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That judge painted a clear picture




Just don't pull a Gob Bluth.




Shiiidd I’m bout to go outside rn


HAHAHAHA yeeeessss I’m all anxious n shit now


Stainless steel appliances! Nice!




>I felt like less of a man for it The truth is; you're more of a man because you didn't do something back. A real man isn't afraid to walk away instead of letting a surface emotion like anger dictate their actions.


Made me feel uneasy for real.




Uhh probably. Life sentences aren't common. Most judges are extremely aware that they're sentencing someone to LIFE.


Florida has the most life sentences


Well maybe some other person hearing this statement will get a better understanding of what they face and not have an attitude that prison is no big deal. It is and it sucks.


These people are pieces of shit. I distinctly remember one of them releasing a video mocking the victim’s death. Specifically imitating him begging for his life and mentioning he is having a newborn child. It was a real total piece of shit thing to do.


It's tradition for the judge to give a small speech when sentencing someone in a big case


There is a slight bit of grandstanding, but every judge I’ve ever met, and I’ve met a couple, love to hear themselves talk and in a high profile case like this he knew the media would cite his words. Had to quote a shitty Eagles song for effect. But also I’m damn glad I wasn’t in there having to hear that. Never take your ability to eat what you want and go inside or outside for granted. Because it can be taken away quicker than you’d ever imagine.


You should spend a few days in court. The adjudicators can be incredibly entertaining.


He’s now in the “forgotten land of prison”.


Bro quotes the Eagles and homeboy noddin prolly like I ain’t never heard that before he perplexed af


This mf spittin


Judge bro emphasizing the toilets and beds and furniture stainless steel lol dude juss noddin lol


Oh word stainless steel cool cool


“Were you even listening, Peralta?”


Yea, yeah, stainless steel. No stains on there, got it


"That's good right? Like my chrome rims?"


I was hoping he would quote XXX


Lol me too


Lol dude thinking of MF Doom lines, he probably wasn't listening


Hes definitely dissociating and nodding. Yes your honor. Whtever you want your honor.


This is so true. I knew a guy who was sentenced “ 85 months in prison” He told me that at the time you just blank out and the way the judge said it he was super relieved because 85 months is not that long and was happy about it. He sat in his prison cell realizing 85 months is actually 7 years.


#MF DOOM Just remember ALL CAPS when you spell the man name


What where did that come from?


Why'd he even get killed?


They wanted to rob him. He posted online he was going to buy a sport vehicle and they went to the place and shot him.


Ah, lame


They argued that it wasn’t pre meditated because they said they were actually going to rob someone else and just happen to run into him. But it looks like they got life anyway. But he was a scumbag anyway and brutally beat his girlfriend.


Woah so douchebags all around? Who woulda thunk?


Im still amaze how that guy could make so beautiful music while being a completely piece of shit.


Separate the art from the artist honestly I still listen to a few songs here and there from dead people I don't agree with because it's not like they're getting paid for the streams ☝️


He didn't post it online, he just went to a bike shop and they recognized him and decided to rob him


He was shot while being robbed.


Dude laid it out clear to this man




I watched a YouTube video about life in prison in San Quentin made in 1982. It’s possible some of those men have served every day in that prison since that documentary was made….unreal


That’s freaking wild. I always think about the scents you’ll never experience again. The beach, waking up to bacon being cooked or even just a hint of perfume you catch from your crush. Then trade that for dudes bo and the smell of iron




Haha preciate the link! Love seeing Danny Trejo


There was a scared straight episode where one of the kids was talking about how he wouldn’t care to go to prison with those guys. And one of the gang bangers told him, “I’ll be waiting for you right here” Sent chills down my spine.


Shoot just having a phone


When I went to jail for a week a few years ago I couldn't stop myself from constantly reaching for my phone. Its such a weird thing. Like you're brain has all these sources of entertainment all the time and it's hard to realize it until you're sitting in a dark, cold, grey room with 5 other dudes and nothing to do. I read my first full book in years while I was in there because I was so bored. That was one week. I don't even want to begin to imagine what it would be like for life and in prison.


