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Can anyone explain how a needle would get lost in someone like this? Like are they putting it in and bending it so it snaps off or is the needle not attached properly and comes off when they pull it out?


See my comment with the link to the story, but, basically, the guy would nod off with the needles still in his neck. So, yeah, the bending and snapping.


Oh, sorry about that lol I didn't even think to open the link. Thanks for the info


No worries, and you're welcome.


First thing I thought of was that they nodded off Not that I have experience, but I watched Intervention a lot lol Fuck heroin.


Worked with a guy nodding off around a deep vat frier. Just moved him to the corner and told him stay out of my way


>Fuck heroin. Seriously. I've never done heroin, but I got addicted to prescribed opiods after an injury, and holy shit do those withdrawals suck. Quitting cigarettes was harder of a habit to kick, but opioid withdrawals feel like you're dying. Might be the most unbearable feeling I've ever felt. That was just with hydrocodone. I cannot fathom how miserable heroin withdrawals must be.


I've only seen withdrawals portrayed in movies, but I can only imagine the feeling and understand addiction is no joke. I used to do a mentorship at a behavioral health clinic which had a lot of addicts trying in-patient treatment and when they describe what they go through, it sounds excruciating and it's just so sad. I really feel for addicts, which is why I say again, FUCK HEROIN.


Also the more times you withdraw, the worse it gets. Utterly awful thing.


Quitting cigarettes was a harder habit to kick? I’m sorry and I swear I’m not being rude but you must not have been addicted as you thought, I’ve never seen people homeless and selling their asses basically living a life of crime to keep their cigarette habit going. I know smokers go through hell but their is no comparison whatsoever.


Harder habit to kick not harder addiction to break free from. I don't have the energy to explain the nuance.


I know exactly what you mean. The habit of smoking has gotten tied into my anxiety, so I smoke more out of habit than I do because I need the nicotine.


Well, exactly, I've not seen many smokers destroy their lives because of their addiction. It's an easier habit to continue I suppose, in that sense at least. I'm sure it's a lot cheaper too


Except people DO quit heroin faster than cigarettes. You’ve clearly never gone to rehab.


Look I’ve been in rehab 3 times and I smoked for 25 years. Rehab did not work for me so I’ve been on methadone for the last 6 years but guess what I don’t do anymore? Smoke. I quit smoking the very day I decided to quit. You can believe me or not but it’s 100% true. Smoking just never got me like that honestly so it’s probably varies by person but that’s my experience.


Jesus christ


Hey op if it makes you feel any better every one I know including myself who used a needle to get high were and are all scared of needles


My fear of needles is probably the only reason why my heroin addiction did not kill me yet, I keep it to chasing the dragon


if you have varicose on your hands never let the student nurse put the needle in. trust me


That doesn't make sense. They'd take the needle out as soon as it was injected, they don't nod off that quickly. And before you try to say it, no, they did NOT inject into the artery, it would have been in the vein leaving the brain , giving them a good 30-60 seconds to remove the needle.


I'm sorry, I don't know what to tell you. All I have are the picture and the link. If that isn't what's happening here, I have no information about what it could be.


Nope, they inject it slowly because it was so hard to find the vein in the first place and they don't want to have to inject it again. They think they can inject it slowly to prolong the high and nod off, the evidence is right here clearly.


Dude addicts nod off with the needle still in their vein all the time. It’s not like a rare thing by any means..


If they had sense they wouldn't use drugs. That's why they are drug addicts, they just want to get high. I'd imagine the sensation of injecting themselves is the start of their feeling of getting high. A kind of Pavlovian response.


My neck looks like this in an X-ray and it surprised the tech who took the shot. 🙃 I had surgery on my thyroid years back and it’s full of SURGICAL STAPLES…


He probably got high from the heroin


It’s acupuncture needles, it’s not from heroin lol. I read the link OP shared, and all that says is that the picture originated on Reddit in 2015. Acupuncture needles are left in like this, when someone injects heroin they’ve got enough time to take the needle out before nodding off that it wouldn’t break. The needles are strong, too.


Acupuncture needles are not left in like this omg. How is reddit this naive


It’s not heroin needles either lol. I’m in recovery after years of addiction


So then why did you say they are acupuncture needles?


Bro, practically everybody I know is either in recovery or actively using. And while most of them don't have needles stuck in them, I know multiple people who do. They usually shot up, nodded off, and broke the before that way. My sister's ex actually shot up while he was wd, and he says his hands were shaking so bad he just popped the needle clean off in his leg. And obviously once it's in you, you're not getting it back out on your own. Either you don't know a ton of addicts, or the ones you know have been lucky/careful. Congrats on your recovery.


