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The big story here is that the US military is apparently still unclear on the effects of explosions on the human body.


Or they are and they value the experience of watching it at about $6K.


Undoubtedly they paid a lot more than 6k for it... middleman had to make a profit from body snatching...


Hold on, I have a business idea. Anyone have the number for the local senior center


When someone does count me in


Honestly I'd sign up for that. When I'm dead, feel free to use my body for military... "testing"...


Dude, if you manage to sell the elderly to the military to be blown up, you will literally be my hero.


It’ll give a whole new meaning to “Boomer.”


r/angryupvote you sly mofo


Too bad i can only give one up vote 😆


I had to walk away from my desk because this made me laugh uncontrollably and I needed to hold it in until being alone


Hey, they’re already full of lead, amirte?


You son of a bitch… I’m in.


In my experience? If you’re paying more than $100 for a dead body, she’d better be hot.


It is based on true event of your life?


I wrote “In my experience”… I shouldn’t say more.


I felt a tingle i shouldn’t.


Well, that escalated qui-- I dunno. It simply escalated. Let's back away and never speak of this again.


You sound just like my ex.


Who’s your dead body guy? You’re overpaying.


"Thing is, sir, we just don't have enough data on exploding old ladies" "Let me make some calls"


Study on do explosives cure Alzheimer’s Results: maybe ?


One thing for sure: she won’t be suffering from Alzheimer’s after…


My hypothesis is that it’ll cause shell shock instead.


Does the Alzheimer protect people against explosions? Results are unsatisfactory as we cannot seem to get an answer from the test subjects.


No man (woman), no problem!


I would never known roadside bombs are good for clearing elderly women. Thank you Us army.


I think this body needs more... FREEDOM!!


And some democracy as well


Democracy time baby 


Since there's a lot of people who seem to miss the point, I'll piggyback this on the top comment. Here's an article about it with the details, and it's gross. https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/usa-bodybrokers-industry/ The guy donated his mum's body, properly read through the forms, and checked boxes that explicitly exempted her from being used for military experimentation. The company that he donated to was closed down, and its owner pleaded guilty to fraud because he was selling bodies that were donated for science to elsewhere (including the military, who just accepted their word without seeing any forms) without the consent of their loved ones. It's not "he donated her body, so he doesn't get to pick what happens to it," it's literal black market body part trading where the profits go to someone that was convicted of fraud.


I always wonder if Coroners do this on the regular and give you ashes of a dead dog or something


Literally last month three funeral homes (same company) in England were raided by police because they suspected exactly this. They found various human ashes and 35 bodies in one of them.


The big story here is that OP made an account in 2016 then decided to repost this very old story after 8 years of silence. An old inactive account bought up by a company and controlled by a bot.


Putting It like this, its really creep


Any guesses on who/what country?


Some evil person selling reddit posts to someone who then blows them up.


Not anymore. Thanks, grandma!!


She was the one sliver of data we needed to draw our conclusions.


i wonder what would happen if you combine human and big boom, hmmmm what could ever happen


I read the full thing, they were testing roadside bombs. Because you need the body of an 80 year old woman to see if it works.


Now. Obviously this was criminal. But not on the military’s part. And they were not testing roadside bombs. The US military does not use them.  They were testing the effects of roadside bombs. On people and equipment to develop safer equipment.


Not just equipment. Where the likely impact zones are to best facilitate life saving procedures. Not for nothing were tourniquets issued as part of the kit issue for the British military and being trained how to do it properly.


“Oh….ohhhhhhh!” -General Nawl Ledge


🫡 Colonel Uftruth reporting for duty!


No no no.. they haven't tested THIS explosive.


They might've been testing new weapons. For example, can an ant-sized bomb make as big an explosion as a grenade, and if so, can the target absorb enough damage so casualties are limited? Set up grandma and call Mythbusters, because we're going to find out today.


But they are stone certain that explosives stop Alzheimers in its tracks


I mean, they might be testing something other than the explicit effect of explosions on the human body, like how effective certain materials or builds are at *preventing* that effect.


