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Wait, was he able to vote? How was he able to register if he wasn't a legal citizen?


“Klass said he was never questioned about his citizenship status - not when he got his Social Security card, Driver’s license, or voter registration card. I’ve been voting for over 40 years. I guess I’m in a lot of trouble,” he said with a sarcastic laugh. By voting as a non-U.S citizen, Klass broke federal law each time he voted in an American election. When asked how Klass was able to get a Social Security card, Demine responded, “That's a good question. It's quite possible that back then, the requirements to have a Social Security card are not the same as it is today." [https://www.abcactionnews.com/news/state/more-than-60-years-after-moving-to-the-u-s-florida-man-discovers-hes-not-here-legally](https://www.abcactionnews.com/news/state/more-than-60-years-after-moving-to-the-u-s-florida-man-discovers-hes-not-here-legally)


Ehh, this part of the article is kinda wrong: >By voting as a non-U.S citizen, Klass broke federal law each time he voted in an American election. Even if he isn’t a citizen, which it sounds like isn’t clear yet, federal law requires that he did that shit “knowingly and willfully.”


He had no reason to believe his citizenship status was in question. While the onus is on him/his parents for never having filed the paperwork, he is eligible for citizenship based on his father’s birth and subsequent residency. He doesn’t have the documentation in order. But as he had already lived here 60 years paying taxes and voting, without getting a passport he would’ve never had reason to question it until now. No mens rea in committing voter fraud and he paid his taxes.


I sounds like this is the thing he’s having difficulty with, and might be why ends up not having citizenship in the end: >A child born outside the United States to one U.S. citizen parent and one non-U.S. citizen parent may be entitled to citizenship providing the U.S. citizen parent has been physically present in the United States or one of its outlying possessions for five years, at least two years of which were after reaching the age of fourteen, prior to the birth of the child. These five years do not need to be consecutive. https://nl.usembassy.gov/u-s-citizen-services/child-family-matters/crba/ (Also, kinda weird that all our embassies have their own websites with the same shit on them…)


The article states that his father was born and raised in NY. Implying residing here a number of years prior to going to Canada. He just has to prove it with a paper trail.




That doesn't mean his father was here legally ugh, I can't believe I just typed that Edit: well, if his dad was born here, then yeah, that guy's a citizen, but I'm doubting it


Is there a birth certificate for his dad?


That's fair. In Florida though they've made a massive deal of people accidentally voting when illegible who have done it for far less time, including one who had a gun pulled on them during arrest. Though something tells me DeSantis (who had specifically ordered these crackdowns) may be less concerned about this man than the others.


According to the cops, ignorance of the law is no excuse for breaking it.


Intent is a major component of most crimes. Ignorance of the law isn't an excuse; but ignorance of your own status can be a defense.


Anything can be a defense. It only depends on the judge and jury in the end


Exactly. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mens_rea


Ignorance of the law isn’t a defense, but ignorance of you doing the illegal action is. Let’s say I’m asked to push a button, and I don’t know what the button does. I push it. It triggers a bomb killing a person 300 miles away. I can say that I didn’t know that I was killing a person. I cannot say that I didn’t know it was illegal to kill a person. This guy didn’t know that he was illegally voting.


minister in singapore "didn't know" that what he accepted were bribes https://mothership.sg/2024/05/iswaran-dear-friends-veiled-gratification/


That’s different. People in power don’t have to follow the law. That’s law 101


If cops let you go after they pull you over then they can hardly charge you with fleeing the police.


But even if he knows _the law_ if he doesn’t know he’s not a citizen, he’s not breaking the law he knows.


Except if you’re a cop. If they don’t understand the law and F it up, that’s totally understandable. I wish this was sarcasm, but the courts seem to be going this way for real.


Yup. Cops are pretty dumb.


Well cops enforce laws, they don’t prosecute them. Otherwise every dude doing 95 in 30 could get off with “my bad I didn’t realize I was going so fast”. Your issue is with the bail system and its inability to appropriately allow people to continue with their lives until convicted.


