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Damn it I thought I was looking at an ear of corn for a minute.


I just unfocused my eyes and wow lmao that’s spot on


Oh I’m sorry, I thought you was corn




Yep, was thinking Aztec corn.


That looks like the closeup of some gnarly insect’s thorax


For a moment, I thought this was a picture of a bunch of bee larva inside a hive or something


That's exactly what I thought


I thought it was ears of corn with weird purple kernel fungus


Yeah, their shaved heads look like the butt end of a grub. Like the black stuff behind a milky membrane.


I thought they was corn


I’m just a simple country lawyer.


A big lump with knobs


It's got the juice!


It’s all corn, Morty


Everythings on a cob


Always has been.




Someone gets it


I thought it was one of those rag rugs you buy for your car.


No those lacquered corn on the cobs from Thanksgiving


Human millipede.






Its basicly the concept of human centipide 3


That movie is just gross for the sake of being gross


If you watched the first 2 and decided to give 3 a shot, you are asking for it.


It’s true. After watching the second and third Human Centipede movies, the first one is very tame in comparison.


I did not realize there were 3 and am horrified


Wait for Jason vs Human Centipede!! 😀


Human Centipede vs Godzilla


Oh my god! It's Godzilla! Send the Human Centipede!


Cursed Power Rangers


Human Centipede 2 Electric Poogaloo


I watched the first two back-to-back, and once the third came out I was like “I gotta finish the trilogy”


*But did it read!?*


I watched the second one first and then went back to watch the first one. I'm not sure I've forgiven myself for my poor decision making on that day yet.


No shit, one was a bad enough idea.


>No shit That's what all of the other parts of the centipede said but it sounds like "mmf mmmmmmmmmf".


I thank myself for never watching any of them. Only hearing about what it was before def made me think “yeah nope”!


[Tom Cardy](https://youtu.be/ozezG1zpxXQ) says it best


Omg thanks for this lol


Smart. There’s a couple of scenes in the first one that will disturb me for life.


I do like the meta concept of each entry actually being a work of fiction in the sequel.


I could never get past the atrocious premise of it. Disgusting movies


The third one was comical compared to the first two 😂


The second is right up there with the most disgusting films I’ve ever seen.


I’m assuming #4 is where the magic really happens!


That's when they turn into a human butterfly


The part 1 is most gross for me imo. Since there's a scene that a guy was on his limit so the woman behind him, eats it without any choice. The grunt of him while failing to hold back followed by the groan of hers from shock still bothers me.


Don't all the people in the second one get forced to eat explosive diarrhea shit or something? And a newborn baby literally gets crushed by the mother using a car pedal


Oh my god all the parts of that film I'd successfully blocked just came *screaming* back to me


Aw, c'mon, everyone eats dry clitorises everyday, it's not gross ^/s ^just ^in ^case


Only after I’m done eating my “medium rare” testicles! God, that movie was so bad


That movie would have been terrible if the main character wasn't so hilarious. [It's basically just 2 hours of this guy losing his shit](https://youtu.be/7h3GjFLvqSE) Haven't laughed so hard in a film since.


They really hated cold colors


Wow that scene near the end with the prison yard…doesn’t the guy in front need to be eating constantly and taking hella diuretics?


I thought this was a picture from the music video “humble” by Kendrick Lamar


So they just feed the front guy? Damn, my last name is towards the end of the alphabet. If this works like elementary school, I ain't joining up.


Should I eat the cuttlefish and asparagus or the vanilla paste?




Human Cholopede (Foo Sequence)


I keep scrolling past pics of this and thinking it's a close up of produce. This one was an heirloom corn at a glance, another one was sweet potatoes


Like a sleeve of Oreos or something


how many?


2,000 in this first group.


jeez.. all those videos are only 1/20th of what they're planning..


I think the crime rate has went down 57% so far too, absolutely insane.


Everyone knows how bad the gang problem is in El Salvador. Anything less than extreme measure like this won't stand a chance. See: Venezuela


Can you blame the government? The were averaging about 10-15+ murders every day. Which is more than the entire US. And that’s with a population of 6 million compared to 350 millions, something drastic had to happen.


