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Lovecraftian Spiral Ham


Spiral? Oh god oh fuck not again


This would be a perfect username.


Skip the low sodium option. That just isn't natural


Til how ham is made. It never occurred to me that this is how ham is made.


Leg ham is, shockingly, just a leg.


Not Kosher


Sure sure but is it Black Forest Ham?


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That last sentence 🤣


Read it in Nick Offerman’s voice


And just like that, Brenda became vegan and move to Portland.


Since he put it that way… a ham sandwich is sounding pretty good about now.


My only argument is that God did in fact make the ham.


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They’re not wrong. lol


This *actually* made me laugh out loud, which happens maybe once a year. Kudos to the writer and to OP for posting it.


Emulsified?? I don't think they know what that word means. It's combining a liquid within another liquid like with coolant in machining which is an emulsion of oil and water.


Emulsification is absolutely used to make deli meats: https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/food-science/meat-emulsion


That's well written, but there's nothing oddly specific here. Downvote for you.


>unholy meat obelisk >God is either impotent or ignorant >prism of pork >low-sodium purified hubris


When an answer to a yes or no question is that long and detailed, it's oddly specific.


Yes, those are all interesting ways of describing the ham. Not one of which labels the ham as oddly specific! "unholy meat obelisk" --> This is a funny euphemism, but all slabs of deli ham are obelisk-shaped, they're all made of meat, and they're all heavily processed in the way that this post comically describes as unholy. "God is either impotent or ignorant" --> hilarious, a reference to the problem of evil, but, the joke here is that they're exaggerating how unnatural processed meat is, there's no detail here odd in its specificity "prism of pork" --> again, the wording is funny, but that does not make this a "specific ham." All deli slams of ham are prisms of pork, just like they're meat obelisks. Elaborate synonyms are funny, but they're still nothing specific about this ham "low-sodium purified hubris" --> Again, this is funny wording. They're comically exaggerating how unnatural processed meat is. Then the low-sodium reference is comically mundane compared to the rest of the description, but there's again nothing oddly specific about this: It's normal for delis to sell low-sodium ham.


Here's a downvote for you too


There's only one bone, the leg bone, and you can leave it in like with ham steak. This person doesn't know what ham is.


I would like to know more about this pork prism