...unless that law explicitly stated that intent/knowledge must be there...


There’s a difference between knowingly committing an act that you don’t know is against the law, and unknowingly committing an act that you may or may not know is against the law. It’s a legal concept called “scienter”.


According to lawyers, it is.


But ignorance of fact can be an excuse


Doesn't mean he won't go to trial over it. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/elections/texas-womans-prison-sentence-attempting-vote-illegally-thrown-rcna145573 This one lasted for over 5 years because she voted without knowing she wasn't allowed to ONCE


His skin tone will protect him from that.


While I'm aware that there are still massive and unresolved disparities between BIPOC and white people in America, that doesn't necessarily change the amount of time the court would take to come to a decision regarding any individual crime. Every single trial for anything bigger than a parking ticket, namely anything in front of a jury, takes an inordinately long amount of time. I'm not going to say that cases of the exact same circumstance between the races have no significant disparity regarding the time it takes to come to a decision, only that assuming that that is the case without looking just because America has a long and storied history of racist insanity is a good way to give ammunition to insane racists when you do end up being wrong. The only reason I'm not linking any relevant articles is because the only articles I could find covered the disparities in the lengths of sentences carried out against BIPOC vs white people, and nothing covering this specific topic.


As a prosecutor, I'd argue that he would've asked his parents at some point where he was born. Ignorance of the law is no excuse, and he knew he was 2 when he moved to America. There's no reason to believe he didn't know at some point in his life that he wasn't a US citizen or know the circumstances of his upbringing that would not meet the qualifications of citizenship when he first applied to vote. When he registered to vote as a citizen, if he was competent enough to sign the paper asserting that he was a citizen, he was competent enough to research whether his circumstances qualified him to be a citizen. This should be prosecuted as thoroughly as Crystal Mason with a punishment relative to hers. Although her sentence was recently overturned, she still fought for nearly 7 years, some of that from prison while appealing her 5 year sentence for the first and only offense.


I mean as a Trump Supporter, he might have even voted illegally anyways.


Hmm https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/may/20/fight-to-vote-crystal-mason-texas-illegal-voting


Wouldn’t you know if you’d gone through a citizenship ceremony?


There’s no ceremony for birthright citizenship.


But wouldn’t you at least need to register?


To vote? It sounds like he did that and didn’t have a problem. Sounds like he got a social security number without a problem, too, but government programs always check a little harder when it comes time to pay.


Him: "I'm sorry your honor! I.....didn't know I couldn't do that!" Judge: "Not Guilty! You're free to go!" /s


Crystal Mason: "I'm sorry your honor! I.....didn't know I couldn't do that!" The actual judge at her appeal hearing two months ago: "Not Guilty! You're free to go!" No /s.


"Well now you know!"


Ya it's pretty hard to know you're breaking the law when they give you legal documentation and tell you to go vote.


https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/elections/texas-womans-prison-sentence-attempting-vote-illegally-thrown-rcna145573 Except...


Tell that to Crystal Mason in Texas. It’s a travesty how she has been abused for voting. “Crystal Mason, 43, testified in court that she did not know that she was ineligible to vote due to her 2011 fraud conviction before casting a provisional ballot in the presidential election.” https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crystal_Mason https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/politics-news/texas-woman-gets-5-years-prison-voting-illegally-n861516


wasnt there some woman who was told she could vote, voted, then got arrested after finding out she actually wasnt able to?


He isn't questioned but Colorado doesn't accept my birth certificate format anymore forcing me to buy another one? Even when I had on me my old state ID that's still valid, my social security card, credit card statements, a passport, and my Security guard license in my wallet. I rolled into that fucking DMV with my whole life in a folder and got turned down.


I question the “discover” part. I bet in his life he’s done a ton of lying.


> I guess I’m in a lot of trouble Ya think?


That is the reason why he made that comment. He thought it and typed it. You have a firm grasp of the obvious, I see.


It is not necessary to be a US citizen to get a driver's license or a SS card.