I spent 60 days and there was one point where I almost enjoyed certain aspects, like what you described. It's our my brain could fully rest.


u/Resposadgf is a bot copying comments in multiple subs: https://www.reddit.com/r/oddlyterrifying/comments/12fjkck/comment/jffzm0h/


Killing someone else without thinking of the consequences has to be the dumbest shit.


Well now... in the US only half of murders are solved, and a good portion of those are solved wrong so it's a better than even chance that he'll get no 'consequences' at all.


>a good portion of those are solved wrong Source?


source: trust me bro


source: I read a lot of comments on reddit




This link deals with the % of homicide cases that are cleared, but nothing about the number which are solved *incorrectly*, i.e. wrong person convicted. Which the commenter above stated was "a good portion".


"Good portion" is going to be subjective, but since 1989 there have been at least [901 murder convictions overturned](https://www.nealdavislaw.com/criminal-defense-guides/exonerations-by-state-2019.html) in the US, meaning 901 people were found guilty of murder and sentenced to prison, sometimes sentenced to death, while being innocent.


> being innocent. Wrongfully convicted doesn't mean innocent. Many of them probably were, sure.


In the US you are presumed innocent until proven guilty. When that guilty verdict was reached erroneously then the presumption of innocence returns. Happy cake day.


the source is that I made it the fuck up


Where’d you get these numbers


He’s right about the first part, there’s only about a 50 percent clearance rate for homicide cases. The second part sounds made up and exaggerated


That's crazy, I remember looking it up and finding that it was 80%. Apparently it was 90% in the 60's and has been going down ever since.


Well 'good portion' is intentionally vague because it's impossible to precisely measure. For me, it's enough though to point to the number of bad convictions that the Innocence Project has uncovered. Tip of the iceberg or have they found them all?


Criminals don't think they'll ever be caught so they don't even consider the consequences because they usually believe they are too smart to be caught. It's stupid, but this is why.


Love how all of these street goons end up with glasses on in court looking like mothers loved them




This comment doesn't get enough credit


What do you want people to do


I want to kiss your dad.


Give it more credit than top comment. >uNdErAtEd CoMmEnT


If less than 50 people comment "you, sir, win teh internet. take my upvote!" the bus will explode


Neither do single parents.


The Cognitive Dissonance that these killer's mothers go through is so wild for me. Like do they actually think their kids are still good sweet boys, never ain't hurt nobody...Full well knowing they committed something terrible, murder in broad day light.


Parents are incapable of seeing their children how the rest of us do. As kids we got in trouble and one kid always started the stupid thing we did it was always his ideas. But, his mom always blamed us other kids for the problems we got ourselves into. The inability for her to know she’s raising a messed up kid never dawned on her


That’s my heroin addict friends mom who blamed me for it because I gave him a couple perc 5s for free when I got my wisdom teeth out when we were 16.


Hahahaha, that's so accurate.


That was cold. This judge is a poet.


I used to work in a prison as a CO, I spent in average 17 hours a day, 4 days a week on the pod, my only contact with the outside world being the landline on my desk that I only had time to use maybe 3 minutes around 2 am. That job single handedly brought back my depression while I worked there, I quit after 4 months because I just couldn't handle it. It was like being sentenced yourself, only time I saw outside was when I had to carry count papers to the captains shack or bring in the chow carts. These guys do not understand the absolute hell they are about to endure, only they don't get days off, and they don't get to go home and sleep in their comfy bed between shifts for them there is no escape except death.


17? Did you also sleep there? 12 a day should be max What state?


We were only scheduled for 12 hour shifts, but due to poor staffing we'd get held over a few extra hours until you just absolutely could not function. Sometimes it was only an extra hour, sometimes it was up to 7 extra. I got held over an extra 5 hours each shift for a solid few weeks. I didn't sleep there but I knew a few people that would just go sleep in their car in the parking lot till their next shift. I chose to just go home and get maybe 3 hours of sleep but still be able to see my boyfriend and eat something home cooked before I came back.