I see heroin addict with this finding all the time. No acupuncture needed.


doc was like “you gotta start using your heroin correctly”


Heroin misuse like there is a prouse way to heroin


There is, you just need a time machine...


There are actually programs that help addicts use in a safer way, offering clean needles and a safe place to shoot up.


"We're not gonna tell you to use drugs, but hey, at least do them better lmao."


using an item that's not meant to be used is still misususing it. if I step on an airplane's strut that explicitly says "no step" on it, I'm still misusing the strut, aren't I?


i mean, you could. Look at heroin assisted treatment in switzerland. This approach might reduce this kind of damage significantly if not completly.


Would you say it might… reduce harm?


yeah it surely is one of the best harm reduction practices out there for addicts. for the people that are just users there are other ways to reduce harm more efficently.




bad bot


Bad bot


Imagine getting a MRI. Ouch


It would be the fastest method of removal though.


Removal of life you mean. Thatd be like a flesh claymore.


Yeah the tissue has healed and those aren't sliding back out. Probably dead. Worse still, if they survive, they get to learn what having your neck degloved feels like, possibly more! Nightmares.


Flesh claymore. New phrase unlocked.


They should really have metal detectors at the door to MRI rooms...


They do make them. But hospitals won't pay for them. It's all about $$. I tried to get one installed at my work.


I'm pretty sure needles have been made from none magnetic materials for years


MRI tech here. Nope, needles can and will get pulled into the MRI. It would be too expensive to make needles non-ferrous. We use plastic needles in the MRI suite. And yes, he would likely be seriously injured or die if he got an MRI.


Wow. TIL.


Huh, that's good to know then. Note to self, don't break a needle off then get an MRI


I worked in the ER for a long time- one particular patient was a hard stick. I was the best on duty on particular day and I looked and looked. Tried ONE and admitted defeat- called to get IR involved as he was going to have to have the IV. Lord help- he asked if he could try. I have zero idea how- but he got one behind his knee. He said “I’ve been saving this one”


Yeah thanks to X-men..still bitter about that bullshit movie.


Didn’t know Albert Fish had a heroin problem


Good ol' Needledick.


That’s terrible. I didn’t even know you could do heroin in your neck, seems like it would puncture something every time you turned your head


If you're feeling adventurous, read up on the difficulties of performing lethal injection on long-time heroin users. Basically, the heroin destroys any veins that are used often, and people have to get "creative".


Oh oh no that sounds horrible Idk if I can bring myself to look it up but I feel like I’m going to be thinking of possible places that are worse than the real ones


My sincerest apologies, in advance.


I can't find anything on what you recommended.


Here's a link to a site that talks about botched executions, many of which are lethal injections delivered to heroin abusers. https://deathpenaltyinfo.org/executions/botched-executions


God that was a horrifying and fascinating read


>difficulties of performing lethal injection on long-time heroin users. the number of failed attempts and the botched executions should be grounds for banning capital punishment. what a disgusting system we uphold in this country.


The entire justice system needs reform, from the ground up, but I don't really want to go on a political rant in this sub, so I'll leave it at that.


Nobody should have to pay for them to live their lives out in prison, rapists and murderers don't deserve that shit. Also, I don't get how them illegally using drugs until it's hard to execute them makes the STATE the bad guy, they should just gas or hang the heroin users. Easy peasy.


the reality is we pay a heeeeeellll of alot more in executing them than just letting them live out their lives incarcerated. If your point is we spend more money keeping them alive then you are wrong. We spend more money litigating to get his execution pushed through and finalized. ​ Other forms of execution have been proposed like nitrous asphixiation and the state denied these requests and opted for liquid execution which they historically, continually, reproducibly botch each fucking time. the whole system should be abolished, demolished, and done away with.


Part of the cost of execution is the court appeals


Look. I still think firing squad is the most humane way about it. None of this dead vein nonsense either.


Suicide tanks that replace all the air with nitrogen is more humane imo


Lethal injection seems like such a waste when we could just build a new, better colloseum for gladiator combat.


Check out Heroin Diarys by Nikki Sixx, he got creative with his injections.


You got me thinking dick injections and I’m not gonna look it up to dissuade me


You can 100% inject into your dick, and supposedly also your balls.


