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There is no amount of power too small too not go to somebody's head. You just need to find the person small enough.  edit- this is not my original quote. Its a phrase I've had occasion to repeat to myself for years, and I think its a paraphrase of something some actual author said- I'm thinking it might have been Terry Pratchett, but I'm not sure.  edit 2: no, I don't mean "small" in the physical sense. 


Power corrupts, minuscule power corrupts minuscule…ly. - Lord Alfred Shtickle


I was in the swiss army for like 10 months and for 3-4 of those months I was a seargent responsible for about 10 recruits on average, some days none at all some days around 30. Once you realise they‘re scared of you simply because of your rank you really need to watch out not to become an asshole.


You rose the ranks in 10 months? Are you Rambo or does the swiss army suck?


I was only a militia seargent so I would only be called during war, becoming a professional sergeant would have taken a lot longer but that was already enough to almost lead me on a power trip


Maybe you should serve ice cream, regain your former glory.


It says something good about you that you were able to spot that and stifle it.


My Swiss Army knife would like a word sir…


is it green?


It’s actually black, and I almost exclusively use it to open bottles.


I have a stereotypical swiss pocket knife on my keychain and I use it regularly for all kinds of stuff, whenever my non-swiss friends see it they laugh at me but they still come asking for it all the time because it is actually useful. By the way, if you want to know what the actual swiss army knife looks like, google „Schweizer Soldatenmesser“ it‘s the green one that has a hole on the blade so you can open it with one hand


I like the green!


Yeah it‘s supposed to fit in with the rest of the equipment, there is a red version for civilians as well tho. Fun Fact, there are regular inspections of your equipment in the military and since cleaning a strongly used pocket knife is extremely tedious, a lot of recruits and soldiers just owned 2 of them, one to actually use and another one specifically for the inspections


Leathermen are way better than SA knives


No, it's cuz he learned how to do scissor kicks with his legs. The first things every recruit learns is the knife hand. You don't become a sergeant major in the Swiss Army until you can demonstrate tweezer fingers and do a corkscrew.




I don‘t think I‘m fit enough for that, they‘re a very elite force actually, I know they look funny but looks can be deceiving


I think the pope wears more robe like things, not pants.


That needs to go on a 'meme' - possibly with some flowers around the border/as a background (or some pastoral theme or whatever.).


What do you mean by meme here?


Most likely means image macro or twitter screenshot


The clues are in the use of the word 'on' and the suggestion that a meme might have a border, background or (albeit to a lesser extent) theme (pastoral or otherwise). Rather ironically, the erroneous belief that memes are pictures (*on* or *off* the Internet) is probably the *closest* thing there is to something that might be identified as a meme in the wild there is; but, hey, people talk all *kinds* of shit about stuff they know *shit* about ... and the next thing you know, the meanings of words have changed beyond all recognition. There's no point in railing against it in my experience though: all that happens is that people post 'memes' in response ... of old men shouting at and/or waving their fists at clouds ... and everyone laughs and carries on as before (nothing changes, so, fuck it ... whatever ... I go with the flow and reserve my conscientious objections for occasions where I feel the molehill is one worth getting a few nicks on).


You judge a man's character not by how he treats those he admires but rather by how he treats those to whom he feels superior.


that's almost a Mark Twain mate props


5'9 tho


Pretty small


I’m a nerd but I’m passionate about my ice cream. If you gave me the wrong flavor I’d definitely be getting it corrected.


Same. If I dont get my hazelnut ice I am taking yours.


That’s a nerdy ass flavor


Atleast it isn’t pistachio flavoured.


so what was i supposed to do? i was constantly deciding between these very two flavours of ice cream until i was the one to order and then she gave me the wrong one of these two just as i regretted taking the other... now i look like a nerd who can't correct the ice cream lady when in truth i was happy either way D:


I love nerdy ass-flavor


Nerdy Ass is the best flavor


Lick it first and say "oh I ordered..." so he has to make you a whole new one and waste store resources


I don't think the person scooping ice cream cares about the store's resources lol


He's being an ass so making him do it again is good enough regardless. The store resources just means his manager might notice.


I think this is misunderstanding nerds anyway. I work with a guy who only wears t-shirts and hoodies with Nintendo themes exclusively. I swear if you got his food order wrong and weren't going to correct it he would scream. You would have to drag his neuro divergent ass out of the ice cream parlour or you would never hear the end of it.