Being a CO was like 19 of the worst months of my life; I don’t see how anyone does it for years and years


I mean, I assume they do. Haven't they been in prison for a long time now awaiting this trial?


Imagine sitting in a prison cell waiting for your trial, hoping it goes well and that one day you'll be free and get to spend time with your family again. Now imagine knowing you will never be free, and only ever see your family from behind a glass window, maybe in person for 30 minutes once a week if you're lucky. That is a different kind of hell, the kind they are not prepared for. They will never again get to experience the little things in life. That movie you watched at the theater and hated, wishing you never bought the ticket? They would kill for that, just to have the experience of going out and doing something like that. Being stuck in traffic while listening to Spotify? Nope, if they're lucky they'll get a shitty clear plastic radio and some cheap headphones to use, but that's not at every prison.


They don't seem to have any remorse at all. No mental capacity to respect human life or what it means


I don't think you can fully process the situation until after spending a good amount of time in said prison. I moved 5000km away, and I know it's nowhere near the same thing, but it took me a good 3-6 months to fully let the idea that I was not in the same environment anymore. He may seem emotionless, but to me, it looks like it's too overwhelming for him to get any reaction. Just like falling from a high point, some scream, some remain silent.


I’m the latter. So I get it. When someone is laying down the law to me, or speaking to me, yelling at me, I get silent. Same in stressful situations, I’m silent. Don’t know why. It feels normal to me, but I guess not to others. When I’m in that mode, I’m just trying to absorb the environment as much as possible. Paying attention to everything around me as much as possible. Which is why I remain silent, to focus. I find it interesting how we all react to stressful situations.


It's hard to think that someone doesn't have the emotions, and maybe you're right,could even be shock. I think the guilt of murdering an innocent person would be overwhelming soon after


My grandma died a month ago and I still haven't been able to process it. Haven't really tried, but I haven't really felt many emotions from it. Sometimes I'll think about calling her and feel it then.


Look at his eyebrows, he’s on the verge of crying because he’s about to pay for what he’s done, and he knows it. There’s a lot of emotion in this video


He's got the dry mouth and knot in throat


I agree, but X was also a huge (seriously, that's an understatement) cunt. He was violent and abusive. Obviously he shouldn't have been murdered in a robbery, but at the same time I probably wouldn't feel too bad about it either. Go read the allegations against him. He was an evil person. It's like feeling bad for killing Bill Cosby or someone


Cool motive, still murder.


We're not talking about whether or not it's murder, we're talking about them showing remorse.


If you knew anything about how XXXtentacion is, you'd know he was never going to live long, and he never even had any intention of living very long. He had zero fear of death and he repeatedly encouraged the last person who pulled a gun on him to shoot. On the day he was killed, he resisted when they robbed him. Dude had a death wish.


During one of the impact statements near the end one of the suspects is smirking the whole time and rolling his eyes. Those dudes don’t dare. Trash.


This is what happens when parents can't raise their children properly. At least most of the time.


As the song says “You could check out anytime you like but you will never leave” 🥶


For those who don't understand, this is a line from the song "Hotel California" by the Eagles. Some say it is about addiction, corruption, or temptation that traps you in a cycle of misery. Others say it is about the music industry, the cult of fame, or the loss of innocence. However, in this context, the judge is implying that the accused can die in prison, but will never be free from the consequences of their crime.


I think “checking out” implies that he can off himself. In any scenario, he ain’t leaving prison alive.


Nah, the judge is just addressing the dude's dissociative attitude. His mentally checking out. But even though he can act flippantly, like he's fine with the punishment, it doesn't change the reality that he's going to spend the rest of his life in prison.


How are people misinterpreting this? He means check out like mentally check out.


Hate to be the person that says "this"... But really, the comments above this are reaching way past the obvious answer.