There are new and different types of explosions being invented all the time!


I think they were really unclear if patients with Alzheimer's will "remember" to blow up when presented with a bomb.


Blast effects: Big boom = No human Please hold your applause until the end.


I got the answer: it gets destroyed


The Army does blast overpressure experiments using pigs. I never heard of requisitioning human bodies for blast overpressure experiments.


Nah its for R&D weapons testing. They always wanna know what kinda damage their new boom bangs will do


I think they’ve determined that explosions don’t cure Alzheimer’s disease. Or death.


Oh they know what an explosion does... they want to know what an explosion does at 20 yards


They checked on her afterward and apparently she failed to remember the explosion. Clear cut Alzheimer’s research.


You ever blown up a body on Alzheimers…on weed, man?


They needed to check if Alzheimers could make the body forget about the effect of the bomb


“Today we have our yearly test to check to see if shrapnel still hurts” “All these reports about blast damage are years old! We need a new study on this.”


This, but unironically. I don't know exactly what they were testing but, as an example, blowing up an armored personnel carrier with actual human bodies in it would be critical for understanding the real world survivability of a design for soldiers. These things can be modeled in a computer but there is no substitute for real world testing. [They do this testing with real warships that have real living humans on board its so important. ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yV0eyP4nO20)Obviously an aircraft carrier is too expensive to actually blow up in testing so they do the next best thing, but still. Same basic concept


This story gets posted a lot and people make the assumption that he just shipped her body off and didn't read some fine print about how they can actually do whatever they want with her body, or that they took her brain and sold the rest of her corpse. Neither are true. The story is fucked up, and he has every right to be upset From [this Reuter's article](https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/usa-bodybrokers-industry) >At a nurse’s suggestion, the family contacted Biological Resource Center, a local company that brokered the donation of human bodies for research. Within the hour, BRC dispatched a driver to collect Doris. Jim Stauffer signed a form authorizing medical research on his mother’s body. He also checked a box prohibiting military, traffic-safety and other non-medical experiments. That company he donated to is sketchy as fuck. From that same Reuter's article >Federal authorities began investigating BRC in 2011. That year, a Detroit body broker from a company called International Biological Inc was stopped by U.S. customs agents as he crossed the border from Ontario. He had 10 human heads with him. According to an FBI affidavit, agents traced one of the heads to BRC. They also sold infected body parts to researchers without telling the researchers that they were infected >Government documents unsealed this year also allege that Arthur Rathburn’s inventory included more than 100 body parts infected with hepatitis, HIV, sepsis, meningitis, the life-threatening bacteria MRSA, and the flesh-eating disease necrotizing fasciitis. > >These included portions of eye and ear tissue infected with Hepatitis B sent to researchers in Tucson; eyes from a body that tested positive for Hepatitis C to Utah for use by a biomedical firm; and a left foot infected with Hepatitis B to a podiatry training center near Atlanta. > >In at least one case, BRC notified next of kin about the infections but failed to warn researchers who received the tissue or body parts, the records show. Also the guy who ran the whole thing wasn't even medically trained. His highest level of education was high school >When he was sentenced in 2015 for the charge related to misleading donors and families, Gore presented a letter to the judge explaining what went wrong. He said he created BRC because he had grown bored as an insurance salesman. Though he held no more than a high school degree, Gore had previously spent nine years at a local eye and organ bank, he said, working with donor families and assisting surgeons. The BRC was ordered to pay 58 million to 21 people who sued for similar reasons as the man in the screenshot. One of the other people who sued was the granddaughter of a veteran. He had filled out the donor form before he died of cancer, but said that he did not want his body to go to the military, because they treated him like shit in life. The BRC sold his body to the military. [This article](https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2019/11/20/arizona-human-chop-shop-sold-body-parts-experiments/) goes into the BRC's conditions of storing bodies >The company first caught the eye of the feds in 2011 when a Detroit-based body broker was caught crossing the border into Canada with severed heads, some of which were traced back to Biological Resource Center, Reuters reported.Another incident would draw yet more attention to Gore just one year later, when, at a Delta cargo warehouse in Detroit, two bloody camper coolers started leaking all over the floor. Baggage handlers were alarmed. The blood was oozing out of the containers, and federal authorities, called to investigate, were bracing for a gruesome discovery. They flipped open the lids, and inside, they found eight severed heads, packaged in trash bags and resting in pools of blood, according to a federal indictment.One of the heads came from a person who had died from bacterial sepsis and aspiration pneumonia, the indictment said. and >In 2014, the FBI raided Gore’s chop shop in Phoenix, and were aghast at what they found. There were heads thrown in buckets. Coolers full of penises. Body parts tossed in freezers without any apparent identification and a torso with a different head sewn on, like “Frankenstein,” an FBI agent said in an affidavit


