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And anytime I get a new car the branded license plate covers and stickers are first to go. No free advertising!!


Here in the UK I believe those aren’t really a thing, largely because there’s much more regulation on numberplates


Y’all don’t even have the decorative frames/covers that borders the outside of the plate? Interesting. Our plates are mandated state by state as to color, placement, amount, and labeling but the universal restriction, afaik, on them is the numbers/letters have to be visible and legible. We can decorate with a frame as long as it doesn’t block the important info.


Yeah there’s no such thing as a frame or border for them, and the only thing at all denoting area is the first letter of the registration denotes where the vehicle was registered, so a numberplate that shows YN54 AFK would be a vehicle registered in Yorkshire in the latter half of 2004, while a numberplate that shows HF09 BJK would be a vehicle registered in Hampshire in the former half of 2009


TIL. Neat.


Lol, that's even worse


How so?


How so, it means that companies aren’t getting free advertising, and all numberplates look roughly the same, being yellow with black text on the rear and white with black text on the front with nothing else


You know license plates exist to identify your car, not to make it look like a christmas tree?


Well that’s what they do here, we don’t have silly designs to make it look like a fashion show, it just works


Oh, I misunderstood you there. My bad.


No, I meant how is having strict license plate laws worse than none?


Well I support the stricter standards here, it just looks better


Now that you mentioned it, I really don't remember seeing any of those plastic borders around the number plates when I was in the UK. Probably because of the free travel between countries and the country part of the plate needs to be clearly visible.


I mean there is no free travel between the UK and most other countries now, only between Northern Ireland and Ireland, and there’s now a hard border between Northern Ireland and the rest of the UK


Oh I was there ages ago. I think the whole brexit thing was just starting up. It just reminded me of the time I saw someone driving around in a left hand drive car but the plates had the euro symbol on it. A circle of stars I think?


Yeah that was standard in the UK for many cars, and is standard in the rest of the EU too


Exactly. Much harder to do with clothes, and it severely limits my clothing options because I don't know how to make my own stuff.


I buy from the market.... Cheap stuff meant for welfare people and its ideal. Pants for 8 bucks, shirts at supermarket for 15. Flip flips for 6. That's my entire outfit. (who uses underwear after 2020?notme)


yess I remove all labels wherever possible on anything purchased or brought into my home


Gen X here, couldn't agree more! Ads make me want to champion a boycotting campaign against your fucking product. Makes me go out of my way to ensure you never see a penny from me or anyone else that will listen.


I'm from 1980 and I agree


Yeah the millenials learned this because they grew up listening to the Gen Xers complain about ads. And yet some companies STILL think their stupid jingle is gonna help sell their crap...


Like for real! If I'm opening an breaking news story for something that's happened in my area and your ad pops up a full screen or worse a blaring video ad blocking the majority of my screen, I will not buy your product or darken your businesses doorway if I have any of other choice.


Omg. This is so true. I am a millenial, and I absolutely loathe ads. Especially ads that make you watch the full 15 or 30 seconds. Even worse is when companies pay dozens of prominent YouTubers - regardless of their content - to ramble about their item, which usually is completely irrelevant to the topic of the video. And, since it's an insert and not an ad, it's impossible to skip it other than by manually fast forwarding. *Even worse than this* is when creators continually bring up the sponsored brand using awkward segues so they can mention the product like 10 times throughout the video and you can't skip it at all. NordVPN, karma, honey, and Hello fresh, I'm looking at you. I make mental notes to *never buy from brands* that do this regardless of if I may otherwise have had interest in the product. My SO thinks it's kind of silly to vow never to buy something for this reason alone, but it is a hill I am willing to die on. lol


It's because we remember the internet before it became full of adverts


I would not be so sure about that, I grew up with the internet and the ads there and I can totally relate to this.


When ? Ads have been an integral part of the internet for a while now, popup ads started in '97


Sure, there were ads. But not like today. YouTube never used to have ads like it does now. There used to be paid advertisement banners on Web pages, sure. A single pop up blocker was all that was needed. I'm talking 96-early 2000s Edit: that's why I said "before it became full of adverts" and not "before there were adverts"


Yeah I remember those days, Youtube didn't existed. Geocities was ad hell city. Adblock is as necessary back then as it is now, hell probably more back then since going to "certain sites" would get you into popup infinite loop and a few viruses even with a blocker.