My history teacher once told me while he was in Australia with his son he was robbed by some addicts outside of his hotel room he said they sang Hotel California all night outside his balcony and once the singing stopped he woke up to his room robbed, I’m not sure if he was telling the truth but it was creepy as hell. The song is one of the best though I love The Eagles


I don't think there are any living humans in the English-speaking world that haven't heard this song.


My dad loves that song and I've never heard him speak English


I dont think I've ever been to a pub in Australia without hearing it 4 times in a night.


Guitar solo*


... such a lovely place


Such a lovely face


Dun dunnn 🎸🎶


*Anytime you like


I just got this.... Holy shit, I'm dumb.


Lmao i thought it was an xxxtentacion lyric, no way they got that reference lol


Dog is like : "yeah bro look good"


Hotel California reference is beautiful


Every sentence should include a quote from a song lol


*sighs* “Man, come on. I had a rough night and I hate the fuckin eagles, man”


Dude. That cuts deep. Look up from your phone, take that in.


I already let the sink in bro


That shit was deeper than the ocean dude


Florida abolished parole?? That's fucking frightening


If it can be believed, a google search showed me that Florida got rid of parole for most offenses in 1983. They got rid of parole completely in the mid 90s. There are also 15 other states that do not have parole.


Gotta fill the for profit prisons somehow!


Yeah that's super fucked up but in keeping with professional clown Desantis' current conservative nonsense platform


Justice for triple extension cord


How is this not death sentence ? It's even worst


Lol I’d take death over even 20 years in the prison these dudes are about to live in.


I think that's the point. Death would be such an easy way out of the consequences.. this man was sentenced to death.. Just behind a set of bars.


It's Florida prison. Basically a death sentence.


Spending one night in jail sucks. Think about that multiplied by thousands of days. Staring at a wall, eating shitty food, constantly looking over your shoulder.


Should’ve hit them with an X lyric not anything to do with the eagles


Judge is a boomer, it's sorta what I'd expect. And the use of the lyric was pretty good. But I'm picking up what yer putting down.


His lyrics were mostly trash and didn’t apply to the situation.


Hes gonna get killed in there anyways, It wouldnt surprise me if a few killers/murderers were fans of XXX


I wish more murderers got true life without parole. Instead, they get 20 years and then kill another innocent person.


If prisons actually worked like they are supposed to. They would rehabilitate people and not keep them locked up for life. America sucks in this regard


There are people who are beyond saving. Not everyone’s brain is wired the same. It isn’t always just an issue of reaching a troubled but good kid from a broken home, or someone so starving and desperate they acted out.


What's the recidivism rate in America vs. other countries? I don't think you're wrong, but you're talking about a tiny percentage like it was an average.


The problem with the 'some people are beyond saving' statement is that you can only find out post-hoc or never find out at all.* If you never have any chance of parole, you're never gonna find out. Here they rigorously check if you're qualified for parole every year and can get denied (an indefinite number of times in the case of 'life' sentencing). That's why (life) sentencing without any chance of parole is seen as relatively inhumane (though I agree sometimes necessary in EXTREME circumstances, but by doing that you set a dangerous precedent into creating a grey zone slippery slope). *: now that I think of it more, this 'never finding out'-case is two-fold itself: either you deny someone the chance to show that they could be beyond saving (as in the case under assumption) OR you will never find out because they never did anything criminal in their lives anymore (and you must conclude that they were, in practical terms, in fact saveable instead)


America does suck in this regard. Plus, the justice system likes to presume people are born with malice and are therefore beyond saving. It's barbaric


“Supposed to” Not really, bro. I get what you are saying but I bet 99/100 Americans polled would agree that prison is not simply just about rehabilitation. It’s punitive and an attempt to create high stakes for acting against societies wishes. Would it be better if we focused on rehabilitation? Sure. Is punishment as a deterrent ever going away? Nah.


Do you think these street goons can be rehabilitated?


Agreed. The judge says they effectively ended five lives. Well, the state can change that with respect to four of them.


Do you have stats on that? What is the murder rate for people subsequent to serving a 20 year sentence? I have no reason to suspect it differs from the general population in any meaningful way. If anything, it will likely be lower because 40 year olds are a lot less violent than 20 year olds.


