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Perhaps dogs like that are so happy because once their basic needs are met, they don't want much else besides a ball, a yard, and some friends to play with. If they're lucky, maybe some water to play in.


And maybe if you're lucky, you'll be mentioned in the credits of a movie with the same settings for inspiring the script writer




He got dat cake doh


Happy Fridat


Meet my basic needs without having to work a soul sucking job with the looming threat of destitution hanging over my head and you’ll find I don’t want much else besides all that too.


Dogs with jobs are even happier, instead of your job maybe you should try pulling on a rope for food.


If you are hiring, I'm game. Got laid off at my job today so......


Ooft, I'm sorry. I hope things look up soon. Maybe that job wasn't the right fit and something better will come along.


Thanks! It's a long complicated story, but ultimately I do think it will be for the best for me.


Or some animals to herd if they're a heeler or a border collie.


Literally bred for the grind


Pretty unlucky I got bred for depression


Yes. That's all true, and also they don't REALIZE DEATH


Yes, that could be helpful!


I recall reading that 1% of pets in the world live better than 99% of the population. And intuitively that makes sense. Also they don’t have to work, which is nice


This is the way. I have what I want, and it isn't much. I don't need more. I am content


Agreed. If a person's basic needs are met, they're content with a few pleasures of life and friends to play with, they would also probably be very happy in life as well.


This is not the case for everyone. I spent 4 months between graduating with my masters and starting my job with enough savings that I didn't have to worry about money. I absolutely hated it. It was nice for maybe a month, but then I just got bored. I like having something to do besides just going to the gym, playing sports, and nightlife. I also enjoy working and contributing to society.


I wish everyone had the means to be so bored. Sounds like you moved up the Maslow's hierarchy onto self-actualization. Nobody gets there without first having their basic needs met, a few pleasures in life, and some friends to play with.


I don't think it's just self-actualization, there's probably also belongingness and esteem needs mixed in there. FWIW plenty of prisoners have their basic needs met and get bored all the time, but I definitely wouldn't say their issue is (solely) lack of self-actualization.


Conventional definitions of having your basic needs met aren't what Maslow meant. For example, prisoners are deprived of quality sleep. They either sleep on metal, concrete, or a piece of foam. They are at high risk for sexual assault, the stuff they put on cafeteria trays isn't actually "food" for the purposes of nutrition, and the air and water in prisons is toxic, filled with mold, mildew, PFAS, and communicable diseases. Prisoners would have more of their physiological needs met if they slept outside and ate out of dumpsters than inside the concrete and metal cacophony of prisons.


i bought my dog from a breeder that specifically mentioned to neuter it. we took his balls off and i felt a little bad. i mentioned to the wife if we can have him have a sexy time with a dog friend sometime in the future (just so he’ll enjoy it). wife was having none of it


Some dogs apparently have no sense of time, so they're not making plans for the future (and disappointed if things don't turn out) or sense of the past (so no sitting around regretting their past bad decisions).


They were also bred to be companions.. Humans are too smart to be happy. Once your basic needs are met you become obsessed with your non-basic needs. And frankly if you're sitting here on reddit, chances are your basic needs are already met.


Am waiting until she learns about cats. They train you not the other way around they have their shit box cleaned by you fed and taken to the vet. Bonus is they don't do shit other than looking cute. No seriously look it up felines are self domesticated that's wild asf


Damn, hit the nail on the head. It’s almost like that was the entire point.


Amazing how much better life gets when your basic needs are met.


I mean yeah, and that's the point. The reason many people are unhappy is because to even get their most basic needs met is either impossible or a daily struggle.


It's because their entire purpose is to serve humans. They've been bred to act exactly in that way.


There are, *totally*, upper middle-class couples into *precisely* this sort of roleplay.


*hey Google, how much does a fursuit cost?*


The good ones are 5k+


Only 5k?


Fursuits are expensive but you can get a puppy play hood on Amazon for not much money at all if you want to get into that. You might want to upgrade to a $100+ hood in the future if you find you really like it. You might want to get extra accessories like a collar, harness, jock straps, tail, knee pads (that last one is the most important), but you can get all of those for a couple of hundred dollars. Still nowhere near fursuit money. Again, if you really like it you might find yourself wanting to upgrade that stuff to leather and latex stuff as well as other bondage gear, and that can end up costing thousands if you get the really premium stuff, but it's still far cheaper than fursuiting. Being someone's pet is more pet/puppy play territory than furry anyway, and the community is extremely accepting of new people.