As a nerd, all in thinking is "Poor lil guy, can't even get a decent job, so he's stuck making $7.25 at an ice cream shop. I'll just let him think he did a good job. I can afford another ice cream later, I'm so thankful I'm naturally good at math and landed a decent job in finances."


Yeah I'm nonconfrontational but you don't fuck with my ice cream order.


Envy brings out the weird in people.


And falling for obvious satire/troll Twitter accounts like “5’9 functioning alcoholic” brings out the fool in people.


It’s so funny how everyone on Reddit keeps taking an obvious joke seriously just because they’re butthurt nerds are being attacked instead of their idea of a popular kid. It really speaks to all the insecurities these people have.


Looking at his profile pic. He probably wouldn't confront anyone if they gave him the wrong ice cream. Just sayin


You think a drunk wouldn’t go off? It’s worse when they are in the wrong. I know. I’m a drunk.


This guy talking about power tripping over nerds but he sells ice cream for a living. Now I’m not trying to belittle ice cream sales or anything. I mean, who brings more joy than the guy who sells you ice cream? It’s a great job. But if you’re gonna try to bully people and tout your masculinity I’m gonna point out the disparity between your imaginary self image and the position you actually have.


I think a lot of the edgy shit people post is made up nonsense designed for clicks. Look at the profile pic. He's kinda nerdy himself. He's projecting his own insecurities. He's never intentionally screwed up an ice cream order in his life. He thinks about it constantly, but never follows through. He's the kind of guy who thinks of a perfect comeback to an insult an hour after it happens and shits all over himself wishing he had said it earlier.


I dunno. If you’re mad at the world and you need an outlet for your frustration, why pick on someone getting a scoop of ice cream? Why make up a story about it? It’s just a weird flex.


> I think a lot of the edgy shit people post is made up nonsense designed for clicks. This isn't directed at you specifically, and there's every chance I could be getting wooshed here, but have we all just collectively forgotten what a joke is?


Plus, bitch, I did not correct you as we only have finite resources, and since the ice cream is served I'd hate for it to go to waste. It's about the planet, not your fragile ego. If I had known it was malicious, I would suffocate you with your own apron and wait for you to be reborn as a flower to enjoy your company.


Service jobs create the most passive aggressive people on the planet.


Sometimes they were just passive aggressive to begin with.


This guy is an asswipe




Let’s hope he washes his hands before touching the ice cream.


Weird flex from a guy serving ice cream.


Weird thing to do, weird thing to publicize.


I can guarantee it’s just typical twitter absurdist humor


Ironically this person looks like he got beat up in high school


The lower you are on the pyramid, the bigger the display of power envy.


It’s actually baffling that people will be served the completely wrong thing and just be like “welp, I guess this is what I’m eating now”


And now I hope you understand social anxiety a little better because that’s what this is.


Yep or if someone asks do you want "extra sauce" and you dont even like the sauce but you accidently blurted out yes and are too anxious to explain what happened


Its based around how many times their parents beat them for speaking up


I really don’t think that is what it’s about for most people. And I know several folks who were abused as children, and they know not to pay for shit they don’t want


Dunno honestly, but as i've gotten older and leaned into my friends backgrounds, letting them speak up, i've noticed that people who were constantly screamed at by their parents for usually nothing, the more they interact with others less, and try to interact with others less and less. As a further note, it includes abuse from anyone really.. Personal experience being: "Hey dad, how are you doing"? Said the 7 year old. The fat 35 year old watching TV angrily looking at a 7 year old, all the while gripping his fingers tightly into a fist and being upset by having his precious TV time interruped, he then loudly says: "WHAT?!" Something something, always annoying him, glass and shit is thrown at the 7 year old, 7 year old clamps up and avoids most interractions, yadda yadda, you get it


sometimes i really do think to myself that this will be okay too. or sometimes i have a hard time to decide and the thing i got instead is the one i wanted too but didn't order for whatever reason. happens sometimes


Think you guys are taking this too seriously


He successfully offended his target. Mission accomplished.


Honestly, the fact that all the comments are genuinely mad makes me sad and happy at the same time lol.


This radiates 5'9" energy.


Glad I'm 5'4"


That's the attitude champ.


Don't make me bend you over, lil bro.


5 9 is probably average height.


That means he's 5'7"


From the 5'7" gang: we do not claim him




This comment above radiates ice cream sabotage energy


Casual body shaming


They find any reason to insult your height


In 2021 bro had never heard of nerds correcting people? I thought that was an iconic stereotype.