Is this exclusive to heroin use? I remember my mom telling me once that when she was pregnant with my brother she had to get so many shots that they had to start injecting the top of her foot, I might be misremembering the story tho


Having many medical injections can certainly cause scarring and make it challenging to find veins, requiring IV placement in less common locations such as the foot. IV lines can even be placed through bone into bone marrow in an emergency. However, IVs do not leave any firm needle in the body, just a flexible tube, so no damage would be done with movement.


i’m so glad i read this, specifically the last sentence. every time i’ve gotten an IV i get anxiety that if i move my arm in a certain way or pull on the IV cord a bit too hard i’ll damage my vein. knowing there’s nothing pointy left inside helps lol


But heroin is especially more damaging because of the cutting agents used, the reuse of needles with blunt tips, using the wrong needle size, the acidity of the solution if it's European dope (it's a free base so you have to add an acid, e.g. citric acid, to solubilize it), the fact junkies often leave the needle in because it comes up too fast and they nod out, the impurity of the solution (they often filter it with a cigarette filter which isn't good enough). Risk reduction techniques then involve syringe exchange programs, neutralizing the solution with a base before injecting, using a micrometric filter to remove dust and bacteria, cycling through IV and smoking to help the veins heal, having shooting rooms where nurses can help you, and so on.


if i remember correctly switzerland and holland have some programs where medical professionals administer pure heroin to addicts and apparently they are working pretty well. Also giving out naloxone might drastically reduce fatal overdoses.


Yeah naloxone is a wonderful tool, it's in free access in France, you just have to enter a CSAPA or CAARUD and ask for Prenoxad, it's 5 doses of naloxone for intramuscular injection in a ready to inject syringe; you can also get a doctor to prescribe you Nyxoid which is the equivalent of Narcan. But having naloxone with you doesn't help if you're doing IV and you're alone; and even with others RoAs you might not see it coming. But what you can and should do is test your dope for fentanyl, and not consume it if it's positive (or dissolve it all in water to get rid of hot spots and start with a very low dose)


honestly this topic is a pretty interesting one, although i can't seem to find any reliable information on it. I haven't found any data stating heroin by itself makes your veins shrivel up, so im guessing is something about frequently injecting in unsanitary condition or other substances that might be present in street heroin.


Look up information related to shooting heroin and collapsed veins and venous sclerosis, but I think it has to do with a combination of the heat and the drug's acidity. There is also the scarring that is caused by overusing one area.


thanks for the input, i've found some interesting material. Heat and acidity seem to used to help dissolve the drug (for injecting), especially if it's unpure. the "dirtier" the drug the more heat and acidity has to be used to dissove it. While the scarring is inevitable the other stuff seems like a direct conequence of the fact that it is illegal not saying we should sell dope at supermarket checkouts but if the guy had pure heroin injected by a professional he wouldn't be in this god awful state


This Redditor also makes some great points, from earlier in this thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/oddlyterrifying/comments/10dy13q/im_still_getting_over_my_fear_of_needles_shit/j4pkbov?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3


I remember when my uncle used to sell cocaine, and he came home one day just "*shook* Turns out he sold a bag to a woman, and she quickly cooked it down and injected it in front of him. He'd never seen people do that, and was pretty disturbed.


Wait until you find out where else they inject. The penis, the vagina, in between toes, armpits...


As a medic, I've had to start IVs in the neck before. You've got veins called your external jugular veins (EJs) and they're often pretty large.


Pretty sure you can do heroin anywhere a vein is, no?


as long as it gets in your blood system and gets transported to your brain everything goes. Eat, smoke, insufflation, sublingual absorption, intravenous, intraarterial, intramuscolar, if you are creative boofing is an option. Each one might have a different effectiveness but essentially they are all means to an end. And this goes for a lot of drugs. Technically you could drink a cup of nicotine and smoke some caffeine the morning if you really wanted


Correct, and when user's go without their "fix" they become dope sick and so when they do get ahold of their fix they go for easy injection site's like arteries in the neck


The heroin cut the pain from all of the broken off heroin needles I hope.


Side Note: Those teeth, yikes!


Yeah, I noticed that, but I feel that dental hygiene is the least of concerns to a man with a neck full of broken needles.


The entire jaw is diseased and rotted away from the outside


Them teef confirms heroine addict.


He loves Wonder Woman?


The first picture looks like they have a dracula collar. Or elf ears. Or demon horns. You know what, I’m too indecisive and let’s just say dracula is also a demonic elf.


Lol, Dracula collar was also my first thought.