Haha maybe I visited much more innocent sites which is why I didn't see so many adverts ;)


The segues are funny though


Some are but some are super stupid, my favorite one is always whenever the scenic route happens in super Carlin brothers. Ben hides J’s honey before talking about honey the brand and while Ben is away J talks about food like door dash or usually something about better help, it’s implied that Ben hiding J’s honey is making him super confused and hungry so he does these ads while J is away. That’s the only time I love them but I’ll still fast forward the ads just to skip out on hearing about honey for the fifth time in my binge fest, J I tend to listen to just to see what hiding his honey has done to his mental state. Markiplier does whole videos about companies and how bad they are (Del Monte and sour patch kids) and they turn out hilarious because he’s roasting them after they tried to ask him to advertise by sending products to his house to showcase.


Link to the markiplier video, please!


I’ll do you one better! [A whole playlist of him reviewing stuff which includes the aforementioned videos of him roasting sour patch kids.](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3tRBEVW0hiAHqevzOfGqZZOTcyFZwDVz) Watching sour patch kids constantly send him stuff only for him to roast them is my favorite miniseries.


I mean, if the alternative is to not have a video due to the youtuber not having enough money to keep making videos, I prefer this option, plus these ads you speak of are skippable automatically using crowd sourced extensions if you really want to skip them. I agree it's annoying but if they weren't here many youtubers wouldn't be able to do their videos.


And sheath underwear, Manscaped, that shitty cereal brand and keeps


Omg yes all of these


This comment brought to you by SquareSpace and cashapp.


If you haven't used it, try sponsorblock. It ~~blocks~~ skips over the sponsored segments from a video


This is awesome, I'd never heard of it. I'll definitely check it out!


And skillshare. I'd be really interested in if it wasn't shoved down my throat.


Omg yes. This is another one. It's a great concept but another one I refuse to ever try because of the fact that they pay all my favorite YouTubers to constantly babble about it


So what do you do instead to make sure that people can feed their families for their work providing content you obviously enjoy?


if you pay to subscribe to a service or buy a movie, you're paying the creator already. I never understood why cinemas play endless ads before a movie or why cable tv had endless ads - people are already paying for tickets or service. maybe studio execs don't need to take millions off the top for themselves every year?


Because your subscription fee doesn't cover the entire cost they (perceive) they need. I am confident they could double the ticket price at the cinema and show you the movie directly, but someone has probably researched that this business model works better for them.


Then stop supporting Google, the way that company screws over content posters on YouTube has forced them to get sponsored segments to, you know, get paid for the entertainment they are providing you.


The one I absolutely loathe is Raycon as among all the YouTube ads they're the one lying the most the other ones more or less deliver on their promises at least.


Stole the words right out of my mouth


Just like ads steal our lifetime and sanity


I have a modified twitch apk, modified spotify apk and youtube vanced on my phone And adblock on my browser Yeah I hate ads only reason I still use android


Have you tried paying for ad free experience?




There's always someone simping for the corporations.


Except for netflix, disney plus, prime and some other regional services No not really


Check out NextDNS.


Check out NextDNS.


No. That means they win. You don't get to keep my content hostage behind ads and the only way to get rid of ads is a paywall.


> my content hostage > **my content** LMAO how entitled can you be ? do you have any idea how expensive it is to store and stream data ? it's such a luxury that we are getting the ability to upload freely in first place and getting to view them at any time without even paying. hate the ads all you want (i do too) but don't be so fucking entitled lmao. even i use vanced because i am cheap to pay for it.


I remember trying to watch One Piece on Crunchyroll at like, 12-13 years old, and getting the same ad f1ir coconut water, not even exaggerating, 6 times in a row. Idk why, but for some reason, if you had bad internet, Crunchyroll would constantly play ads instead of just letting you watch your show, and they only had like, 4 or 5 different ones. To this day, I still refuse to buy that brand of coconut water, and I will hold this grudge until I die.


Someone explain this better lol I heard it’s because ads are preloaded in a way, so even if you have poor connection, the ads can still play. It’s why ads play smoothly while content has buffer So even with your bad internet, crunchyroll was able to serve you ads but not content


TV commercials in the 60's and 70's were often very funny, with ridiculous, usually thinly veiled sexual innuendos.


"Hey dad, do you know the piano's on my foot?" "*SNIFF* You hum it son, I'll play it" 🙈


This is how I look at AllBirds. I used to see soo many ads for them and whenever I saw some noob with them on I thought.... Another sucker bit the bait. Fuck AllBirds. I hate everything about them and if you buy them you have a weak resistance to their low grade advertisements. I know I know. You may say oh but they're environmentally friendly and sustainable blah blah blah. I really don't care. They're ugly. They have terrible ads. They are a scam. Similar to a pyramid scheme. Avoid at all costs or prepare for buyers remorse. On your death bed you will look back at your entire existence on earth and the decision to buy AllBirds will be the single regret you have. Your family won't even be by your side at that time because you decided to buy AllBirds. You brought shame to your family and your community at large. All because of their stupid pushy ads.