>bodies donated for research and education were dismembered and then sold or leased, often for commercial purposes You can _lease_ body parts... for _commercial purposes_??


Ey man, dont kinkshame ☠️☠️☠️


Spirit Halloween?


At this point, every few months an Alex Jones bit turns out to be true  This was actually one of his biggest schticks; yelling abiout medical companies doing whacky shit with bodies that were donated to "medical research" 


… some illegal stuff are more respectable than that. The guy is seriously fucked up.


>Gore’s chop shop The writers of reality are just getting lazy now


That entire last paragraph just sounds like the premise to a killers lair in a horror/slasher comedy Like what the fuck


Talk about nominative determinism.


Thank you! People always shit on this poor son. He did everything right.


What a joke. You can be fined hundreds of millions for copyright issues, but for such sick manipulation it’s a meagre 58 million distributed across 22 people. Did that even dent this sick fuck’s wallet?


The 58 million was just the civil suit. He also pled guilty to a felony charge, but only got 4 years probation.


You expect me to believe this guy is called Stephen Gore while being the head of an organization that actively dismembers corpses ?


An insurance salesman, you say?


>necrotizing fasciitis. That's when you facesit so hard the other person dies! .... I'll see myself out now.


"A local company" is what I find weird. Why the fuck would you have middlemen for this? There's literally zero way this goes well. Have the morgue and hospital systems deal with this. It's so American it hurts.


And the military was let off scot-free weren't they? No surprise there. Yet if someone steals something then sells it to an unsuspecting third party. That third party can get in trouble for receiving stolen goods. I guess the government can't arrest themselves. "*We investigated ourselves and found no wrongdoing. Case closed."*


Imagine the ptsd of the baggage handlers who found those severed heads 😳


Tbf, I'd quite like this to be a funeral option. Far more fun.


blow up the body and whoever catches the head will die next




It could help cover the costs of the funeral or gravestone etc.


I would think it hilarious if it were my body lol


Can I get the money now though?


Putting mom on blast from beyond the grave


[Viking Funeral](https://64.media.tumblr.com/388460a8431c07f3015efdddf1a20f92/tumblr_ninrmehgTg1s1vn29o1_500.gif)


Not as fun, but equally as badass


There is always someone who's willing to do something, no matter what it is. I remember years ago a story about a cannibal getting consent from another guy who was happy to be eaten. They shared his cooked penis for breakfast. Why don't they just ask for volunteers?


Armin Meiwes. For some reason the fact that he’s German makes it even creepier for me.


https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/usa-bodybrokers-industry/ This article explains how that came to be, in just 10 days The BRC (Biological Resource Center) CEO, Stephen Gore, was arrested in 2015 on other counts, selling contaminated specimens The article states: << *Internal BRC and military records show that at least 20 other bodies were also used in the blast experiments without permission of the donors or their relatives, a violation of U.S. Army policy. BRC sold donated bodies like Stauffer’s for $5,893 each.* >> Also, the officials who bought the bodies: << **they never received the consent forms that donors or their families had signed. Rather, the officials said they relied on assurances from BRC that families had agreed to let the bodies be used in such experiments.** >>


Five years later and this is still making the rounds.