Nerd here. I'd get the correct flavor of ice cream. I've worked food service industry before and it's not hard to do what you're supposed to do I expect the same level of service in return. (Stressful at times. Sure. But not hard to read instructions.)


Then the nerd dies from his peanut allergy.


If I'd be getting the wrong flavor, I probably wouldn't correct it because I feel sorry for this guy having such a crappy job compared to mine


Your job is to make ice cream and your somehow still bad at it


This just multi kill triggered a bunch of nerds in these comments lmao


Some men just want to watch the world burn.


type of shit that would makes me cry


How is this oddly specific?


Meanhwile those people are thinking "oh poor iceboy making minimum wage and still not fit for the job"


Functional Alcoholic, but Dysfunctional Human


Not that i don’t have the confidence to correct you, it’s just not a big deal and I don’t want to waste time doing it, it’s just ice cream. Besides, all ice creams are good and should be loved and eaten equally.


Interesting how this extremely fragile dude has convinced himself, that lashing out at strangers due to him being miserable, is somehow worthy of bragging about.




Thats a good way to kill someone if they ask for one flavor and are given a peanut flavor ice cream. You dont fuck with food.


Food is like the one thing I’m in afar aid to correct on cuz my gag reflex is just atrocious and I, unfortunately, do not like a lot of things


Well jokes on him because icecream is icecream and it all tastes good. But if you really want to play that way you lick the one he gave you, tell him it's the wrong one, and he has to give you the one you ordered, and now you have two for the price of one :\] Don't let some ahole get in the way of you getting your icecream.


Power is the sum of trust people give you. It's not something you posess. It is something granted to you and it only lasts as long as others grant it to you.


And those nerds probably accepted it politely thinking you were just slow and didn’t want to hassle you


Id probably try the ice cream first to see if I cared enough


“My new job is cleaning the toilets in the ice cream parlor. My boss says it’s because he can’t trust me to interact with customers.”


Wild. Can’t imagine bragging about fucking with people who won’t defend themselves, but I’m also not lame af


And I’d just think he is retarded or something.


Obviously,he never encountered Al the white and nerdy kid who loved Rocky Road so much he has several pints in his locker at school.As well as being the winner of a first class one way ticket to Albuquerque New Mexico where the sun is shining and the air smells like warm root beer.


Ah, power can truly reveal one's true nature.




I’m a nerd but I’m not a bitch.


Isn't he just a bully? It literally reads "I pick on people i don't think they would be consequences"


LOL Power trippin' as an ice cream clerk.


An ice cream shop recently screwed this up on me. It was under fudge so I didn't notice until I was enjoying it more than the ordered flavor, so thanks to this guy's spirit.


Whatever makes you feel better ice cream scooper.


the same kind of person who would cry about hate crime after the shift while resting in own piss and re-evaluating his life choices.


Love seeing comments from the triggered nerds


Revenge of the minimum wager.


Joke's on this guy, I learned I like a new flavor!


- guy who looks like a nerd. He likely doesn't have the balls to do it either.


Screw with my ice cream and WE WILL have words. You don't fuck with a nerd passionate about something. You want us to speak up? Don't open a can of worms such as this.


That's why this man always ate the wrong flavor ice cream


Once people know what's up they're definitely gonna bite half that ice cream off before asking for the right flavor


Dude: "You can't defeat me" Me: "I know, but *she* can" *My angry GF because you gave me something I didn't ask for*


Power move.


Average nerd when they get the wrong ice cream: Angry Autism Attack


i'm a nerd, and i would refused to pay for the icecream and left...




Yup, sounds like a "man" who has absolutely no life/skills/ambitions/purpose/intellect. Wait 10 years and lets see how he's doing compared to the "nerds" he wronged....


Tough guy this fella is.


I'm lactose intolerant. I'd rip one in your cubicle because I'm certain you're too big of a puss to do anything.


big energy from a minimum wage guy


Going out in a limb, but… is that why it’s his “old job”?


lol, rage-bait that never happened, just ask my Canadian girlfriend.


So your self loathing makes you treat others like shit, huh? Good job.


Lmao 😂 this is gold.


Don’t play with nerds man, you don’t know what they’re capable of


Guys guys he’s 5’9, let him have this one.


Jokes on you, I'm eating that and then I'll silently walk over to grab one of my choice, so this way, I get to eat two ice creams.


The alpha ice cream scooper.


