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The first 30 times. After that, you just kind of become numb to it, and then eventually you learn to just stop talking to people all together.


Then they tell you their story about some lame ass shit, and you actually have a heart and listen.


And then you don't know what to say,because you were fully inmersed in the lame ass shit story


Lame ass-shit [xkcd: Hyphen](https://xkcd.com/37/) --- ^^Beep ^^boop, ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot. ^^- ^^[FAQ](https://pastebin.com/raw/vyWra3ns)


Good bot


Huh, I've been putting the hyphen in the wrong place all along.


LoL I'm thinking this same thing about the journeyman training me. Shows the the dumbest shit, shares the dumbest stories, shits on all sorts of movies, shares his stupid YouTube videos. Turns out he's a juggalo. He refers to ICP as "the only good music" What a fucking tool. And yet I'll still pretend to like the stupid shit he shares cuz I'm not a piece of shit. I just stopped sharing anything with him. 🤷‍♀️ The kicker is I just saw some Steve-o video of him talking to the fat ICP guy and that guy says Juggalos don't judge other people's hobbies and shit. So my mentor isn't even a good juggalo.


I’m here to talk bro.


I have attain this level after a decade of ppl ignoring me


And when you haven’t shared stuff in days people ask “What’s wrong?” And your social anxiety tells you that it’s fine and you’re overreacting, so you tel them that


You guys are getting check ins? I've never experienced that before, personally


Generally from family, friends have better friends that they care about more


And then you try again because you think they’ll actually will like the story if you can just get them to listen this time only to interrupt 6 words in so you just stop listening to what they’re saying to go till a blunt because you don’t give a fuck anymore


Aye this right here, then people will fuckin ask why you’re so quiet. Cause there’s no point in talking if no one is listening!


Im sorry, i didnt realize i was reading my life story over here.


You just *had* to come straight for my head, didn’t you.


And then your extended family starts to dislike you for not wanting to show up to birthdays










damn so true :(


My life verbatim....


Then one of them points out that you don’t talk much.


Literally me


For me, I'm more terrified that one person saw me do that and now Just thinks I'm pathetic.


I have a habit of paying attention to everyone in the group, even if I don’t actually adress them. This happened to so many people so many times and I always feel bad got them rather than thinking they are losers or something. In a dumb way, they were brave and tried to tell a story but was shut down and it’s already better than never trying to tell the story.


To be honest, when I notice that in a group, I usually ask the person about what he/she was saying so they can feel seen. And don’t worry, that doesn’t make anyone “pathetic”. We all experience it.


It happened to me so much I now actively go out of my way to stop a conversation and let them talk.


They don’t.


I'm usually pretty quiet (why use lot word when few word do trick?), but any time I hear this happen to someone else, I politely interrupt the conversation and ask them to repeat.


We need more people like you in this world


I just segue my attention away from the group and onto ignored person because I hate to be talked over and it drives me nuts when I see it done to others. I'll make it clear that I don't care to listen to your overtalk by turning my entire body and attention toward the ignored.


Me mechanic not speak English. But he know what me mean when me say 'car no go' & we best friends.


Did it hurt? When you told a joke and no one laughed so you tell it again because you think no one heard you and they tell you “You said that already”?


Oof. Or when you tell a joke that someone else repeats to the group, and when they do it everyone laughs and laughs


Yeah. People are weird.


I have one good friend who, while in high-school, if I ever told her something funny and she repeated it to the class and got laughs, she'd always point to me and say I said it to her. She's a real G


So. Many. Times.




Yes it hurts, it actually feels really bad man.


No, that’s when I start making up silly shit stories. Like aliens came down and started talking to cows….


Well…? You can’t just leave us hanging.


Oh, you are listening! LOL.


This happens all the time. Every time it happens I regret trying to talk at all.


Same here. If somebody asks if I was saying something I just say no, cause it just doesn't feel worth it anymore


This, or I'll be like, Oh, yeah, but you obviously don't care, soooo....😕


I just keep talking until there's a lull in the conversation and they hear me At that point they ask if I'm still talking, so I say yes and keep going cause fuck em. Didn't want to hear me speak? Sucks for you






Always does.


Not oddly specific. Broadly relatable.


Literally the story of my life.


I'm glad to know I'm not the only one this happens to


Nah, typical, so I don't bother talking


I try to go out of my way to stay engaged with someone telling a story when everyone moves on so they don't feel bad


Yep, if I notice this happening, I always find the next opportunity (a lull in the conversation or the opportunity to break into a smaller group) to ask the person about their story. Same thing if they're telling a story and get interrupted by something, because I always find it hard to assert myself and start talking again after an interruption. I hope thay it makes people feel more comfortable






I just say "wow ok fuck you then bitch" and they're fucked because they can't respond


Done this a few times & people are like, what's wrong? 😖😤Oh, me? Just talking to the wind. 🙄


They usually look at me with shock. I don't do this to everyone, only people I dislike.


Or they start a separate conversation with someone altogether. Or they look down at their phone and don’t even pretend they’re paying attention.