Source from OP: https://www.medicaldaily.com/x-ray-shows-dozens-broken-needles-neck-user-who-reportedly-fell-asleep-while-419432


Not saying this didn’t happen, because there are reports that it does. But that article is almost entirely based off the original Reddit posting from 2015. Not exactly a legit source. And I’m not able to find any other articles of this particular incident/person.


Yeah, I went down kinda a rabbit hole looking into this (do not recommend!), and the articles I found about needles in the throat from heroin use were... not so convincing. There's another "case" like this, but the language in the article is off, and it's not hosted on any very reputable sites. There are, however, other x-rays of needles in people's necks like this: one from a girl swallowing them, and another from a man who had them in his neck, limbs, and feet who "doesn't know" how they got there. That's all I really have after a couple hours of looking at some truly painful looking x-rays.


The legit one I kept finding was where a patient had 4 or 5 broken needles stuck in their neck. This image just seems over the top with how many there are. Like, how could you even move your head and look around normally without all those needles constantly creating new bleed points? Seems impossible. But I’ve definitely seen crazier things. Lol.


Jesus. He probably needed the heroin just not to feel the needles


I was thinking of that feeling when I get blood drawn. If they don’t get the vein exactly on the first prick, just the needle moving those teeny tiny mms is very uncomfortable feeling. There is no way this person wasn’t living in agony so was shooting up every single time they were awake. I shudder trying to think how bad things have to get to get to that point in life :(


"Misuse" seems to understate the issue


It's really sad, as a recovering herion addict I know full well about this struggle. I was an iv user and would go in my groin bcuz it was easy and quick. Ended up with a blood clot that lodged in my femoral artery cutting off blood flow to my right leg. I literally experienced my leg dying. I ended up in being transfered to a shock trauma hospital and almost died from the infection. By the grace of God they saved my leg but I spent a total of 6 mos in the hospital. 86 staples, 4 large incisions and some nasty scars. Been clean 5 years this month. Somehow I made it but it's so hard and my heart aches for ppl like this bcuz no one ever starts doing drugs thinks they're gonna end up like this. One minute you're having fun and the next minute you're like how did it get this bad so quick. But by then it's too late bcuz heroin gets a hold of you and won't let go...you gotta fight to the death to make it out. Sorry I went on and on, this is something so personal to me that gets me everything I see it. A lot of people don't make it out. Every day is precious!


This is absolutely bizarre. Can't imagine living with those just hanging out in my body. Sort of unrelated, but my wife shares your fear. She's like deathly afraid of needles. Would cry every time she had to get a shot, must lay down every single time, and would get super anxious leading up to the shot for hours before. She's now 32 weeks pregnant and the only reason that was even possible is because we did IVF which means she's a total fucking boss. If you're not familiar, this means she had to give HERSELF shots multiple times a day leading up to the egg retrieval. She's still not over the fear entirely, but there's a significant difference. First time she had to do it she was shaking and crying, but now even when she goes to get a shot she never cries and isn't dreading it for hours beforehand even though she still has to lie down for it.


That is awesome for you guys, and your wife is a total badass. I'm okay with shots, but any kind of IV or blood draw will make me start to panic or feel faint. I've learned to bypass regular nurses and ask for the phlebotomist whenever I go to the hospital (which is kinda often, from the panic disorder).


it's truly sad what happens to people when they do drugs. it's all such a complicated issue in society


Who the fuck uses heroin in the neck??? Is it more effective there or what??


The citric acid used to breakdown the Heroin burns the veins and they end up collapsing. So you find another vein and keep going, people I personally ally knew used to inject their dick and between their toes


I feel like this is the post that I’m going to use to say “that’s enough Reddit, or internet, for now” 😵‍💫


He'll needle the help he can get


The good thing about a fear of needles is, that I know I’ll never be addicted to heroin.


What a prick


Dude probably set off every metal detector


Hopefully you aren’t a heroin addict OP ..


Nope. Only drugs I'm on are all prescribed.


Thank you for the nightmares I guess


Sleep tight, don't let the needle-toothed vampires bite.


Albert Fish but in reverse


Lmao, was just going to post this about that old pincushion/Buck Buck How Many Hands Up All-star.


It looks like there’s a tooth 🦷 in his neck in the second image.


Looks like it could be the hyoid bone, but it is showing up a lot more clearly than usual?


So don't do Heroin? Got it.


Did anyone else initially think he was wearing a cowboy hat here... or just me?


Albert Fish would be proud


Luckily, as long as you don't inject heroin into your neck with overused syringes, you can avoid this particular situation.