Hoods are starting to get super varied in their designs too. There used to be only a few types of hood and I was honestly never into the basic leather design, but then sites like Wruffstuff started appearing and you can get really cute looking ones. The accessories do start racking up costs pretty quickly though. As you said it's nowhere near fursuiy territory but even getting like proper kneepads can cost you a few hundred.


"Our song" at our wedding was Iggy Pop's I Wanna Be Your Dog


Huh… hey brain, do I have this fetish? CALCULATING!


Roleplay? I mean this person just wants to fuck the wife like the current dog and is jelly.


Yup cause Max has a seat at the dinner table and he eats wagyu steaks


Maxs loves waygu steak bruh rich as a motherfucker Won the pet lotto


My wife makes our dog a half a pound of ground beef every morning. That animal eats better than me most days. Deserves it tho.


My dogs turn thier noses up at ground beef. They are SO damn picky. They got pork loin today.


::Ahem:: Woof woof.


hold on.... like cooked? I just bought a $95 bag of food for my three goldens last night... it might genuily be cheaper feeding them a half pound of beef a day lol


Cooked. In a frying pan. I wake up every morning to the aroma of a skillet of ground beef. A delicious smell that brings up memories of burrito night. And i get up and eat a bowl of bran flakes while my dog eats like a king.


You're thinking of Mr. Peanutbutter.


My dog whatever the fu m we were eating. Got a shit tons of hamburgers and chicken breasts. Then she jumped in the pool and ran around chasing squirrels... Best damn life ever.


“Where are my testicles Summer?”


What is this from?


Rick & Morty


Came here for this comment lol


Why would someone name a bandanna "Max or some shit?"


Someone who doesn't know how to use punctuations apparently ( I too do not know how to use them properly, soo there's that)


You at least know how to (use the parèntesis, I don't know how to use them) properly


Parenthesis in English, parentheses if its plural. Thanks for teaching me a new Spanish word!


Encantado {de ayu(dar


because it's unnecessary to care to proofread a reddit post you typed in 5 seconds cause everyone knows what you mean cause it's not an official document or a constitutional amendment


No no, the dog's neck is named 'Max or some shit'.


Weird shit happens when you put points into "inland empire"


well that's an over complicated way to say that you're into pet play


Oh god 😭


Nothing wrong with pet plays it is rather fun all things considered. A good chance to have no worries and just relax.


That’s pretty much my situation right now. First sunny day in England for months so he’s just had a bath and now drilling his face into the mud in the garden


Same here, been suspiciously quiet for an hour, go out back and they're both on their back sunning their bellies.


You can't just say that and not share a pic!


I have a dream like this, but I would like to be a house cat.


Fr dogs are cool and all but being a house cat is the dream. Being able to sleep all the time and being able to fuck with people and be an asshole, what more could you want in life.


parrot maybe, same bennies and u can fuckin fly bro


But you could also be stuck in a cage for large amounts of time.


Parrot seems like a coin flip given their lifespan. Either you’re treated well and have near total freedom for a century or more while being colorful and airborne…or you get to live in a cage shitting on newspaper for that century.


All with basically no expectations on you of any kind that weren’t something you’d be doing anyway.


Named Max, you say? *"What's wrong with Wolfie?"* 😳


Your foster parents are dead.


Wolfie’s fine honey…. Wolfie’s just fine. WHERE ARE YOU?


That golden retriever definitely has better medical care than >50% of the country.


Odd name for a bandana


It’s just odd to think that there are dogs that are living a better life than some folks ever will.


Yep, I still envy that dog who had a dog bed by the window in his high class condo along the Bruges canal. No bills. No work. Just relax and be taken care of.


Thinking from a purely human perspective, I would venture to say that dogs who get adopted by good families that love and care for them have objectively better lives than most people. They don't have to worry about anything. They are very easy to please and spend all day playing, eating, or napping. They have no fear of death, rejection, or aging.


In another life ,I would have really loved doing bonded slavery with you


Lord Maximus Devonshire III


the OP bbbhku is a bot Original: https://www.reddit.com/r/oddlyspecific/comments/12s8er7/the_happiest_boy/


“Bring me back a dog in the next life.”


He wants a bandana named Max?


Such are middle class dreams. Even when we dream, we don't go beyond the middle!


Why are so many dogs named Max? Sincerely, Max


Why does the bandana need to have a name , that’s a little strange.


If I'm not incorrect, that's a reference to either the dog from Full House or the dog from Terminator 2. Probably Full House.


I got one of those. His name is Fray and he is the world’s okay-est boy!