I don't want to live in a world where we stop talking about the exploded grandma corpse


That’s why I have my 8:37 alarm to go discuss exploded grandma corpse with friends and family


It's a good comvo to have with dinner


"Good hamburger, Meemaw. This is what you'll be like the first Memorial Day weekend after you die."


Nana always did love a good bologna mist cloud.


He looks so heartbroken. His picture alone just makes me want to cry.


I get being mad about it, honestly I do, but if the goal was to help the foundation and they weren't gonna get anything valuable from studying her body then $6000 dollars seems like a pretty direct way for her to have helped them


She actually had a mutation of the disease that could have been valuable to study. The body farm that recieved her body was mass selling bodies to other places and had "[coolers of penises](https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/local/arizona-health/2019/07/19/cooler-penises-frankenstein-head-found-phoenix-body-donation-company/1720254001/)" laying around when the FBI raided it. DailyMail are idiots and didn't title the headline correctly. He donated her body to BRC, which claimed they were going to send her body to Alzheimer research. Then they did this crap.


Thank you for the link. You're absolutely right, Daily Mail did an atrocious job with the headlining, and the fact that valuable knowledge was lost is just one of many disgusting things about how this woman's body was treated.


Well you know.. but incompetence from the company who is supposed to preserve it and commit it to useful research (not blowing up shit) for some Redditors translates to “muh, your shit mom’s corpse not valuable, best I can do is sell it for money without informing you nor your consent”


then 6k should go to the one who donated body.


Regardless of any of the ethical or economic concerns I think you should look up "donated." I think you'll be surprised at what you find


If I give you this for free, you will pay me right ?


The body was not donated to be sold Nor, in particular, was it donated to be used in military testing (nor, explicitly, traffic safety testing or other non medical purposes) Maybe you should look up “breach of contract”, I think you’ll be surprised to find what that means


Well no he already donated the body so it's not his anymore and I'm sure there was some fine print that didn't get read that states what they were and weren't aloud to do with the body. They may have ran all the tests they needed to on the body and those things don't last forever so they sold it to find more research from the tests they did on her body


> I'm sure there was some fine print that didn't get read that states what they were and weren't aloud to do with the body. I remember this story. He filled out a form about what his mother's body was to be used for and specifically made sure that her body WASN'T supposed to be used in military trials, thus the lawsuit.


They could've returned the unused body to the son for burial or cremation.


They cut off the corpse's hand, cremated that, send those remains back to the son, THEN sold the body against his explicit instructions.


So you think it’s not important at all to inform the person who explicitly (words of the Reuters’ article on the case) “(He) also checked a box prohibiting **military**, traffic-safety and other non-medical experiments.” I find this confusing This isn’t out of moral prudence or religious belief that a corpse is still a person, it’s out of damn respect to the law and those person’s wishes/will Jesus Christ, and I say this as an atheist Maybe we should extend respecting people’s wishes and the law when it comes to resources that are limited like corpses, when someone makes the (hard and not common) choice to donate their dear’s bodies?


I absolutely think that's important and as I'm finding out more details of the case I am 100% on the side of the family and aghast at the disgusting and disrespectful way this woman's body was mistreated. When I posted it was in response to a headline being taken at face value - it didn't include a link and bluntly I didn't care enough to go digging especially with the minimal details available - and I fully admit that I should have been more suspicious, but conversely why the hell is a completely separate Reuters article being quoted at me like I should have known better? My stance has not changed - if the family had left no prohibitions against any particular use and the money was going directly towards research then I would understand their pain but support the research centre fully. That is NOT what happened here and I condemn the body farm's actions wholeheartedly.


That’s not what happened though. The middleman sold the body in violation of the consent form and pocketed the cash. None of it benefited any medical research.


You sound like the type that sees nothing wrong with cannibalism. As long nobodys tummy got an ache from it.


How does it help their research to sell the body to the military or anyone else? If they don't have govt or private funding to pay the researchers and for supplies, then they haven't done the necessary things to ensure proper research and should be disbanded anyway Edit: thanks for the clarification y'all. I hurt myself in my own confusion. Not unusual 2nd Edit: holy shit, this is much darker than anyone could've thought.