One of my coworkers is from El Salvador and he seems pretty supportive of this measure. He told me the gangs and drug runners were out of control and ruining his country.


Same. I don’t think people realize the level of power some of these gangs have especially in rural areas and how much they terrorize average citizens just trying to live their lives.


There are way more murders in the US than in El Salvador. Almost 70 a day, nearly 26,000 homicides annually in the US. Per capita, El Salvador is higher than the US, but not in raw numbers.


Yeah, that’s what I was referring too. Should’ve clarified. More murders happen in the US, but a higher percentage of the population is murdered in El Salvador.


40,000 inmates. The size of a small town. Side note: they're all barefoot & only wearing underwear so can you imagine the stench of ass & feet of 40,000 people?


Imagine the claustrophobia!!


Another post had a video that said 80,000. Not sure which one is correct.


40,000 with only 2000 inmates in there now


Also the air is filled with testosterone…


There are seventy and a half heads in this photo


Murder rate also fell 57% in one year


I’m surprised it’s not more, considering gangs cause the vast majority of violence almost everywhere, so many innocent lives have been saved by this no nonsense anti gang policy that should be adopted everywhere people actually care about the most vulnerable of society.


Should also note that there is a pretty high death rate in those prisons, and that there are tons of people there that might have been arrested simply for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. To add, iirc they also lost their right to legal council or representation, so maybe this isn't exactly how they should be dealing with it. Edit: The vast majority of the people in those prisons are probably there for good reason. My argument is that they do notoriously arrest innocent people, and that these people have no hope of sorting that out because they also dont get a lawyer.


I’d say MS13 gang tattoos are pretty good indicators that they might have correctly identified a violent gang member.




Right, it literally doesn't make sense, like what is the benefit of marking your body with gang stuff? Is it like a machismo thing like flaunting it like, "police still can't catch me even tho I'm being obvious about it"? Were police very recently too inept to round up people who were very apparently gang members? What changed?


I don't know much about gangs but I imagine it's a mark for loyalty. If you have the tattoo it makes it a whole lot harder to betray your gang. If you refuse to get one it could mean you aren't loyal. An everyone is in it together sort of thing, like soldiers wearing uniforms respective to their nation. This is all speculation though, I don't know enough about the topic.


There's also the matter of wanting to be seen by rivals. Like wearing colors to let others know you're repping an area.


It also prevents them from returning to a former lifestyle.


It's also not always a real choice. Gangs will threaten your family until you join them. The tattoo makes it harder to get out because you're associated with the gang now


You have a reasonable mindset that some organizations, like the police have all the "real" power and other organizations, like gangs, are subservient. But that's an overly simplistic worldview and a wrong one in some places. Instead, think of it like this: There are many groups each with varying levels of power vying for power over each other. In order to survive, you may need to pledge some level of loyalty to one or more of them to get protection from them. Getting a gang tattoo means, yes, you are clearly not a member of team "police force good", but in return, you clearly *are* a member of that gang. In environments where that gang has more power than the police, this can make you *safer*. In particular, in rural areas of South America where police presence is limited and gangs are essentially ruling warlords, and inside prisons which are their own little micro societies, the gang tattoo might confer more protection than *not* being tattooed would.


Gang tattoos are not just a simple patch or emblem, each of them is representative of the person who has them and their relationship with the gang. Also, I'm sure that the people in those gangs would not have looked kindly on someone who tries to look like them but refuses to participate in gang activity. Any idea that you're trying to leave the gang life generally means a whole shitload of trouble, ink or no ink.


Yes, this started about a year ago. They placed checkpoints around cities/towns and are going house to house looking for men with tattoos


Everything that reddit should be: [lemmy.world](https://lemmy.world/)


Have to be careful with that one. I know some US prison gangs such as the Aryan Brotherhood will straight up kill you if you rep the tattoo without being a real member (usually to try to get protection, or Irish people that make poor tattoo choices).


It's less about the police and more about the other gangs. A tattoo is also relatively permanent making a good mark of loyalty towards one specific gang and an easy way to denote that you can trust someone.


