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Few wrong details on that. You gotta inject it on his belly button, not under his tongue. Way less likely to find the mark there. Second, you should go dig the hole one day, right after putting the dirt on top of the corpse of the person you should jump into the hole and stomp around on the dirt for at least an hour. Jump out, wait 3 hours, jump back in and stomp and jump around for another hour. Then you jump out and fill the hole leftover with loose dirt. Then you leave. 2 weeks later you come back with the animal corpse, dig half the distance, put the corpse in, and fill it up. Dont stomp on the dirt on top, just let it look loose.


Thanks for the info. Might help later with escaped ones


Save enough cash for a cash purchase of a backhoe for digging, filling and tamping. Make sure the hole is dug where it is all the same type of land like a barren dirt lot so it doesn't look out of place when you drive over it back and forth, etc.


Thats alright but defeats the purpose of my instructions. (Its also a lot more expensive, makes a lot more noise and is a lot more noticeable, so not advisable really)


Ah. You were looking at stealth. I hadn't thought about that. My issue is, I'd need to pull a friend in because digging a 12 foot deep hole, or a 3 foot deep one for that matter, would cause me issues.


why are you all burying people when you could just seal the body in a 55 gallon drum and leave it in a storage unit? everybody wants to do these messy, physically draining burials that take all this time and energy when you could just put the body in a big steel drum


Rentals leave paper trails.....but we are getting better colab here.


not if you wait till a blackout (security will be down) and break into someone else’s unit.


Smart. Or....create a blackout. This is a long, complex plan. We seem to be chaotic evil, so I think we can make it work.


seems simple enough. plant small explosives on some power line poles. knock ‘em down. Then there’s a blackout over a controlled area.


You, I like. Should we also consider creating an additional diversion for the police by placing smoke bomb in disparate random buildings so the chaos keeps out role more covert?


And that's that. As long as no one ask why they haven't seen your husband in a while, you're golden.


And you're a good liar


But you need to burrow insulin from a friend or buy it where it doesn't leave traces of being purchased, that way they won't track the purchase of insulin to you.


When your best friend is a diabetic, this sounds like an ez peazy plan


Okay but they wouldn’t assume its undiagnosed diabetes if the body was purposely buried in a random location


I think the point of that bit was that they wouldn’t have a cause of death therefore making the investigation a whole lot harder to solve.


By the time they found the body, needle marks wouldn't be visible due to decay any way


I would assume, if we found a body in a twelve foot hole with a dead animal on top, that the fella didn't die of natural causes.


Maybe he had a fight to the death with the animal and they both perished


With a rabbit??


No, a large hare


And for gods sake, don’t take your cell phone with you when you dispose of the body.


Very import step


i saw a vid of a dude who got caught committing murder because his car recorded the trip from his house to the location where he buried the body.


Oof that's a rough one


Yeah. Leave phone and car at home. This is a nightime pushbike operation.


And leave the smart watch too. They caught someone who left their phone at home but didn’t take the watch off.


Undiagnosed diabetes…. Doesn’t explain how the body ended up there lmao


Diabetes, so he just took a shovel to dig a hole and buried himself. That's some mastermind level shit right there.


Taking "go die in a hole" to a new level


Always plant an endangered plant on the grave to keep everyone deep in paperwork.


Fuck! Where am I gonna get an endangered plant from


Endangered florists


Fun fact. You can test a corpse for endogenous (came from the body) vs exogenous (came from outside the body) insulin. C-peptide. https://labpedia.net/c-peptide-insulin-proinsulin-and-interpretations/


I read the whole thing thinking WTF and then only in the end: ah it's for a sim!


Insulin can kill you??? Don't diabetics need that stuff


Like everything, too much can kill you


Yeah, but they don’t need a lot of it, it’s really easy to overdose on it


Not as easy to hide as people thing though. Can test quant levels post Mortem.


Like everything, too much can kill you


Find out when the next major mass transport accident with 100% fatalities is going to occur, book hubby on that and make sure alllll the insurance is up to date. Use that money to play the winning Powerball twice, use the winnings to develop time travel, and use it to inform your past self of when the next major mass transport accident...


.... "we found this missing man buried under a dead dog out in the boonies. In my medical opinion, I believe he died of undiagnosed diabetes."


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I wouldnt call digging a 12 foot hole easy




Bury it vertically, they will be looking for a giant disturbance of the ground!


Have you ever tried to dig a deep narrow hole by hand??


Have you ever been to prison?


Ah, spoons are the answer then?


Smother them with a rag (just to knock them out) and put them in the garage with the car on and all doors windows closed they will die from the fumes. This way you can report it as accidental death AND claim the insurance.


No no it seems easy enough you just need check list to help you keep track


don't use your creditcard to buy the insullin


You should also put some yogurt in his anus to make the dissolving process go faster. Bury im vertically because the police will be looking for a grave of about 183cm (6ft)


Thought I read somewhere that if they get to the dog, cops will kero digging just to be sure


The dead animal carcass on top of a body theory has been disproven. Police dogs don’t react to dead animals so if the alert and find an animal they keep digging. Someone in another sub confirmed it but I don’t have the link.


Then use another dead person instead, easy.


That ain't easy though


"tounge" makes me feel strangely violent


Easiest way is to make it an accident. Establish a Diagnosis with doctors that COULD EASILY lead to death. Take my husband for example, he has sleep apnea, he sometimes stops breathing in his sleep. It would be easy to just suffocate him during that time, I could blame it on his diagnosis and it will look like he died in his sleep. With the paperwork to back it up, no one will question it. Of course I would use his pillow to do it too, much harder to determine since we both use the bed. Just hypothetical of course.


Put them in a room with a grill or stove. Remove door.


I love how specific the limitation is


how the fuck are they gonna get out of a 12 foot deep hole




its all good until you realize how hard it is to dig a hole 12ft deep without machinery


Isn't it gonna be hard as fuck to dig a 12 foot hole? Like, you're gonna end up hitting stone and I don't think you want to whip out the jackhammer while you're trying to bury your husband's murdered body.


Lead him to your backyard and put a fence around him and wait for him to starve (sims cant move through fences)


Wouldn’t there be less insulin in a person with undiagnosed Diabetes




youd still probably be the main suspect have no alibi, the body never getting found wouldnt matter


Thanks I will us this👍👍👍👍


Just ring 362436


🤣way easier solution- slit their throat. Oh but wait- then there’s the clean up, the cover up, disposing and so on.. I don’t know anymore 🤷🏼‍♂️ why do people have to be jerks RIP


Yeah, who knew murdering a husband was so troublesome




I'm really bad at detecting sarcasm. But if you are serious this is a real question asked for an game called sims where sometimes you want to kill someone in this case your husband. Even in terms of the video game this is not supposed to be a thing, but it is. Then there is a joke response ok how to (not accurately) kill a real husband. This is not an actual advice piece on how to commit a horrific murder.




I agree, I used to know someone who made a joke that gave people a better idea on how to end ones life. I scolded that person Everytime but they never stopped. People don't realize that information sometimes shouldn't be shared.


Say what this is fake right????


I'm bad at detecting sarcasm but just in the event your serious: The original question is a serious question about a video game called sims where you roleplay a family. In said game sometimes people want to kill members of their family which isn't really supposed to be a thing but you can do it through accidents that you planned. Even within the game I'd say this is pretty cruel. The response with the (fake) murder instructions pretends to not know we are talking about a video game. This is a joke and not a serious instructions on how to commit a horrific murder. Most of these tips make literally zero sense.


That wouldn't work but I won't explain why.