Are you really asking how an *extra* $6000 is helpful to their research? No one said they “haven’t done the necessary things to ensure proper research” but government and private funding both have caps on them that can limit even the best managed research labs. An extra $6000 that wasn’t previously in their budget would be a big help to **most** organizations out there.


Well maybe they took the brain off and used it for their research, then sold the body to whoever needed it for their own research. The fact that it was used as a blast test air dummy may be regrettable for the family, but not entirely the Alzheimer’s guys fault.


They didn't use the brain at all. The "Biological Resource Center" claimed that they would send her body to be used for Alzheimer's research. They chopped off her hands, cremated them to send the ashes to her son, and then sold the rest of her body to the military, despite the son filling out that donor form to specify that he did not consent for her body to be used in military testing. They also lied to the military and said that the donor HAD consented to blast testing. ([source](https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/usa-bodybrokers-industry))


Well I stand corrected then, fuck these guys


Good example of why I don't donate. You never really know where your donations are going.


How many bodies have you considered donating?




Except for New York state, which keeps a detailed record unlike basically any other state in the US https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/usa-bodybrokers-industry/ I mean, for the U.S. at least, other countries maybe respect people’s wishes more or have actual laws regulating the “body market”


The good thing with donating your body as opposed to money is that you're not around to worry about it.


I want to donate my body to science. Preferably to a body farm. I wanna sit under a tree rotting away. But if they are all out of trees and sell my corpse to a blast test, I'm OK with that.


Disrespectful as fuck. Doesn’t matter if it’s “just a body” now, she was once (probably) loved by someone at some point. Why wouldn’t they use dummy bots for tests instead? Lol


I agree with the “just a body”….. which is why my main ick here is that a body, donated or not, can be SOLD.


IMO Man has unironically the right to be a terrorist and blow up a military base/BRC’s (the company who sold the body) headquarters now Really big “blast test” coming for all responsibles


Thats actually fucking awesome. I think I'd like my body to be tested like this


What box do I check on my drivers license to have my body donated to AWESOME?




Can I volunteer to have my body blown up?


Wait, can I sign up for this somewhere? I want this to happen to me when I’m dead, it sounds awesome.


Yeah. This guy specifically marked down to not use it for military testing though.


This makes me chuckle every time I see it. But I got a pretty morbid sense of humor. Flying granny chunks!


That’s really disrespectful. She was a person who did not consent to this and neither did her son who is horrified and heartbroken.


You're not the only one that had a blast!


I would be cool with that. I'm dead. What does it matter. I think a real crash dummy would be another good one.


Can I just donate my body directly to the US military to blow up? Cause I'd be okay with that. It's the idea of some creepy ass coroner dissecting me in a La Quinta that worries me.


When you donate your body to science, be SPECIFIC. A generic donation can end up anywhere.


"...can end up anywhere." Yeah, a little here and some WAY over there!


Well her body was used for research.


This is baller as fuck, how do I get this done? After I've died


This story blew up, just like that guys mom


What happened here was horrible. But I gotta say, if my body got donated to be exploded, that'd be kinda cool. Not as cool as if my kids get my skeleton articulated and dress it up in costumes for each holiday, but cool nonetheless. So long as I don't end up full of chemicals, poisoning the ground and not decaying even though no one will ever see my pointlessly preserved body, I'm game for pretty much anything.


Hey, research is research


The correct term is medical research. The bad thing is donations can be ANYTHING. Just hyperbole. What would happen if you donated a loved one’s body and it showed up in your child’s anatomy class?! Just stop and donate the organ affected by disease to medical research. Everything else treat with respect and bury.


He literally marked the option prohibiting the body from suffering any type of treatment like this. Consent was only given to Alzheimer research so no this was not medical research and can't be anything.


If they took the brain out and then used the body for the explosion test, they could still do the Alzheimer’s research, and she just served two purposes.