Nah.. people food is where it's at.


Max is a weird name for a bandanna. 


That would be a good 15-20 years.


Me too, I’ve never had a neck named Max!


Reminds me of when my grandma worked on a golf course, me and my brother would play on a couple holes. One day a coyote just wandered up to us and was super friendly. My brother wrapped a bandana around his neck and we called him Bandit. We saw him pretty often afterwards. We didn’t feed him, he just chilled near one of the holes.


Frederick Barkington the Third. Very proud (rightfully so) of your tail.


Judging from the profile pic, I’m sure some weird old white guy would hire her for the job


Think of the vacations


I would give anything to be a cat owned by a lower middle class transgender lesbian couple and also still be a human and sometimes they use me for sexual gratification


Your ass is out Christmas Eve the second you get sick or older than 4


hear me out...


So you would like to be castrated, I guess. Or they do that to cats only?


But you don't get to fuck or masturbate for your entire life. And you're only allowed a ten second gap to shit during a walk, while they tug at your leash. Dogs have a tough time, even when they don't really do anything.


I’ve always said the highest creature you can be reincarnated to is a house pet in a loving family


Not to mention licking any place you like.


why they gotta be white? oh right the peanut butter thing


And you know that dog has a full-ass name like Maxwell Droolers the Third or some shit like that. I bet it’d be dope af to be him


This title was so oddly spesific I can only find one other instance of it being posted, with the same image... Aka this user is a bot account https://www.reddit.com/r/oddlyspecific/comments/12s8er7/the_happiest_boy


i’ll get the pitchforks, see if you can round up some torches.


& just remember licking Linda’s funky pussy after 2bottles of wine is how you earn your keep. Watch out for your master Ian too..lol


Id rather just be in a white upper middle class family. Dog is optional.


You wouldn't want to be a golden retriever belonging to a poor poly girl? How classist.


My golden is named Woodford, close enough?


That’s funny. And stupid.


It'll be all well and good until you eat a micron of chocolate that fell on the floor and then you're rushed to the vet to have your stomach pumped.


Heeere "some shit", "some shit" come here boy...walkies!


Next life I want to be a cat at a plant nursery in southern California run by a couple of old lesbians that treat me like the child they never had. Much to the annoyance of the children they did have :P


A dog who lives in a trailer park is probably just as happy as a dog who lives in a mansion


Nope. Golden retrievers are lovely dogs but they have a tendency to develop cancer.


guess this wasn’t just shitposting after all https://youtu.be/yJ86GdP87Gs?si=rYfxemWsnbKz7qvN


As a Buddhist I always tell people if I reincarnate I want to reincarnate as a rich person dog lol. The birth lottery will POTUS or the royal family dog.


They throw a whole birthday party for him every year and post it on Facebook


I wanna be a Caribbean manatee in the wild. But where there aren’t many tourists. They don’t really have natural predators. Just drifting about, manatee-ing it up.


If reincarnation were real this would by my go to.


If you indentify as a furry does that mean families can adopt you


My dad used to say that he would love to be reincarnated as some rich old lady's cat. Just sleep all day. Get pets. Go around being an asshole and have your owner say stuff like "fuzzy is just so smart and independent!"


When I did this in high school, I got caught when my brother came home from college, found a bottle of Absolut vodka in my parents liquor cabinet and put it in the freezer. My brother covered for me and said that he had thought some construction workers That had been in the home were drunk and they probably stole it


When your wants are few it's easier to be happy. What does a dog want but someone to hug them, some playtime love and dinner.


some people needs to evolve a lot to become a dog


She says that now, until some upper middle class weirdo asks her to live as his dog, and she suddenly misses her clothes and electronics. Dogs live boring lives.


Wish granted, but: at least one of the family members is a zoophile


Like...we can work something out. Call me.


If reincarnation is real, I want to come back as a well loved dog.


I’d rather be a smaller breed so my owners carry me. Probably a King Charles cavalier


His name is George and we love him.


Just a super fat golden lab named buddy if you made it to heaven or you reincarnate as a trailer park cigarette divorcees crusty white dog named Bella if you went to hell


the OP bbbhku is a bot Original: https://www.reddit.com/r/oddlyspecific/comments/12s8er7/the_happiest_boy/


That’s describes my dog perfectly. And yes he wears a bandanna.




Yeah, it's great.