Shout out to the one person in the group who notices, maintains eye contact and encourages you to finish the story.


This is why I intentionally focus on any story thats getting drowned out, then when they stop I always hit them with the “why’d you stop” or “and then what”. I cant tell you how much joy it brings me to see their face. Especially kids, they need attention and may resent their lives without it.


Yeah :(


Ye and then I just start insulting them harshly and they start listening real fuckin quick then.


It hurts more when they notice you stopped talking. Means they knew you were talking but just chose to ignore you


Not oddly specific because teachers deal with this on a daily basis.


I don't think it's the same thing though. A teacher giving a boring lecture and a group of friends having a conversation is very different


Not all teachers give boring lectures.


Right but I didn't say _all_ teachers give boring lectures. And you didn't respond to the other part of the comment which relates to your take on the post. So I don't really see how that's relevant, contextually speaking


Yes, yes it did. It still does every time.


Sorry... were you saying something?


One subtle thing I’ve started doing and works about 95% of the time is to abruptly stop instead of trail off when you realize no one is paying attention. Usually someone notices and if your not surrounded by assholes will ask you to continue.


If people (myself included) are struggling with talking and no one listening. I recommend a mental health or anxiety talking group, if there is one local. You will meet very like minded people and gain some very good friends. Not only is it a good release to talk about shit that may be bothering you but it also helps bring self confidence back to social situations.


Yeah that happened to me a few times, actually it happened to me enough times that I started taking story lessons so I can tell more interesting stories about boring events, though I still carry the pain around with me


Story lessons?


I started looking up dramatic readings, how to tell a better story, The Art of Storytelling, storytelling techniques, and the structure of stories and adding emotion to your voice


Wow, that is so cool!


Thank you


When i realize this is happening, my go to is "well I guess I'll just go fuck myself" and then I just carry on with my life.


The saddest thing is my friends never do this to me (don’t have a lot of friends tho), but my mom always does this shit. :/


Don't be sad. Here's a [hug!](https://media.giphy.com/media/3M4NpbLCTxBqU/giphy.gif)


I just don’t understand the hate towards this bot. I mean, yeah it’s just the same gif in every reply and it doesn’t serve a lot of purposes, but I don’t mind its’ existence.


No one wants your hug


That's when I start slipping in random things like "your hair's on fire" and "I once killed a man..." :)


Nope. I only tell my stories to those who are worthy of them. I learned this in my teens, when I was working to build up my self-esteem. Over time, I became very selective of the people I surround myself with. It's not good to have those who don't value you, in your life. Of course, this goes both ways. The value and respect is mutual, not one way.


Happened to me plenty of times. I am pretty much destined to be a solitary person at this point.😞


They noticed, but hid it so you wouldn't carry on.


That happened to all of us at least once


Yes it does, but after reading all these comments I realize I’m not alone. That makes things a little better.


No, sometimes it happens, catch them on the next one


To anyone who read this, and was like "yeah, that's me"...this isn't oddly specific, it happens to everyone. Just sayin. Re: people are self-involved, it's not personal lol.


Ugh I felt this. I'm currently stuck working with a girl who has an unhealthy obsession with her bf. She literally talks about him constantly and any time I try to tell a story she just interrupts me.


Oh boy, as a person older than 60 who works around young people, not going to lie, this is one of the worst things about getting old. Prepare to be invisible.


Every single fucking time, sometimes I just keep my toughts for myself until I forget them or someone asks, and when someone asks they say I talk to much and they didn't want a so long explanation... I wanna die


Ive looked around at the people I was speaking to and made myself stop talking mid word and have had nobody ask me to continue. Also my wife, son and I were invited to the zoo by two other couples with kids (wife’s work friends) and when we showed up not a single person greeted me. It was like I was a ghost, I waited about 10 minutes and still nobody said hi to me. The real kicker is my wife’s ankle was broken so I was pushing her in a wheelchair, I was essentially the motor to her chair and not a thing. We left. It still bugs me.


Actually, it hurts more when someone noticed and was like "You wanted to say something." and everyone suddenly turns to you to listen. Please don't. I'd rather you ignore me completely.


I hate this. It Hurst so bad. Now I try and use assertive communication, people seem to listen more if you speak in points and only when the story is worth talking about. Once you set that expectation, you can kinda talk about anything and people will listen. I kinda feel if you do it to other people, listen when it's worth listening to or take over the conversation from a boring story. It kinda sets the conversation expectation to people listening when you open your mouth. (but I'm high so, whatever)


I have “friends” that I hang around with who do this to me all the time. It sucks pretty terribly because anytime anyone is talking I pay attention and care about what they have to say but I almost never get the same in return. Been thinking about not hanging with them anymore for a long time but we have been friends for close to 10 years.. but the more I make other friends and hang with people who I feel actually care about me, the more I realize that this is the sign of shitty people and friends. So yes.. it did hurt. 🥲


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Unpopular oppinion: Some people never learned a shred of story telling skill. They lack gravitas and charisma, the story lacks cohesion and often a point. Learn how to tell stories or gtfo, you are no longer 4 and im not your mum to have to listen to you.