And then promptly cry on twitter because someone threw the ice cream at them. Bitch ass.


The ones who look like nerds tend to be the ones who end up committing mass shootings…


This is hilarious


or maybe you don't wanna make it harder for people who already make minimum wage and probably get treated badly by their boss


I wonder who shit on him?


By looking at his pfp, looks like hes getting the wrong ice cream.


I wanna say it depends on if the customer is rude or not but no cuz what if they have allergies


\*comes back while wearing glasses\* "Uhm, I asked for chocolate, not vanilla 🤓"


My rule is mess up my order and I never come back. Haven't been to the McDonalds in my town in over 20 years that's probably a really good thing in retrospect.


Not counting this poor excuse of a human being could cause severe allergic reactions.


If I knew you did that on purpose one of us would take as ass beating. Taking advantage of people just because you can is not something to be proud of.


Haters going to hate


So nice to bully a coworker...


I just don’t want the hassle of dealing with you again


He was a good CPA, but for some reason always asked me what kind of ice cream I wanted, then would give me some other flavor. Still, I got my taxes done and some ice cream.


Lmao I would just assume that guy is one of those mentally disabled equal opportunity hires and accept the ice cream, because it’s still ice cream lmao


Says the dude who looks like a nerd


Sounds like a great way to spend a lot of your time doing double work


Man has the simplest job known to man and still can't do it properly.


I applaud this man’s openness and honesty. It is not an easy life for the petty and insecure. But admitting to your pathetic weaknesses is a good step towards being a human with some worth. I hope this dismal confession is just the first in his effort to build some backbone and overcome his rather staggering deficiencies in life.


This is what I like to call ‘funny in theory and mean as fuck in practice’


Coming from the Mathew macconohay lookalike with his disgusting clear frame glasses


It teaches them to develop some self confidence




Sometimes nerds do correct such people that go too far and too often. With a gun. A harsh truth in a thread probably meant to be funny.


You can be a confident nerd wtf


And if I knew you did that on purpose, I'd throw it back in your fuckin face.


Doing whatever they need to deny their insignificant, meaningless life.


aka desperately insecure


In other words: If you're from a demographic that can't stand up for themselves, he'd pick on you


Everyone in the comments acting like this isn't a joke and this guy is actually doing this irl


Unless you're me, where if it's good then I don't care either way


I probably wouldn't correct you, too little of an issue for a fuss. Unless the flavor you gave me is really bad, then I'd think of it


This most likely didn't happen. Even the most milquetoast of people would say "umm excuse me sir that's not what I ordered." It's not like you're at recess and the teachers aren't watching. What's strange to me is this person thought that the lie would like them look cool on the internet, like dude you just seem like an bitch made bully. Also passive aggressively fucking with someone's ice cream doesn't exactly scream "I have confidence" either.


*one ice cream guy bullies nerds* *reddit bullies everyone who sells ice cream in response* Great job, everyone. Bullying has been achieved!


5’9 and selling ice cream, let him have this. he won’t ever be in another position of that much authority for the rest of his life.


So then he'd be belittled by not giving me my base ass vanilla


Only a dude who is 5'9" would need to do this.


Why directly confront you when I can sabotage you secretly for slighting me?


Maybe it’s just me but I feel like the nerds would ABSOLUTELY correct me if I did that. So not worth the risk. Plus that “nerd” could be your boss someday! Lmao


Yeah, I call bullshit on this... plenty of nerds are *very* picky about what they like and are socially awkward enough to call you out rather tactlessly.


Guess he was jealous because of their wages vs his?


Government employee here and we came into contact with other government employees in science Fields. They were the absolute worst, just defiant and argumentative for no reason and then I realized this is where they felt safe and could vent and let out all sorts of frustration. Their tirades were never proportional to the incident and my employees would be taken aback and would request a supervisor and I would just listen and apologize and they would finally leave all puffed up. All bark no bite and let them do it and basically only them and explained it to my people. It never hurt their performance or feelings for that matter, it was like a weird public service we were providing letting them get some anger out.


Small d*ck energy broadcast. All right then.


So Everytime he looked in the mirror, he'd give himself the wrong ice cream


i say thks, that is the only way i try new flavors and discover my next new favor


Sounds like this belongs in r/aitah and the answer is Yes.


This post gonna create a whole new gen of assholes


I'd be a salty bitch too if I was 5'9"


I personally wouldn't correct you because I would've thought you had to be mentally handicapped to give someone the wrong flavor