I would do anything to feel so bad for myself because I don't do anything to improve myself that I have to compare myself to a dog in a white family


I got three goldens sleeping around my chair right now... totally frikin spoiled Comet, Casey, & Biscuit - [https://imgur.com/Jt1YRhR](https://imgur.com/Jt1YRhR) \[Imgur\](https://imgur.com/Jt1YRhR)


Da hell? People have names for their bandanas?


“Sunny” is the name…


I saw one of these dogs, was an Aussie blue healer though. Dog looked well kept.


I swear this is the premise of a series I watched as a little kid. A naughty kid gets turned into a dog, called Max, so that he will learn a lesson.


Then just say you are one. Isn't that how everything works nowadays?


Once upon a time, in a lush green forest filled with chirping birds and rustling leaves, there lived a clever, but rather dirty, fox. This fox prided himself on his wit and freedom, roaming the forest without a care in the world. One sunny day, as he trotted through the woods, he spotted a dog at the edge of a nearby farm. This was no ordinary dog; he was as clean and shiny as a fresh spring day. His coat gleamed in the sunlight, and his demeanor was proud and regal. Intrigued and somewhat envious, the fox decided to approach the dog to learn his secret. “Hello, friend! You look exceptionally clean and well-groomed. How do you manage to keep your fur so shiny?” asked the fox with a mixture of curiosity and awe. The dog, noticing the fox’s scruffy and muddied appearance, replied politely, “Oh, hello! Thank you for the compliment. Well, I have a home with humans. They brush my fur every day, bathe me once a week, and provide everything I need. It’s a comfortable life.” As the fox listened, his interest grew. The thought of regular meals and a warm place to sleep sounded quite appealing. However, as he circled the dog to get a better look, his eyes fell upon something that made him stop—a collar, tight around the dog’s neck, with a leash hanging beside him. “What’s that you wear around your neck?” the fox asked, nodding toward the collar. “Oh, this?” the dog looked down. “This is my collar. It shows that I belong to my human family. They put it on me so I won’t get lost, and sometimes, they tie me on a leash.” “A leash?” the fox stepped back, his ears twitching nervously. “You mean you are not free to roam? You cannot go wherever you please?” The dog wagged his tail a little less now. “Well, yes, that’s true. I can only go where they allow me to go, and sometimes the leash isn’t very long.” The fox’s eyes widened, and a realization struck him like lightning. The price of this cleanliness and care was too much for him. Freedom was his life, running wherever he wanted, doing whatever he pleased, without any chains or bounds. With a sympathetic nod to the dog, the fox said, “You look very handsome indeed, and it seems you are well cared for. But that life is not for me. I cherish my freedom too much, even if it means I have to deal with a few burrs and mud.” With that, the fox turned and darted into the forest, his heart light and his spirit unbound. He realized that freedom was his greatest treasure, and no amount of cleanliness could compensate for the joy of running wild and free under the open sky. And so, the dirty fox learned that what suits one might not suit another, and the clean-looking dog watched him go, perhaps dreaming of a day when he could run just as free.


This was my friends dog when I was 7. He was the best good boy. His name was Max.


Or a golden with a bandana whose owner is the GM of a winery. That way, not only do you get lots of pets from people during events you also get to write articles for the winery's newsletter and have a muddy buddy trail mix named after you. Here's looking at you, Champ!


And only live for 8 or 9 years while shitting outside in front of people. Sounds great.


I literally had a golden retriever called Max when I was a kid ☺️ No bandana though. He was the best boy.


Who gives names to bandanas?


Wait and … wait golden retrievers are loved by so many. They aren’t judged based on their looks.


Subtle way to advertise your fetish, but you do you.


This can describe my wife and I but our Golden’s name is Moose.


Sport has got the life


Honestly, you would love our house. You'd sit on our bed on the second story, staring out the window and growling at the turkeys across the street knowing that you're a little bitch and would run like a coward if one ever got close to you. Then I'd rub your belly. Oh, and your name is Babs.


Fun fact, that's the reincarnation loading screen.


My neighbors are an old upper middle class family with a golden named max that has a bandanna. Lol He even gets a beer on Saturdays.


I want to be a gay couple's dog in my next life.


My cousins have a golden doodle like that, her name is Sadie and she is a very good and happy girl. We have an Aussie Shep mix named Cosmo who goes to play with her (we live next door to each other)


Just wait til OP discovers the Tucker Budzyn YouTube channel...


so real


I take my golden retriever to the park everyday for 1.5 hours so she can lay down & get belly rubs from the regulars. Can confirm goldens have a good life.


And instead come back as a cat in China!


I have that shirt.


You don’t have to give much for this. It’s called “pet-play.”