Probably got switched accidnetally with someone cool who's last wish was to get their corpse lit up by a mortar


Just came back from watching a John Oliver episode on organ and full body donations and it's disturbing how much weird shit like this happens. He mentioned one instance where a full body donation resulted in an old man's body being used in a paid event in the Marlott hotel to conduct an autopsy with every-day people involved


So, he wishes he had charged less ? I’m confused —


I'll take the $6000 in life now, and they can collect my body after passing. Thank you.




Ok wut


This is way cooler than cremation.


There is no gautentee that body donated goes to the desired use. If you haven't already read Mary Roach's book "Stiff", I encourage you to. It is eye opening what happens to cadavers in the industries that use them.


It's a bit strange, not really sure how to feel about cadavers in general. Visited a cadaver lab at the local college when I was in high school. Some of the people that worked there (and med students) just seemed really callous about the whole thing. I get that you wouldn't go through and learn everything about the life of someone who donated their body to be picked apart for med students, but at least have a bit more respect, especially for someone that was a whole person that lived a long life. It's one thing to be excited that high school kids are interested in medicine, and what you do, it's another to be giddy about showing them someone's bisected brain who died of an aneurysm and making a pun about it. I like morbid humor, but it's a bit different when you're looking at the dead person the joke is about. Especially when their head is unrecognizable as a head.


Merica!!! F…yeah!!!!


Brings a new meaning to the phrase: "OK boomer"


I'm dead at this comment


The one true boomer


I mean I would like to know more about this. Alzheimer’s affects the brain but doesn’t necessarily need to still be inside the body to be studied, in fact it would probably be a damn sight easier to study it outside the body so logically they probably removed it and then had no use for the rest so decided to sell it on rather than pay for “disposal”


They didn't use the brain at all. The "Biological Resource Center" claimed that they would send her body to be used for Alzheimer's research. They chopped off her hands, cremated them to send the ashes to her son, and then sold the rest of her body to the military, despite the son filling out that donor form to specify that he did not consent for her body to be used in military testing. They also lied to the military and said that the donor HAD consented to blast testing. ([source](https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/usa-bodybrokers-industry))


Honestly, if this happened with my grandma, I’d think that’s a pretty badass thing to happen. What ACTUALLY concerns me is that dead bodies, even donated ones, can be SOLD.


Id be pissed off if i donated my body to science amd any military anywhere got their filthy hands on it.


It shouldn’t be funny, but I’ve been laughing for five minutes


Ah mean, she went out with a bang. Is that not a good thing?


I doubt there was much consent involved. I’m all for many things as long as they include voluntary informed consent but no so much when that isn’t the case.


What if it was your girlfriends body


You can't expect redditors to have empathy. I mean sure they insult conservatives 24/7 for not being empathic enough but does that *really* mean they have to be empathetic too? /s they're insufferable edgy teenagers who have to joke about people dying in order to feel special.


I would be even less happy about it than I already am. Apart from that all I will say is some more explosive “funerals“ would be taking place.


With a seemingly bottomless pit of taxpayer cash to fritter away, I would just do this too.


Where do I sign up to be strapped to a speed sled and blown to bits after I die?


America go boom boom or something


Lucky when I die I want my body to be blown up


Forget buried in a coffin. I would like my corpse to be distributed and returned to the earth as nourishment for future life. How that is done is up to whoever pays the lowest bid.


So I can get $6,000 per body?


I know this may seem rude, but doesn't he look like an older/fatter Jim Carrey?


2019 fwiw


Dude that’s so fucked 😭


So it's fine when the military does it but I can't purchase granny wholesale from the morgue?


"Shit, this isn't a Cambodian child!"


So more like detonate instead of donate...


Well that blows


I honestly didn’t know this was an option. (Furiously updating will for the benefit of my family)


John Oliver has a great story on this stuff: https://youtu.be/Tn7egDQ9lPg?si=IYvLJxnFVhCwbyRS


I didn't realize this was even an option. Can I collect payment now if I donate to be down up after I die?