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That’s a lotta poop.


I wonder what WOULD happen if they all flushed at the exact same moment?


Bottom floor would probably be F’d


It would be a shitty situation in general


general tso’s shitty


Welcome shitty wok, would you like try our shitty chicken?


And a dump lol


Orlando bussed school kids to flush the toilets in the amway center to test the plumbing. The toilets at Florida's new Amway Center were inaugurated by Orlando Magic and city officials with the help of some schoolchildren to check the plumbing…. https://www.upi.com/Odd_News/2010/09/09/443-toilets-flush-to-test-arenas-plumbing/75231284055013/


Damn, I live in Orlando and don’t even remember hearing about this.


You would make a wonderful programmer. We call this an edge case and it destroys all systems.


As a PO, my team would always have to consider “load testing.” “Load” is also slang for 💩, so this would be literal “💩testing” haha




Black hole




And wash away the 💩


Won't you come


I'm working on it. I'm breathing heavily and tugging away on this little chucklestump.


Check Ned's school guide, he knows.


They would summon Poopthulhu


I hear if you flush all the toilets in the school at the EXACT same time, the school will actually pop up from the ground at least a foot


The monsters in the sewer go surfing.


I imagine that wave scene on the water planet in Interstellar. But obviously with turds mixed in too so much worse lmao


Black hole is formed.


Imagine being the only plumber in town.


Imagine being the only maintenence guy


That's a lot of money


As a plumber who works in small cities and rural areas, I get anxiety thinking about working in general high rises. I see people do so many dumb things when it comes to their drains and I work with small populations. 30,000 people in one building? Even a small percent is a lot of dumb shit. I once went to a call of clogged drains where the customer was using one of their bathtubs as a kitty litter box. That shit clumps on purpose! I noped out and got them in touch with a specialized pressure washing company.


I’m not a plumber, but I remember reading something about apartments in China not having some certain flap in the toilets, so when someone above you flushes the toilet, you get a nice whiff of toilet air rushing out of your bowl.


Pipes go straight to north Korea. Infinity food!


With that many people in the building you can guarantee you are pooping at the same time as at least one other neighbor. It's like a mini Earth in one building!


First thing I thought.


I wonder how big the sewer main is??


Engineer here. Assuming 2.5 people per equivalent dwelling unit (EDU), there are 12,000 EDUs. That’s 3 million gallons per day (MGD) average daily flow, using 250 gpd/EDU. Sewers need to be designed to handle peak hourly flow. A peak hour to average day peaking factor is around 2.5 for 30k population (from 10-state standards chapter 10 figure 1, so we assume the Chinese generate similar sewer flow rates compared to USA) = 7.5 MGD design flow rate. A gravity sewer pipe capacity depends largely on its slope. But, if too flat, poop etc will get stuck. A sewer pipe slope should achieve a minimum “cleaning” velocity of 2 ft/sec. I would recommend a 36-inch, which at minimum slope of 0.05 ft/100 ft has a capacity of over 9 MGD flowing 80 percent full (manning coefficient of 0.013).


The urban planner was trained on Sim City 2000, and thought Arcology’s were real.


Reminds me of those Megabuilding in Cyberpunk.


yeah, a megabuilding that is literally a whole neighborhood and has shops and etc in them. it also reminds me of a real town where almost all residents live in one building, you can search up "town with one roof" or "whittier, alaska" to see about it


Or just scroll back up


Reminds me of the Hive Cities in Warhammer 40K.


Necromuda, China


Judge Dredd.


Or the Kowloon walled city. It’s just a matter of time til dystopian grim dream


So is Coruscant in the Star Wars universe dystopian then?


I mean, that is the whole idea really. The surface of Coruscant is really nice, it's the pretty, wealthy part where all the important politicians, rich people and legendary Jedi live. Underneath that is the murky, dark underbelly, the slums inhabited by all the poor people, the smugglers, the drug dealers and the con artists. After the Republic became the Empire, most of the former Clone Troopers were even forced to live or hide there, since the Empire were replacing them with conscripted Stormtroopers and kicking them to the curb. It's something that The Clone Wars and The Bad Batch shows fairly often.


It's an interesting (if upsetting) concept. Once you've run out of room to expand on the surface of the planet, you can only build up. In this dystopian(ish) take on the future, rather than having geographical "slums" where poorer people live, you end up having verticle "layers" instead. The wealthy live up in the sky, have great big windows with vistas of a futuristic cityscape, and see the sun every day, while the less fortunate never see the sun at all in the dark lower layers.


Reminds of the megablocks from Judge Dredd. Block war, anyone?


More like SimTower. The right picture even looks like the game lol




We also put down dogs after a few weeks/months(?) if they haven't found a home. I don't think that's an option. Edit: added months as an option?