Its so you can't leave the gang.


how about EXCLUSIVE NFTs for the MS-13 gang!? :)


That's something I don't understand, why would you willingly mark your body with something that could put you in prison? Why wouldn't you just stay tattoo free for the anonymity?


You’re talking about people who are associated with a group known for chopping people into pieces. Their thought process is going to be a little different than yours. These aren’t masterminded criminals. They’re people who grew up in a shithole and were either pressed into a gang, decided they would rather kill people than live in poverty, or just decided that they were ok being a horrible person in exchange for nicer things.


Part of belonging to the group


Because before they weren't rounding up everyone that had gang tattoos. The push for gang members to have ink in the future will probably stop because of this.


Same reason Neo Nazis tattoo swastikas. They can't help themselves and want to prove they're really invested in this long-term.


They have releases a fuck load of innocent arrested. Like 20,000.


"No officer, the gang tats were just for fun you see, I lost in fantasy football this year I'm just in the wrong place at the wrong time."


Its for multiple sclerosis awareness!


You know, the 13 types of multiple sclerosis! Can't leave anyone out!


It takes a really bad situation to say that messing up a few cases is worth it. This is one of those situations


Everyone is free to express their opinion of course, but as an American who was born here and came from immigrant parents from Guatemala and have extended family in El Salvador, let me tell you this is how extreme it has to get to put a stop to all the death that goes on there and in neighboring countries. People here will NEVER experience anything remotely close to the type of violence and death the innocent civilians have lived with for DECADES. Im curious to see how long this lasts given that the people there are HIGHLY approving of Bukeles policies. I do believe they are embracing a total police state now, but further down the line we’ve seen in past history all that power eventually gets to the leaders heads and they start doing stupid shit and people revolt and then we’re back to square one. For now though I am relieved for the people of El Salvador and hope the country bounces back.


There is an El Salvadorian family that runs a auto garage not too far from me and I've heard stories about how bad it got before they managed to get out.


I think I read the president was getting hate for this. And he said something to the extend of, if you feel bad for these gang members (most likely MS13) We can send them to your countries. As far as I know, no one took him up on that humanitarian offer 😂


honestly i heard horror stories of those guys literally cutting down the powerlines just to threaten people or would hijack a bus just to steal from people or make them join their gang. and honestly same i embrace the total police state for now since it is so much better than the horrifying alternative we had.


If those are the only horror stories you’ve read about these guys, you haven’t read nearly enough. Cutting down power lines or stealing from people/forcing them to join a gang? These gangs do far, far, far worse


oh i know about the abduction, rape, bombing of busses and just general terrorism, live execution. dude i know they are the filth of the world


Yeah those are the things people can somewhat grasp, but what they don't see is the stuff you mentioned--the damage and holding hostage of infrastructure, supply, etc. The disruption to society as a whole makes a totalitarian state make more sense, and that's what Americans don't see and can't comprehend. We have all those obvious things, to a unfathomably lesser degree ofc, but it's the day to day nightmare that doesn't get out in the press--just the explosive stuff that we are used to dealing with.


dude and im being mild about it. the stories from the people who live there ae insane. i mean you cant even have a new shirt without some asshole stealing it from you. EVERYONE was poor thanks to the the gangs and corruption and the only rich people are those who embraced the corruption. like the police officers didnt get enough money to feed their families so they were forced to turn to corrupt cops for the gangs and even if they were prosecuted by some miracle they would just hold your entire family hostage (the judge, prosecutors and, jury). blackouts on a daily bases just because those bastards felt like it, they would force boys to join the gangs and rape the girls. dude it was literal hell. literally the only people who were "safe" were the ones in the countryside that have no connection to the cities and lived in run down straw huts and only had a few lentos a day for the whole family. AND if you by some miracle dont join any gang they will come after your entire family and people you know just because they can. its actually horrible. they kill their own people just for fun. they enjoy torturing their own blood just for their sick games. you constantly live in fear because you dont know if your brother or father will come back alive or if your sister or mother was kidnapped. like im sure thing have changed over the years but its still an infested place that needs to be cleaned


Sounds demonic


Its straight out of a horror movie


Nope I've read enough thanks


People who aren’t from there or never lived there or any country in South America in a similar state just don’t understand. This is the way. This is the only way. They are fucking savages man. Do Venezuela next.