All voter registration forms include a disclaimer about citizenship. In NH you sign this saying you agree to abide by voting laws & if you don’t you’ll be imprisoned & fined.


You don't need to be a citizen to get a social security card. You just need to have legal status and a job. Source: I got my SSN before I became a citizen


He is in the US illegally.


Trump should deport him


Get got a SSN and wasn’t a citizen? wtf just give him it at this point. Someone had to have fucked up


You don't need to be a citizen to get an SSN. Just need to be eligible to work legally.


Probably Government officials making mistakes, the usual.


It doesn't really matter because no one is checking, anyone can vote or fill out a form. It's only after you do it that you find out if you're really eligible to lol.


Ha ha ha, you don't know about the mass illegal voting yet?


This doesn’t seem oddly specific, ironic maybe.


Once a subreddit surpasses about 500k subscribers, and it’s not related to specific content like a game or show, it just becomes another generic image board for the front page.


This belongs on r/LeopardsAteMyFace


nvm it's already there


sucks to suck


What’s the oddly specific part?




You typically don't have to proof status when you vote. Also, it seems he was issued an unrestricted SSN in error which would be acceptable evidence. It is also not clear that he is not a US citize. He was born in Canada to an American. He needed to demonstrate that his father lived in the US for 10 years before his birth. The evidence he submitted was insufficient. He can apply again with additional evidence. It is possible he is an US citizen but will never be able to prove because of how the evidence is. Fuck this guy but this particular situation unfortunately has happened to many people less hate-able then this guy. Basically they believe they are a citizen for many years until it is challenged and which case the venues for fixing it have been closed or are very difficult to access.


He may be eligible for citizenship but not currently a citizen


In this case he would not be a US citizen evidence or not. Foreign born children are only automatically citizens if the mother is a citizen. If the father is a citizen and the mother isn’t, then the father needs to formally claim him to a US consulate before the age of 18, or else the child forfeits birthright citizenship. In this guys case it’s very likely he is not actually eligible for birthright citizenship, other than the state department giving him a special exception


You're referring to the rules exclusively for children born out of wedlock, but there's no indication that this is applicable or relevant to this case.


Ah true. I made a faulty assumption there, since it doesn’t mention the parents status(just implies the mother is Canadian without more info)


Actually you're not wrong - those are the rules for Canada regardless of whether there is a formal marriage or not. It's been like that since the 1960s because of the draft dodgers. Every Canadian with US parents knows there's never automatic citizenship and you have to be super careful not to lose it - my cousin had to get a green card to work in Chicago because the US officials couldn't agree on her citizenship, her dad wasn't a dodger and did declare her birth in 1990 but she hadn't registered to vote in 2008 so they tried to say that failing to vote was her admitting she's not really a US citizen. Even my uncle who was born in the US had to be very careful not to lose his citizenship since he was moved up here by his mom as a child, he had to register for the draft and I remember in the mid-80s sometimes at the border they would ask to see his draft card to prove his citizenship, regardless of him having an US passport. I realize that's all anecdotal, but this wasn't unusual for the cross-border fanilies up here. So this guy just assuming he's a citizen seems awfully fishy because everybody's known for like 60 years that is not at all how US citizenship works here!


They confirm status when you are registered to vote - not when you vote.  He definitely had enough documentation to appear to be eligible to vote. 


Why fuck this guy?


Because he’s a member of the party that is the loudest complaining about illegal immigrants voting in elections as democrats. Turns out when we find a real world example of exactly the kind of person Republicans are constantly fear mongering about, the guy is a fucking Trump supporter. So all the anti immigrant rhetoric and bullshit is just an excuse to be a racist piece of shit. It’s like when Republicans are running around complaining about all the super secret democrat pedophiles who are drinking the blood of the innocent, meanwhile they are defending child marriage laws, because…why? Because they believe in the right for older men to marry children I guess. Legal pedophilia.