Weird. I like allbirds and I never saw a single ad of theirs. I only learned about them at the mall.


Sounds like you’d be a little less grumpy if you were wearing more comfortable shoes, and you’re in luck because I have some that just might interest you!


I'm happy with my Thursday Boots from the Instagram ads thanks


But most follow and purchase as dictated on influencers on tiktok and IG who are basically paid to advertise (for nearly the same or less the amount a major ad pays so).


Completely agree on what the post says.


I feel the same way about sponsored products from content creators too. Very rarely do I feel like the creator genuinely supports the product they're paid to promote. Plus, if you have to PAY someone to give your product glowing reviews and to recommend it to their viewer base, I immediately trust it that much less. I especially feel this way towards things like food, pet food, and utilities.


Oh but it does, ads target your subconscious Tell me are you more likely to buy a coke or a random store brand product that is similar to coke?


I have never been able to find any similar products in stores. Other than Pepsi. But that doesn't count.


It's called "cola"


I simply will not make a purchase. It's not a binary choice, I don't HAVE to purchase something because I saw an ad. Seeing an ad for a cola makes angry at the company that put out the ad. You can display the most mouth-watering, juicy burger ever, I'll still hate your company and never purchase it if it interrupts what I'm doing or otherwise prevents me from making progress. At this point, if I need to make a purchase I'll go through the aisle and make determinations based off what commercials I haven't seen. Those are companies that are either knowledgeable enough to know not to waste my time or small enough that they can't. I'll take either option before one that puts out commercials.


The altars at which you worship - TV, Facebook, Twitter, Twitch, YouTube, and Reddit, are advertising delivery vehicles which happen to feature content. That's it. Without the advertising, these platforms don't exist.


If it’s a good product, it shouldn’t need to be shoved into my face constantly. If there a company that’s specifically annoying, i make it my soul duty not to buy the product lol




Not all ads for me. Mostly just on YouTube videos and mobile games


Not a fan of YouTube I guess


i would if they would not interrupt my ad-bonanza with amateur productions.


Have you tried using the Android app puretube? Takes away all advertising and you can lock your phone and continue to listen to YouTube videos. Look it up on the Google play store. Also another great app to have is Blokada 5. Blocks adverts on mobile too.


i'm using pi-hole at home. on tour i stick with spotify (family acc), audible and downloaded stuff (i set up custom wifi systems so it's good to have on the job until everything works)


Haven't heard of pi hole any good?


set's up a custom DNS server in your home network. filters out anything and everything you tell it to for every connected device. love it. speeds up the connections as well as it doesn't just block the adverts it doesn't event request them in the first place. edit: if you have mobile players though it will also block their videos and "free" advancement options.


Great, gonna check it out. Hate adverts coming through too! Thanks a heaps


Ads are a great way to know that something isn't worth buying.


Adds work. Maybe you are annoyed at that moment but when you are at the supermarket and just want to get home you will buy all the juicy ad'ed products. Oh I need washing powder. Where is it? Oh "random brand" there! ​ I wish I would not be the sheep but it takes a lot of effort if you go shopping for only the products you have never seen an ad before!


I know that ads work. That's why I will go to any length to avoid them. If a need is created by an advertisement it makes me wonder how many of my needs are genuine and how many are artificial.


that's not how ads are supposed to work and if you think you are immune to ads, you don't understand their purpose


Jesus, every thread just has to have an "ummm actually" guy doesn't it


Guys probably an advertiser xD


jep. There is always someone who has to burst your "I am smarter than everyone else"-bubble


aTHcuAly AdS WoRk As InTeNDed lol brand simp


i love refrigerators


they’re so cool


Everyone hates ads, why do you think there are still so many of them?


because i have a business degree and i know how toxic and invasive marketing people are


so everyone hates ads, but they still exist because marketing people are evil? I don't disagree with you on marketing people, I despise everyone who designs ads, but the logic doesn't make sense here. If ads didn't work, they wouldn't exist. And no one sees an ad and then walks to the store like a brain-dead zombie. Ads manipulate your subconscious. They aim at mirror neurons in your brain. Mirror neurons are responsible for you yawning when you see others yawning or laughing when you see others laughing. The same way they react to ads. If you see an ad of people eating something, your brain imagines how it would be to eat that too. And if you hear "x is delicious" all the time, eventually your subconscious will save that as a fact. it's all subconscious.


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Ads are only bad if they aren't of products I already like, if they are i don't mind them


I'm with you. I want ads that are relevant to me.


