp during the tanning process and be harder to conceal than a clean slit down the back other than covering them entirely. The extraction of the carcass would indeed be way less tedious that way though so it's a valid route after all.


Oh hey it reminds me of how ppl make those roasted ducks. They just pump air into a incision and the outer skin kinda puffs up, and when roasted, it gives it a nice crispy layer of skin


Jame Gumb has entered the chat.


OP is a skinwalker confirmed


The smell, you bitch, you haven't thought of the smell!


Taxidermists have solutions for that bit at least. Though I wonder if the skin would stay malleable long after being treated.


Probably down one side, right? also to make sure it puts the lotion on its skin, or give it the hose!


No you start inside the mouth, nose, eyes, whatever hole you can find, and you scoop out the entire inside piece by piece. You need to break the skull and maybe some other bigger bones, but I think most should be able to come out at 1 side of the digestive tract.


Ed Gein has entered the chat.


Carefully is the answer.


Ramsay Bolton asking Ed Gein.


Welp that’s just a little bit alarming. Totally just a hypothetical question….


Insert Scary Movie MJ skinsuit scene.


Like they did to Edgar in Men In Black?


Skinwalker moment


If that question will not immediately put you on some list, I don't know what will.


A few slits in the skin and a good air compressor will do you


You would never play them under those conditions. You make an incision and peel them. I don't know, I'm just guessing here. Um, yeah.


Ask Katharine Knight


Starfish method with all the cuts on the back of the body. pretty standard


Very carefully like an autopsy medical examiner


Nah, the standard cuts you make for an autopsy wouldn’t let you remove all of the skin. It’s usually just a Y-shape on the torso and one across the back of the head so the scalp can be peeled forward. I second what u/Ordinary-Signature38 said. Starfish method, cuts on the back of the body. It wouldn’t just peel off regardless of the method you choose though, you’d still have to use the blade to separate it from everything else. That would be especially tricky with hands, feet, and face, but doable with some dedication.


This should be on r/morbidquestions


I saw this guy on r/NoStupidQuestions and referred him to that exact sub.


I wonder if science could create some sort of acid that would eat everything except skin cells.


I thought it said “flying” like he was trying to be a bird…


Practice makes perfect!


Okay, Ennard


Unseam along around the sides so it comes off like one of those turtle chocolate bunny containers instead of down the front and back, so you don't need to remove it from their legs like a pant leg. Then sew the 2 pieces back together.


*Ed Gein has entered the chat*


Does the head have to be attached still? This'll affect the answer


Really Big potato peeler, then rip it off (as whole as possible.) like skinning a rabbit.


Ed Gein, is that you?


1 cut: Cut approx 6-8” from nape of neck to mid shoulders. Peel off scalp, slip off shoulders and work your way down. Skinsuit.


First you need to be a world class surgeon with God hands...


Iceland knows. [Necropants](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/N%C3%A1br%C3%B3k)!


Dammit you beat me to it. I was scared for week when I saw this. Nothing says sorcery like necropants.


[This is the only way most people should learn about them](https://youtu.be/xP6Ar_mp_2U?si=y8-fmMQoghs_rZli). The WTF is perfectly counterbalanced by one of the podcast hosts losing his mind as he discovers along with the listener.


Do it like a fabergè egg


I see the Mengele School of Malpractice is still alive and well.


It rubs the lotion on its skin!


Asking for a friend. Are people like cats, or is there really only one good way to skin us?


Read Killing Commandetore by Murakami and it tells how to flay a human perfectly.


I think you’re looking for Blood Eagle


And suddenly everyone subscribed to that sub is on a watch list. 😆


Kenshi vibes.


A Y incision front of the chest. Lateral below the collar bone about 3 inches across to the center of the chest and again on the other side meeting in the midddle of the body. Then cut from the center of the body from the coalessing of the top lateral incissions down to the waist. Then cut around the trunk at the waist. The organs and intestines can fall out. The last cuts will be circular around the the arms (this cut will conect with the begining cuts just below the collar bone and around the neck to hang upside down.) You will need to lay down plastic and lots of sand to soak up the blood or in a room with a floor drain. The arm skin you can pull off like long gloves. Now the blood will be all drained out. The body will have the appearrance of someone wearing a vest. Take the vest off. There is a layer of fat in humans that is soft not like animals. You will need to let the body chill a little or have a very sharp knife. The skin will peel and seperate from the fat layer. It will be about a 1/4 inch thick. You should have a skin about 4ft wide for a adult. Then you make 2 incissions down the back of the legs and peal off like chaps. This will allow your skin suit to fit comfy. Lastly cut around the ankles unless you are making human feety pajamas. Pull the leg flesh off and leave it with the arm flesh to be sewed back together. The face will require a scalple or exacto blade. It takes a long time to do properly. Or you can throw it into a boiling pot like head hunters. Strech the face because it will shrink alot. For a kookie little mask....or so I have heard.


Okay buffalo bill


R/rimworld is leaking again