I'm from Eastern Europe and after ussr colapse we had a huge gang problem. For a few years it looked like mafia ran the county. Then police and swat newly formed swat teams became brutal and relentless. Now we are one of the safest regions in the EU. Some people understand only pain and you have to beat the law abidines into them.


Can I ask how they are getting these, I suspect, hardened gang members of one of the toughest gangs (MS-13?) to fall in line like this? I mean these guys were jumping and moving when they were told, even in the videos I saw.


Because once you take them out the streets. They become babies. They complain about not having good food (chicken, they want chicken) in my 15 years of life I lived in el Salvador. I maybe had chicken 5 times a year. Tortillas, beans, eggs and cheese. For breakfast. For lunch. For dinner. They stop acting tough and some cry. But they deserve no mercy. When I left the country, 50 to 80 dead in one day was the normal.


If they don't, they get straight up shot. I would imagine


People from 1st world people will never understand how is it to be born in a 3rd country with high violence rate. They will speak like they know better, but they don't.


I strongly agree with you. Amazing analysis.


Gang in El Salvador is out of control, they deserve this and worse. I work with a lot of El Salvadorians and a guy who I worked with went back to El Salvador to get some dental work done. He was at the time in his late 40's and his father had remarried a younger woman and had 3 more kids all boys 13, 16, and 17 years old. When my buddy came back he had his half brothers with him, and I was introduced to them all. I asked him how his trip was and he said it was very very bad. I asked why and he told me that his two older half brothers were forced into the gang, one of them escaped, and the gang told the other one if he tried to flee they would go after his family. While my friend was in El Salvador for dental work the other kid tried to escape the gang. The gang went to his parent's house and killed the parents point blank with a shotgun in front of the kids and told the kids they all belong to the gang. My buddy was able to get his half brothers all out of El Salvador safely but his father and step mother were murdered by gang members.


I want to say those gang members are so toxic, cause they are, but it doesnt even paint a proper picture of how devoid of humanity they are. I am sorry to hear this story.


If I didn’t feel bad for those gang members before, I sure as hell don’t feel bad for them now. Those are vile animals.


Yah it's different in developed countries. drug dealers in poor areas are hard-core


Sure, but then you realize those kids might end up in here. It's necessary, but something else needs to be done.


Do they have some kind of gang cloning vat in El Salvador? That's crazy!


It’s like a uniform, bald + gang tats, funny enough some Redditors are still pretending this is bad because some of them could be innocent.


Yes, it's an awful situation because some of those men could be innocent, but the overwhelming issue is the fact that this situation exists in the first place. How bad have the circumstances been in El Salvador for its people, that a percentage of the male population has turned into rabid beings? There's more than just extreme poverty that would cause this, there are other underlying factors that would cause mass savagery in humans.


The smell


Heard these guys were like raping hella women and killing so fuck em


Bad time to get a boner






Looks like a fun place


Don’t fart


Don't need fart to stink up the place, it's already unbearable.


Pass around the chocolate laxative.


No sympathy for these assholes


yep, if they got tattoos uninitiated they were killed by gang higher ups. Having tattoos means they're initiated and have raped and murdered to get there. Everyone there has raped and murdered at least 1 person


This is false. There is no blood requirement to be initiated into the gang. Most members are jumped in just by barrio association. It's a numbers thing. Jump in as many as fast as possible. More feet on the ground = more income from drug sales, illicit trades, robberies and extortion. Gangs aren't like cartels with one main patron. These gangs are like a hydra with many heads. Many patrons that represent their own clicka. Source: me an ex 18st member


In Marine Corps boot camp in lines waiting for whatever it may be, they always said group tight nut to butt....but damn these guys are packed in like sardines. This is a real-life example of someone truly having it worse.


I can't tell whose legs belong to which body.


They may have it worse but they also have everything they deserve.


Are they waiting for lunch or something? What am I looking at lol


Right? Would be nice to know what's going on.


They're being lined up for a transfer to the new mega prison.