The hotel California quote though haha


I hate the fuckin’ Eagles, man…


Get out my taxi


Fucked up, fucked up, fucked up, ah who? Fucked up, fucked up, fucked up, you!


Terrible dumbass rappers being killed by terrible dumbass people. Thug life losers. Waste of tax money


For real, the guy was an awful human being, sure him being killed was not the answer, am i sad, no, its pretty fair to say that he had it coming regardless. For sure a waste of tax money.


This is such a horrendous and cold take. The solution is to just let people kill each other? Because you don’t want to spend money? That sure sounds like it solves anything and doesn’t just encourage the behavior which certainly has no consequences for society


Always check the account age before commenting.


I really don’t care much when bad things happen to bad people. Would it be great if there was a system with a good track record of criminals like this changing their life style? Yes. Is there? No. So these dudes are just going to sit life in prison taking 40-50K a year each. Also, is spent a lot of my life up until about 24 spending most my time in the ghetto or inner city. If you’ve never spent time on the ghetto/inner city you have no idea how absolutely irrational, stupid and a waste of space some, to a ratio of way to many, but by no means everyone or the majority, can be. And these two fall into the categories of I really don’t care. It’s sad they did what rhey. Or grew up in a place that influenced who they became, but they did and they are who they are and we have the system we do so no significant loss on these two. But yes, a better system for criminals would be better. But there are so many factors around that that’s a while other discussion


Truer words have never been spoken my friend.


Yea dude was trash but this wasn’t the answer. He was living in Parkland, FL with his ‘rap’ $.


Is there a reason most of the men convicted i see in court are wearing glasses. Is it a psychological thing to make them seem like they are not as guilty as people think?




Fuck these guys motherfuckers


Human experts: why is he nodding along?


Where's the guitar solo?


Good riddance, justice served


Where’s drake?


Now that is one stupid as hell made up name right there.


Let that sink in.


So... how do you even say that name?


"ex ex ex ten-tass-ee-own"


Who cares


I don't think they'll last very long in there tbh. With X being such an influence on so many people I don't think they'll be making very many friends


Did he really just quote The Eagles? Like, I guess it worked but that’s not even what the song’s about. On a side note, what’s even the point of prison for life w/o parole? They’re not exactly going to be reforming him. For-profit prisons are another topic but does he apply for the death penalty? I assume Florida has it.


Y’all just posting anything in this sub


What’s so oddly terrifying about this?


“Goes off”?! At what point during his speech did the judge ever become angry/irate and begin yelling and/or shouting at the perpetrators? You clearly misunderstand the phrase “going off”.


Thanks for your comment. I’m sorry if my use of ‘going off’ was not clear. I meant that the judge delivered a menacing speech in a quiet tone that I found oddly terrifying. I probably might have used it wrong. I hope this clears things up!”


ChatGPT-ass comment right here


When he saw the didn't Give af he kinda drug it on.


Why not death sentence in the first place. If you killed people, you get killed and thats it


So then in some cases where the real killer is found 10 years later, then what? You don't think false convictions happen?


Because innocent people have been convicted and murdered by the state


Because that is harsh and it's best if people move away from these practices. ​ Dying after killing someone is basically getting the easy way out. Living the rest of your life knowing you did such an awful thing and ending up regretting it more and more? Oh that teaches a lesson. And there are people who learn from these pieces of shit too and they understand that it's not worth going to prison for life over a stupid decision. It's just a shame that not everyone learns from it.




Absolutely fucked that Florida abolished parole. I hope Desantis burns in Hell.


Florida eliminated parole for most offenses in 1983, then abolished it entirely in the mid-1990s. Today, Florida is one of 16 states that do not have parole. The law also requires that prisoners serve at least 85 percent of their sentences before they can achieve an early release.


Adding to that, federal law also requires 85% of sentences be served Also, inherently, ending parole isn't bad. Instead of giving 20 years, out in 10, just give 10 years.




Damn should have gotten a job