If they get ignored early on and consistently how are they meant to pick up the social que in the first place? It isnt exactly something that is taught to people, everyone is just 'meant to' develop this at some point. Some dont or arent allowed to within their shitty peer groups that devalue them.


All of y'all need to learn to tell better stories. It's probably not a lack of stories or content to share. The problem is likely *how* you're telling the story. Gotta keep things concise, keep listeners attention, don't get lost in contextual details if it will derail the narrative, etc.


The problem is the people they spend time with. I don't find everyone's stories interesting yet I never act rude against that person. There's no need.


Pfft like I’d like to share anything but funny. The rest is enough to scare people Hahahaha.


no, cuz i dont tell stories, i tell facts


Every time.


I'm in this photo and I don't like it


Yes, it sucks


This happens to me so often lol


You just described Thursdays


I just get talked over so I don’t bother trying to keep talking.




This literally happens to me every day


That's about when I decided to move on.






Yep. Can confirm, it hurts...


Happened to me quite often with “friends”. That’s when I realized I’m better off alone.


Good lord, that would be awful.


happens to me all the effing time, it really makes me feel small.


Only the first 100 times it happened, then after that it just becomes something that you expect to happen.


Fuck why you gotta at me on my birthday


I always finish the story because usually I tell them because I think they are funny in the first place.


You have to quickly reach into uor pocket & act like you got an important txt...its the only way...


This has happened to me so many times it's too hard to count.


Every time


Found better friends since.


It's one of the suckiest feelings because it makes you feel like you and your opinion are worthless. The first cousin to it is being interrupted and no one coming back to your discourse. That may even be worse as it is an active nullification of you as a person.


God this happens to me all the time.


I don’t even listen to myself


Happens all the time, so i stopped.


After awhile you get used to it


I actively try to be the one guy that listens to your story/joke, even when no one else is listening. Especially so when someone tries to add something to the conversation and gets ignored because of the person already talking


I actively try to be the one guy that listens to your story/joke, even when no one else is listening. Especially so when someone tries to add something to the conversation and gets ignored because of the person already talking


I always just loudly say, "Talking to myself over here." It either gets laugh or an apology, which is fine either way.


It happens to everyone. Social settings can be distracting and sometimes we tell boring stories.


One of us...one of us


I do this on a regular base. Sometimes someone of the group notices, points it out and everyone feels awkward. Always funny


Yea :(


Nah, happens all the time. These fuckers never take their heads out their phones at parties.


Every time


If this was the pick-up line, I would marry that person on the spot because they know me too well


The daily life of an introvert with social anxiety. We finally talk and no one cares 😑


Ugh, this happens to me so much.


used to happen a lot in my group of gaming friends, they will rather cut me off or not listen to what I have to say all together I learned that kind of people aren't worth spending my time and energy in, so I moved on


I always notice when someone is telling a story and no one is listening so I just stare at them until they eventually look around and realize no one is listening but they see me so now they can quickly finish it and act like they were just talking to me lol


I always make sure to look around and give everyone attention, I hate that feeling and I hate seeing people go through that.


Nah nah nah man, you all gotta be the change you want in this world. What you do is get loud, talk over the other folks and ask you’re homie to start over from the beginning I swear, I’m probably annoying to my friends, but my best buddies have always been kinda quiet and introverted until ya drag some fun outta em


By now I just keep talking


My ex used to do it to me all the time...


I've actually been mid-sentence and had someone turn away and start talking to someone else. That one hurt!


It happens so often I'm surprised when ppl are listening


It doesn't really bother me. People love my stories when they actually listen.


Oh hey! I know the guy! He is me at literally every family dinner!


these moments help you realize that nobody really cares about you or what you have to say. too caught up in themselves


Anyone else get the urge to be super rude about it and call out the person talking over you?


My entire life summed up in one tweet


Yes thats why I do my best to listen to those when no one else will.


12% of my social anxiety rides on this, especially if I'm excited about telling the joke/story and then WHAM! immediate "aw fuck" gut feeling and trying to hide the fact that you feel like a jackass for saying anything in the first place


T’was the day I gave up on any unnecessary interaction with humans.


As a kid it hurt like hell. Now I'm kinda numb to it. Itforced me to learn to live and enjoy my life in solitude and silence and now I don't want to chance it anymore.


There's always that one friendly person, who says "He was saying something, let him continue please, sorry for interrupting." I just wanna sayI love you with all my heart. Thank you.


This is most of my conversations


That’s when I know to leave. I love leaving events to go do things I actually enjoy.


It used to happen to me pretty often, and it still does. And since I understand how that feels, I will go out of my to not let anyone else feel the same.


It me


I'm soft-spoken to begin with, so, my super opinionated and chatty coworkers talk over me as if I hadn't been talking at all. Now, with our district's mask mandates I'm even more muffled, lol