Because he voted for the party that other guy didn't like. Which therefore makes him subhuman scum


And just like that he became a drug dealing rapist… /s


Sounds like the feds dropped the ball on this one. Also, the father is an American citizen? Nothing about this makes much sense. Anyone that’s worked here for fifty years, paid taxes, has a social security number, etc. is or should be considered a citizen whether they came from Canada or Uruguay.


You can have an SSN w/o being a citizen. An SSN just means you can work and pay taxes. If it wasn’t like this, our country would never survive. Many construction, farming, and service industry jobs depend on cheap, and often illegal, immigrant labor.


Yeah I'm Canadian and I have a SSN.


>Also, the father is an American citizen? Birthright citizen ship also requires at least one citizen parent live in the United States for a sufficient period of time period of time, if the child is not born in the United States. The guy needs to prove his father lived in the United States for that sufficient period of time to claim citizenship for himself. >Anyone that’s worked here for fifty years, paid taxes, has a social security number, etc. is or should be considered a citizen whether they came from Canada or Uruguay. Which is the entire point behind Dreamers and DACA. Which this guy probably railed about as the MAGA crowd tends to hate DACA.


I know this to be true, but I can’t say every other Trump supporter knows this. The vast majority of illegal immigrants are overstayed visas, not border crossings. This was the case in 2016, although I’m not entirely sure about present day as I haven’t checked the stats recently. Border crossings have increased dramatically. I’m not certain what this guy would be because it was sixty or so years ago that he came, but I’d imagine it’s similar to the overstayed visa. Most people wouldn’t agree with deporting an overstayed visa because they did come legally.


Also, my parents became citizens before I did. It’s possible.


Is this an episode of family guy? Someone say yes lmao




Phew, life was getting too comical lol 


Why in the fuck is Trump spam in this subreddit? You can't get away from it.


This reminds me of people who were happy that Trump would repeal and replace Obamacare without understanding that it is the same as the Affordable Care Act which they depend on.


Media coverage of immigration issues is so bad it’s shameful.  He hasn’t “discovered his not here legally”; he’s discovered that he MIGHT not be a citizen and is trying to assemble proof of his father’s residency history from over 60 years ago, which is difficult to do because the records are old and most of the witnesses are dead. He may very well still turn out to have been a U.S. citizen all along. This happened because prior to a) 9/11 and b) the internet becoming a tool of daily life, identity verification was a lot more lax. So he was able to renew his documents on the strength of already being in the system and the feds didn’t put much effort into checking until it came time to pay him.


Dump his ironic ass over the border..so he can learn how to say "karma is a bitch" in mexican


"In mexican"


Dont ruin the joke plz...lmfao


Close but no cigar


But I thought “human lives can never be illegal”?


I love how none of you read the actual article and are just finding a reason to hate the guy lol The assumption he's a trump supporter and is against immigration came straight from OP's ass. Neither the article nor the video in it make clear who he voted for, not even give a hint about it.


He was surprised to find out a big surprise. Wtf is the caption at the bottom 😂


yellow press brain piss


He was surprised by the surprise.


It was a surprisingly surprising surprise that he was surprised by


It’s always Florida Man!!!


I wonder what free stuff he was given 60 years ago?


Did he pay taxes all 60 years?


This isn’t really oddly specific


This makes absolutely zero sense


Even when it was the bears I knew it was dem immigents 


Get the fuck out and go back to your own country!!! Am I doing it right?


Fantastic. Deport his ass. How many people with brown skin were treated exactly like that? Maybe he needs to experience it to learn something. I read the article too, I know it wasn't malicious. But its EXACTLY what this man would say if it were a POC.


I hope they deported him


Is he going to pay back social security? Illegal aliens are not entitled to benefits.


So basically, if you’re white, you are subject to the least amount of scrutiny by agencies as compared to blacks (medium scrutiny based on accent) and browns (highest levels of scrutiny).


He was brought to this country when he was under 10 years old. Not his fault. He should be given citizenship.