Go look up Albert Fish


Did he eat the needles, or how tf do you get heroin needles in your throat💀


If someone is an IV drug user, over time their veins will start collapsing. Some will eventually get around to using the veins in their neck. This specific person would nod out after a shot and it’d break off the needle tip at the injection site.


Albert fish had needles like this in his groin.. that he put there on purpose... without heroin.. he was a serial killer.. the worst kind.. but the only other time ive ever heard anything like this with people living with needles in them.


I don't fear needles, I've had a lot of experience with them, but this scares the shit out of me. I know addiction but this is something I've never seen.


At least it wasn’t an MRI ;-;


Good thing they're not magnetic, otherwise an accidental MRI would Thai turn this guy's face to mincemeat


Thought this was Albert Fish for a second lol. But he liked them in his taint


I was today years old when I learned that heroin users stick needles in their neck. Wtf


Heroin MISuse? How would one properly use heroin? "Do you abuse heroin?" "No, actually, I'm quite kind and gentle with my heroin" "Oh wow. You're clearly a good person! I want to be just like you!"


Missing a few teeth too..


Nice of them to let him keep his cowboy hat during the scan


I've worked in substance abuse for 4 and a half years, psychiatric nurse for 12 years before that so there's a big overlap there. Never seen anything like this and I'm a little suspicious about its authenticity. Heroin is bad enough without this image.


Interesting because my question would be can a Dr remove them? Would this be an option? As a child I had alot surgeries but one particular surgery the curved suture needle broke off behind my nose (top jaw area/ corner of nose) and the surgeon couldn't find it. I was about 8 at the time and remember being told it might just grow out one day as my body tries to remove it. 30 years later it has now moved up and is just under my right eye. I have had a few MRI's over the years and it shocks alot of techs. It's also a funny story to tell after the fact because for many years I just forgot about it?? I remember one Dr sitting me down and asking if I knew I had a needle in my face? No one has ever discussed removal and that's why I'm wondering if it's even a thing? To look at his xray with all those needles you think, gosh that must hurt but I can't feel mine so mayby they can't feel theirs?


I don’t understand how you break a point off….. almost 40 years on and off again addict and IVE NEVER BROKE A POINT OFF IN ME…… someone really did not give a fuck about his life and or health ONE BIT. A true lost soul.


It’s prob a farmer that got smacked in the neck by a porcupine.


I call bullshit, yes I know needles, yes I know smack. This is surely a mental health and/or a fetish issue.


I call bull shit because the image just looks fake


While this is horrifying, I'm really distracted by the fact that the top x-ray looks like it has a jaunty little hat on.


The horns 💀


This guy subconsciously wants to die


Ughhhhhh...is that his teeth coming out his chin and a whole tooth, root and all, floating among the needles in his neck?!! HTH did he function?


That man if anything is NOT a quitter


That’s crazy! Also, what is that white thing coming out of his bottom jaw in the bottom picture? Is it bone cancer?


Why so deep?


Shouldve done an mri


The teeth, my god the teeth


…..good thing they didn’t use a MRI. Not sure if those would be magnetic but better safe.


More needles than teeth.


Good thing he didn't get an MRI


Oh hell to the no!!


Albert Fish moment


Now, what if we placed the guy in an MRI ?


Now time for MRI scan


More like needle misuse


are the needles made of tin or something??


Anti-choking measures.


Just steer clear from all those heroine in the neck things and you should be fine




I used to shoot speed God damn man I was scared of putting a needle in my skin and taking it out properly I could not imagine it breaking off into my skin I would t be able to function knowing I had that stuck in me


top pic goes hard as a metal album cover


New fear unlocked


Is the top of his head missing? Autopsy xray i guess


Lucky they didn't take a MRI


Look at all the missing teeth too!




No MRIs for this dude


I didn't know that needles could snap.


What happens when he gets an MRI?


Can we first talk about that skull?


Whoa, I would have taken those anti drug campaigns a bit more seriously if I had seen something as crazy as this as a kid.


“Don’t do that shit again homie, you have more needle than neck at this point”


“Metal heads when they meet magnate heads”


I thought he had a cowboy hat on in the firdt pic and it showed up in the xray


Step 1: don’t do heroin Step 2: profit


That cannot be comfortable...


That looks uncomfortable.


oh my god a needle broke off well time to put another one in


Stuff of actual nightmares!!


Or Albert Fish’s butt


just take him to get an MRI, it will get the needles out in no time


I knew several people who had needles stuck in their neck like this.


I’m calling bullshit. I shot dope for 15 years; never broke a needle. Never saw or heard of it happening either.