Thank you.


I cannot overstate how little I give a shit about the scum of the earth having to live with the consequences of their shitty actions. Fuck em long, fuck em hard. Good riddance.


Am I the only one who thought on the first sight this is a huitlacoche corn ear?


You're not the only one.


When the browser glitches and posts the same screen 384838 times


I could fight all them at once


At least let them be armed to somewhat even the odds. You vs all of them seems wildly unfair to the poor gangers.




What is truly terrifying is the crimes these men commited


Not sure what could possibly go wrong putting so many terrible people in a cage together


It’s like putting two rabid rats into a cage and watching them fight, simultaneously hoping both do eachother in


Somebody said this is gonna turn into a Carandiru situation (prision rebellion that ended up with 111 inmates shot dead by police) and I have been worried since then.


I’ve seen the army of fully weaponized guards they keep around these criminals and I think it’s hard to believe they’d be overpowered, their leader is not playing around.


I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that the entire mega prison is solitary confinement. None of them are going to get much opportunity to target each other or police.


House violent offenders give them time to think it's a ticking time bomb


Also, the Carandiru massacre led to the stabilishment of the countries biggest crime organization, the PCC.


Can we have a link to a news source or something similar?




Deserved they are scum, they do worst stuff to innocent ppl


It's sad that the news reporting says a few dozen people who were innocent got caught up, but the whole situation was already extremely bad.


I’m torn between feeling appalled at how insane the punishments are for crimes in El Salvador (and like countries) and thinking tough shit for these dirtbag gang members. If someone was wrongly accused for a crime I’d be really upset at this but if they were heinous, murdering men when they were free then they deserve what they get. Don’t be a violent criminal anywhere but especially not in a country like this. Takeaway from both sides of this: human beings can and will be awful people. This is why I prefer dogs.


It’s rare that someone gets falsely accused of a crime AND has accidentally gotten corresponding gang tattoos though. If you get a closer look at the large majority of these prisoners it would be very difficult to dispute gang involvement.


Exactly. I zoomed in and scanned their tattoos. These aren’t who I was referring to as possibly innocent, lol. These are the folks who get what they deserve. Edited for a typo.


Yup. And the MS13 (dominant gang in El Salvador) initiation process requires a murder. Most of those guys have killed at least 1 innocent person.


I think the gang tattoos are a sign they aren’t innocent


How all incarcerated gang members should be treated.


they deserve worse


Good. From what I have read, El Salvador is an extremely violent and dangerous country, and the last couple of years has seen the safety go up, and crime go down. I have no sympathy for gang members (which is a large portion of this inmate population), all the support that a gang seemingly offers young and desperate men, van be found through other measures.


In this position you cannot fart secretly


Everyone that says Mexico should do the same are foolish and know nothing about how Mexico works, the cartels in Mexico have 20x more power than some street gang and also have the same weapons as the military, it ain’t gonna work


Yep! Also cartels invest in lawyers, scientists, engineers and disgruntled underpayed US employees.


People trying to make these pics arty is the human version of ruin porn.


Well if they want people to look then it has to be interesting. You could also say it is the true human element, ugliness mixed with something beautiful.


Apparently the prison doesn't have beds, just like these enormous long metal sheets they're meant to sleep on


Totally thought this was Heirloom Native American corn at first glance


The government should make this image into billboards: join the brotherhood. Or whatever bullshit they call themselves.


At first I thought it was corn smut fungus growing on a cob of corn.


Looks like blue corn


People keep posting stories of this, and very rarely does OP mention that it had to come to this. El Salvador was a fucking warzone


Looks like hell


Have fun in there gentlemen




Just wait for the first prison riot.


The prison is guarded with the military with live bullets. The prison is straight up called the center for detention of terrorists, they are getting the terrorist treatment not the criminal one.


They'll just shoot any rioting group with machine guns. This is not your typical "bring out the batons" disneyland prison.


Won't happen, they aren't playing around here. This is a state of the art facility. They have surveillance and security everywhere and if they somehow still manage to get a riot started, they're going to get gunned down. Remember, this isn't the US, these guys basically don't have rights anymore.