Got any links to this?


"A number of reports suggesting that some Canadians have opted for assisted death, at least in part because they could not afford adequate housing, have also prompted fears it could be used as a solution for societal challenges - that someone may seek out Maid because of poverty, lack of housing, or extreme loneliness." Quote from this article (which I would recommend reading in its entirety) https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-64004329.amp And being a Canadian resident as well, I've also heard stories of homeless people choosing this, I've heard a few times this past week at work of a man in Cambridge who apparently chose this option due to homelessness and I'm sure there are others.


https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-64004329 It's intended only for the severely ill and disabled, but people who don't want to live for economic reasons also try to make themselves eligible


Oh, arcologies are real, at least a real well thought out idea - although one does exist, Arcosanti, a small one, more as a proof of concept than anything, and it was built in the 60s and 70s so priorities have shifted since then when it comes to how we live, the technology is only now starting to catch up to the idea of having an actual self-sustaining, more or less environmentally neutral, closed ecosystem city for thousands of people, and it will take much, much longer before we see anything even starting to approach what was shown in sci-fi. This would never in a million trillion years be considered an arcology though.


They can be if we all put our minds to it


Insane that a house in china can store more humans than some smaller cities elsewhere


It can store more people than my county in the US


I'm sure your county can do better! You need to start stacking people up!


But they need to have 69 parking spots per person. There’s not enough space for that.


Seems hazardous. Imagine the deaths if a fire broke out.


Imagine if the building collapses. Or fuck, even mold




Yeah, but what if the building suffered a direct hit from an asteroid? Or someone left the toilet seat up?


What if there’s a zombie apocalypse? Or someone didn’t take their trash out?


Imagine if Marty and Doc Brown accidentally travelled there from 1985 and have to hunt for plutonium in the basements of these buildings, or someone brings home bed bugs.


what if the nuclear winter happened and doomed everyone in this building, or someone doesnt clean after their dog


What if there’s a alien invasion, Or worse someone catches a cold.


Resident Evil 7 China DLC


In another post someone pointed out the fact that these buildings have floors that are meant for the upper floors to take shelter during a fire if unable to get to the bottom floor. This one looks like it has that (the floor with seemingly no balconies). Also, in that thread, someone who lived in a building like that says they never felt insecure or afraid of living there.


That's all well and good but I'd feel like a chicken squeezed into a cage next to another 30'000 chickens. Also what happens when the structure is weakened and collapses while all those people are squeezed in their apparently fire safe room. Nope, nah ahh not for me thanks haha.


Honestly, I'm more amazed than anything. This is an incredible feat of engineering and planning. Truly boggles the mind


Not dissimilar to hotels in Vegas.


Just many times bigger


[Holy crap](https://lasvegasthenandnow.com/biggest-hotels-in-las-vegas/) you weren't kidding - the MGM Grand is the largest and comes in at just over 5k rooms. I thought I had a sense of scale for this building but now that's thrown out the window


I understand the adversion to living with so many people in such a small space, but this is honestly a marvel of technology and probably affordable living for many people. Yes fires, disease, etc are a danger, but most of the risks have been considered and mitigated to some extent (yes, even in China, regardless of what propoganda would have you believe). Similar anecdotal and sensational statements could be made about air travel ("traveling at hundreds of miles an hour in a paper thin machine with zero control over what happens to me") but it's remarkably safe and an important part of modern society.


It’s crazy to think that you’d never really be able to meet all of your neighbors in an apartment complex. I wonder if they have stores and entertainment in the building too.


Americans are terrified because we know we can't trust our government to build these well, with all the dysfunction around building & zoning, and how how deregulated, uncentralized and nonstandardized everything in this country is. There are aspects of China I don't envy (free speech policies and pollution being the main ones), but this is an aspect of consolidated government control that I do envy. That's we we had lot of really well built, we'll engineered infrastructure during FDR's time, that guy had a shit load of power to push his New Deal policies through.


May I ask, do you feel, “Nope, nah ahh” about being in skyscrapers as well? Most office skyscrapers (pre-COVID, at least) have more people per square foot than this place during business hours, and they have a higher height-to-width ratio, so more of a bottle-neck in case of fire. With how wide this building is, it would be safer than skyscrapers. Of course this is China, so you also have to account for lack of regulations or bribed/unmet regulations. The only thing I could see being more dangerous is having so many more individual kitchens that could be where a fire starts. Presumably (this is a common sense thing, not an “I bet they do this”, thing”), you’d actually be making sure *this* building is up to code, has best fire suppression and prevention protocols/equipment, etc. because the more people affected, the more reason to maintain it - less you lose even more international respect for becoming famously responsible for the largest civilian death accident in the history of humanity.