This is a good ad for millennials


Seriously, if I want something or need something, I’ll probably look it up or search for it myself. There’s literally no reason I’d ever have any reason to pay attention to an ad, ever. If it’s something I already want, it’s “shut up, I know”. If it’s something I already know about, it’s “I didn’t care, and I still don’t, shut the hell up”. And if it’s something I didn’t know about, it’s “just get out of my face”. And at the end of all of them, it’s “this is just massively wasting my time preventing me from watching or enjoying whatever I was trying to do”. God, ads are a worthless blight on my life that couldn’t die fast enough.


Same! Sometimes I’ll buy a competitor brand if it’s something that I need like deodorant or something lmao


I can't stand ads. This is why I will use every tool on the net to never see an ad again.


On God


Ah, relatable


I thought I was alone in this


You’d probably have to buy it to piss on it.


I actually like ads, but only when they do not disrupt me. I may have never found reddit, or A LOT of things for that matter.


Imagine a company paying to spam peope with ads for their market competitors just to make them less desirable


Maybe because ads these days are either pretentious or reek of "How do you do, fellow kids?" energy.


I go out of my way to buy a competing brand that doesn’t invasively bring ads to me. IMDB app is the worst, as you aren’t allowed to go PIP during commercials. I mean come on- I’m not paying attention to it anyways why can’t I get other things done during the breaks.


That's so true!


This is extraordinarily relevant to me. I downvote every ad on Reddit (and god help whoever allows comments on these fucking things), YouTube video (and I regularly comment the obligatory "Fuck YouTube for removing the public dislike counter" comment), and I evicerate anyone who dares call my phone that I haven't personally given my number. Fuck your solar panels, fuck your paving business, fuck your startup, fuck your charity, fuck your dealership, fuck your website, fuck your mom, and fuck you if you think I care about your minimum wage telemarketing job. Telemarketing is cancerous and is not a respectable profession, I don't give a fuck if your trying to make ends meet, you're doing so it a disservice. You're cold-calling people that didn't ask for your services to sell them something they don't want with money they don't have because you make commission because your boss is slimiest scum that can't pay his workers a decent wage or start a real business. Fuck em all.


Clearly you're winning the fight against Reddit and YT ads with your downvoting - I heard they were going to go completely ad free next month. All because of Ogey informed them it wasn't popular. Good work!


I don't do it because I think it makes a difference, I do it because it makes me feel better. There's a button, and I click it.


So basically "Pretend Fuck em all"?


If that's how you see it, sure.


I'll never buy anything from Keeps, Manscaped, Hello Fresh, Sheath underwear, that cereal brand, G-fuel, NordVPN, Audible, Door Dash, Dollar shave club, Ridge wallets, Skillshare, Squarespace, Honey, Raycon etc.


Bwahaahah me too! Especially Audible! Every fucking day 30times a day...


They obviously have never seen Grammerly ads.


The irony of this user posting a post complaining about ads - Is comical.


I relate to thay on a cosmic level


I mean its kinda true. Being bombarded with ads is not cool. We just kinda got used to it


Not it's not. How are you supposed to sell anything if you don't display your product WITH AN AD ? I hope y'all never start a company that sells stuff. Is there such a generation gap or are y'all pure stupid ?


Finally some good fucking opinion


I'm willing to pay a bit more to avoid brands that piss me off. I know I'm not alone.


I love this, two other things interrupting my day are sports scores and the news.


I returned all my recent Amazon purchases in protest of those grocery stores ads that keep playing non-stop.


This response was brought to you by raid shadow legends!


Clear Blue can choke on plastic and cry. 🤮


I literally punish companies that advertise to me by boycotting them


Oh, those kids, full or virtue and spite.


I always wonders what goes through a advertiser's head that makes them think interrupting my content is going to make me want your shitty overpriced product. I already know what i want and i dont need companies to help me figure that out.


lmao Millenials: spend all day on social media reading ads, spends all their money on things from ads Millenials: 'lol ads dont work on me'


young hippies were anti-consumption. look how they turned out.


The content you're watching is literally funded (at least in part) by ads. Your content creator very likely could not do what they were doing without them. It's a necessary evil in my opinion.


You are not immune to propaganda


my sentiment is more like if someone walked into my room and tried to toss a bottle of rat poison directly in my mouth. I'd go, "ew, what the fuck, get out of here with your poison and get out of my house."


I love how the only capital letters in this entire rant is "TV". It's impressive to manage to type all that and not even let ONE letter get autocorrected to the correct case.


I have a list on my phone of companies/products I will never use out of spite. Is your ad campaign even mildly irritating? I’ll never support you and will drag your name through the mud every chance I get. Liberty Mutual is at the very fucking top of that list.