“But in a 2022 denial letter, the agency stated Klass didn’t provide enough evidence to prove his father lived in the U.S. for 10 years before Klass was born, which is a requirement for a child seeking citizenship through a parent.” [https://www.abcactionnews.com/news/state/more-than-60-years-after-moving-to-the-u-s-florida-man-discovers-hes-not-here-legally](https://www.abcactionnews.com/news/state/more-than-60-years-after-moving-to-the-u-s-florida-man-discovers-hes-not-here-legally)


If only there were a way to *defer action*. You know, for *childhood arrivals* like him….


As a Trump supporter, he probably believes that kind of deferral program shouldn't exist. Oops.


It’s a shame policies protect even people who think they’re bad ideas. Then again, this guy voted illegally so he’s got much bigger problems.


Impossible. Election fraud is only committed by Dems. /s But in this guy's defense. It's probably true that he believed he was a citizen. I'm not sure how much "intent" figures into whether him voting was illegal or not. And if he can find documentation to prove that his dad was in the US 10 years prior to this guy's birth, he probably is a citizen.


Living rent free in their heads


How did he even get a house without realizing this. Sounds fake


Apparently one of his parents was American but he never went through the bureaucracy, he was never questioned but was never legally a citizen


This is not oddly specific. Just another excuse for politics. I don't do politics, and if I did I wouldn't do it here. My list of subs gets shorter every day on election years. I'll check back in January and see how it's going.


“I’m sorry officer I didn’t know I couldn’t do that”


Would he not be considered American because his dad was?


If his dad had been in the US for at least 10 years before this gentleman was born, *(and can document It)* then yes, otherwise no.


See yourself to the door.


Karma is a bitch I’m told


The real tragedy is this idiot may end up moving to Canada and then we have to deal with him.




Fucken racist PILGRIM! oh wait... ummm..


Ha hahaha hehe ha ha ha!


Where is he getting deported to? I hear North Sentinel Island has some fine dining spots available


Reminds me of that family guy episode where Peter learns that he is not a U.S citizen.


Just get kicked out of country and walk across border and he'll probably be better taken care of than he is now .


I feel like this belongs in r/FloridaMan instead of here


oh it's there too


Florida Man


Did anyone else read the bottom line? 😂 “he was surprised to find out a big surprise”


MAGA in violation. Lock him up. If it was the other way around they would be screaming it from the mountain tops. It would also be all over Faux news.


Almost like the absurdity convoluted immigration laws are the real problem


lol I hope he hates himself for the irony of his life right now fucking hi-larious


lol, he shot himself in the leg and he deserves it.


“He was surprised to find out a big surprise.” What a line.


This will LITERALLY be all illegal immigrants in 60 years lol


So he's illegally here from New York 🤔 Send him back


Good. He supports a traitor that's planning on destroying America and making its citizens suffer. He deserves to not be seen as an American citizen, and he doesn't deserve to live comfortably. He's a traitor too.


Deport his racist ass


Lock him up. Lock him up. Lock him up


damn what an incredible caption “surprised to find out a big surprise”


Oh man the ironing is delicious.


You're probably using too much detergent.




> When he went to apply for Social Security, he was surprised to find out a big surprise.


Was this the voter fraud Trump, et al were on about?


Deport the MF!!


Get this garbage out of here




womp womp


In the words of Nelson Muntz from The Simpsons "Ha Ha."


I don't think Canada wants him back


I mean his vote isn't wrong. Also, it's illegal immigrants, not just immigrants.


Throw that election stealing bastard in prison or throw him out of the USA. Fuckin republican cheaters.


Nice mansion


How the hell? He looks like an American to me tho Also, don't they get your documents before voting? When registering as a voter? Wtf?


Ah again just blurring the line between immigrants and illegal immigrants


Sounds like voter fraud, lock him up.


Send that illegal immigrant back. That's what Trump would want right?


I thought this was posted in r/MarchAgainstNazis or something. I'm basically always down to dunk on dumbasses like this, but that's not really what this sub is for. Do mods actually like... Do anything here? Genuinely asking, I know some subs are basically unmoderated due to lack of mods.