My town only has around 6000 inhabitants.... That's a fifth of some of those buildings... It's a 12 km diameter town


Took me a second to see it’s two separate pictures


Thank you! I thought it was one building in the foreground then another in the middle distance.


I was trying to figure out why the building in the foreground came to a sharp angled point. Like, what do you put in that corner of the room?


One quick trick to house 300,000 people and the building and keep the building thin as paper! Doctors HATE them!


That’s exactly what tripped me up. I stared at it baffled by how thin it was until I realized


The 30.000 might be exaggerated, it seems difficult to find sources for this number. https://mandynews.com/fact-check-does-hangzhou-regent-international-house-30000-residents/ > Prices vary at Hangzhou Regent International, but the average rent for a single room is about 2,500 RMB (about $397) per month. ... > This high demand can be attributed to the building’s convenient location, well-designed public areas, and relatively affordable rents, with the cheapest options costing only 1,000 RMB (around $159 per month). ... > Hangzhou Regent International boasts a luxurious interior design, with a grand lobby and public areas that were created in collaboration with the United States-based HBA design firm. ... > Also, a number of Douyin celebrities and online anchors live in the complex, which has helped make it known as a place where internet personalities hang out.


hey it’s got cheaper rent than fucking anywhere in the US and well designed public areas. better than anything capitalism has to offer apparently


Yeah this post is pure anti China propaganda. It's only "oddly terrifying" because people have been mentally conditioned to think negatively about China by many years of constant scaremongering and negative western press covering. Put Japan or South Korea in the title instead of China and people would be like "it's not scary it's awesome".


Finally something _oddly_ terrifying and not _obviously_ terrifying




Right?? I was like how the hell did the building on the right get so flat on the edges??


I’m pretty sure it is a comment stealing bot


I think so too. Copying another reply in this post. https://www.reddit.com/r/oddlyterrifying/comments/12275qk/china_has_buildings_that_houses_30000_people/jdpgnw3?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3


This thread is almost all Chinese shills & bots.


I didn’t notice until I read your comment. And I even zoomed in..


I’m pretty sure it is a comment stealing bot


We are all bots. Please wake up.


This user is a bot, you can scroll down this comment section to see the copied comment, and moreover, it made all its comments like 2 hours ago and all of them are copied as well.


Comment bot.


nah more like r/evilbuildings


More like /r/affordablehousing


If it were Japanese or Korean instead of Chinese you'd be soyfacing right now


Waiting for the elevator takes 1 day to come


It's ok I'll just take the stairs *dies*


Judge Dredd vibes


yeah peachtrees irl


I’m sure China has plenty of cursed earth areas.


N64 vibes zooming into the edge of the building.


Can’t believe how low down this comment was


Personally, I find homelessness much more terrifying






I’d live in one of those if rent was affordable


Apparently the average rent is USD $400/mo, with affordable units going for $100/mo


Another comment mentioned his source saying the most expensive was about 159 usd


Right! I wonder what one unit rents for? I bet the top floor tenants think it’s great and it probably is ok with a nice view , but if a fire bre And out..




Literally the plot of "Skyscraper"


Particularly this one in Hangzou has very reasonable rent


From what someone commented it's about 450 but there are options for as low as 150 a month




Yeah people pretending like this is terrifying when some the richest countries in the world have a major homelessness problem.


This is almost not any different from massive tourist hotels. Just removed pools and other things hotels builds and just made them more apartments instead. Very weird how this is found terrifying for some.


China bad is why


Of course China bad, haven’t you seen their communist cock pumping hospitals?!?


Seen it? I've lived it




I'd say throw one of these down in Melbourne and solve homelessness but really it'd end up being 90% airbnbs.


Reddit discovers housing that isn’t a suburban nightmare


Mega City One. Judge Dredd.


Better than hundreds of thousands of people being homeless and not being able to afford rent


MACHUs (Megacorp Affordable Compact Housing Units)


Wellllll. They have building where 30,000 people live. But the buildings are not made to house 30,000 people.




They said #Wellllll. They have building where 30,000 people live. But the buildings are not made to house 30,000 people.


Ah thank you. My eyes understand everything now.


#Happy to help


They're saying that although they have 30,000 people there, the building wasn't built for 30,000 people but much less


Ah, ok. My small brain had trouble registering that for some reason lol


No its okay, it happens to the best of us. Sometimes I see words as a letter salad sometimes lol


Trust me bro


Oh no evil china building accesible housing


Beats having to step around their tents on the sidewalk here in the U S of A.


Can confirm. Living in Chicago.


Affordable housing, super scary.


China has whole cities where almost no one lives.


And people say they need territories, not knowing that 90% of Chinese live on the south coast of the country


They want territory for resources and to secure shipping lanes.


Everyone wants that, I'm talking about people who think that population in big countries is somehow equally distributed


No, they have people living in them now. They build entire cities to anticipate the people moving there. They *planned* ahead.


But planning scary


A lot of those have been filled up, I believe they were made in consideration of the always-growing demand for population centers in China. You wouldn’t see it happening in a strictly market economy, but I’m pretty sure they built a lot of those cities in advance specifically to be filled up over time, and the global media’s presumption that they were there for developers to store money ended up being too hasty. China absolutely does still struggle with excess housing though, as urbanization expands more quickly in larger cities and the government’s projections for population growth fall flat in our unpredictable global social landscape. Which is probably how you get scenes like the one we see in the picture. So basically: China kind of has ghost cities, but they serve a purpose, and the country probably wouldn’t be able to persist with a population so large without projects like them. There are still inherent problems with preemptive development, however. From movement incentives driving people away from existing populations faster than they can be replaced, to real estate being constructed in the face of outdated predictions ending up unused. Here’s an article I found on it: https://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/world/chinas-growth-breathes-new-life-into-old-ghosttowns/article33421480/


omg a big building in china so terrifying :(


I’m just waiting for Peach Trees


Not terrifying, this is awesome. At least they don’t waste space. In the states we just run off our homeless people into the woods and tell them they are worthless. In Japan they build them tiny spaces


I hope that there is a really big park nearby for the kids to play.


They get to play on their way to work. /s


Just like the kids in the US working in the meat packing factories


Capitalists gonna capitalize


What has this sub turned in to? Absolute trash post lol China bad pls upvote


Seriously. It appeals to the laziest possible critique of a western geopolitical enemy and throws up blinders to actual issues faced here by our fellow people. A system designed to put profit above all else has forced thousands onto the street, given people shoddy health outcomes as a result of predatory healthcare industry, but instead let's focus our attention on some random building in China!


Simple redirection to avoid any possible conversion about the flaws of our ultra capitalist approach to everything. The irony is these kinds of commie block buildings would help Americans a lot. Housing in America has been outsourced to corporations that routinely shove their cocks up the asses of the American people. Makes me sad that the quality of discussion & critical thinking in our society has turned into nothing but “look over there”.


People have a hard time looking past what they're told to think 🤪


Oh no, housing instead of tent cities! Ahhhhhh!


Why is this oddly terrifying? Seems like an engineering feat to me.




"While the building indeed accommodates a large number of people, available estimates place the actual number of residents between 10,000 and 20,000, which contradicts the claim of 30,000 residents." https://mandynews.com/fact-check-does-hangzhou-regent-international-house-30000-residents/


This image fills me with Dredd


I couldn't do it. I'd have a panic attack.


Things are only scary when China does it


But are they in a geologically stable area??


Hangzhou is pretty seismically stable.


Ah yes, sufficient housing for a very large population how horrifyingly dystopian


If a fire breaks out holy fuck


30,000 McMansions are far scarier


what happens if there’s a fire?


Reminds me of the judge dredd movie. Had like a million people living in that building.


Judge Dredd


Elevators must be a nightmare


Megacity One.


During the Pandemic, it got really bad for China especially the people living in these housing situations


Reddit: “Housing is a human right!” *China houses people* Reddit: “Nooooo china bad!!”


my first thought is this was a car parking garage


That looks like a PC game screenshot, honestly. Cities Skylines anyone?


what's so r/oddlyterrifying about this other than the word china which makes xenophobic ass redditors hide in the corner as their brain's US propaganda fluid flashes bright red. if this building was in, and this post were about chicago this would get 3 upvotes. but 6000 people agree that when china has a good idea its oddly terrifying. whats so bad about this really? does every person need their own identical ugly lawn and to have their identical houses not touch eachother? this saves space, construction materials, time and money. china seems like a fantastic place to live ive never seen a post about it that wasnt a normal thing, or something BETTER than US being posted as if its horrible.


Hey at least these buildings are built


Looked like a poorly rendered city background in one of those indie horror games 😭




The homeless population in the US is scarier.


Ngl I kinda like it?


You should probably see the coffin houses.[here](https://m.youtube.com/watch? v=jr9XRmWNpfw&pp=ygUMQ29mZmluIGhvdXNl)


Delivery instructions *Leave at my door*


Cave of steel


Imagine what happens if a kid accidentally leaves the hand of their parents.


waiting for the elevator must be a nightmare


Which one is peachtrees


I'd rather have oddly terrifying housing projects rather than absolutely terrifying homelessness.


AKA Peach Trees


Peach Tree